You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Volikara_Puppet_Storage.
Ways to View This Information:
1. Select a Nation below to view nation specific information. (National listings).
2. Regional trade information.
3. Regional GDP Overview.
4. Click here to see WA Member Nations.
5. Regional Exchange Rates.
1: The Republic of Voloskia 1
Pop: 724 Mil
2: The Republic of Beyrstbaetnbsrbz
Pop: 587 Mil
3: The Colony of SkibidiEmpire
Pop: 428 Mil
4: The Most Serene Republic of Warthog86
Pop: 420 Mil
5: The Commonwealth of SoupGulper9000
Pop: 419 Mil
6: The Rogue Nation of NiceToMeatYou
Pop: 417 Mil
7: The Borderlands of Torsolo
Pop: 414 Mil
8: The Republic of Whales Republic
Pop: 411 Mil
9: The Federal Republic of Pig Nation
Pop: 410 Mil
10: The Empire of WhiteBurger
Pop: 409 Mil
11: The Armed Republic of Porkupine
Pop: 408 Mil
12: The Grand Duchy of Eucrenies
Pop: 402 Mil
13: The Empire of Volikara-tbh
Pop: 395 Mil
14: The Armed Republic of Jazielled Noplestopia
Pop: 383 Mil
15: The Commonwealth of Toruss San Deatople
Pop: 372 Mil
16: The Republic of Red-Dot-Republic
Pop: 365 Mil
17: The Community of Sniff Snort
Pop: 330 Mil
18: The Kingdom of Brit-in
Pop: 329 Mil
19: The Colony of Sir Squid
Pop: 327 Mil
20: The Republic of Mayoneighs
Pop: 322 Mil
21: The Theocracy of Sandvich eater
Pop: 320 Mil
22: The Disputed Territories of 1999 Subaru Legacy Touring Wagon GT
Pop: 319 Mil
23: The Protectorate of 2013 horse meat scandal
Pop: 319 Mil
24: The Rogue Nation of Peer2Peer
Pop: 317 Mil
25: The United Socialist States of Germany but with alot more cats
Pop: 317 Mil
26: The Principality of Greek Pasta
Pop: 317 Mil
27: The Borderlands of FranchDressing
Pop: 317 Mil
28: The Constitutional Monarchy of 500 pound banana
Pop: 316 Mil
29: The Principality of Bee pie
Pop: 316 Mil
30: The Kingdom of CornOnTheCob
Pop: 316 Mil
31: The United Kingdom of Hot dog with butter
Pop: 308 Mil
32: The Dictatorship of Expired Ketchup
Pop: 308 Mil
33: The Matriarchy of Fillopeans
Pop: 307 Mil
34: The Republic of Waddles the Pig
Pop: 254 Mil
35: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 1
Pop: 248 Mil
36: The Nomadic Peoples of Its All Fish
Pop: 245 Mil
37: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 12
Pop: 242 Mil
38: The Nomadic Peoples of So Much Fish
Pop: 242 Mil
39: The Nomadic Peoples of Fish Ton A Fish
Pop: 242 Mil
40: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 3
Pop: 241 Mil
41: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 13
Pop: 241 Mil
42: The Nomadic Peoples of MaxTheBird
Pop: 241 Mil
43: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 7
Pop: 240 Mil
44: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 4
Pop: 239 Mil
45: The Republic of Red Pork
Pop: 239 Mil
46: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 6
Pop: 238 Mil
47: The Nomadic Peoples of FrankTheBird
Pop: 238 Mil
48: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 5
