NS Economy v3.69 Mobile - Nation States


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Large Regions of the World (in Nation States the Game)

More than 25 Nations to qualify for listings below. Otherwise find your smaller regions here:

Click for all regions in Nation States

The game of Nation States is comprised of both regions and countries inside those regions. To search for your Nation, start by clicking on your region below (if it's a big one) or clicking on the full list above. Then find your Nation and Click on it for econcomic and census information specific to your Nation.

With over 8000 Regions to choose from, this page only shows those regions whose Nation count is over 25, thus eliminating nearly 94% of the clutter. In addition, these are the most active Regions in the game. Do use Control + F on your keyboard to access the browser's search function and search quickly.

1: 0000 700 Nations
2: 001 Alpha Prime 28 Nations
3: 0ld Region 77 Nations
4: 10000 Islands 717 Nations
5: 105 69 Nations
6: 10KI Card Farm 32 Nations
7: 36 views 36 Nations
8: 4chan 94 Nations
9: 555 92 Nations
10: A Liberal Haven 39 Nations
11: A Taco Paradise 105 Nations
12: Abandoned Branch 204 Nations
13: Adairidae 105 Nations
14: Adaven 28 Nations
15: AEH 27 Nations
16: Aerospace 1377 Nations
17: AFL 53 Nations
18: Africa 203 Nations
19: Afte ta omorfa edafi 35 Nations
20: After the Fall 31 Nations
21: Aftoi oi omorfoi anthropoi 30 Nations
22: Age of Empires II 37 Nations
23: AGoodRegionName 98 Nations
24: Agrica 83 Nations
25: Ailuros 41 Nations
26: ainulindale 204 Nations
27: Ajax 34 Nations
28: Albastru 171 Nations
29: Alkebulan 26 Nations
30: Alliance of Non Regional Nation 231 Nations
31: Alliance of Supreme Powers 8766 Nations
32: Allied Nations with Optimism 35 Nations
33: AloTerra 2 80 Nations
34: Alpenwelt 120 Nations
35: Alternate History Hub 31 Nations
36: Altino 28 Nations
37: Alvazia 29 Nations
38: Ambition 4476 Nations
39: Ameribourne Army 33 Nations
40: America The Beautiful Coin Collection 56 Nations
41: Anaia 58 Nations
42: Anarchy 171 Nations
43: Ancient Lands 700 Nations
44: Andusre 273 Nations
45: Angelic League 32 Nations
46: Anime 40 Nations
47: Anime Nations Against Liberals 34 Nations
48: Antarctic Oasis 30 Nations
49: Antarctica 40 Nations
50: Anteria 140 Nations
51: Anville 26 Nations
52: AP Copotopia 34 Nations
53: AP JHS 30 Nations
54: Apex Legends 33 Nations
55: Arakeia 72 Nations
56: Arborhaven 362 Nations
57: Archive of Entropan 92 Nations
58: Arctic 38 Nations
59: Arctica 34 Nations
60: Argumentative Ones 56 Nations
61: Arkonos 43 Nations
62: Arrosia 33 Nations
63: Artificial Solar System 5479 Nations
64: Artificial Suspicious Powers 628 Nations
65: Arx Gothica 62 Nations
66: Asasasa 27 Nations
67: Asela 27 Nations
68: Asian Cooperation Pact 228 Nations
69: Aspen 157 Nations
70: Astoria 26 Nations
71: Athenian Suburbs 41 Nations
72: Atlanta Falcons 32 Nations
73: Atlantian Oceania 67 Nations
74: Atlanticana 42 Nations
75: Atlantis 58 Nations
76: Auctoritan Commonwealth 110 Nations
77: Audinesca 125 Nations
78: Aura 32 Nations
79: Aureum locum 46 Nations
80: Aurora 54 Nations
81: Aurora Forest 99 Nations
82: Australia 39 Nations
83: Autocracy Club 28 Nations
84: Autumnal Court 107 Nations
85: Avaldonia 140 Nations
86: Badlands Frontier 54 Nations
87: Balatro 47 Nations
88: Balder 16358 Nations
89: Barbaria 168 Nations
90: BARMAIDS ltd 49 Nations
91: Basque cuisine 54 Nations
92: Beleriand 64 Nations
93: belgium 180 Nations
95: Benigtopia 155 Nations
96: Berserk 51 Nations
97: BFDI 27 Nations
98: Big Boy Brigade 1115 Nations
99: Bigtopia 26 Nations
100: Bingos Puppet Sanctuary 164 Nations
101: Biodiversity 66 Nations
102: Blue Chevron 399 Nations
103: Blue Ridge 145 Nations
104: Bolognaise Battalion 44 Nations
105: Boroughs of Estonia 200 Nations
106: Boston 67 Nations
107: Bozarkia 604 Nations
108: Brainrot 29 Nations
109: Brasil1 29 Nations
110: Brest Oblast 2140 Nations
111: Britannia 80 Nations
112: Brockton Bay 41 Nations
113: BTM Puppet Storage 46 Nations
