51 Countries populate the Region of Libertium

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This Search Returned 51 Nations.

1: The Democratic Republic of Delicatus
Pop: 14,339 Mil

2: The Commonwealth of Le Libertie Decoeur
Pop: 12,519 Mil

3: The Backwards Nation of El Aitrebil
Pop: 11,867 Mil

4: The Republic of New Liberty Land
Pop: 11,604 Mil

5: The Democratic Republic of Bopia
Pop: 10,376 Mil

6: The Republic of Novus Libertia
Pop: 10,203 Mil

7: The Democratic Republic of Jacoblandia
Pop: 9,313 Mil

8: The Republic of Remembria
Pop: 9,226 Mil

9: The Community of Moncoeur
Pop: 8,760 Mil

10: The Republic of LLL7
Pop: 8,732 Mil

11: The Principality of Altreau
Pop: 8,721 Mil

12: The Fiefdom of LLL0
Pop: 8,695 Mil

13: The Republic of LLL5
Pop: 8,693 Mil

14: The Republic of LLL8
Pop: 8,686 Mil

15: The Republic of LLL1
Pop: 8,679 Mil

16: The Republic of LLL4
Pop: 8,676 Mil

17: The Republic of LLL2
Pop: 8,674 Mil

18: The Republic of LLL9
Pop: 8,662 Mil

19: The Republic of LLL6
Pop: 8,655 Mil

20: The Republic of LLL3
Pop: 8,640 Mil

21: The Republic of La Fleur de Lis
Pop: 8,599 Mil

22: The Republic of LLL11
Pop: 8,521 Mil

23: The Republic of LLL12
Pop: 8,493 Mil

24: The Republic of LLL19
Pop: 8,490 Mil

25: The Republic of LLL10
Pop: 8,475 Mil

26: The Republic of LLL17
Pop: 8,459 Mil

27: The Republic of LLL15
Pop: 8,453 Mil

28: The Republic of LLL18
Pop: 8,451 Mil

29: The Republic of LLL13
Pop: 8,447 Mil

30: The Republic of LLL16
Pop: 8,424 Mil

31: The Republic of Le Libertia II
Pop: 8,424 Mil

32: The Republic of LLL14
Pop: 8,398 Mil

33: The Republic of LLL 03
Pop: 8,370 Mil

34: The Republic of LLL 06
Pop: 8,367 Mil

35: The Republic of LLL 10
Pop: 8,362 Mil

36: The Republic of LLL 02
Pop: 8,346 Mil

37: The Republic of LLL 07
Pop: 8,340 Mil

38: The Republic of LLL 08
Pop: 8,337 Mil

39: The Republic of LLL 01
Pop: 8,314 Mil

40: The Republic of LLL 04
Pop: 8,312 Mil

41: The Republic of LLL 09
Pop: 8,312 Mil

42: The Republic of LLL 05
Pop: 8,287 Mil

43: The Republic of Ex-Nation Le Libertia
Pop: 7,846 Mil

44: The Dominion of Old Le Libertia
Pop: 7,361 Mil

45: The Republic of Classy Le Libertia
Pop: 7,345 Mil

46: The Republic of Ordinary Le Libertia
Pop: 7,279 Mil

47: The Republic of Le Libertia III
Pop: 7,127 Mil

48: The Republic of Le Libertia IV
Pop: 6,561 Mil

49: The Republic of Nouveau Europeia
Pop: 5,725 Mil

50: The Republic of Novus Europeia
Pop: 5,294 Mil

51: The Loving Couple of One-True Pairing
Pop: 4,830 Mil

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Libertium NS Economy Statistics.
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