Pop: 237 Mil
49: The Republic of Green Pork
Pop: 237 Mil
50: The Nomadic Peoples of Burger filled with soups
Pop: 237 Mil
51: The Nomadic Peoples of KevinTheBird
Pop: 237 Mil
52: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 2
Pop: 236 Mil
53: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 9
Pop: 235 Mil
54: The Nomadic Peoples of Alantic Boat 343
Pop: 235 Mil
55: The Nomadic Peoples of HenryTheBird
Pop: 235 Mil
56: The Nomadic Peoples of Missing Bird From Kentucky
Pop: 234 Mil
57: The Nomadic Peoples of Lost Bird From Italy
Pop: 234 Mil
58: The Nomadic Peoples of Bolvea
Pop: 234 Mil
59: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 10
Pop: 233 Mil
60: The Nomadic Peoples of Roaming Forest Beast
Pop: 233 Mil
61: The Nomadic Peoples of Soups filled with burger
Pop: 233 Mil
62: The Nomadic Peoples of PaulTheBird
Pop: 233 Mil
63: The Nomadic Peoples of Ganovi
Pop: 233 Mil
64: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 11
Pop: 232 Mil
65: The Nomadic Peoples of Canadian Moose 8
Pop: 231 Mil
66: The Federation of Federated-States of Micronesia
Pop: 231 Mil
67: The Nomadic Peoples of LemonLauncher9000
Pop: 231 Mil
68: The Nomadic Peoples of Duskitten
Pop: 231 Mil
69: The Nomadic Peoples of Lost Forest Soul
Pop: 230 Mil
70: The Nomadic Peoples of MikeTheBike
Pop: 230 Mil
71: The Nomadic Peoples of In The Deep Blue Sea
Pop: 229 Mil
72: The Emirate of Inflated Economy
Pop: 229 Mil
73: The Nomadic Peoples of HoneyCake
Pop: 228 Mil
74: The Republic of Blue Pork
Pop: 228 Mil
75: The Nomadic Peoples of Missing Bird From France
Pop: 228 Mil
76: The Nomadic Peoples of DanTheCan
Pop: 228 Mil
77: The Nomadic Peoples of FrankThePlank
Pop: 228 Mil
78: The Nomadic Peoples of Stacher
Pop: 227 Mil
79: The Nomadic Peoples of BeeMeat
Pop: 227 Mil
80: The Nomadic Peoples of GermanWater
Pop: 227 Mil
81: The Nomadic Peoples of Goobis
Pop: 227 Mil
82: The Nomadic Peoples of Noopy-Doopy
Pop: 226 Mil
83: The Nomadic Peoples of Illogicalapple
Pop: 226 Mil
84: The Nomadic Peoples of OwO-UwU-OwO
Pop: 225 Mil
85: The Nomadic Peoples of GoopyGumpus
Pop: 224 Mil
86: The Nomadic Peoples of RoR2
Pop: 224 Mil
87: The Nomadic Peoples of Pi3141
Pop: 224 Mil
88: The Nomadic Peoples of Spl1nter
Pop: 224 Mil
89: The Nomadic Peoples of Caznix
Pop: 224 Mil
90: The Nomadic Peoples of DotMouse
Pop: 224 Mil
91: The Nomadic Peoples of Robot-From-PEI
Pop: 223 Mil
92: The Nomadic Peoples of DillPickleSandwich
Pop: 223 Mil
93: The Nomadic Peoples of Dilsokia
Pop: 223 Mil
94: The Nomadic Peoples of Favnogil
Pop: 223 Mil
95: The Nomadic Peoples of Swarkin
Pop: 223 Mil
96: The Nomadic Peoples of PickledSpamAndEggs
Pop: 222 Mil
97: The Nomadic Peoples of Tomakio
Pop: 222 Mil
98: The Nomadic Peoples of Caz
Pop: 221 Mil
99: The Nomadic Peoples of ItchDotIo
Pop: 219 Mil
100: The Nomadic Peoples of AbleOS
Pop: 219 Mil
101: The Nomadic Peoples of 31415926535897932384626433 8327950288419