114: Buffalo Bills 26 Nations
115: Burge Classroom 40 Nations
116: Bus Stop 31 Nations
117: Bytes 225 Nations
118: Byzantine Christendom 57 Nations
119: Caer Sidi 50 Nations
120: Cainitium 1390 Nations
121: Cairo Club 33 Nations
122: Calefacta Aquas Piscinae 46 Nations
123: California 28 Nations
124: California Colleges and Universities 802 Nations
125: Callista 68 Nations
126: Calme Ybovien 29 Nations
127: Cals Card Farm 109 Nations
128: Campford 42 Nations
129: Canada 150 Nations
130: Cao Wei 61 Nations
131: Capcaun 40 Nations
132: Cape of Good Hope 136 Nations
133: Capitalist Paradise 125 Nations
134: Carcassonne 1062 Nations
135: Card Captor Pacifica 69 Nations
136: Card Farm Region 31 Nations
137: Card farm storage 29 Nations
138: Card Farming 68 Nations
139: Card Puppet Heaven 50 Nations
140: Card Slaves 100 Nations
141: Cardisdia 66 Nations
142: Carolina Panthers 42 Nations
143: Catgirls 55 Nations
144: Catgirls World 71 Nations
145: Catholic 91 Nations
146: Catlandatopia 38 Nations
147: Cedresia 66 Nations
148: Celtic Lands of Europe and Colonies 51 Nations
149: Cenacle 135 Nations
150: Centaura 61 Nations
151: Centauran Federation 32 Nations
152: Century of Change 45 Nations
153: Changuu 100 Nations
154: Chaos land 397 Nations
155: Chaotic Sparkles 95 Nations
156: Chessboard 32 Nations
157: Chicago Bears 31 Nations
158: Chicago Outfit 250 Nations
159: Chicken overlords 18571 Nations
160: Chimore 35 Nations
161: China 54 Nations
162: Chinese Lotus 143 Nations
163: Chipotli 77 Nations
164: Chitato 30 Nations
165: Christcordia 26 Nations
166: Christians 262 Nations
167: Christmas 102 Nations
168: Cincinnati Bengals 28 Nations
169: Cities 43 Nations
170: City of Yharnam 39 Nations
171: Coalition of Crown Albatross 217 Nations
172: Coclestab 64 Nations
173: Coldonia 42 Nations
174: Colonia Apollonis 62 Nations
175: Colonies 39 Nations
176: Colonies Of the AI 54 Nations
177: Colorful Lands 36 Nations
178: Commanders at service 27 Nations
179: Commie Flotilla 97 Nations
180: Commonwealth of Democratic States 26 Nations
181: Commonwealth of Liberty 305 Nations
182: Commonwealth of Sovereign States 292 Nations
183: Communist Allied Defense Organization 38 Nations
184: Communitas 426 Nations
185: Community 51 Nations
186: Comuni 44 Nations
187: Conch Island 94 Nations
188: Conch Kingdom 306 Nations
189: Concord 946 Nations
190: Confederacy of Allied States 35 Nations
191: Confederated Tribes of Mauch Chunk 30 Nations
192: Continental Entente 30 Nations
193: Continental Navy 238 Nations
194: cool party land 308 Nations
195: Cordone 159 Nations
196: Corner Brook 26 Nations
197: Corvinia 89 Nations
198: Council of Asia 572 Nations
199: Council of Nations 45 Nations
200: Countries of the World 276 Nations
201: Cradle of the Nebula 65 Nations
202: Crecknest 82 Nations
203: Crestwood Heights 679 Nations
204: Crimson eagle 30 Nations
205: Crimson Spire 435 Nations
206: Cringe and Poggers 54 Nations
207: Cup of Farmony 95 Nations
208: D and A Card Farm 56 Nations
209: Dallas Cowboys 38 Nations
210: Danish Wonderland 3379 Nations
211: Dawnstar 194 Nations
212: Daylight Savings 358 Nations
213: DCLXVI 72 Nations
214: Dead Sea 992 Nations
215: Declansburg 240 Nations
216: Democratic Socialist Assembly 269 Nations
217: Denver Broncos 70 Nations
218: Department Store 68 Nations
219: detroit lions 42 Nations
220: Deutschland 35 Nations
221: Devide by Zero 85 Nations
222: Digital Monster World of Card Farming 165 Nations
223: Dimmersun 491 Nations
224: Disney Princess Jedi Temple 55 Nations
225: Disney World 69 Nations
226: Dixie 52 Nations
227: Dog Lake 50 Nations
228: DogeLand 62 Nations
229: Dragonstone 28 Nations
230: Drew is life Drew is love 442 Nations
231: Duat 90 Nations
232: Dumpster Fire Industrial Supercomplex 27 Nations
233: Dystopian Utopia 329 Nations
234: Earexplodian Armed Forces 81 Nations
235: Eastern Europe 62 Nations
236: Eastern Roman Empire 43 Nations
237: Economic Harem of Arlandian Cards 37 Nations
238: Eientei Gensokyo 74 Nations
239: Ejected fenda sleepers 38 Nations
