Large Regions of the World (in Nation States the Game)

More than 25 Nations to qualify for listings below. Otherwise find your smaller regions here:

Click for all regions in Nation States

The game of Nation States is comprised of both regions and countries inside those regions. To search for your Nation, start by clicking on your region below (if it's a big one) or clicking on the full list above. Then find your Nation and Click on it for econcomic and census information specific to your Nation.

With over 8000 Regions to choose from, this page only shows those regions whose Nation count is over 25, thus eliminating nearly 94% of the clutter. In addition, these are the most active Regions in the game. Do use Control + F on your keyboard to access the browser's search function and search quickly.

This Search Returned 457 Regions.
1: 0000 690 Nations
2: 0ld Region 77 Nations
3: 10000 Islands 746 Nations
4: 105 2000 Nations
5: 4chan 91 Nations
6: 555 91 Nations
7: A Bloodred Moon 69 Nations
8: A Taco Paradise 468 Nations
9: Access The Axis 190 Nations
10: Aerospace 1378 Nations
11: Africa 201 Nations
12: ainulindale 204 Nations
13: Alcris 97 Nations
14: Alliance of Non Regional Nation 179 Nations
15: Alliance of Supreme Powers 8773 Nations
16: AloTerra 2 65 Nations
17: Ambition 3786 Nations
18: Anaia 69 Nations
19: Anarchy 160 Nations
20: Ancient Lands 692 Nations
21: Anteria 142 Nations
22: Arakeia 94 Nations
23: Archive of Entropan 79 Nations
24: Arctica 58 Nations
25: Arkonos 60 Nations
26: Artificial Solar System 4998 Nations
27: Astoria 82 Nations
28: Atlantian Oceania 65 Nations
29: Atlanticana 87 Nations
30: Atlantis 52 Nations
31: Audinesca 91 Nations
32: Autumnal Court 120 Nations
33: Avaldonia 170 Nations
34: Azarillia 101 Nations
35: Balder 10197 Nations
36: Barbaria 150 Nations
37: belgium 150 Nations
38: Big Boy Brigade 1115 Nations
39: Big Farma 82 Nations
40: Blue Chevron 282 Nations
41: Blue Ridge 118 Nations
42: Bolognaise Battalion 85 Nations
43: Boroughs of Estonia 200 Nations
44: Boston 75 Nations
45: Bozarkia 269 Nations
46: Bozarkia Card farm 127 Nations
47: Brest Oblast 142 Nations
48: Bytes 224 Nations
49: Byzantion 86 Nations
50: Caer Sidi 81 Nations
51: Cainitium 1289 Nations
52: California Colleges and Universities 344 Nations
53: Callista 68 Nations
54: Canada 142 Nations
55: Cao Wei 61 Nations
56: Cape of Good Hope 86 Nations
57: Capitalist Paradise 128 Nations
58: Carcassonne 604 Nations
59: Cardisdia 67 Nations
60: Catgirls World 66 Nations
61: Catholic 98 Nations
62: Cedresia 112 Nations
63: Cenacle 135 Nations
64: Changuu 120 Nations
65: Chaos land 138 Nations
66: Chaotic Sparkles 95 Nations
67: Chicken overlords 18747 Nations
68: China 66 Nations
69: Chinese Lotus 145 Nations
70: Christmas 89 Nations
71: City of Yharnam 54 Nations
72: Coalition of Crown Albatross 231 Nations
73: Colonia Apollonis 244 Nations
74: Commie Flotilla 105 Nations
75: Commonwealth of Liberty 336 Nations
76: Commonwealth of Sovereign States 236 Nations
77: Communist Allied Defense Organization 53 Nations
78: Communitas 77 Nations
79: Community 87 Nations
80: Conch Kingdom 299 Nations
81: Concord 714 Nations
82: Concrete Slab Fan Club 165 Nations
83: Confederacy of Allied States 52 Nations
