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5346 Countries populate the Region of the South Pacific

You have arrived at the list of countries that make up the Region of the South Pacific.

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Please select one of the countries below to continue.

1: The 27 of ---------------------------
Pop: 28,644 Mil

2: The Republic of -Bai Ling-
Pop: 5,299 Mil

3: The Federal Republic of -Donald Trump
Pop: 18 Mil

4: The Republic of -Ene-
Pop: 5,363 Mil

5: The Federal Republic of -Grael
Pop: 36 Mil

6: The Fiefdom of -JojosRebel-
Pop: 260 Mil

7: The Republic of -Sistina-
Pop: 5,321 Mil

8: The Republic of -Sutherland
Pop: 5,902 Mil

9: The Commonwealth of -umopapisdn-
Pop: 11,277 Mil

10: The Republic of -Viet Nam
Pop: 8 Mil

11: The Android Girlfailure of 073 039 109 032 080 111 112 112 121
Pop: 13,324 Mil

12: The Dictatorship of 100 Percent Totalitarian
Pop: 115 Mil

13: The Armed Republic of 100th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 732 Mil

14: The Republic of 101setviolin
Pop: 212 Mil

15: The Republic of 103
Pop: 386 Mil

16: The Republic of 108setviolin
Pop: 206 Mil

17: The Federation of 10thia
Pop: 50 Mil

18: The Republic of 121setviolin
Pop: 205 Mil

19: The Commonwealth of 123whee
Pop: 50 Mil

20: The Protectorate of 12e Infanteriebataljon Koningin Beatrix
Pop: 26,388 Mil

21: The Republic of 130 Elektra
Pop: 877 Mil

22: The Disputed Territories of 138setviolin
Pop: 211 Mil

23: The Republic of 153setviolin
Pop: 192 Mil

24: The Republic of 156setviolin
Pop: 196 Mil

25: The Republic of 158setviolin
Pop: 191 Mil

26: The Armed Republic of 16th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 719 Mil

27: The Republic of 181setviolin
Pop: 196 Mil

28: The Queendom of 1set violin
Pop: 220 Mil

29: The Community of 25setviolin
Pop: 214 Mil

30: The Republic of 2iadn5n05w
Pop: 2,115 Mil

31: The Republic of 2jmy4nlnc2
Pop: 2,104 Mil

32: The Armed Republic of 2nd Keltan Coastal Defense Regiment
Pop: 711 Mil

33: The Armed Republic of 30th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 711 Mil

34: The Republic of 3121622 Card Office
Pop: 9,308 Mil

35: The Republic of 3121622 Card Storage
Pop: 9,226 Mil

36: The Borderlands of 31setviolin
Pop: 213 Mil

37: The Armed Republic of 31st Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 724 Mil

38: The Armed Republic of 38th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 716 Mil

39: The Commonwealth of 3D Land
Pop: 45 Mil

40: The Republic of 3rd Butterflyswarm
Pop: 29 Mil

41: The Armed Republic of 3rd Keltan Coastal Defense Regiment
Pop: 712 Mil

42: The Armed Republic of 41st Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 738 Mil

43: The Grand Duchy of 43setviolin
Pop: 213 Mil

44: The Republic of 44th astro air squadron
Pop: 108 Mil

45: The Armed Republic of 44th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 715 Mil

46: The Armed Republic of 46th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 721 Mil

47: The Commonwealth of 5 dollar hamburger
Pop: 685 Mil

48: The Theocracy of 53setviolin
Pop: 212 Mil

49: The Republic of 54 reasons
Pop: 1,171 Mil

50: The Armed Republic of 55th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 715 Mil

51: The Republic of 57 reasons
Pop: 1,153 Mil

52: The Armed Republic of 58th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 731 Mil

53: The United States of 5Cruguman
Pop: 10 Mil

54: The Republic of 5G Technology
Pop: 332 Mil

55: The Armed Republic of 5th Keltan Coastal Defense Regiment
Pop: 709 Mil

56: The Republic of 61 reasons
Pop: 801 Mil

57: The Republic of 6353 Juan Tabo Apt 6
Pop: 84 Mil

58: The Armed Republic of 63rd Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 713 Mil

59: The United States of 65setviolin
Pop: 207 Mil

60: The Armed Republic of 69th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 721 Mil

61: The Republic of 6sylqqg2dr
Pop: 2,059 Mil

62: The Armed Republic of 6th Keltan Air Defense Battalion
Pop: 716 Mil

63: The ???????? 7 Green Trees ????? of 7 Trees
Pop: 3,128 Mil

64: The Republic of 86setviolin
Pop: 206 Mil

65: The Republic of 87setviolin
Pop: 205 Mil

66: The Armed Republic of 88th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 702 Mil

67: The Armed Republic of 89th Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 726 Mil

68: The Republic of 8ecvfkxs9d
Pop: 3,198 Mil

69: The Republic of 8ekkzmgqj9
Pop: 3,214 Mil

70: The Empire of 8u8u
Pop: 23 Mil

71: The Armed Republic of 92nd Keltan Infantry Brigade
Pop: 701 Mil

72: The Republic of 99setviolin
Pop: 205 Mil

73: The Republic of 9C2
Pop: 466 Mil

74: The Republic of A can of Pepsi Zero Sugar
Pop: 871 Mil

75: The Holy Empire of A Flying Spaghetti Monster
Pop: 997 Mil

76: The Little Bits of A leftover country
Pop: 18,294 Mil

77: The United States of A Really Big Contenent
Pop: 322 Mil

78: The Disputed Territories of A renegade nation
Pop: 7,338 Mil

79: The Dictatorship of A republica dos cagados
Pop: 12 Mil

80: The Armed Republic of A staged country
Pop: 86 Mil

81: The Republic of A tpop hate puppet
Pop: 20 Mil

82: The Outpost of A watcher
Pop: 20,109 Mil

83: The Republic of A4a234a2rbara
Pop: 56 Mil

84: The Republic of AA 1
Pop: 174 Mil

85: The Republic of AA 14
Pop: 178 Mil

86: The Republic of AA 15
Pop: 174 Mil

87: The Republic of Aa 26
Pop: 168 Mil

88: The Republic of Aa 31
Pop: 172 Mil

89: The Republic of Aa 33
Pop: 170 Mil

90: The Republic of AA 4
Pop: 180 Mil

91: The Republic of Aa 43
Pop: 173 Mil

92: The Republic of Aa 45
Pop: 173 Mil

93: The Republic of Aa 48
Pop: 174 Mil

94: The Republic of Aa 49
Pop: 169 Mil

95: The Republic of Aa 52
Pop: 160 Mil

96: The Republic of Aa 63
Pop: 161 Mil

97: The Republic of Aa 76
Pop: 164 Mil

98: The Republic of Aa 94
Pop: 160 Mil

99: The United States of Aaaaaaamerica
Pop: 16 Mil

100: The United States of Aamul
Pop: 32 Mil

101: The Federation of Aamul1
Pop: 32 Mil

102: The United States of Aamul4
Pop: 14 Mil

103: The Republic of Aaraniae
Pop: 10 Mil

104: The Empire of Aarhand
Pop: 56 Mil

105: The Empire of Ababs
Pop: 36 Mil

106: The Republic of Abarri
Pop: 16,263 Mil

107: The Sultanate of ABC123 113
Pop: 9,063 Mil

108: The Matriarchy of ABC123 117
Pop: 9,107 Mil

109: The Most Serene Republic of ABC123 137
Pop: 9,100 Mil

110: The Dictatorship of ABC123 140
Pop: 9,130 Mil

111: The Allied States of ABC123 141
Pop: 9,010 Mil

112: The Rogue Nation of ABC123 145
Pop: 9,069 Mil

113: The ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? of ABC123 54
Pop: 12,575 Mil

114: The of ABC123 55
Pop: 12,532 Mil

115: The ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? of ABC123 56
Pop: 12,315 Mil

116: The of ABC123 57
Pop: 12,374 Mil

117: The ???? ???? of ABC123 60
Pop: 12,290 Mil

118: The ???? ???? ???? of ABC123 65
Pop: 12,329 Mil

119: The Republic of ABC123 74
Pop: 11,057 Mil

120: The Republic of ABC123 79
Pop: 11,031 Mil

121: The Republic of ABC123 81
Pop: 11,011 Mil

122: The Republic of ABC123 83
Pop: 11,039 Mil

123: The Republic of ABC123 98
Pop: 10,995 Mil

124: The Republic of ABC123 99
Pop: 11,021 Mil

125: The United States of Aboutblank3
Pop: 318 Mil

126: The Republic of Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP
Pop: 4,226 Mil

127: The Republic of Abraham Lincoln NHA
Pop: 4,206 Mil

128: The Armed Republic of Abrams1
Pop: 29 Mil

129: The Sultanate of Absolute Memes
Pop: 108 Mil

130: The Democratic Republic of Absonia Durgiengs
Pop: 32 Mil

131: The People's Republic of Absurdanistan
Pop: 16 Mil

132: The Armed Republic of Abythar
Pop: 62 Mil

133: The Republic of Access Devices
Pop: 302 Mil

134: The Community of Achianchoim
Pop: 14 Mil

135: The Incorporated States of Acropolord
Pop: 16,204 Mil

136: The Democratic Republic of Acvbhjki
Pop: 12 Mil

137: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ad socialistDefenceCollective
Pop: 26 Mil