240: Elmo 32 Nations
241: Eltranite Spoiled Puppies Network 53 Nations
242: Emergency Puppet 420 Nations
243: Emirates of Futurnia 140 Nations
244: Emmeria 142 Nations
245: Empire of Australia 28 Nations
246: Empire of Great Britain 125 Nations
247: Empire of Lord Vador 134 Nations
248: Empire of Love 203 Nations
249: Empires Forever United 55 Nations
250: England 101 Nations
251: Ennor 27 Nations
252: Ensio 75 Nations
253: EPCOT Center 1981 29 Nations
254: Equestria 130 Nations
255: Equilism 140 Nations
256: Equiterra 81 Nations
257: Eruditio 34 Nations
258: Esportiva 81 Nations
259: Eurasia 29 Nations
260: Europe 1545 Nations
261: European Confederation of States 54 Nations
262: European Union 43 Nations
263: Europeia 1335 Nations
264: Eurth 298 Nations
265: Euskal Herria 59 Nations
266: Evergreen Battalion 47 Nations
267: Everywhere 31 Nations
268: Ex nation 29 Nations
269: Eye 1107 Nations
270: Fallen Star 204 Nations
271: Far East Oriental Federation 558 Nations
272: Farm Carding 30 Nations
273: Fascism LLC 152 Nations
274: Federal Republic of Korea 47 Nations
275: Federation of Martian Colonies 146 Nations
276: Federation Of Sovereign States 451 Nations
277: Federation of States 58 Nations
278: FIFA Lands 167 Nations
279: Fifth Empire 165 Nations
280: Fireball World Region 45 Nations
281: Flanelistan 118 Nations
282: Flimsily Constructed Cardboard Box 57 Nations
283: Florida 70 Nations
284: Flowers 101 Nations
285: Fnorg 27 Nations
286: Footwear 50 Nations
287: Forest 314 Nations
288: Foxes 277 Nations
289: Foxtopia 31 Nations
290: Fragments 74 Nations
291: Free macau 69 Nations
292: Free United States 39 Nations
293: Freelands 60 Nations
294: Frimaire 31 Nations
295: Frog Pond 132 Nations
296: Frozen Circle 1080 Nations
297: Fukuoka 109 Nations
298: Furry Hangout 100 Nations
299: Garbelia Puppet Storage 99 Nations
300: Gardenia Botanicum 133 Nations
301: Gates Law 32 Nations
302: Gay 108 Nations
303: General Storage 81 Nations
304: Genesius Union 1700 Nations
305: Gensokyo 28 Nations
306: Geopolity 102 Nations
307: Germany 34 Nations
308: Gholgoth 26 Nations
309: Giovanniland 602 Nations
310: Glory 42 Nations
311: Goats of the Universe 32 Nations
312: Gobbotopia 31 Nations
313: Goddess White 127 Nations
314: Grand Prix 39 Nations
315: Grandma 28 Nations
316: Grant 130 Nations
317: Greater Alphan Imperium 34 Nations
318: Greater Brutesia 35 Nations
319: Greater Dienstad 84 Nations
320: Greater Empires 31 Nations
321: Greater Hanguardian Islands 474 Nations
322: Greater Middle East 73 Nations
323: Greece 29 Nations
324: Green Bay Packers 26 Nations
325: Group B 29 Nations
326: Guild Communauty field 26 Nations
327: Gypsy Lands 54 Nations
328: Hailstone 28 Nations
329: Halcyona 38 Nations
330: Hana Macchia 261 Nations
331: Hannan2027 40 Nations
332: Hardline 310 Nations
333: Hartfelden 50 Nations
334: HC Metalurg 89 Nations
335: Heavenly Kingdom 49 Nations
336: Hell 299 Nations
337: Hells Lounge 33 Nations
338: Hellworld 2 149 Nations
339: Herk United 88 Nations
340: Herta Space Station 2146 Nations
341: Hiperuranion 36 Nations
342: Hippy Haven 53 Nations
343: Hispano Germanic Alliance 4088 Nations
344: Hive 80 Nations
345: Holmond Holdings 1064 Nations
346: Home Sweet 9003 509 Nations
347: Hotel Zamenhof 28 Nations
348: House Elegarth 333 Nations
349: House of the Dragon 45 Nations
350: Hurricane 26 Nations
351: Ijaka 77 Nations
352: Im In Love With The Villainess 50 Nations
353: Imperial Continent 32 Nations
354: Imperial World Nations 94 Nations
355: Independent Order 56 Nations
356: India 72 Nations
357: Indianapolis Colts 29 Nations
358: Institute of Cellulose 28 Nations
359: Interastral Peace Corporation 29 Nations
360: International Democratic Union 80 Nations
361: International Phonetic Alphabet 88 Nations
362: Investopedia 82 Nations
363: Ischarus II 107 Nations
364: Islamic Commonwealth 28 Nations
365: Island of Hope 2000 Nations
366: Islarabia 145 Nations
367: ISO Sanctuaries 42 Nations
368: Its My Turn 70 Nations
369: Ivy Allegiance 95 Nations
