You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Evros.
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1: The City and Tower of Palanthas
Pop: 9,272 Mil
2: The Commonwealth of Nuutste
Pop: 1,153 Mil
3: The Republic of Sinabola
Pop: 928 Mil
4: The United Socialist States of Slavaiska
Pop: 594 Mil
5: The Federal Republic of BRASIL1235
Pop: 540 Mil
6: The Republic of Saint-Helenburg
Pop: 493 Mil
7: The Democratic States of Miria
Pop: 454 Mil
8: The Empire of Tows Souna
Pop: 439 Mil
9: The Republic of Card puppet 21
Pop: 386 Mil
10: The Democratic Republic of Schwagdonia
Pop: 362 Mil
11: The Constitutional Monarchy of Amizer
Pop: 354 Mil
12: The Kingdom of REINO DO BRASIL122
Pop: 351 Mil
13: The Colony of The Stam Fuzz Islands
Pop: 342 Mil
14: The Commonwealth of Takkaviita CCCXLV
Pop: 341 Mil
15: The Disputed Territories of Turpine
Pop: 336 Mil
16: The United States of Roachland
Pop: 255 Mil
17: The Holy Empire of Naktopia
Pop: 247 Mil
18: The Empire of Odd Decisions
Pop: 230 Mil
19: The Free Land of Libertariase
Pop: 222 Mil
20: The People's Republic of Red Allied States
Pop: 190 Mil
21: The Republic of Maureesh
Pop: 180 Mil
22: The Republic of Matthewalt
Pop: 170 Mil
23: The Theocracy of Antrobia
Pop: 160 Mil
24: The Kingdom of DPR of Bajookiestan
Pop: 154 Mil
25: The Federal Republic of Remedy
Pop: 147 Mil
26: The Republic of KrCdz-30
Pop: 146 Mil
27: The Matriarchy of Roge Pan
Pop: 73 Mil