138: The Free Land of Adalti
Pop: 279 Mil

139: The Republic of Adamstaun
Pop: 20 Mil

140: The Nomadic Peoples of Add Ripple Effect and Gif
Pop: 11,039 Mil

141: The Dominion of Addictionisreal
Pop: 574 Mil

142: The Republic of Addlorian
Pop: 118 Mil

143: The Republic of Adfbjkosdcvhj
Pop: 92 Mil

144: The Kingdom of Adice
Pop: 7 Mil

145: The Republic of Adsfsd
Pop: 56 Mil

146: The Republic of Advance I
Pop: 23 Mil

147: The Armed Republic of Advena Holang
Pop: 114 Mil

148: The Nomadic Peoples of Aeglon
Pop: 239 Mil

149: The Kingdom of Aelith
Pop: 552 Mil

150: The Republic of Aem-15
Pop: 26 Mil

151: The Republic of Aem-78
Pop: 18 Mil

152: The Republic of Aem-85
Pop: 18 Mil

153: The Rogue Nation of AEMS
Pop: 7 Mil

154: The Theocracy of Aera-Viana-Terrak
Pop: 2,523 Mil

155: The Federation of Aes Nagalth
Pop: 16 Mil

156: The Dominion of Aetherion Realms
Pop: 12 Mil

157: The Holy and Industrious Empire of Aetherium-Machina
Pop: 24,872 Mil

158: The Holy Empire of Afghamany
Pop: 74 Mil

159: The Islamic Republic of Afghanestan
Pop: 4,368 Mil

160: The Imperial Kingdom of Aflar
Pop: 1,565 Mil

161: The Empire of Afria Thebel
Pop: 4,998 Mil

162: The Empire of After taking a break in TSP Merlin
Pop: 9,250 Mil

163: The Free Land of Ag SocialistDefenceCollective
Pop: 26 Mil

164: The Kingdom of Agartha2
Pop: 16 Mil

165: The United Socialist States of Age Noice
Pop: 241 Mil

166: The Puppet of Age of Dystopia of Age of Neutrality
Pop: 5,647 Mil

167: The Most Serene Republic of Aggicificicerous
Pop: 38,838 Mil

168: The Sultanate of Aglon
Pop: 242 Mil

169: The Republic of Agorus
Pop: 22,194 Mil

170: The Republic of Agriti
Pop: 109 Mil

171: The Federal Republic of Agromato
Pop: 10 Mil

172: The Republic of AGUAQUENTE
Pop: 40 Mil

173: The Semi-Autonomous Region of Agwa Province
Pop: 1,748 Mil

174: The Republic of Ahh iva ahh
Pop: 56 Mil

175: The Kingdom of Ahmedesse
Pop: 6 Mil

176: The Divine Owl of Aidenfieeld
Pop: 16,326 Mil

177: The Colony of AIFER BULFONG
Pop: 543 Mil

178: The Free Land of Aikidojo
Pop: 931 Mil

179: The Free Palestine of Aina Kuokoa
Pop: 3,005 Mil

180: The Confederacy of AinablA RennI
Pop: 1,427 Mil

181: The Cyber Princedom of Ainzgloria
Pop: 7,178 Mil

182: The Equitable Free Society of Aionia
Pop: 22,159 Mil

183: The Republic of AirMagnet
Pop: 330 Mil

184: The Republic of Airplane Cockpit
Pop: 56 Mil

185: The Multi-Species Republic of Airy Ecosystem
Pop: 11,275 Mil

186: The Eccentric Republic of Airy Trees
Pop: 11,378 Mil

187: The Commonwealth of Ajejestan
Pop: 10,179 Mil

188: The United Empire of Akarina
Pop: 2,782 Mil

189: The Federal Republic of Akory
Pop: 213 Mil

190: The Republic of Akrahsistan
Pop: 50 Mil

191: The Empire of Akriaa
Pop: 10 Mil

192: The Kingdom of Akrista
Pop: 341 Mil

193: The Republic of Al Jazeera
Pop: 36 Mil

194: The Theocracy of Al khawarij
Pop: 79 Mil

195: The United States of Al Khilafah
Pop: 56 Mil

196: The Emirate of Al Madhaa
Pop: 8,158 Mil

197: The Eldritch Abomination of Al-Khadhulu
Pop: 44,908 Mil

198: The Federation of ALaLaLand
Pop: 239 Mil

199: The Kingdom of Alanodo
Pop: 40 Mil

200: The Republic of Alarnach
Pop: 32 Mil

201: The Kingdom of Alberta47
Pop: 10 Mil

202: The Rogue Nation of Aldis
Pop: 96 Mil

203: The Dominion of Aldmeri
Pop: 62 Mil

204: The Democratic States of Aldoviam
Pop: 14 Mil

205: The People's Republic of Aleksey aka Great
Pop: 86 Mil

206: The Most Serene Republic of Aleszoria
Pop: 174 Mil

207: The Republic of Aleutian WWII National Historic Area
Pop: 4,189 Mil

208: The Republic of Alexander Beliavsky
Pop: 771 Mil

209: The Empire of Alexander III
Pop: 15,399 Mil

210: The Republic of Alexandru Crisan
Pop: 279 Mil

211: The Holy Moly Gold of Alf Landon
Pop: 33,315 Mil

212: The Default Land of Algodoo
Pop: 2,469 Mil

213: The Kingdom of Alianova
Pop: 20 Mil

214: The Republic of Alibanda
Pop: 2,348 Mil

215: The Thievery of Alice Parker
Pop: 27,179 Mil

216: The Nomadic Peoples of Alien Mermaids
Pop: 13,726 Mil

217: The Community of Alineam
Pop: 6 Mil

218: The Empire of Alireza Firouzja
Pop: 759 Mil

219: The Queendom of Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou
Pop: 1,671 Mil