84: Confederation of Corrupt Dictators 55 Nations
85: Council of Asia 392 Nations
86: Countries of the World 280 Nations
87: Crimson Spire 419 Nations
88: Cringe and Poggers 87 Nations
89: Dawnstar 90 Nations
90: Daylight Savings 284 Nations
91: Dead Sea 990 Nations
92: Declansburg 195 Nations
93: Deliverance 72 Nations
94: Democratic Socialist Assembly 235 Nations
95: Democratic Unity 181 Nations
96: Denver Broncos 160 Nations
97: Department Store 73 Nations
98: depressed kelso 67 Nations
99: Devide by Zero 86 Nations
100: Dimmersun 315 Nations
101: Disney World 64 Nations
102: Djinn Gardens 200 Nations
103: Dottie Clan 1001 Nations
104: Drew is life Drew is love 423 Nations
105: Eastern Europe 58 Nations
106: eastern monarchist allience 59 Nations
107: Eientei Gensokyo 138 Nations
108: Elba Island 94 Nations
109: Emergency Puppet 420 Nations
110: Emirates of Futurnia 139 Nations
111: Empire of Great Britain 150 Nations
112: Empire of Love 168 Nations
113: Empires Forever United 340 Nations
114: England 112 Nations
115: Ensio 86 Nations
116: Equestria 125 Nations
117: Equilism 118 Nations
118: Equiterra 93 Nations
119: Esportiva 83 Nations
120: Estovakia 79 Nations
121: Europe 1161 Nations
122: European Union 66 Nations
123: Europeia 1191 Nations
124: Eurth 324 Nations
125: Evros 91 Nations
126: Extra Nations 221 Nations
127: Eye 972 Nations
128: Fallen Star 219 Nations
129: Far East Oriental Federation 494 Nations
130: federalist workers initiative 324 Nations
131: Federation of Martian Colonies 61 Nations
132: Federation Of Sovereign States 150 Nations
133: Fifth Empire 135 Nations
134: Flanelistan 102 Nations
135: Florida 66 Nations
136: Flowers 101 Nations
137: Food World 101 Nations
138: Forest 311 Nations
139: Free macau 69 Nations
140: Frog Pond 115 Nations
141: Frozen Circle 1080 Nations
142: Fukuoka 82 Nations
143: Galactic Center 151 Nations
144: Gardenia Botanicum 133 Nations
145: Gay 110 Nations
146: Gdpoper 61 Nations
147: Genesius Union 908 Nations
148: Geopolity 153 Nations
149: Giovanniland 394 Nations
150: Goddess White 109 Nations
151: Grant 130 Nations
152: Greater Dienstad 80 Nations
153: Greater Ixnay 52 Nations
154: Greater Middle East 142 Nations
155: Guild Communauty field 273 Nations
156: Gypsy Lands 57 Nations
157: Hana Macchia 256 Nations
158: HC Metalurg 89 Nations
159: Hell 169 Nations
160: Hellworld 2 131 Nations
161: Herta Space Station 2209 Nations
162: Hippy Haven 52 Nations
163: Hispano Germanic Alliance 251 Nations
164: Hive 110 Nations
165: Hololive 53 Nations
166: Honda 79 Nations
167: Ijaka 76 Nations
168: Imperial World Nations 91 Nations
169: India 94 Nations
170: Institute of Cellulose 75 Nations
171: International Democratic Union 79 Nations
172: Iris 85 Nations
173: Islarabia 134 Nations
174: Its My Turn 70 Nations
175: Ivy Allegiance 114 Nations
176: Japan 128 Nations
177: Jenny 172 Nations
178: Jihad Army of the Emperor 1880 Nations
179: Jutomi Puppet Storage 52 Nations
180: KAISERREICH 283 Nations
181: Kantrias 212 Nations
182: Karma 173 Nations
183: Keep of Darkness XL 80 Nations
184: Kelios 443 Nations
185: Kerbals of the North 72 Nations
186: Komut Universe 149 Nations
187: Kowloon 105 Nations
188: Kowloon Peninsula 84 Nations
189: KYCF 109 Nations
