You have arrived at the list of countries below or sorting options above for the Region of Imperial_Continent.
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1: The Absolute Monarchy of Nerasian Empire
Pop: 7,075 Mil
2: The Federal Republic of Narbija
Pop: 4,511 Mil
3: The Holy Land of Romadia
Pop: 3,904 Mil
4: The Sultanate of Majkalena
Pop: 3,801 Mil
5: The Kingdom of Lotharcia
Pop: 3,128 Mil
6: The Nerasian Protectorate of Trauringia
Pop: 2,612 Mil
7: The Holy Empire of Francoria
Pop: 1,893 Mil
8: The Republic of Kaladzhia
Pop: 1,656 Mil
9: The Sultanate of Araberia
Pop: 747 Mil
10: The Nomadic Peoples of Afrikanistan
Pop: 328 Mil
11: The Protectorate of Komienz
Pop: 324 Mil
12: The Protectorate of Safenia
Pop: 304 Mil
13: The Kingdom of Alayena
Pop: 268 Mil
14: The Federal Republic of Iguria
Pop: 261 Mil
15: The Protectorate of Wallenstria
Pop: 259 Mil
16: The Dominion of Alastronia
Pop: 156 Mil
17: The Community of Kalphaville
Pop: 16 Mil
18: The Oppressed Peoples of Sam Puckett with an AK while smoking a c
Pop: 16 Mil