220: The Holy Empire of Alishara
Pop: 7,888 Mil

221: The Jewish Democratic Republic of Alkzine
Pop: 11,349 Mil

222: The Empire of All Dawn
Pop: 182 Mil

223: The Republic of All the freedom-
Pop: 265 Mil

224: The Republic of All Wild Frontier
Pop: 3,826 Mil

225: The Confederacy of All-American Confederacy
Pop: 573 Mil

226: The Republic of Allanya
Pop: 45 Mil

227: The Federal Republic of Allatoona
Pop: 246 Mil

228: The Republic of Alleipe
Pop: 260 Mil

229: The Empire of Allied France and Germany empire
Pop: 103 Mil

230: The Allied States of Allied status of Hong Kong
Pop: 26 Mil

231: The Confederacy of Allowrie
Pop: 16 Mil

232: The Protectorate of Alltin
Pop: 9,545 Mil

233: The Community of Almaitai
Pop: 109 Mil

234: The Republic of Almighty Franklin
Pop: 314 Mil

235: The Republic of Almirus1
Pop: 6,142 Mil

236: The Democratic States of Almondville
Pop: 865 Mil

237: The Holy Learned Wisdom of Almukhtabi
Pop: 16,852 Mil

238: The Republic of Alo cdhsglnzsKF Cjdzxfkncgxzkuvsddcjufzs
Pop: 56 Mil

239: The United States of Alpeninische region
Pop: 62 Mil

240: The Republic of Alpha Gadget
Pop: 26 Mil

241: The Confederacy of Alpsacisa
Pop: 559 Mil

242: The Kingdom of Alsalam
Pop: 62 Mil

243: The Republic of Alsalvia
Pop: 777 Mil

244: The Federation of Alsla
Pop: 36 Mil

245: The Republic of Alt Alt 5
Pop: 12 Mil

246: The Republic of Alt Alt 6
Pop: 12 Mil

247: The Republic of Alt Alt 9
Pop: 12 Mil

248: The Cayon Democratic Republic of Altnavia
Pop: 7,175 Mil

249: The Republic of Altnumber25
Pop: 32 Mil

250: The Republic of Altnumber26
Pop: 20 Mil

251: The Democratic Republic of Alvaloniya
Pop: 26 Mil

252: The Kingdom of Alvarraine
Pop: 277 Mil

253: The Allied Nations of Alvira
Pop: 4,027 Mil

254: The Free Land of Alvorada Dourada
Pop: 67 Mil

255: The Democratic States of Alyssa Blackwood
Pop: 36 Mil

256: The Democratic Community of Amazon States
Pop: 1,347 Mil

257: The Queendom of Ambitchous
Pop: 7,553 Mil

258: The Matriarchy of Ame Seed
Pop: 257 Mil

259: The Republic of Amelian Anarchic Party
Pop: 56 Mil

260: The Republic of Amelian Tyrannical Party
Pop: 56 Mil

261: The United States of America Gone Wrong
Pop: 7,277 Mil

262: The United States of America Returns
Pop: 16 Mil

263: The Dictatorship of American Descendants of Slaves
Pop: 382 Mil

264: The Federation of American Gaza
Pop: 14 Mil

265: The Republic of American Social States
Pop: 23 Mil

266: The United States of Americuz
Pop: 10 Mil

267: The ???? Admiral General ???? of Amerion
Pop: 23,685 Mil

268: The Ice-cream loving state of Amerionia
Pop: 19,275 Mil

269: The Republic of Amernouth
Pop: 26 Mil

270: The Arab Republic of Amjadwashere
Pop: 2,089 Mil

271: The Colony of Ammast
Pop: 20 Mil

272: The Republic of Ammatica
Pop: 453 Mil

273: The Rogue Nation of Ammehoela
Pop: 5,807 Mil

274: The Sklorpgorbs hot spouse of Ammmericaaaa
Pop: 4,164 Mil

275: The Federation of Amnerika
Pop: 92 Mil

276: The Republic of Amonguitos
Pop: 7,216 Mil

277: The Federation of Amorem
Pop: 1,780 Mil

278: The People's Republic of Amorosa
Pop: 23 Mil

279: The Cossack Outpost of Amur Cossaks
Pop: 6,481 Mil

280: The Constitutional Monarchy of Amutien
Pop: 12,665 Mil

281: The Republic of Amy Santiago
Pop: 3,612 Mil

282: The Democratic States of Anacosta
Pop: 158 Mil

283: The Empire of Anacre
Pop: 29 Mil

284: The Democratic Republic of Anamotaria
Pop: 20 Mil

285: The Rogue Nation of Anarchysons
Pop: 107 Mil

286: The Puppet of Anarco Argentina-Official Embassies
Pop: 1,384 Mil

287: The Free Land of Anarcopolistao
Pop: 29 Mil

288: The Empire of Anarome
Pop: 2,570 Mil

289: The Republic of Anatrics
Pop: 100 Mil

290: The Republic of Ancasia
Pop: 81 Mil

291: The Commonwealth of Ancaswafiqing
Pop: 2,574 Mil

292: The Republic of Anchors Islands
Pop: 1,920 Mil

293: The Serene Dominion of Ancient Slobovia
Pop: 37,135 Mil

294: The Socialist Republic of Ancrautistan
Pop: 5,274 Mil

295: The Republic of Andernoples Archipelago
Pop: 192 Mil

296: The Federal Republic of Andoversi
Pop: 125 Mil

297: The Commonwealth of Andracs
Pop: 1,016 Mil

298: The Kingdom of Andrast
Pop: 337 Mil

299: The Principality of Andrea Transmons
Pop: 12,587 Mil

300: The Sultanate of AndreiFC
Pop: 62 Mil

301: The Axolotl Empire of Andrendia
Pop: 7,873 Mil

302: The Democratic States of Andrew united
Pop: 12 Mil

303: The Confederacy of Andropolia
Pop: 16,669 Mil

304: The People's republic of Anduna
Pop: 1,564 Mil

305: The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
Pop: 1,690 Mil

306: The Oppressed Peoples of Anemy
Pop: 97 Mil

307: The Borderlands of Aneoluin
Pop: 20 Mil

308: The Imaginative Land of Angel in Abnormal
Pop: 2,682 Mil

309: The Most Serene Republic of Angeles
Pop: 3,071 Mil

310: The Republic of Angerax
Pop: 101 Mil

311: The Empire of Anglischland Kaiserreich
Pop: 4,035 Mil

312: The Authoritarian Wrath of Anglo-Franco Union
Pop: 4,568 Mil

313: The Imp?rio of Angola portuguesada
Pop: 2,051 Mil

314: The Principality of Angry birds victory
Pop: 91 Mil

315: The Dictatorship of Angry Town
Pop: 1,450 Mil

316: The Kingdom of Anhedral
Pop: 302 Mil

317: The Unified Socialist Republics of Anhtegna
Pop: 1,013 Mil

318: The III Republic of Anilitty
Pop: 7,668 Mil

319: The Republic of Animators
Pop: 1,733 Mil

320: The Federation of Anna Airters
Pop: 6,182 Mil

321: The Most Serene Republic of Annaheim
Pop: 4,522 Mil

322: The Democratic States of Annakova
Pop: 16 Mil

323: The Confederation of Antarctic Colonies
Pop: 7,282 Mil

324: The Endorse me of Antarctic Empires
Pop: 16,013 Mil

325: The Empire of Antares Imperial
Pop: 26 Mil

326: The United States of Antiffinia
Pop: 100 Mil

327: The Empire of Antilla
Pop: 20,835 Mil

328: The People's Republic of Antiphon
Pop: 14 Mil

329: The ProfessionalWebsite of Antlandsia
Pop: 1,860 Mil

330: The United Socialist States of Antlithia
Pop: 26 Mil

331: The Community of Antual Christi
Pop: 97 Mil

332: The Community of ANuadh
Pop: 10,672 Mil

333: The Armed Republic of Anzarcherokiania
Pop: 12 Mil

334: The Incorporated States of Aodmara
Pop: 99 Mil

335: The Armed Republic of Aon
Pop: 552 Mil

336: The Republic of Aonadh na Gaidhlig
Pop: 108 Mil

337: The Free Land of AOOOOOOH
Pop: 45 Mil

338: The Democratic Republic of Apeccaland
Pop: 445 Mil

339: The Commonwealth of Apeshi
Pop: 32 Mil

340: The Rogue Nation of Appalachian Free Republic
Pop: 113 Mil

341: The Republic of Aprendi
Pop: 40 Mil

342: The Most Serene Republic of Apyxyaphoria
Pop: 356 Mil

343: The Kingdom of Aquast
Pop: 5,027 Mil

344: The Democratic Republic of Aqueno
Pop: 98 Mil

345: The Rogue Nation of Aquila Audax
Pop: 3,494 Mil

346: The Federation of Aquono
Pop: 98 Mil

347: The Dictatorship of Araania
Pop: 7 Mil

348: The Dominion of Araednam
Pop: 18 Mil

349: The Empire of Aranadine
Pop: 69 Mil

350: The Queendom of Aransum
Pop: 36 Mil

351: The Holy Empire of Arapahine Republic
Pop: 120 Mil

352: The Empire of Araponga
Pop: 56 Mil

353: The Free Land of Arborrobra
Pop: 2,542 Mil

354: The Theocracy of Arcebispado de Turquel
Pop: 109 Mil

355: The Republic of Arch Dornan
Pop: 8,805 Mil

356: The Empire of Archaic
Pop: 14 Mil

357: The Republic of Archilochus
Pop: 217 Mil

358: The Libertarian States of Archipel Sempi
Pop: 1,051 Mil

359: The Federal Republic of Arcilistopheslan
Pop: 10 Mil

360: The Kingdom of Ardany
Pop: 3,401 Mil

361: The Republic of Ardlaand
Pop: 26 Mil

362: The Kingdom of Areldum
Pop: 67 Mil

363: The Republic of Arelplace
Pop: 17,657 Mil

364: The Kingdom of Arendelle-Scandinavia
Pop: 7,476 Mil

365: The Federation of Arendica
Pop: 113 Mil

366: The Federal Republic of Arennia
Pop: 8,735 Mil

367: The Matriarchy of Aretis
Pop: 40 Mil

368: The Kingdom of Argeetrustion
Pop: 10 Mil

369: The Republic of Argentinous
Pop: 187 Mil

370: The United Kingdom of Argentum blu-ciel
Pop: 9 Mil

371: The Holy Empire of Argion
Pop: 7 Mil

372: The Republic of Arhanistan
Pop: 8,186 Mil

373: The Federal Republic of Arhess
Pop: 6,129 Mil

374: The Cat of ARIA HOLONS
Pop: 4,231 Mil

375: The Empire of Arilium
Pop: 56 Mil

376: The Grand Duchy of Arinau
Pop: 663 Mil

377: The Kingdom of Arkanania
Pop: 86 Mil

378: The Republic of Arkansas Post Memorial
Pop: 4,277 Mil

379: The Community of Arkansas vault tec
Pop: 149 Mil

380: The Bloody Mary Husband of Arlandias
Pop: 6,977 Mil

381: The Republic of Arnaridestan
Pop: 4,246 Mil

382: The Holy Empire of Arrakis Empire
Pop: 98 Mil

383: The Imperium of Arscanesia
Pop: 7,356 Mil

384: The Federation of Arsebal
Pop: 18 Mil

385: The Commonwealth of Arsechala
Pop: 17,941 Mil

386: The Republic of Artholin
Pop: 183 Mil

387: The Colony of Artichnov
Pop: 223 Mil

388: The Oppressed Peoples of ArtificialIntelligence
Pop: 1,803 Mil

389: The Empire of Artoym
Pop: 78 Mil

390: The Armed Republic of Artrocka
Pop: 79 Mil

391: The Federal Republic of Arugastan
Pop: 4,884 Mil

392: The Empire of Arusliya
Pop: 88 Mil

393: The Constitutional Monarchy of Ary Cya Dovanland
Pop: 20 Mil

394: The Democratic Republic of Arzaia
Pop: 78 Mil

395: The Dictatorship of Arzolva
Pop: 1,132 Mil

396: The Nomadic Peoples of As cause he took out the toilet seat so
Pop: 798 Mil

397: The Holy Empire of Ascendrius
Pop: 45 Mil

398: The Republic of Asdasrt
Pop: 20 Mil

399: The Republic of AsdfLand
Pop: 217 Mil

400: The Confederacy of Aserbengadesh
Pop: 20 Mil

401: The Fiefdom of Ash Alla
Pop: 32 Mil

402: The Federal Republic of Ashkebaggi
Pop: 16 Mil

403: The Uncertain State of Ashmoria
Pop: 45,562 Mil

404: The Allied States of Asia and Pacific
Pop: 14,917 Mil

405: The Republic of Asia Consonientioalt
Pop: 105 Mil

406: The Voxist Republic of Askait Eskesh
Pop: 960 Mil

407: The Empire of Askeladd
Pop: 72 Mil

408: The Confederacy of Asmarad
Pop: 793 Mil

409: The Kingdom of Asok Stuan Scholialand
Pop: 130 Mil

410: The Republic of Aspertuhhhh
Pop: 84 Mil

411: The Federal Republic of Asradiana
Pop: 107 Mil

412: The Principality of Associats
Pop: 26 Mil

413: The Republic of Astameny
Pop: 45 Mil

414: The Republic of Astraelana
Pop: 390 Mil

415: The Federal Republic of Asurak
Pop: 9 Mil

416: The Free Land of Athegas
Pop: 26 Mil

417: The Republic of Athena 18
Pop: 125 Mil

418: The Republic of Athena 22
Pop: 125 Mil

419: The Republic of Athena 35
Pop: 110 Mil

420: The Republic of Athena 36
Pop: 112 Mil

421: The Republic of Athena 37
Pop: 110 Mil

422: The Republic of Athena 49
Pop: 23 Mil

423: The Republic of Athena 50
Pop: 23 Mil

424: The Republic of Athena 53
Pop: 12 Mil

425: The Republic of Athena 70
Pop: 12 Mil

426: The Empire of Athhlantico
Pop: 26 Mil

427: The Kingdom of Athura
Pop: 36 Mil

428: The Republic of Atlantius
Pop: 176 Mil

429: The Republic of Atlas Ocean Voyages
Pop: 140 Mil

430: The Republic of Atlas-
Pop: 1,141 Mil

431: The Dominion of Atomic Garden
Pop: 26,457 Mil

432: The Dictatorship of Atrikedesch Greisland
Pop: 663 Mil

433: The Republic of Attevongla
Pop: 4,276 Mil

434: The Empire of Atturaya
Pop: 45 Mil

435: The Holy Empire of Aubreiland
Pop: 112 Mil

436: The Commonwealth of Auction
Pop: 89 Mil

437: The Kingdom of Auesis
Pop: 272 Mil

438: The United Kingdom of Aukca
Pop: 134 Mil

439: The ???? Tropical Biscuit Paradi of Aumeltopia
Pop: 12,451 Mil

440: The Sultanate of Aurastis
Pop: 62 Mil

441: The Great Millenary Empire of Aurcania
Pop: 13,953 Mil

442: The Queendom of Auronian
Pop: 56 Mil

443: The Commonwealth of Aurora Polonica
Pop: 20 Mil

444: The Balkanic Empire of Aurorastan
Pop: 1,143 Mil

445: The Dictatorship of Austin republic1
Pop: 18 Mil

446: The Democratic Republic of Austinsas
Pop: 9 Mil

447: The Colony of Austral and Itapau Islands
Pop: 23,227 Mil

448: The Federation of Australis Pacifica
Pop: 86 Mil

449: The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungaria
Pop: 5,405 Mil