370: J o Jian Military Network 33 Nations
371: Jamesia 30 Nations
372: Japan 118 Nations
373: Japanese Garden 48 Nations
374: Jennifer 27 Nations
375: Jenny 172 Nations
376: Jerusalem 28 Nations
377: Jetanese World 30 Nations
378: junk 554 Nations
379: Jutomi Puppet Storage 50 Nations
380: Jyzeria 40 Nations
381: KAISERREICH 255 Nations
382: Kali Belladonna Administration 275 Nations
383: Kamurocho 89 Nations
384: Kansas City Chiefs 39 Nations
385: Kantrias 183 Nations
386: Karcasonia 50 Nations
387: Kardain 59 Nations
388: Karma 285 Nations
389: Kazi Syed Mrinmoy Ornob Amin Miah Nama 33 Nations
390: Kelios 256 Nations
391: Kerbals of the North 70 Nations
392: Khulna 166 Nations
393: Kingdom of Sicily 66 Nations
394: Komut Universe 189 Nations
395: Koprulu Sector 582 Nations
396: Kowloon Peninsula 94 Nations
397: Krillin 32 Nations
398: Krystar 28 Nations
399: KYCF 109 Nations
400: Kylaris 45 Nations
401: Kynanland 199 Nations
402: Kyorgia puppet storage 42 Nations
403: La Hira 116 Nations
404: La Mancha 29 Nations
405: Lago Pantera 34 Nations
406: Lair of the Dragon 129 Nations
407: Lakes in Finland 324 Nations
408: Land 48 Nations
409: Land of Europa 32 Nations
410: Land of Faceplace 122 Nations
411: Lands End 137 Nations
412: Las Vegas Raiders 34 Nations
413: Lassa 50 Nations
414: Lazarus 16533 Nations
415: League of Christian Nations 57 Nations
416: Legion Esgarrouth 27 Nations
417: Lennart 45 Nations
418: Lewisham Library 68 Nations
419: Leyte 30 Nations
420: LGBT Nations 40 Nations
421: LGBTQ Card Farming Polycule 33 Nations
422: LIA claimed lands 35 Nations
423: Liars and Eristics 101 Nations
424: Liberal Democratic Union 118 Nations
425: Liberlandia 63 Nations
426: Libertarian Socialist Confederation 55 Nations
427: Libertatem 35 Nations
428: Libertium 52 Nations
429: Liberty Islands 38 Nations
430: Lio 177 Nations
431: Lone Wolves United 326 Nations
432: Lonely Nations 38 Nations
433: Los Angeles Chargers 30 Nations
434: Los Angeles Rams 33 Nations
435: lost hope 45 Nations
436: Loush Land 54 Nations
437: Love Live 43 Nations
438: LunarPunk 346 Nations
439: Lurjize 101 Nations
440: Lythos 317 Nations
441: Magna Aurea 43 Nations
442: magnae portas 123 Nations
443: MandalMotors Spaceshipyard 28 Nations
444: Mansudae 1462 Nations
445: Marnagarthean Integration 108 Nations
446: Marxist Land of Peoples 29 Nations
447: Mathematica 49 Nations
448: matheo 115 Nations
449: Matt 36 Nations
450: Mediterranean 28 Nations
451: Meillur 35 Nations
452: Memeland United 734 Nations
453: Memeverse 26 Nations
454: mep 37 Nations
455: Mercenary Lands 79 Nations
456: Merciam 38 Nations
457: Merlins Butcher Shop 301 Nations
458: Metisverse 28 Nations
459: Metropolitan Union 156 Nations
460: Metternau 31 Nations
461: MHBs New Earth 94 Nations
462: MHG 53 Nations
463: Miami Dolphins 34 Nations
464: Microwave Electrothermal Thruster 350 Nations
465: Middle Earth 92 Nations
466: Middle East 42 Nations
467: Minnesota Vikings 29 Nations
468: Minor League Farm System 53 Nations
469: Mitteleuropa 175 Nations
470: Mizuki Akiyama 297 Nations
471: MJT 136 Nations
472: Modern Warships 39 Nations
473: Modern World 26 Nations
474: Modorra 28 Nations
475: Moldavia 45 Nations
476: Mouseion at Alexandria 27 Nations
477: Mum 70 Nations
478: Municipalities of Estonia 80 Nations
479: Municipalities of Finland 309 Nations
480: Munie 30 Nations
481: My Cool Rocks 68 Nations
482: Mystic Shores 50 Nations
483: Naeron III 30 Nations
484: NAMES 33 Nations
485: Narnia 51 Nations
486: Narvatus Card Farm 646 Nations
487: Nasicournia 38 Nations
488: Nation states logic 39 Nations
489: National Forests of America 123 Nations
490: National Monuments of America 128 Nations
491: National Parks in Finland 42 Nations
492: National Parks of America 63 Nations
493: Nationstate 28 Nations
494: NationStates 798 Nations
495: NATO 2022 54 Nations
496: Natural Resources for Roleplay 38 Nations
497: Nature Reserves of Estonia 167 Nations
498: Navy 33 Nations
499: Nayatulli 50 Nations
500: NDR 204 Nations
501: Nederland 242 Nations