Pop: 217 Mil
102: The Nomadic Peoples of BlendedPeach
Pop: 216 Mil
103: The Nomadic Peoples of Libyan State
Pop: 215 Mil
104: The Nomadic Peoples of Oxidized
Pop: 213 Mil
105: The Nomadic Peoples of Kingdom-of-Tonga
Pop: 211 Mil
106: The Nomadic Peoples of Peoples Republic of Burkina Faso
Pop: 211 Mil
107: The Nomadic Peoples of Windowkill
Pop: 211 Mil
108: The Nomadic Peoples of Islamic Nepal
Pop: 210 Mil
109: The Nomadic Peoples of Barbados Cherry
Pop: 209 Mil
110: The Nomadic Peoples of Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Pop: 208 Mil
111: The Nomadic Peoples of 1273 Rockefeller Street
Pop: 208 Mil
112: The Nomadic Peoples of Paste
Pop: 208 Mil
113: The Nomadic Peoples of Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Pop: 207 Mil
114: The Nomadic Peoples of Spraypaint
Pop: 207 Mil
115: The Republic of Volikara Region Founder
Pop: 206 Mil
116: The Nomadic Peoples of Tamper
Pop: 206 Mil
117: The Nomadic Peoples of Leggings
Pop: 204 Mil
118: The Nomadic Peoples of Rhombae
Pop: 203 Mil
119: The Nomadic Peoples of Pill bottle
Pop: 203 Mil
120: The Nomadic Peoples of Toonie
Pop: 203 Mil
121: The Nomadic Peoples of Dungeons
Pop: 203 Mil
122: The Nomadic Peoples of Workshop
Pop: 203 Mil
123: The Nomadic Peoples of Paris2
Pop: 202 Mil
124: The Nomadic Peoples of Fanta Cake
Pop: 202 Mil
125: The Nomadic Peoples of Gabel
Pop: 202 Mil
126: The Nomadic Peoples of Starve
Pop: 202 Mil
127: The Nomadic Peoples of WebM
Pop: 202 Mil
128: The Nomadic Peoples of Meat Pie
Pop: 201 Mil
129: The Nomadic Peoples of Traffic Cone
Pop: 201 Mil
130: The Nomadic Peoples of Solvakia Island
Pop: 200 Mil
131: The Nomadic Peoples of Walc
Pop: 200 Mil
132: The Nomadic Peoples of Leaks
Pop: 200 Mil
133: The Nomadic Peoples of Pinafore
Pop: 200 Mil
134: The Nomadic Peoples of Painter
Pop: 200 Mil
135: The Nomadic Peoples of Bandage
Pop: 200 Mil
136: The Nomadic Peoples of Wreak
Pop: 200 Mil
137: The Nomadic Peoples of MP4
Pop: 200 Mil
138: The Nomadic Peoples of Lopl
Pop: 199 Mil
139: The Nomadic Peoples of Fish Food
Pop: 199 Mil
140: The Nomadic Peoples of Banana Pie
Pop: 199 Mil
141: The Nomadic Peoples of Tent
Pop: 199 Mil
142: The Nomadic Peoples of Eraser
Pop: 199 Mil
143: The Nomadic Peoples of Glowstick
Pop: 199 Mil
144: The Nomadic Peoples of Plant Pot
Pop: 199 Mil
145: The Nomadic Peoples of Halifax Harbor
Pop: 198 Mil
146: The Nomadic Peoples of Axinie
Pop: 198 Mil
147: The Nomadic Peoples of Towel
Pop: 198 Mil
148: The Nomadic Peoples of Moodle
Pop: 198 Mil
149: The Nomadic Peoples of Chainlink
Pop: 198 Mil
150: The Nomadic Peoples of Django
Pop: 198 Mil
151: The Nomadic Peoples of KidneyStone
Pop: 197 Mil
152: The Nomadic Peoples of Lemon Pie
Pop: 197 Mil
153: The Nomadic Peoples of Bread Knife
Pop: 197 Mil
154: The Nomadic Peoples of Lefin
Pop: 197 Mil
155: The Nomadic Peoples of Loplk
Pop: 196 Mil
156: The Nomadic Peoples of Carpool
Pop: 196 Mil