450: The Empire of Austro-Hungarian Confederation
Pop: 565 Mil

451: The Federation of Austro-Hungarian Republics
Pop: 26 Mil

452: The Grand Duchy of Austromenia
Pop: 82 Mil

453: The The smile of Authoritarian Hegemony
Pop: 6,495 Mil

454: The Dictatorship of AuthorityRules
Pop: 476 Mil

455: The Theocracy of Autoyes
Pop: 955 Mil

456: The Kingdom of Autrice
Pop: 154 Mil

457: The Dictatorship of Auviantan Outh Islands
Pop: 6,273 Mil

458: The Armed Republic of Avahland
Pop: 26 Mil

459: The Constitutional Monarchy of Avalon Nouveau
Pop: 30,744 Mil

460: The Empire of Avantiah
Pop: 85 Mil

461: The Democratic States of Avarene
Pop: 18,675 Mil

462: The Kingdom of Avarielle
Pop: 16 Mil

463: The Empire of Avctria
Pop: 1,079 Mil

464: The Protectorate of Avid vola petea and ammmericaaaa fan
Pop: 206 Mil

465: The Wizarding World of Avonhead
Pop: 25,460 Mil

466: The Republic of Awakening-
Pop: 339 Mil

467: The Republic of Aweentitante33
Pop: 2,844 Mil

468: The Republic of Aweentitante37
Pop: 2,689 Mil

469: The Empire of Aweentitante55
Pop: 2,726 Mil

470: The Empire of Imperia of Awesome Imperium
Pop: 6,866 Mil

471: The Republic of AWS
Pop: 5,404 Mil

472: The Democratic Republic of Axdrvelgia
Pop: 8 Mil

473: The Nomadic Peoples of Ay from me on the bench there and the ha
Pop: 777 Mil