190: Kynanland 199 Nations
191: Lair of the Dragon 91 Nations
192: Lakes in Finland 324 Nations
193: Lands End 127 Nations
194: Lassa 56 Nations
195: Lazarus 10253 Nations
196: League of Christian Nations 77 Nations
197: Lewisham Library 67 Nations
198: Liberal Democratic Union 86 Nations
199: Liberlandia 169 Nations
200: Libertium 51 Nations
201: Lily 181 Nations
202: Lone Wolves United 286 Nations
203: Loush Land 53 Nations
204: LunarPunk 489 Nations
205: Magna Aurea 60 Nations
206: Marnagarthean Integration 108 Nations
207: Mathematica 53 Nations
208: matheo 110 Nations
209: Memeland United 736 Nations
210: Mercenary Lands 70 Nations
211: Merlins Butcher Shop 300 Nations
212: MHBs New Earth 122 Nations
213: Middle Earth 93 Nations
214: MINION 126 Nations
215: Mitteleuropa 124 Nations
216: MJT 59 Nations
217: Morpheus 347 Nations
218: Moscow Kremlin 103 Nations
219: Mum 66 Nations
220: Municipalities of Estonia 80 Nations
221: Municipalities of Finland 310 Nations
222: Nacoes Unidas 1735 Nations
223: National Forests of America 122 Nations
224: National Monuments of America 128 Nations
225: National Parks of America 63 Nations
226: Nations of the Planet Toylin 54 Nations
227: NationStates 817 Nations
228: NATO 2022 57 Nations
229: Nature Reserves of Estonia 167 Nations
230: Nederland 236 Nations
231: Neocortex 186 Nations
232: Nerdlandia 289 Nations
233: Nevadia 90 Nations
234: New Bilderberg Group 80 Nations
235: New Chesapeake 99 Nations
236: New Europe 142 Nations
237: New Republic Charter 111 Nations
238: New Samon Card Farm 101 Nations
239: New United Kingdom 231 Nations
240: New Warsaw Pact 84 Nations
241: New York 60 Nations
242: Newlandia 91 Nations
243: Niamark 56 Nations
244: No Farm No Fowl 73 Nations
245: Nordic Lands 336 Nations
246: Nova Libertatia 693 Nations
247: Nudist Dreamland 70 Nations
248: Obolon 126 Nations
249: Obsidian Islands 117 Nations
250: Ocala 75 Nations
251: Omega Prime 383 Nations
252: One big Island 59 Nations
253: Orcuo 51 Nations
254: Ordo Imperialia 775 Nations
255: Orthodox Radical Occupational Republic 51 Nations
256: OS CORVOS 111 Nations
257: Osiris 10097 Nations
258: Palatine 138 Nations
259: Palmetto 51 Nations
260: Panam 131 Nations
261: Paperwork 60 Nations
262: Passacaglia 188 Nations
263: Penguia 349 Nations
264: Penny 354 Nations
265: People are Beautiful 51 Nations
266: Philippines 118 Nations
267: Philosophers 113 Nations
268: Planet Cybertron 102 Nations
269: Planet Mobius 128 Nations
270: Plum Island 88 Nations
271: Poetry 201 Nations
272: Portugal 161 Nations
273: Protected Landscapes of Estonia 149 Nations
274: Psychotic Dictatorships 87 Nations
275: PupesTown 141 Nations
276: Puppets resting area 156 Nations
277: Puppetstan 98 Nations
278: Quarantine Zone 367 Nations
279: racoda 491 Nations
280: Realm of Dogs 697 Nations
281: Realm of the Whispering Winds 106 Nations
282: RealTacoMan Frontier 233 Nations
283: Red Back Island 124 Nations
284: Red Front 69 Nations
285: Refugia 292 Nations
286: Regionless 51 Nations
287: Remembrance 2437 Nations
288: Resuscitation 218 Nations
289: RGBN 148 Nations
290: Ridgefield 98 Nations
291: Right to Life 129 Nations
292: Rocain Labs 58 Nations
293: Rosartemis 303 Nations
294: Roses Without Thorns 288 Nations