157: The Nomadic Peoples of Stuffy
Pop: 196 Mil
158: The Nomadic Peoples of Desk lamp
Pop: 196 Mil
159: The Nomadic Peoples of RockFilledWithRuby
Pop: 195 Mil
160: The Nomadic Peoples of Paintbrush
Pop: 195 Mil
161: The Nomadic Peoples of Smartphone
Pop: 195 Mil
162: The Nomadic Peoples of 7Zip
Pop: 195 Mil
163: The Nomadic Peoples of 4150679
Pop: 195 Mil
164: The Nomadic Peoples of BananaBerry
Pop: 194 Mil
165: The Nomadic Peoples of Simulator
Pop: 194 Mil
166: The Nomadic Peoples of MP3
Pop: 194 Mil
167: The Nomadic Peoples of PPE
Pop: 194 Mil
168: The Nomadic Peoples of Liar Liar Pants On Fire
Pop: 194 Mil
169: The Nomadic Peoples of Peach pie
Pop: 193 Mil
170: The Nomadic Peoples of Overlay
Pop: 193 Mil
171: The Nomadic Peoples of Earring
Pop: 192 Mil
172: The Nomadic Peoples of Folkless
Pop: 192 Mil
173: The Nomadic Peoples of CO2
Pop: 192 Mil
174: The Nomadic Peoples of 01010000 01101001 01100111
Pop: 192 Mil
175: The Nomadic Peoples of Photo
Pop: 191 Mil
176: The Nomadic Peoples of Yoga mat
Pop: 190 Mil
177: The Nomadic Peoples of Frag
Pop: 187 Mil
178: The Nomadic Peoples of Chiptune
Pop: 184 Mil
179: The Nomadic Peoples of Project Zomboid
Pop: 181 Mil
180: The Nomadic Peoples of Get Ready For The Zombie Hoard
Pop: 181 Mil
181: The Nomadic Peoples of Latvia-Finland
Pop: 180 Mil
182: The Nomadic Peoples of Halloween2024
Pop: 180 Mil
183: The Nomadic Peoples of Zombie From Mars
Pop: 178 Mil
184: The Nomadic Peoples of Levario
Pop: 177 Mil
185: The Nomadic Peoples of Anarco Denmark
Pop: 176 Mil
186: The Nomadic Peoples of KSI MoldyMeal
Pop: 175 Mil
187: The Nomadic Peoples of Eplal
Pop: 175 Mil
188: The Nomadic Peoples of Juoage
Pop: 174 Mil
189: The Nomadic Peoples of Oblurg
Pop: 174 Mil
190: The Nomadic Peoples of Luxamborg
Pop: 174 Mil
191: The Nomadic Peoples of Octopush
Pop: 171 Mil
192: The Nomadic Peoples of Cheddertown
Pop: 164 Mil
193: The Nomadic Peoples of Shirts
Pop: 161 Mil
194: The Nomadic Peoples of Jaltland2
Pop: 158 Mil
195: The Nomadic Peoples of Corporatostan2
Pop: 156 Mil
196: The Nomadic Peoples of Capitalist Party Of North Creeperburg
Pop: 153 Mil
197: The Nomadic Peoples of 11943 Discord Pings
Pop: 144 Mil
198: The Nomadic Peoples of ZBot
Pop: 141 Mil
199: The Nomadic Peoples of S4 Cards
Pop: 141 Mil
200: The Nomadic Peoples of New french-canada
Pop: 140 Mil
201: The Nomadic Peoples of Lemonaid stand
Pop: 139 Mil
202: The Nomadic Peoples of Red Solo Cup
Pop: 139 Mil
203: The Nomadic Peoples of Im in the thick of it
Pop: 132 Mil
204: The Nomadic Peoples of Uncaged
Pop: 131 Mil
205: The Nomadic Peoples of 1atvia
Pop: 129 Mil
206: The Nomadic Peoples of GrapeGun
Pop: 129 Mil
207: The Nomadic Peoples of 3O1
Pop: 127 Mil
208: The Nomadic Peoples of Enthusiast
Pop: 127 Mil
209: The Nomadic Peoples of SpookyScarySkeletons
Pop: 126 Mil
210: The Nomadic Peoples of FMHY
Pop: 126 Mil
211: The Nomadic Peoples of TUg-Boat
Pop: 126 Mil