474: The Sultanate of Ayannia
Pop: 1,838 Mil

475: The Empire of AYOODHYA
Pop: 605 Mil

476: The Empire of Ayyubid Sultanate
Pop: 10 Mil

477: The Republic of Azaante
Pop: 1,751 Mil

478: The Emirate of Azarbaikan
Pop: 6 Mil

479: The Principality of Azelkolostand
Pop: 77 Mil

480: The Dictatorship of Azertyuiop
Pop: 13,757 Mil

481: The Space Empire of Azur Cael
Pop: 1,428 Mil

482: The United Stratocracy of Azur Lane-UNSC
Pop: 8,335 Mil

483: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 62
Pop: 274 Mil

484: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 68
Pop: 271 Mil

485: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 78
Pop: 276 Mil

486: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 83
Pop: 276 Mil

487: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 91
Pop: 276 Mil

488: The Armed Republic of B-1 Specter Div 96
Pop: 271 Mil

489: The Grand Duchy of B00m them
Pop: 16 Mil

490: The Republic of B3 Radio Remote Unit
Pop: 298 Mil

491: The Republic of B8 Radio Remote Unit
Pop: 297 Mil

492: The Holy Empire of Babandatanana
Pop: 10 Mil

493: The Republic of Babcia
Pop: 106 Mil

494: The Sisters' Commune of Babnbl
Pop: 13,783 Mil

495: The Oppressed Peoples of Babushkas Basement X
Pop: 10 Mil

496: The Free Land of Back to the Future Time Capsule
Pop: 10,233 Mil

497: The Armed Republic of Bacno
Pop: 455 Mil

498: The Empire of Badarth Card Farm
Pop: 45 Mil

499: The Empire of Badger Wind
Pop: 27,068 Mil

500: The Kingdom of BAGDEGA
Pop: 1,522 Mil

501: The Community of Baggeshinater
Pop: 98 Mil

502: The Republic of Baldwinia
Pop: 932 Mil

503: The Socialist Nation of Balea
Pop: 10,438 Mil

504: The Trump - Vance 2024 of Balisca
Pop: 6,795 Mil

505: The Republic of Ballaria
Pop: 16 Mil

506: The Federation of Balldo
Pop: 56 Mil

507: The Most Serene Republic of Balthrors Sach
Pop: 305 Mil

508: The Republic of Baltimore NHA
Pop: 4,177 Mil

509: The Federal Republic of Baltrum
Pop: 405 Mil

510: The Republic of Bamalae
Pop: 6 Mil

511: The People's Republic of Bandaranaike
Pop: 16 Mil

512: The Sultanate of Bangi Land
Pop: 114 Mil

513: The Dominion of Banieltopia
Pop: 4,946 Mil

514: The Democratic Republic of Banjango
Pop: 106 Mil

515: The Empire of Bannananannannanann
Pop: 91 Mil

516: The Parangaricutirim?cuaro SSR of Barateh
Pop: 764 Mil

517: The Planet of Barbarella
Pop: 3,786 Mil

518: The Empire of Bardonno
Pop: 3,656 Mil

519: The Constitutional Monarchy of Barok
Pop: 24,960 Mil

520: The Republic of Barovnia
Pop: 339 Mil

521: The Emirate of Barsiristan
Pop: 99 Mil

522: The Republic of Bartholomew J Simpson
Pop: 56 Mil

523: The Humanist Republic of Bartonia Nova
Pop: 6,364 Mil

524: The Corporate Federal States of Baskiva
Pop: 4,439 Mil

525: The Democratic Republic of Baskrol Republican Country
Pop: 10 Mil

526: The Borderlands of Baspheel
Pop: 685 Mil

527: The Republic of Battle b
Pop: 18 Mil

528: The Federation of Bavaristan
Pop: 9,449 Mil

529: The Federal Republic of Bayerkina
Pop: 125 Mil

530: The Free Land of Baymards
Pop: 174 Mil

531: The Free Land of Baymbrorlermarthe
Pop: 12 Mil

532: The People's Republic of Bazilisco
Pop: 2,706 Mil

533: The Federation of Be Sharaf amrika
Pop: 32 Mil

534: The Awesome World of Bear Canyon Apartments
Pop: 6,580 Mil

535: The United States of Beau Four
Pop: 987 Mil

536: The Federation of Beblahbleblo
Pop: 8,416 Mil

537: The Republic of Beckham country
Pop: 526 Mil

538: The Republic of Beddany
Pop: 26 Mil

539: The Kingdom of Bedworth
Pop: 81 Mil

540: The Disputed Territories of Bee Lsanterinomeface
Pop: 1,806 Mil

541: The Tastiest Parts of Beepee
Pop: 15,279 Mil

542: The Exiled Hivemind Colony of BEEstreetz
Pop: 5,771 Mil

543: The Federal Republic of Beglocia
Pop: 272 Mil

544: The People's Republic of Bekrut
Pop: 8,874 Mil

545: The Republic of Belandburg
Pop: 14 Mil

546: The Republic of Belarusian 30
Pop: 6 Mil

547: The Holy Empire of Belarusian great mighty Union
Pop: 108 Mil

548: The Republic of Belatiel
Pop: 14 Mil

549: The Chaotic City of Beleartis
Pop: 18,619 Mil

550: The Incorporated States of Belerist Republic
Pop: 138 Mil

551: The Disputed Territories of Beletrea
Pop: 85 Mil

552: The Island Republic of Belililou
Pop: 44,430 Mil

553: The Cantankerous Curmudgeon of Belschaft
Pop: 36,519 Mil

554: The Republic of Ben doverformoi
Pop: 29 Mil

555: The Military Republic of Benese
Pop: 3,557 Mil

556: The D-force Guarded Rogue Nation of Benesean protectorate
Pop: 2,649 Mil

557: The Republic of Benjamin Franklin Memorial
Pop: 4,161 Mil

558: The Emirate of Benzinistan
Pop: 40 Mil

559: The Republic of Berca Sibetrian
Pop: 2,277 Mil

560: The Great City of Berene
Pop: 9,840 Mil

561: The Commonwealth of Bergeniot
Pop: 82 Mil

562: The Republican Provinces of Berijonwa
Pop: 1,814 Mil

563: The Community of Berniesanderabia
Pop: 36 Mil

564: The Federal Republic of Besern
Pop: 12,986 Mil

565: The Colony of Betarta
Pop: 109 Mil

566: The Federal Republic of Betha Blackwood
Pop: 36 Mil

567: The Democratic Republic of Bharratstan
Pop: 62 Mil

568: The Republic of Biarsano
Pop: 20 Mil

569: The Republic of Bibya
Pop: 1,704 Mil

570: The Republic of Big Hole National Battlefield
Pop: 4,216 Mil

571: The Republic of Big Machete
Pop: 23 Mil

572: The Republic of Bigbackss
Pop: 8 Mil

573: The Republic of BigBallers
Pop: 62 Mil

574: The Confederacy of Biggest black market
Pop: 81 Mil

575: The Republic of Biggie Cheese 4
Pop: 23 Mil

576: The United States of Bikini boton
Pop: 67 Mil

577: The Most Serene Republic of Billy Bong Bong
Pop: 23 Mil

578: The Empire of Bimhina
Pop: 8 Mil

579: The United Socialist States of Binale
Pop: 88 Mil

580: The Incorporated States of Biotechnica
Pop: 5,048 Mil

581: The Republic of Bipitru
Pop: 32 Mil

582: The Republic of Birs Doodalsion
Pop: 462 Mil

583: The Queendom of Birtane Haven
Pop: 4,253 Mil

584: The Community of Bis Bis
Pop: 32 Mil

585: The United Socialist States of Bisivitastavas
Pop: 541 Mil

586: The Kingdom of Bisonor
Pop: 191 Mil

587: The Republic of Biyalia
Pop: 204 Mil

588: The Rogue Nation of Bizarra
Pop: 109 Mil

589: The Republic of Blaats CCG
Pop: 13,216 Mil

590: The People's Republic of Blachyozorin
Pop: 15,455 Mil

591: The Vampire Syndicate of Black Ivars
Pop: 43,622 Mil

592: The Incorporated States of Blackrock Ltd
Pop: 658 Mil

593: The Democratic Republic of Bladaris Bric
Pop: 88 Mil

594: The Holy Empire of Blairs worst nightmare
Pop: 68 Mil

595: The Empire of Blanshisani
Pop: 694 Mil

596: The Emocratic States of Blarania
Pop: 1,092 Mil

597: The Please Don't Open That of Bleakfoot
Pop: 11,413 Mil

598: The Borderlands of Blehhh1321
Pop: 168 Mil

599: The Free Land of Blenderstan
Pop: 1,702 Mil

600: The Republic of Blevaria
Pop: 694 Mil

601: The United Socialist States of Blockia
Pop: 29 Mil

602: The Rogue Nation of Bloodtithe
Pop: 36 Mil

603: The Vampiric Empire of Bloody Buttered Blooming Onions
Pop: 9,460 Mil

604: The Holy Empire of Bloom Borne
Pop: 582 Mil

605: The Holy Empire of Bloomburrow
Pop: 468 Mil

606: The Islamic People's Republic of Blothia
Pop: 8,912 Mil

607: The Holy Empire of Blue Colored Paper
Pop: 36 Mil

608: The Republic of Blue Ridge NHA
Pop: 4,165 Mil

609: The Republic of BNBCN
Pop: 5,426 Mil

610: The Republic of Boabab
Pop: 103 Mil

611: The Republic of Bohenia
Pop: 10,603 Mil

612: The Federation of Boikissia
Pop: 26 Mil

613: The Republic of Bolide
Pop: 89 Mil

614: The Democratic Republic of Bolivia nacionalista
Pop: 9 Mil

615: The Domination of Bolshevik Socialist Republic
Pop: 1,165 Mil

616: The People's Republic of Bombers
Pop: 4,986 Mil

617: The Republic of Bomtatia
Pop: 12 Mil

618: The Empire of Bonese
Pop: 1,121 Mil

619: The Community of Bonkers Isle
Pop: 273 Mil

620: The Empire of Bonobiana
Pop: 6,605 Mil

621: The Republic of Boom52
Pop: 80 Mil

622: The People's Republic of Boquetia
Pop: 23 Mil

623: The Republic of Borium Faria
Pop: 7 Mil

624: The Federation of Bortus
Pop: 394 Mil

625: The Democratic Republic of Boschey
Pop: 80 Mil

626: The Armed Republic of Boscuria
Pop: 491 Mil

627: The Republic of Boston Patriots
Pop: 658 Mil

628: The Republic of Bothans
Pop: 767 Mil

629: The Kingdom of Botr
Pop: 12 Mil

630: The Democratic Republic of Botswana69420
Pop: 23 Mil

631: The Democratic Republic of Botswana694206969
Pop: 23 Mil

632: The Theocracy of Bouncedu
Pop: 10 Mil

633: The Allied States of Bourgeois Bolivia
Pop: 826 Mil

634: The Republic of Boweinal Stakujsber
Pop: 14 Mil

635: The United States of Bowen and jax
Pop: 94 Mil

636: The Federation of Boyarin
Pop: 45 Mil

637: The Empire of Boyozekipeopion
Pop: 36 Mil

638: The Republic of BPCEight
Pop: 45 Mil

639: The Republic of BPCFifteen
Pop: 45 Mil

640: The Republic of BPCNine
Pop: 45 Mil

641: The Republic of BPCSeven
Pop: 45 Mil

642: The Republic of BPCThirtyEight
Pop: 45 Mil

643: The Republic of BPCThirtyOne
Pop: 45 Mil

644: The Republic of BPCTwenty
Pop: 45 Mil

645: The Commonwealth of Brac
Pop: 25,079 Mil

646: The Dictatorship of Brainrot123
Pop: 18 Mil

647: The Confederacy of Brandi cosmic society
Pop: 120 Mil

648: The Kingdom of BransonIsKing
Pop: 284 Mil

649: The Republic of Brasil Soberano
Pop: 7 Mil

650: The Empire of Brasiluxa
Pop: 114 Mil

651: The Empire of Brasvenia
Pop: 587 Mil

652: The Queendom of Braynrautia
Pop: 80 Mil

653: The Federation of Brazil-Angola
Pop: 15,636 Mil

654: The Empire of Breedenville
Pop: 56 Mil

655: The Federal Republic of Bremford
Pop: 85 Mil

656: The Empire of Brenhiniaeth Cymru
Pop: 2,661 Mil

657: The Allied States of Brestarkrapa
Pop: 26 Mil

658: The Empire of Brevn
Pop: 81 Mil

659: The Republic of Brianza
Pop: 117 Mil

660: The Kingdom of Bridgerton
Pop: 8,829 Mil

661: The Republic of Bright Demon
Pop: 14 Mil

662: The Federal Republic of Brisketania
Pop: 7,625 Mil

663: The Kingdom of Britinthia
Pop: 8,946 Mil

664: The Constitutional Monarchy of British Falkland Islands
Pop: 11,901 Mil

665: The Colony of British Pitcairn Islands
Pop: 12,086 Mil

666: The People's Republic of British Prica Shaetedenmook
Pop: 16 Mil

667: The Republic of British Staterticallicoria
Pop: 6 Mil

668: The Democratic States of Britsh nigeria
Pop: 76 Mil

669: The Empire of Brood
Pop: 40 Mil

670: The Grand Duchy of Brouth Ondist
Pop: 12 Mil

671: The Republic of Brtg
Pop: 103 Mil

672: The Sultanate of Brunei Acht
Pop: 962 Mil

673: The Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma
Pop: 25,779 Mil

674: The United Kingdom of Btoqua
Pop: 56 Mil

675: The Federation of Budababda
Pop: 231 Mil

676: The Free Land of Buddha Hand
Pop: 20 Mil

677: The Republic of Budmakippetic
Pop: 8 Mil

678: The Republic of Bueno Vista
Pop: 700 Mil