502: Needy Streamer Overload 32 Nations
503: Neocortex 186 Nations
504: Nerdlandia 300 Nations
505: Nevadia 50 Nations
506: New Alotania 63 Nations
507: New Bilderberg Group 79 Nations
508: New Dinosaurtopia 27 Nations
509: New England Patriots 474 Nations
510: New Europe 144 Nations
511: New Izern Farm Thingymabob 111 Nations
512: New Oceania 37 Nations
513: New Republic Charter 111 Nations
514: New Samon 325 Nations
515: New United Kingdom 333 Nations
516: New Warsaw Pact 81 Nations
517: New West Conifer 78 Nations
518: New Western Atlantic 28 Nations
519: New World of Free Nations 37 Nations
520: New York 63 Nations
521: New York Giants 28 Nations
522: New Zander Card Farms 45 Nations
523: Newlandia 62 Nations
524: Niamark 69 Nations
525: Niso 76 Nations
526: No Farm No Fowl 73 Nations
527: Noah Kahan Collection 36 Nations
528: Noneuropean Union 40 Nations
529: Nordic Lands 243 Nations
530: Norrys new puppet region 27 Nations
531: North Alliance 30 Nations
532: North America 61 Nations
533: North Carolina 28 Nations
534: North Korea 28 Nations
535: Northern Utopia 36 Nations
536: Northumbria 27 Nations
537: Nova Britannia Prima 26 Nations
538: Nova Libertatia 1068 Nations
539: Novapax 27 Nations
540: Novo Brasil 52 Nations
541: NPCF 33 Nations
542: Nudist Dreamland 76 Nations
543: Obsidian Islands 117 Nations
544: Ocean Space 51 Nations
545: Office Space 39 Nations
546: Old Vegas 35 Nations
547: Old World Blues 125 Nations
548: Omega Prime 312 Nations
549: OMS Sparta 42 Nations
550: One 54 Nations
551: One big Island 60 Nations
552: Orcuo 74 Nations
553: Ordo Imperialia 775 Nations
554: Oreshura 49 Nations
555: Orioni 41 Nations
556: OS CORVOS 59 Nations
557: Osagh 38 Nations
558: Osakaland 26 Nations
559: Osiris 16300 Nations
560: Ostros Puppet Storage Lol 202 Nations
561: Paiative 30 Nations
562: Paichnidi 52 Nations
563: Palatine 124 Nations
564: Pallaith 43 Nations
565: Panam 424 Nations
566: Panchromia 27 Nations
567: Paperwork 91 Nations
568: Pasridi Confederacy 105 Nations
569: Passacaglia 355 Nations
570: Pavilhao 11 247 Nations
571: Pax Britannia 28 Nations
572: Pax Indica 38 Nations
573: Payment 34 Nations
574: Pearlescence 45 Nations
575: Pecan Sandies 43 Nations
576: Peinda speindea 34 Nations
577: Penacony 136 Nations
578: Pencil Sharpeners Puppet Storage 37 Nations
579: Penguia 403 Nations
580: Penguin Land 28 Nations
581: Penny 266 Nations
582: People are Beautiful 51 Nations
583: Periodic Table 118 Nations
584: Philadelphia Eagles 34 Nations
585: Philippines 130 Nations
586: Philosophers 87 Nations
587: Pittsburgh Steelers 40 Nations
588: Planet Cybertron 157 Nations
589: Planet Galanthus 26 Nations
590: Platypus Factory 172 Nations
591: Playlist 55 Nations
592: Plum Island 89 Nations
593: Pocket Monster Isles 31 Nations
594: Poetry 201 Nations
595: Polattus 47 Nations
596: Pony Lands 27 Nations
597: Portugal 138 Nations
598: Presidential Dollar Coins 48 Nations
599: Primitiveness 1111 Nations
600: Protected Landscapes of Estonia 150 Nations
601: Protector Military Command 33 Nations
602: Psychotic Dictatorships 102 Nations
603: PupesTown 44 Nations
604: Puppet Storage for Bongos 28 Nations
605: Puppet Storage of TUMN 33 Nations
606: Puppeteers 100 Nations
607: Quarantine Zone 327 Nations
608: Quarry Bay 35 Nations
609: Qzs 400 Nations
610: RAILGUN 234 Nations
611: Rainbow Bridge 51 Nations
612: Ramility Empire 26 Nations
613: Random Farmer 51 Nations
614: Realm of Dogs 847 Nations
615: Realm of the Whispering Winds 32 Nations
616: RealTacoMan Frontier 301 Nations
617: Red Back Island 125 Nations
618: Red Front 42 Nations
619: Red State Blue State Blues 53 Nations
620: Refugia 399 Nations
621: Regionless 46 Nations
622: Rejected Cards 28 Nations
623: Rejkavik Cards 40 Nations
624: Remembrance 3495 Nations
625: Renascor 90 Nations
626: Renegade Islands Alliance 30 Nations
627: RePu 38 Nations
628: Republic of Nova Tero 40 Nations
629: Reserve Fleet 31 Nations
630: Resuscitation 309 Nations
631: RGBN 79 Nations
632: Riceplace 34 Nations
633: Ridgefield 131 Nations