295: Rushmore 99 Nations
296: Safari 149 Nations
297: SAFT Puppets 266 Nations
298: Saint Helene 66 Nations
299: Saint Osmund 84 Nations
300: Sauzsialislhe Canazbha 55 Nations
301: Selene 58 Nations
302: Serendipian League 99 Nations
303: Serenity 109 Nations
304: Settra the Imperishable 93 Nations
305: Shadow Realms 151 Nations
306: Shinka 59 Nations
307: Silly 82 Nations
308: SmitopBots 112 Nations
309: Socialists 133 Nations
310: Sophia 413 Nations
311: South Pacific 142 Nations
312: Sparkalia 187 Nations
313: Spear Danes 83 Nations
314: Spiritus 127 Nations
315: St Abbaddon 76 Nations
316: Stargate 52 Nations
317: STARRY 53 Nations
318: Sub regions of Finland 70 Nations
319: Sunday 237 Nations
320: Sunset Shimmer 743 Nations
321: Suspicious 7807 Nations
322: Suspiciously Common Solar System 231 Nations
323: Talonia 509 Nations
324: Tarkin 54 Nations
325: Texas 105 Nations
326: Thaecia 194 Nations
327: The Allied Republics 72 Nations
328: The Alternate Pacific 81 Nations
329: The Amaranthine Isles 147 Nations
330: The Ambis 76 Nations
331: The Apexialan Commonwealth 432 Nations
332: The Apolean Frontiers 155 Nations
333: The Bar on the corner of every region 67 Nations
334: The Betweenworlds 483 Nations
335: The Black Hawks 252 Nations
336: The Blades 614 Nations
337: The Bongos United 202 Nations
338: The Brotherhood of Malice 201 Nations
339: The Caffeinated Confederation 97 Nations
340: The Call of The Void 54 Nations
341: The Card Mine 66 Nations
342: The Cities of Southern California 96 Nations
343: The Coalition of Democratic States 62 Nations
344: The Communist Bloc 1247 Nations
345: The Communist Blocs Card Factory 94 Nations
346: The Continent of Utopia 53 Nations
347: The Creeds 245 Nations
348: The Doldrums 74 Nations
349: The East Pacific 4464 Nations
350: The Eighth Closet 339 Nations
351: The Eternal Order 80 Nations
352: The Everlasting Kawaii Empire 112 Nations
353: The Federation of Independent Nations 173 Nations
354: The Free Nations Region 69 Nations
355: The Frontier Sea 428 Nations
356: The Funian Puppet Region 607 Nations
357: The Galactics Union 91 Nations
358: The Gallery 157 Nations
359: The Giraffe Federation 105 Nations
360: The Glorious Nations of Iwaku 183 Nations
361: The Grand Patriot Empire of Algerheaven 62 Nations
362: The grimy backyard of Bigej 576 Nations
363: The Henry Stickmin Collection 63 Nations
364: The Hole To Hide In 97 Nations
365: The Holy Utopian Empire 56 Nations
366: The Imperial Sector 75 Nations
367: The Interdimensional Community 58 Nations
368: The Internationale 74 Nations
369: The Invaders 169 Nations
370: The Kingdom of Great Britain 89 Nations
371: The Kodiak Republic 308 Nations
372: The Land Of Anarchy 184 Nations
373: The Land of Kings and Emperors 288 Nations
374: The League 361 Nations
375: The Leftist Assembly 357 Nations
376: The Middle Pacific 208 Nations
377: The Mojave 196 Nations
378: The Nationstates Assembly 179 Nations
379: The North Pacific 5501 Nations
380: the Obsidian Highlands 419 Nations
381: The Order of the Grey Wardens 268 Nations
382: the Pacific 3424 Nations
383: The Pangaean Union 117 Nations
384: The Paradox 81 Nations
385: The Peoples Republic Of Lazarus 2217 Nations
386: The Philippines 53 Nations