679: The Republic of Buffer1
Pop: 6 Mil

680: The Republic of Bulan Zeagime
Pop: 92 Mil

681: The Republic of Bulgarian republic 2
Pop: 101 Mil

682: The Holy Empire of Bulgarista
Pop: 20 Mil

683: The Free Land of Bunaxia
Pop: 87 Mil

684: The Free Land of Bundinland
Pop: 120 Mil

685: The Kingdom of Bundlesia
Pop: 103 Mil

686: The Empire of Bungalo Bill
Pop: 22,585 Mil

687: The Republic of BunnySuits
Pop: 18 Mil

688: The Republic of Burmeri
Pop: 62 Mil

689: The Democratic Republic of Burootsastan
Pop: 79 Mil

690: The Matriarchy of Buryatian countyballs
Pop: 794 Mil

691: The Empire of Buterlandia
Pop: 14 Mil

692: The United Socialist States of Buthre Theton
Pop: 1,955 Mil

693: The Republic of Buttholia
Pop: 10 Mil

694: The Democratic States of Byanaland
Pop: 1,282 Mil

695: The Republic of Byradocio
Pop: 385 Mil

696: The Republic of Byrum Anadre
Pop: 23 Mil

697: The Republic of C4i1g3vv39
Pop: 2,098 Mil

698: The People's Republic of Caacaria
Pop: 143 Mil

699: The Federal Republic of Cacetolandia
Pop: 9 Mil

700: The Republic of Cache la Poudre Wild and Scenic River
Pop: 4,267 Mil

701: The Protectorate of Caelant
Pop: 26,484 Mil

702: The Republic of Caelma
Pop: 11,002 Mil

703: The Grand Kingdom of Caenmont
Pop: 3,932 Mil

704: The Federal Republic of Cagne
Pop: 93 Mil

705: The Republic of Caguas
Pop: 24,425 Mil

706: The United States of Cagville
Pop: 7 Mil

707: The Republic of Caithland
Pop: 56 Mil

708: The Kingdom of Cakeitalism
Pop: 45 Mil

709: The Federal Republic of Calachian
Pop: 108 Mil

710: The Republic of Califato de Granada
Pop: 69 Mil

711: The Most Serene Eternal Republic of Calistan
Pop: 28,086 Mil

712: The Republic of Call Me Immortal-
Pop: 321 Mil

713: The Colony of Callco
Pop: 20 Mil

714: The Empire of Callus
Pop: 62 Mil

715: The Kingdom of CalOrWaBa
Pop: 3,981 Mil

716: The United Kingdom of Calp
Pop: 24,384 Mil

717: The Federation of Calvin of TSP
Pop: 20,085 Mil

718: The Democratic Republic of Camerun
Pop: 344 Mil

719: The United Socialist States of Cammyville
Pop: 95 Mil

720: The Rooms And Facilities of Campbell Inn
Pop: 7,011 Mil

721: The Republic of Canadian Rebellion
Pop: 62 Mil

722: The Oppressed Peoples of Canadian Reich repubic
Pop: 12 Mil

723: The United States of Canamerico and Greenland
Pop: 5,062 Mil

724: The Republic of Canamerifrance
Pop: 3,891 Mil

725: The Kingdom of Cancer-Leo
Pop: 109 Mil

726: The Republic of Cane River Creole NHP
Pop: 4,224 Mil

727: The Republic of Cane River NHA
Pop: 4,190 Mil

728: The Borderlands of Canglonfer Treshe
Pop: 69 Mil

729: The Kingdom of Canmore
Pop: 9,565 Mil

730: The People's Republic of Canton China
Pop: 56 Mil

731: The Commonwealth of Canton MA
Pop: 7,227 Mil

732: The People's Republic of Cao Guan
Pop: 244 Mil

733: The Republic of Caobsia
Pop: 6,449 Mil

734: The Dominion of Caoin Roll
Pop: 373 Mil

735: The United States of Capitalanialand
Pop: 109 Mil

736: The Colony of Captain Curly
Pop: 483 Mil

737: The Kingdom of Capyrialo
Pop: 20 Mil

738: The United Socialist States of Carbello
Pop: 2,004 Mil

739: The Nomadic Peoples of Card Farmer of TEC No 9
Pop: 909 Mil

740: The Republic of Card Puppet 11
Pop: 4,178 Mil

741: The Republic of Card Puppet 12
Pop: 4,148 Mil

742: The Republic of Card puppet 22
Pop: 1,296 Mil

743: The Republic of Card puppet 24
Pop: 1,282 Mil

744: The Republic of Card Puppet 7
Pop: 6,952 Mil

745: The Republic of Card Thrall 343
Pop: 448 Mil

746: The Republic of Cardgrind
Pop: 10 Mil

747: The Confederacy of Cardiomyopathy
Pop: 127 Mil

748: The Kingdom of Cards58
Pop: 540 Mil

749: The Dictatorship of Carisarian Empire
Pop: 101 Mil

750: The Republic of Carlin
Pop: 62 Mil

751: The Federation of Carlines
Pop: 143 Mil

752: The Kingdom of Carmona Nuevo
Pop: 90 Mil

753: The Binary of Carol Danvers
Pop: 14,421 Mil

754: The Empire of Carolingia
Pop: 2,386 Mil

755: The Kingdom of Carp Corporation
Pop: 8 Mil

756: The Kingdom of Cartelandis
Pop: 26 Mil

757: The Republic of Carter G Woodson Home NHS
Pop: 4,249 Mil

758: The Republic of Cartialiag
Pop: 15,083 Mil

759: The Dictatorship of Cartolomelia
Pop: 20 Mil

760: The Republic of Casarre
Pop: 14 Mil

761: The Soundgraphy of Casiopea Band
Pop: 4,235 Mil

762: The Commonwealth of Castelius
Pop: 62 Mil

763: The Democratic Republic of Castlebay
Pop: 183 Mil

764: The Federal Republic of Castraebar
Pop: 6,793 Mil

765: The Grand Duchy of Castumia
Pop: 4,905 Mil

766: The Democratic States of Cat Spoon
Pop: 16,836 Mil

767: The Felineocracy of Catcountry
Pop: 10,980 Mil

768: The Oppressed Peoples of Catlony
Pop: 5,283 Mil

769: The Republic of Catoctin Mountain Park
Pop: 4,244 Mil

770: The Free Land of Ceighie
Pop: 29 Mil

771: The Kingdom of Celebonia
Pop: 134 Mil

772: The Holy Empire of Celentriy
Pop: 45 Mil

773: The Kingdom of Celin
Pop: 24,925 Mil

774: The Republic of Cen Helang
Pop: 445 Mil

775: The Republic of Cenado
Pop: 14 Mil

776: The Empire of Cenkryses Empire
Pop: 68 Mil

777: The Republic of Centia Deran
Pop: 9,487 Mil

778: The Republic of Centoral
Pop: 56 Mil

779: The Borderlands of Central Michigan Quarantine Zone
Pop: 512 Mil

780: The United Federal Republic of Cerespasia
Pop: 3,724 Mil

781: The Grand Duchy of Cernia
Pop: 150 Mil

782: The Queendom of Cerula
Pop: 1,750 Mil

783: The Republic of Chaco Culture NHP
Pop: 4,225 Mil

784: The Empire of Chadwick
Pop: 18 Mil

785: The Republic of Champingon
Pop: 9 Mil

786: The Republic of Champlain Valley NHA
Pop: 4,185 Mil

787: The Commonwealth of Chandrastan
Pop: 358 Mil

788: The Constitutional Monarchy of Changminglinese Empire
Pop: 16 Mil

789: The Federal Republic of Charalies
Pop: 50 Mil

790: The Republic of Charisia
Pop: 523 Mil

791: The Republic of Charley Wild River
Pop: 4,293 Mil

792: The Kingdom of Chatoria
Pop: 1,934 Mil

793: The Allied States of Chciaoci003
Pop: 14 Mil

794: The Allied States of Chciaoci030
Pop: 12 Mil

795: The Allied States of Chciaoci033
Pop: 12 Mil

796: The Allied States of Chciaoci038
Pop: 12 Mil

797: The Allied States of Chciaoci040
Pop: 12 Mil

798: The Allied States of Chciaoci043
Pop: 12 Mil

799: The Allied States of Chciaoci046
Pop: 12 Mil

800: The Allied States of Chciaoci060
Pop: 12 Mil

801: The Allied States of Chciaoci115
Pop: 12 Mil

802: The Allied States of Chciaoci118
Pop: 12 Mil

803: The Allied States of Chciaoci126
Pop: 12 Mil

804: The Allied States of Chciaoci143
Pop: 12 Mil

805: The Allied States of Chciaoci155
Pop: 12 Mil

806: The Allied States of Chciaoci158
Pop: 12 Mil

807: The Allied States of Chciaoci163
Pop: 12 Mil

808: The Allied States of Chciaoci179
Pop: 12 Mil

809: The Allied States of Chciaoci181
Pop: 12 Mil

810: The Allied States of Chciaoci186
Pop: 12 Mil

811: The Empire of Cheese Crusaders
Pop: 513 Mil

812: The Dictatorship of Cheese that is bad
Pop: 107 Mil

813: The Queendom of Cheesoslovakia
Pop: 16 Mil

814: The Emirate of Chelsestan
Pop: 79 Mil

815: The Grand Duchy of Chemodan
Pop: 32,541 Mil

816: The Anti Zombie State of Chernaya Zvezda
Pop: 8,225 Mil

817: The Power Station of Chernobyl
Pop: 5,527 Mil

818: The United Kingdom of Cherrynation
Pop: 18 Mil

819: The Kingdom of Cheskasia
Pop: 40 Mil

820: The People's Republic of Cheverna
Pop: 12 Mil

821: The Most Serene Republic of Chiara
Pop: 3,984 Mil

822: The People's Republic of Chiark
Pop: 426 Mil

823: The Republic of Chicken Djibouti
Pop: 506 Mil

824: The Republic of Chijako
Pop: 3,992 Mil

825: The Empire of Chikoku
Pop: 120 Mil

826: The Democratic Republic of Chikya
Pop: 1,046 Mil

827: The Empire of CHILLDUDES20
Pop: 101 Mil

828: The Arne Slot of Chillicothe
Pop: 5,595 Mil

829: The Republic of China ROC sob Sun yat sen
Pop: 29 Mil

830: The Principality of Chinare
Pop: 18 Mil

831: The People's Republic of Chineseland
Pop: 36 Mil

832: The Dictatorship of Chisyria
Pop: 193 Mil

833: The People's Republic of Chizhou
Pop: 84 Mil

834: The Republic of Choiceilike
Pop: 5,794 Mil

835: The People's Republic of Chonghu
Pop: 20 Mil

836: The Republic of Choquequirao
Pop: 67 Mil

837: The Empire of Choushun
Pop: 372 Mil

838: The Republic of ChrCalmia
Pop: 9 Mil

839: The United States of Chris ulloa
Pop: 6 Mil

840: The Republic of Christian Republic of Poland
Pop: 12 Mil

841: The Empire of Christiansland
Pop: 86 Mil

842: The Holy Kingdom of Christos
Pop: 14,577 Mil

843: The Athletic Facilities of Chubrubs
Pop: 32,246 Mil

844: The Nomadic Peoples of Church nearby the restaurant in the bell
Pop: 822 Mil

845: The Kingdom of Chypas
Pop: 2,587 Mil

846: The People's Republic of Chyrka12
Pop: 45 Mil

847: The Armed Republic of Ciet
Pop: 36 Mil

848: The Incorporated States of Ciraqat
Pop: 36 Mil

849: The Republic of Circelia
Pop: 32 Mil

850: The Protectorate of Citadels of Bojan
Pop: 4,411 Mil

851: The Members of Citizenship Committee
Pop: 2,593 Mil

852: The Free Land of Citra
Pop: 170 Mil

853: The Most Serene Republic of City of Belmont
Pop: 4,411 Mil

854: The Rogue Nation of Civil Emergency Defence Agency
Pop: 359 Mil

855: The Republic of Civilmania
Pop: 14 Mil

856: The United States of CJK Freedom
Pop: 14 Mil

857: The Constitutional Monarchy of CKSLands
Pop: 94 Mil

858: The Kingdom of Clanic
Pop: 45 Mil

859: The Constitutional Monarchy of Clappersclapclap
Pop: 97 Mil

860: The Republic of Clariel
Pop: 14 Mil

861: The Technocracy of Clearpond
Pop: 21,649 Mil

862: The Free Land of ClergyNation
Pop: 107 Mil

863: The Republic of Clerminic
Pop: 9 Mil

864: The Republic of Cleveland Indians
Pop: 5,243 Mil

865: The Government of Coalition of the South Pacific
Pop: 11,430 Mil

866: The People's Republic of Coastline Christian Schools
Pop: 150 Mil

867: The Republic of Cobalia
Pop: 30,081 Mil

868: The Republic of Cobolia
Pop: 79 Mil

869: The Kingdom of Coc Sweden
Pop: 45 Mil

870: The Constitutional Monarchy of Cocogne
Pop: 249 Mil

871: The Free Land of Coconut
Pop: 16,043 Mil

872: The Democratic Republic of Coghja Rica
Pop: 23 Mil

873: The Empire of Cold Wardom
Pop: 23 Mil

874: The Empire of Colonia de Sant Jordi
Pop: 4,075 Mil

875: The Republic of Colonial NHP
Pop: 4,232 Mil

876: The Federal Republic of Coloregon
Pop: 172 Mil

877: The People's Republic of COLSC
Pop: 85 Mil

878: The United States of Columbia and North American Territories
Pop: 1,726 Mil

879: The Empire of Com Che Led
Pop: 1,536 Mil

880: The Democratic Republic of Comerribumon
Pop: 5,914 Mil

881: The Federation of Comiele
Pop: 85 Mil

882: The Democratic States of Commonwealthss
Pop: 6 Mil

883: The Empire of Commsperanza
Pop: 74 Mil

884: The Incorporated States of Communism Prime
Pop: 20 Mil

885: The Disputed Territories of Communist Machirtect Rassi Colonist
Pop: 108 Mil