634: Riemst 88 Nations
635: Right to Life 104 Nations
636: Rireinu 26 Nations
637: Rocain Labs 58 Nations
638: Rocain Museum 34 Nations
639: Rocketopia 42 Nations
640: Rokatov 34 Nations
641: Roless Puppet Region 501 Nations
642: Roma Imperium 34 Nations
643: Rosaceae Sanguinare 29 Nations
644: Rushmore 95 Nations
645: Safari 152 Nations
646: SAFT Puppets 282 Nations
647: Saint Helene 61 Nations
648: Salessll 34 Nations
649: San Francisco 49ers 33 Nations
650: Sarlacc Food 273 Nations
651: Sauzsialislhe Canazbha 55 Nations
652: Scandinavia 49 Nations
653: Scarlett Card Company Inc 58 Nations
654: Seattle Seahawks 33 Nations
655: Seinfeld 36 Nations
656: Selene 38 Nations
657: Serendipian League 95 Nations
658: Serenity 109 Nations
659: Settra the Imperishable 100 Nations
660: Shadow Legend 31 Nations
661: Shadow Realms 157 Nations
662: Shadowville 49 Nations
663: Shalibvia 29 Nations
664: Sheriffmuir 36 Nations
665: Shinka 81 Nations
666: Silly 180 Nations
667: SimDemocracy 31 Nations
668: Simulated Universe 75 Nations
669: Singapore 28 Nations
670: Skivan Fleet 44 Nations
671: Sky Haven 44 Nations
672: Skyward Sword 35 Nations
673: Small Boy Brigade 204 Nations
674: SmitopBots 104 Nations
675: socialist republics union 26 Nations
676: Solvang 259 Nations
677: Songs 40 Nations
678: Sonnel 35 Nations
679: Sophia 534 Nations
680: Soul Cairn 175 Nations
681: South America 65 Nations
682: South Pacific 128 Nations
683: Southeast Union 80 Nations
684: SPACE 27 Nations
685: Sparkalia 128 Nations
686: Spear Danes 78 Nations
687: Spiritus 125 Nations
688: Square Enix 27 Nations
689: St Abbaddon 59 Nations
690: Stargate 46 Nations
691: Starlight 162 Nations
692: Stat 35 Nations
693: Stubby Toe 87 Nations
694: Sub Pacific 26 Nations
695: Sub regions of Finland 70 Nations
696: Sulawesi 42 Nations
697: Sun Tzu the Art of War 34 Nations
698: Sunset Shimmer 865 Nations
699: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 30 Nations
700: Suspicious 4401 Nations
701: Suza 36 Nations
702: Sweden Land 42 Nations
703: Swiss Card Farm 59 Nations
704: Talonia 851 Nations
705: Taperegiona 615 Nations
706: Tarkin 58 Nations
707: TAV Auxiliary Puppets 88 Nations
708: TCF storage 30 Nations
709: Temple of Hylia 664 Nations
710: Temporary Home 39 Nations
711: Temporary storage for Jaspy 28 Nations
712: Teremara 32 Nations
713: Termina 113 Nations
714: Terranova 50 Nations
715: Testregionia 45 Nations
716: Texas 94 Nations
717: Thaecia 306 Nations
718: The Alliance of Dictators 54 Nations
719: The Alliance of Eros 66 Nations
720: The Alternate Pacific 94 Nations
721: The Amaranthine Isles 80 Nations
722: The Ambis 55 Nations
723: The Apexialan Commonwealth 438 Nations
724: The Apolean Frontiers 107 Nations
725: The Archipelago States 79 Nations
726: The ATCCia 27 Nations
727: The Axis of Evil 29 Nations
728: The Azalean Collective 36 Nations
729: The Azure Archipelago 50 Nations
730: The Bannedlands 58 Nations
731: The Bar on the corner of every region 94 Nations
732: The Battlebox 83 Nations
733: The Betweenworlds 483 Nations
734: The Black Hawks 231 Nations
735: The Blades 641 Nations
736: The Bongos United 232 Nations
737: The Brotherhood of Malice 202 Nations
738: The Cafe In The Middle Of The Universe 27 Nations
739: The Caffeinated Confederation 117 Nations
740: The Card Mine 69 Nations
741: The Castle 32 Nations
742: The Celestial Empire 58 Nations
743: The Coalition of Nations 31 Nations
744: The Collective of Understanding Nations 31 Nations
745: The Commonwealth Society 35 Nations
746: The Communist Bloc 1052 Nations
747: The Communist Blocs Card Factory 198 Nations
748: The Communist Blocs World Art Gallery 33 Nations
749: The Confederacy of Free Lands 26 Nations
750: The Confederacy of Free Nations 43 Nations
751: The Continent of Utopia 64 Nations
752: The Controlled 100 Nations
753: The coolest region ever 49 Nations
754: The CPU 151 Nations
755: The Crackerish Mining Bureau 83 Nations
756: The Creeds 191 Nations
757: The Democratic Republic 38 Nations
758: The Democratic Trade Planet 53 Nations