212: The Nomadic Peoples of SquidKid
Pop: 125 Mil
213: The Nomadic Peoples of SleepyEepy
Pop: 125 Mil
214: The Nomadic Peoples of SnasTheSeleton
Pop: 125 Mil
215: The Nomadic Peoples of AM-PM
Pop: 125 Mil
216: The Nomadic Peoples of Nomadic-Peoples
Pop: 124 Mil
217: The Nomadic Peoples of Republic of Bougainville
Pop: 124 Mil
218: The Nomadic Peoples of 2Snakes
Pop: 124 Mil
219: The Nomadic Peoples of Rad-ish
Pop: 124 Mil
220: The Nomadic Peoples of WaterOnTheHill
Pop: 124 Mil
221: The Nomadic Peoples of 8TonRaccon
Pop: 124 Mil
222: The Nomadic Peoples of Smanthen
Pop: 124 Mil
223: The Nomadic Peoples of PaperPlain
Pop: 124 Mil
224: The Nomadic Peoples of LMA0
Pop: 124 Mil
225: The Nomadic Peoples of JumboShrimpSoup
Pop: 123 Mil
226: The Nomadic Peoples of CircleWithoutEdges
Pop: 123 Mil
227: The Nomadic Peoples of GoldenShark
Pop: 123 Mil
228: The Nomadic Peoples of Autonomous Region of Bougainville
Pop: 122 Mil
229: The Nomadic Peoples of DD2586
Pop: 122 Mil
230: The Nomadic Peoples of Lab Grown Ruby
Pop: 122 Mil
231: The Nomadic Peoples of RampChamp
Pop: 122 Mil
232: The Nomadic Peoples of 2024-11-09
Pop: 122 Mil
233: The Kingdom of Pig master
Pop: 121 Mil
234: The Nomadic Peoples of OctoCat
Pop: 121 Mil
235: The Nomadic Peoples of LuckyLeg420
Pop: 121 Mil
236: The Nomadic Peoples of FroggyBath
Pop: 121 Mil
237: The Nomadic Peoples of BoatsOnTheRoof
Pop: 120 Mil
238: The Nomadic Peoples of RabbitWithNoCarrots
Pop: 120 Mil
239: The Nomadic Peoples of AltF4
Pop: 119 Mil
240: The Nomadic Peoples of Pat-Rick
Pop: 119 Mil
241: The Nomadic Peoples of Pearit
Pop: 119 Mil
242: The Nomadic Peoples of Nauru-2
Pop: 119 Mil
243: The Nomadic Peoples of SpiderEyes
Pop: 119 Mil
244: The Nomadic Peoples of Anthocyanin
Pop: 119 Mil
245: The Nomadic Peoples of MakeAWish
Pop: 119 Mil
246: The Nomadic Peoples of ZapNap
Pop: 118 Mil
247: The Nomadic Peoples of GoatsOnTheRoof
Pop: 117 Mil
248: The Nomadic Peoples of NS Brainrot
Pop: 117 Mil
249: The Nomadic Peoples of H-o-t-t-o-g-o
Pop: 116 Mil
250: The Nomadic Peoples of The Hex Code 000000 Hawks
Pop: 116 Mil
251: The Nomadic Peoples of MeepBoop
Pop: 114 Mil
252: The Nomadic Peoples of Goo7
Pop: 114 Mil
253: The Nomadic Peoples of Best Flag
Pop: 112 Mil
254: The Nomadic Peoples of Oo-oO
Pop: 112 Mil
255: The Nomadic Peoples of Lofap
Pop: 111 Mil
256: The Nomadic Peoples of Bbutton
Pop: 110 Mil
257: The Nomadic Peoples of BentFork
Pop: 108 Mil
258: The Nomadic Peoples of 983252
Pop: 106 Mil
259: The Nomadic Peoples of CopyedPasta
Pop: 106 Mil
260: The Nomadic Peoples of -Lp-
Pop: 106 Mil
261: The Nomadic Peoples of Y-M-C-A
Pop: 104 Mil
262: The Nomadic Peoples of Junk-This-Card
Pop: 104 Mil
263: The Nomadic Peoples of FoxOnFire
Pop: 104 Mil
264: The Nomadic Peoples of AndEver
Pop: 104 Mil
265: The Nomadic Peoples of 350
Pop: 103 Mil
266: The Nomadic Peoples of 2024-11-12
Pop: 101 Mil
267: The Oppressed Peoples of Keith The Rat
Pop: 9 Mil