886: The Dictatorship of Communist Peoples Republic of Fedantist
Pop: 1,955 Mil

887: The People's Republic of Communist republic of communism
Pop: 18 Mil

888: The United Socialist States of Communtopia
Pop: 451 Mil

889: The Republic of Como Te Va Mi Amor
Pop: 1,583 Mil

890: The Democratic Republic of Conani
Pop: 12 Mil

891: The Free Land of Conbell
Pop: 26 Mil

892: The Mighty Foundation of Concrete Slab
Pop: 15,160 Mil

893: The Borderlands of Cone clubs leader
Pop: 23 Mil

894: The Depressed Mumblings of Conehead Dirge
Pop: 10,246 Mil

895: The Purple Island Paradise of Conexia
Pop: 17,411 Mil

896: The Confederacy of Confederation of White Russia
Pop: 81 Mil

897: The Oppressed Peoples of Congosoyistan
Pop: 32 Mil

898: The Empire of Conistralika
Pop: 36 Mil

899: The Republic of Conkihlanctown
Pop: 7 Mil

900: The Republic of Connectivity Challenges
Pop: 297 Mil

901: The Republic of Consris
Pop: 678 Mil

902: The Empire of Constantinian
Pop: 50 Mil

903: The Republic of Consulado
Pop: 81 Mil

904: The Republic of Cool Ireland
Pop: 1,850 Mil

905: The Free Land of Coolioo
Pop: 18 Mil

906: The Republic of Cope and Sneed Islands
Pop: 40 Mil

907: The Principality of Coquitos Islands
Pop: 578 Mil

908: The Sultanate of Cor-Toa
Pop: 36 Mil

909: The Colony of Corador del mundo
Pop: 8 Mil

910: The Armed Republic of Corchebellum
Pop: 20 Mil

911: The Democratic Republic of Cordiaz
Pop: 62 Mil

912: The Republic of Corginia
Pop: 2,700 Mil

913: The Democratic Republic of Corias
Pop: 79 Mil

914: The Federation of Corik
Pop: 842 Mil

915: The Republic of Coriska
Pop: 56 Mil

916: The Republic of CornHusk
Pop: 774 Mil

917: The Republic of Coronado Memorial
Pop: 4,258 Mil

918: The People's Republic of Corpostani
Pop: 1,872 Mil

919: The Corporate Commonwealth of Corpoterra
Pop: 4,289 Mil

920: The Republic of Cortada
Pop: 320 Mil

921: The Empire of Costa Emperador
Pop: 4,412 Mil

922: The Royal Kingdom of Costa Estre
Pop: 25,737 Mil

923: The Empire of Costartin
Pop: 45 Mil

924: The Republic of Cotton Cliesia
Pop: 68 Mil

925: The People's Republic of County Yarrow
Pop: 29 Mil

926: The Kingdom of Cour Land
Pop: 1,968 Mil

927: The Queendom of Coutron
Pop: 601 Mil

928: The Kingdom of Covinie
Pop: 6 Mil

929: The Empire of CPM
Pop: 16 Mil

930: The People's Republic of Cqlifornia
Pop: 7 Mil

931: The Matriarchy of Cranbri
Pop: 2,398 Mil

932: The Federation of Cranus
Pop: 99 Mil

933: The Borderlands of Craty Centh
Pop: 40 Mil

934: The Armed Republic of Craviel
Pop: 12 Mil

935: The Armed Republic of Crazed monkies
Pop: 44,406 Mil

936: The Republic of Cricstand
Pop: 12 Mil

937: The Republic of Crioa
Pop: 131 Mil

938: The Empire of Crixalis
Pop: 1,222 Mil

939: The Kingdom of Crocodonie
Pop: 16 Mil

940: The Kingdom of Crome
Pop: 14 Mil

941: The Dominion of Cromwik
Pop: 15,028 Mil

942: The United Socialist States of Cronila
Pop: 16 Mil

943: The Empire of Crorron
Pop: 12 Mil

944: The Democratic Republic of Crosler
Pop: 29 Mil

945: The Kingdom of Crosovo
Pop: 5,622 Mil

946: The Grand Duchy of Cross-Huynh
Pop: 29 Mil

947: The Republic of Crossroads of the Revolution NHA
Pop: 4,166 Mil

948: The Principality of Crown Rhine
Pop: 9,549 Mil

949: The Colony of Crownsland Trade Company
Pop: 814 Mil

950: The Republic of Crunchwrap supreme
Pop: 495 Mil

951: The Incorporated States of Crypto Vault
Pop: 230 Mil

952: The Kingdom of CTBNATION
Pop: 29 Mil

953: The Republic of CTESPN
Pop: 6 Mil

954: The Kingdom of Cubaborea
Pop: 201 Mil

955: The Democratic Republic of Cudar
Pop: 8 Mil

956: The Kingdom of Curite Hosia
Pop: 89 Mil

957: The Republic of Curlyhoward
Pop: 45,488 Mil

958: The Holy Empire of CutesyNation
Pop: 14 Mil

959: The Republic of Cyan
Pop: 5,269 Mil

960: The Armed Republic of Cybia
Pop: 2,955 Mil

961: The Most Serene Republic of Cybra
Pop: 2,949 Mil

962: The Oppressed Peoples of Cybros
Pop: 2,961 Mil

963: The Kingdom of Cykahet
Pop: 14 Mil

964: The Liberal Democracy of Cylancy
Pop: 1,179 Mil

965: The Republic of Cynoterra
Pop: 45 Mil

966: The Republic of Cyordill
Pop: 23 Mil

967: The Republic of Cypheri
Pop: 18,170 Mil

968: The Republic of Cyre Bowland
Pop: 133 Mil

969: The Principality of Czarnovaya
Pop: 120 Mil

970: The Republic of Czp
Pop: 16 Mil

971: The Nomadic Peoples of D he was going to put us in the cell Sai
Pop: 826 Mil

972: The Nomadic Peoples of D its about Alice and the restaurant but
Pop: 821 Mil

973: The Republic of D1ddyk
Pop: 14 Mil

974: The Republic of Da Evil
Pop: 1,187 Mil

975: The Dominion of Daarkland
Pop: 742 Mil

976: The Eastern Dackian Colony of Dacks
Pop: 985 Mil

977: The Principality of Daco Nev
Pop: 96 Mil

978: The Empire of Daemyo
Pop: 36 Mil

979: The Dominion of Daetus
Pop: 2,461 Mil

980: The Confederacy of Dagar
Pop: 56 Mil

981: The Empire of Dago Republic
Pop: 62 Mil

982: The Empire of Dahanistan
Pop: 85 Mil

983: The Federation of Dahenli
Pop: 2,297 Mil

984: The People's Republic of Dai Nihon Koku
Pop: 90 Mil

985: The Republic of DaiCoViet
Pop: 67 Mil

986: The People's Republic of Daisakhon
Pop: 175 Mil

987: The Armed Republic of Daisaku Kuze
Pop: 543 Mil

988: The Democratic Republic of Dakalian
Pop: 6,049 Mil

989: The Free Land of Dakorta
Pop: 26 Mil

990: The Most Serene Republic of Dalian cosmic society
Pop: 121 Mil

991: The Republic of Damars
Pop: 138 Mil

992: The Kingdom of Dana Reans
Pop: 9 Mil

993: The The Sexist Lord of DaNasarIV
Pop: 5,409 Mil

994: The Kingdom of Daneskborg
Pop: 114 Mil

995: The Nomadic Peoples of Dangine card storage5
Pop: 10,083 Mil

996: The Republic of Daniell
Pop: 565 Mil

997: The Matriarchy of Danily
Pop: 10,464 Mil

998: The 5 Boroughs of Danny McGlurk
Pop: 2,386 Mil

999: The Empire of DANONINHO
Pop: 29 Mil

1000: The Republic of Danszk
Pop: 9 Mil

1001: The Oceanic Paradise of Dantopia
Pop: 5,286 Mil

1002: The Democratic Republic of Dap 16
Pop: 6 Mil

1003: The United Kingdom of Dap 17
Pop: 6 Mil

1004: The Aeonian Citadel of Darakin
Pop: 43,283 Mil

1005: The Republic of Dark Fields
Pop: 106 Mil

1006: The Kingdom of Dark killer
Pop: 36 Mil

1007: The Kingdom of Darkmen
Pop: 23,257 Mil

1008: The Allied States of Darvinnia
Pop: 113 Mil

1009: The Gran Turismo 7 addict of Dasheria
Pop: 4,027 Mil

1010: The Commonwealth of Dashia Saelagge
Pop: 20 Mil

1011: The Republic of Data Privacy
Pop: 339 Mil

1012: The People's Republic of Davet
Pop: 6,710 Mil

1013: The Republic of David Ortiz
Pop: 4,731 Mil

1014: The Republic of David-Robinson
Pop: 26 Mil

1015: The Federation of Dayt Penglan
Pop: 232 Mil

1016: The Harmonious Dusk of Daytime to Night
Pop: 16,647 Mil

1017: The Technocratic Confederation of Daztonia
Pop: 3,222 Mil

1018: The Rogue Nation of Dc033092
Pop: 27,630 Mil

1019: The Republic of De Volksveiligheidsdienst
Pop: 24,443 Mil

1020: The Nomadic Peoples of Dead Head
Pop: 5,789 Mil

1021: The Republic of Deargod12
Pop: 172 Mil

1022: The Republic of Deargod14
Pop: 170 Mil

1023: The Republic of Deargod18
Pop: 177 Mil

1024: The Republic of Deargod20
Pop: 175 Mil

1025: The Republic of Deargod23
Pop: 174 Mil

1026: The Republic of Deargod32
Pop: 111 Mil

1027: The Dominion of Death and Misery
Pop: 273 Mil

1028: The Armed Republic of Death Murder Starvaton
Pop: 93 Mil

1029: The The land free of imperialism of Death to economic freedom
Pop: 3,442 Mil