759: The Demonlist 30 Nations
760: The Doldrums 142 Nations
761: The Drago Den 99 Nations
762: The Ducc Pond 45 Nations
763: The Dusty Crate 39 Nations
764: The East Pacific 5544 Nations
765: The Eighth Closet 340 Nations
766: The Embassy 26 Nations
767: The Empire Of Nilfgaard 28 Nations
768: The Empires And Republics Of Power 27 Nations
769: The Epidox Experiment 33 Nations
770: The Equator 29 Nations
771: The Eternal Order 33 Nations
772: The Everlasting Kawaii Empire 114 Nations
773: The Evil Pacific 44 Nations
774: The Fallout Wasteland 36 Nations
775: The Federation of Independent Nations 59 Nations
776: The Financial District of New York 31 Nations
777: The Free Nations Region 59 Nations
778: The Fries 75 Nations
779: The Frontier Sea 659 Nations
780: The Funian Puppet Region 700 Nations
781: The Galactics Union 63 Nations
782: The Gallery 31 Nations
783: The Gateway Hall 32 Nations
784: The Genesis Corporation 45 Nations
785: The Giraffe Federation 95 Nations
786: The Global Elite 28 Nations
787: The Glorious Nations of Iwaku 163 Nations
788: The Grand Patriot Empire of Algerheaven 141 Nations
789: The Great Glorb 60 Nations
790: The Great Monarchical Nations 35 Nations
791: The great union of nations 51 Nations
792: The Grey Wardens 29 Nations
793: The grimy backyard of Bigej 577 Nations
794: The Guild of Generations 49 Nations
795: The Hole To Hide In 125 Nations
796: The Holy Land of Bingus 46 Nations
797: The Imperial Fleet 26 Nations
798: The Interdimensional Community 56 Nations
799: The International Alliance of Swag 44 Nations
800: The Internationale 90 Nations
801: The Invaders 152 Nations
802: The Khamen Union 474 Nations
803: The Kingdom of Great Britain 61 Nations
804: The Kodiak Republic 311 Nations
805: The Land Of Anarchy 260 Nations
806: The Land of Kings and Emperors 283 Nations
807: The Land of the Free 65 Nations
808: The League 366 Nations
809: The League of Nations 41 Nations
810: The Leftist Assembly 792 Nations
811: The Local Cluster 54 Nations
812: The Losers 106 Nations
813: The Lost Kingdom of Hallownest 108 Nations
814: The lost lands 33 Nations
815: The Mansus 36 Nations
816: The Maritimes 34 Nations
817: The Mesvicean Region for Puppets 29 Nations
818: The Middle Pacific 177 Nations
819: The Muppet Show 50 Nations
820: The Nationstates Assembly 162 Nations
821: The new Atlantic federation 49 Nations
822: The new Atlantic federation frontier 420 Nations
823: The Ninth Army 102 Nations
824: The Node 145 Nations
825: The North Pacific 5959 Nations
826: The Northern Lights 27 Nations
827: The Northern Reach 213 Nations
828: The Northern Union 38 Nations
829: The Northwest Passage 33 Nations
830: the Obsidian Highlands 140 Nations
831: The Omniton Fleet 35 Nations
832: The One True Sea 28 Nations
833: The Order of Corinth 32 Nations
834: The Order of the Grey Wardens 308 Nations
835: the Outback 1281 Nations
836: The Outer Rim 27 Nations
837: the Pacific 3596 Nations
838: The Pacific Coast 28 Nations
839: The Peoples Republic Of Lazarus 402 Nations
840: The Philippines 46 Nations
841: the Plains of Perdition 1557 Nations
842: The Planet Siora 50 Nations
843: The Raiders Commune 50 Nations
844: The Random Brazilians 89 Nations
845: The Realm of Aussies 32 Nations
846: The Red Plains 29 Nations
847: The Region Game 35 Nations
848: The Region of Mine 103 Nations
849: The Region That Has No Big Banks 309 Nations
850: The Reich 26 Nations
851: the Rejected Realms 4912 Nations
852: The Respected Realms 34 Nations
853: the rotenaples 269 Nations
854: The Sasquatch Republic 31 Nations
855: The Silicon Collective 178 Nations
856: The Silver City 111 Nations
857: The Slumber 39 Nations
858: THE SMP 30 Nations
859: The Smusian Coast 139 Nations
860: The Social Liberal Union 154 Nations
861: the South Pacific 5346 Nations
862: The Story of Civilization 31 Nations
863: The Transitionists 253 Nations
864: The Trout Essembly 414 Nations
865: The Trunk of a Pontiac Tempest 37 Nations
866: The Twilight Nest 103 Nations
867: The TWR and NE Puppet Depot 115 Nations