387: The Planet Siora 51 Nations
388: The Realm of Everything 62 Nations
389: The Regected Realns 114 Nations
390: The Region of Mine 102 Nations
391: The Region That Has No Big Banks 255 Nations
392: The Rejected Pacific 625 Nations
393: the Rejected Realms 6219 Nations
394: the rotenaples 261 Nations
395: The Social Liberal Union 80 Nations
396: the South Pacific 4523 Nations
397: The Story of Civilization 59 Nations
398: The Transitionists 247 Nations
399: The TWR and NE Puppet Depot 110 Nations
400: The UMNS 117 Nations
401: The Union of Democratic States 221 Nations
402: The United Democratic States 130 Nations
403: The United Federations 56 Nations
404: The Walbard Union 164 Nations
405: The Wellspring 648 Nations
406: the West Pacific 3017 Nations
407: The Western Isles 165 Nations
408: The Works of M C Escher 79 Nations
409: The World Rearranged 169 Nations
410: Thegye 62 Nations
411: Three Sands 51 Nations
412: TPFKAQ 550 Nations
413: Transbian 378 Nations
414: Two 2637 Nations
415: UEPU 386 Nations
416: Underworld 78 Nations
417: Unintelligent Puppet Storage 821 Nations
418: Union Mundial 63 Nations
419: Union of Allied States 127 Nations
420: Union of Christian Nations 109 Nations
421: United Democratic Nations 386 Nations
422: United Earth Space Probe Agency 182 Nations
423: United Kingdom 388 Nations
424: United States 87 Nations
425: United States Army Arsenal 110 Nations
426: United States of America 689 Nations
427: USSD 56 Nations
428: Valaryia 120 Nations
429: Valentine Day 77 Nations
430: Valley of Peace 115 Nations
431: Varas Opener Sanctuary 57 Nations
432: Vibonia 528 Nations
433: Vickenian experiment incubator 62 Nations
434: Victory 61 Nations
435: Vispera 86 Nations
436: Vlaanderen 107 Nations
437: VShojo 69 Nations
438: Vylixan Prime 469 Nations
439: Waifu 52 Nations
440: Westeros 52 Nations
441: Wide Enness Ocean 107 Nations
442: Willow Farm 133 Nations
443: Wilson Farms 128 Nations
444: Windows 101 Nations
445: Wintercrest 101 Nations
446: Wintreath 281 Nations
447: Wolf Card Farm Corporation 91 Nations
448: World of Beetles 101 Nations
449: World Republic 568 Nations
450: Worlds of Colors 121 Nations
451: Wysteria 61 Nations
452: Xinkland 81 Nations
453: Yggdrasil 124 Nations
454: Yorkshire 108 Nations
455: Yuno 59 Nations
456: YYX 151 Nations
457: Zickton 110 Nations
Economic Conditions for
Nation States
The Game

NS Economy V2.69f courtesy of TBone Steak
Game Based on:
Jennifer Government
Novel By: Max Barry
New Book, Out Now!

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Nation States: Enonomy, Demographics, Delegate, Markets, and Money Calculator

NSEconomy 3.69 © 2004 - 2024
Written by: Tbone Steak
Special Thanks and Code Contributions: Commerce Heights & Sunset
490,510,096 uses since September 1, 2011. First 10G in 30 days. Thank you testers.
Updated daily @ GMT 1000! Nein Data. Sie müssen warten, 15 Minuten. If you catch any other error; please submit a bug report via telegram here.
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NS Economy Statistics.
Nation States Economy Calculator v3.69

Economic Calculations Courtesy of:
TBone Steak
NS Economy economic statistics courtesy of TBone Steak

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