868: The UMNS 545 Nations
869: The Underworld of Hell 666 Nations
870: The Union of Democratic States 131 Nations
871: The United Democratic States 132 Nations
872: The United Federations 49 Nations
873: The United Kingdom 90 Nations
874: The Universe 30 Nations
875: The Vincence Empire 39 Nations
876: THE W0RLD 60 Nations
877: The Walbard Union 55 Nations
878: The Watchtower 45 Nations
879: The Weirdos Card Farming Lands 54 Nations
880: The Wellspring 253 Nations
881: the West Pacific 3959 Nations
882: The Western Isles 144 Nations
883: The Works of M C Escher 136 Nations
884: The World Rearranged 182 Nations
885: The Zurs 79 Nations
886: Thegye 55 Nations
887: TheNewPersianEmpire 53 Nations
888: Therin City States 69 Nations
889: This Space Intentionally Left Blank 394 Nations
890: This will be the day 40 Nations
891: Three Sands 71 Nations
892: thundria 28 Nations
893: Tinga 330 Nations
894: Toldia 39 Nations
895: Topid 32 Nations
896: TPN Puppets 36 Nations
897: Transbian 164 Nations
898: Twilight Sepulcher 40 Nations
899: Two 2628 Nations
900: Tyche 27 Nations
901: UEPU 569 Nations
902: UEPU Federal Republic 84 Nations
903: UFSSAI 38 Nations
904: Ultimate Potato Republic 26 Nations
905: Underground 101 Nations
906: Underground Earth Facility 40 Nations
907: Underworld 75 Nations
908: Unidos Brasileiros 26 Nations
909: Unintelligent Puppet Storage 817 Nations
910: Union de Naciones Latinas e Ibericas 42 Nations
911: Union Mundial 72 Nations
912: Union of Allied Planets 37 Nations
913: Union of Allied States 235 Nations
914: Union of Billy Nations 38 Nations
915: Union of Christian Nations 110 Nations
916: Union of Conlang Nations 27 Nations
917: Union of Free Nations 42 Nations
918: Union of Marx Socialist nations 56 Nations
919: United Alliance Treaty Coalition 27 Nations
920: United Alliances 42 Nations
921: United Cordovia 161 Nations
922: United Democratic Nations 605 Nations
923: United Democratic World 70 Nations
924: United Earth Government 30 Nations
925: United Earth Space Probe Agency 198 Nations
926: United Kingdom 347 Nations
927: United Lands of Turin 48 Nations
928: United Nations 34 Nations
929: United Republics of Veracruz 46 Nations
930: United States 93 Nations
931: United States of America 697 Nations
932: United States Of America 2 35 Nations
933: United Theocratic Nations 30 Nations
934: US State Quarters 56 Nations
935: USSR 31 Nations
936: Valandor 33 Nations
937: Valaryia 143 Nations
938: Valdoria 28 Nations
939: Valentine Day 81 Nations
940: Valerian Reach 300 Nations
941: Valinor 28 Nations
942: Valley of Peace 74 Nations
943: Valvia Xard Farms 46 Nations
944: Varas Opener Sanctuary 59 Nations
945: Veltric Union 45 Nations
946: Venveeian Alcyoneus 26 Nations
947: Vibonia 982 Nations
948: Vickenian experiment incubator 62 Nations
949: Victory 61 Nations
950: Vlaanderen 113 Nations
951: Volikara Puppet Storage 301 Nations
952: Vultune 463 Nations
953: Vylixan Prime 533 Nations
954: WA classifications 28 Nations
955: Wallsocket 99 Nations
956: Warzone Airspace 28 Nations
957: Warzone Asia 32 Nations
958: Warzone Trinidad 27 Nations
959: Washington Commanders 31 Nations
960: Western Atlantic 45 Nations
961: Westeros 56 Nations
962: Wheel of Time 28 Nations
963: William Fleming World History 100 Nations
964: Wilson Farms 129 Nations
965: Wimahl Puppets 39 Nations
966: Windows 101 Nations
967: Wintercrest 80 Nations
968: Wintreath 318 Nations
969: Wisconsin 27 Nations
970: Wolf Card Farm Corporation 439 Nations
971: Wonderfalls Gift Emporium 27 Nations
972: Word Girl 27 Nations
973: World of Food 26 Nations
974: World of Football 26 Nations
975: World Republic 503 Nations
976: Worlds of Colors 121 Nations
977: Wysteria 56 Nations
978: Xedas 27 Nations
979: Xinkland 101 Nations
980: Yeduu 109 Nations
981: Yggdrasil 104 Nations
982: Yochland 30 Nations
983: Yogscast 54 Nations
984: Yorkshire 97 Nations
985: Yuno 62 Nations
986: Zemuria 130 Nations
987: Zero 28 Nations
988: Zickton 359 Nations
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