1030: The Empire of Deathila
Pop: 62 Mil

1031: The Dominion of Deathly Apparitions
Pop: 24,253 Mil

1032: The Empire of Decaz
Pop: 466 Mil

1033: The Truthfulness of Deception Island
Pop: 28,630 Mil

1034: The Empire of Deckonia
Pop: 126 Mil

1035: The Dominion of Deepseek
Pop: 36 Mil

1036: The Federal Republic of Deerp
Pop: 8,193 Mil

1037: The Empire of Deersnation
Pop: 569 Mil

1038: The Democratic Republic of Dehebes
Pop: 32 Mil

1039: The Kingdom of Del Vost Islands
Pop: 36 Mil

1040: The People's Republic of Delanat
Pop: 135 Mil

1041: The Republic of Delata
Pop: 262 Mil

1042: The Theocracy of Dellas
Pop: 75 Mil

1043: The United States of Delsur
Pop: 2,975 Mil

1044: The Hive of Delthorensdale
Pop: 20,538 Mil

1045: The Republic of Delyan Peevski
Pop: 210 Mil

1046: The Fiefdom of Demiarchos
Pop: 56 Mil

1047: The Democratic Republic of Democates
Pop: 4,535 Mil

1048: The Republic of Democracy Brotherhood
Pop: 103 Mil

1049: The Realm of Democratic Chanum Ter Heak
Pop: 6,739 Mil

1050: The Constitutional Monarchy of Democratic Kingdom Of Hungary
Pop: 1,944 Mil

1051: The Filippinas-supported Group of Democratic Rebels
Pop: 614 Mil

1052: The Nomadic Peoples of Democratic Royas Gnoairs
Pop: 56 Mil

1053: The United States of Democratic Underground
Pop: 1,799 Mil

1054: The Federal Republic of Democratic-American States
Pop: 109 Mil

1055: The Meme of Den Alew
Pop: 616 Mil

1056: The Rogue Nation of Dennis the Menace and Gnasher
Pop: 16,256 Mil

1057: The Incorporated States of Dentriola
Pop: 6 Mil

1058: The People's Republic of Der Putsch
Pop: 6,406 Mil

1059: The Republic of Derek Jeter
Pop: 4,868 Mil

1060: The Confederacy of Dericksland
Pop: 75 Mil

1061: The Dictatorship of Des Theaulistan
Pop: 29 Mil

1062: The Federation of Destanza
Pop: 1,134 Mil

1063: The Rogue Nation of Detective Nordberg
Pop: 132 Mil

1064: The Holy Empire of Deus Stellae Vekrin
Pop: 150 Mil

1065: The Federal Republic of Deutschland FDP
Pop: 20 Mil

1066: The Federal Republic of Deutschls gaire
Pop: 6 Mil

1067: The Holy Empire of Dhahabistan
Pop: 29 Mil

1068: The Grand Duchy of Dhemixia
Pop: 4,817 Mil

1069: The Rogue Nation of Dibble
Pop: 18 Mil

1070: The Most Serene Republic of Dicci
Pop: 62 Mil

1071: The Republic of Didoria
Pop: 13,967 Mil

1072: The Empire of Diederick Stauss
Pop: 56 Mil

1073: The Separating Hyperplanes of Differences-In-Differences
Pop: 2,276 Mil

1074: The United States of Dignic Freuraternia
Pop: 11,287 Mil

1075: The Kingdom of Dikke puinhoop
Pop: 12 Mil

1076: The Federation of Dim
Pop: 84 Mil

1077: The Federation of Dimia
Pop: 80 Mil

1078: The Democratic Republic of Dimplingpie
Pop: 4,893 Mil

1079: The United Socialist States of Dino a Saurus
Pop: 154 Mil

1080: The Federation of DIO GOD
Pop: 81 Mil

1081: The Federal Republic of Dioswania
Pop: 13,932 Mil

1082: The Republic of Diowhv
Pop: 23 Mil

1083: The Dictatorship of Dirt land
Pop: 4,616 Mil

1084: The Republic of Distantiast
Pop: 169 Mil

1085: The Empire of Ditopia
Pop: 75 Mil

1086: The Society of Diuturnitas
Pop: 2,588 Mil

1087: The Theocracy of Divine Communes
Pop: 62 Mil

1088: The Theocracy of Divinitia Sanctomon
Pop: 96 Mil

1089: The Confederacy of Dixiebelle
Pop: 187 Mil

1090: The Federation of Djins
Pop: 32 Mil

1091: The Holy Empire of Djukashka
Pop: 18 Mil

1092: The Kingdom of Dmitua
Pop: 69 Mil

1093: The Totally Awesome People of Doerr Park
Pop: 14,699 Mil

1094: The Empire of Doge The 1st
Pop: 111 Mil

1095: The Borderlands of Dogglath
Pop: 40 Mil

1096: The Kingdom of Dololo
Pop: 10,152 Mil

1097: The Federation of Domersace
Pop: 11,519 Mil

1098: The Empire of Dominatus Aeternum
Pop: 99 Mil

1099: The Commonwealth of Dominion of India
Pop: 1,377 Mil

1100: The Caliphate of Donestia
Pop: 6,739 Mil

1101: The United Kingdom of Dontforget
Pop: 509 Mil

1102: The Democratic States of Doorin
Pop: 6 Mil

1103: The Democratic Republic of Dopillinctri
Pop: 6 Mil

1104: The Empire of Doranu
Pop: 9 Mil

1105: The Republic of Dorcy
Pop: 56 Mil

1106: The Republic of Dorelles Dare
Pop: 103 Mil

1107: The Kingdom of Dorian Gray
Pop: 5,422 Mil

1108: The Empire of Doris nogre
Pop: 86 Mil

1109: The Republic of Dorsiia
Pop: 76 Mil

1110: The Republic of Dosia Daethe
Pop: 7 Mil

1111: The Federation of Dovil Nix Sea
Pop: 10 Mil

1112: The Nomadic Peoples of Down Thats what we did and drove back to
Pop: 821 Mil

1113: The Disputed Territories of Draai
Pop: 24,893 Mil

1114: The Borderlands of Dracaufeu
Pop: 10 Mil

1115: The Allied States of Draconius Sanctum
Pop: 10,399 Mil

1116: The Oppressed Peoples of Dragnania
Pop: 17,349 Mil

1117: The Federal Republic of Drakoriass
Pop: 610 Mil

1118: The Empire of Dralika
Pop: 121 Mil

1119: The Democratic Republic of Dranerlan
Pop: 98 Mil

1120: The Holy Empire of Drasmp
Pop: 26 Mil

1121: The Republic of Drasniland
Pop: 36 Mil

1122: The Dictatorship of DrBillig
Pop: 16 Mil

1123: The Republic of Dre land
Pop: 522 Mil

1124: The Empire of Dreadthorn
Pop: 23 Mil

1125: The Dominion of Dreaming Shadows
Pop: 103 Mil

1126: The Federation of Drevograd
Pop: 81 Mil

1127: The Slab follower of Drew Durrnil
Pop: 10,026 Mil

1128: The Dictatorship of Drewania
Pop: 353 Mil

1129: The Republic of Drewstarkeyy
Pop: 103 Mil

1130: The Holy Empire of Drieland
Pop: 87 Mil

1131: The Republic of Drieque
Pop: 45 Mil

1132: The Republic of Drth Ary Nors
Pop: 7,543 Mil

1133: The Oppressed Peoples of Drug Enforcement Agency
Pop: 13,356 Mil

1134: The Loud crime city of Drug lord neighborhood
Pop: 3,318 Mil

1135: The Drunken Irish Nation of Drugged Monkeys
Pop: 35,727 Mil

1136: The Federation of Drunk Walk Home
Pop: 4,719 Mil

1137: The Confederacy of Drupur
Pop: 301 Mil

1138: The Dictatorship of Dry River Harbor
Pop: 99 Mil

1139: The Dominion of Drystar
Pop: 40,977 Mil

1140: The Jingoistic States of Dsbhav
Pop: 106 Mil

1141: The Federation of Duaysin And
Pop: 56 Mil

1142: The Republic of Dubostia
Pop: 16 Mil

1143: The Allied States of DuckCounty
Pop: 1,281 Mil

1144: The Right wing paradise of DUCURVA
Pop: 2,826 Mil

1145: The Matriarchy of DUDE GUYS
Pop: 67 Mil

1146: The Republic of Dugalena
Pop: 785 Mil

1147: The Constitutional Monarchy of Dun Frest
Pop: 5,127 Mil

1148: The Holy Empire of Dunark
Pop: 98 Mil

1149: The Suspicion of Dundea Loea
Pop: 3,966 Mil

1150: The Empire of Durayf
Pop: 122 Mil

1151: The Dictatorship of Durmenastan
Pop: 1,018 Mil

1152: The Federation of Durnad
Pop: 145 Mil

1153: The Rogue Nation of Durophorn
Pop: 26 Mil

1154: The Dominion of Dusk and Doom
Pop: 1,050 Mil

1155: The Dominion of Dusk Puppet 1
Pop: 776 Mil

1156: The Dominion of Dusk Puppet 2
Pop: 755 Mil

1157: The Confederacy of Dutch repuplic
Pop: 14 Mil

1158: The Old Lands of Dutch-Gaming-Commune
Pop: 13,637 Mil

1159: The People's Republic of Dwaglon
Pop: 62 Mil

1160: The Republic of Dwight D Eisenhower Memorial
Pop: 4,250 Mil

1161: The Republic of Dwire Lands
Pop: 113 Mil

1162: The Republic of Dyseca
Pop: 91 Mil

1163: The Nomadic Peoples of E bench there and there is Group Ws wher
Pop: 793 Mil

1164: The Nomadic Peoples of E driving garbage around the vicinity ag
Pop: 824 Mil

1165: The Nomadic Peoples of E see the last man I walked in walked in
Pop: 797 Mil

1166: The Federation of Eagle c
Pop: 14 Mil

1167: The Republic of Eaglei
Pop: 14 Mil

1168: The Republic of Eagleport
Pop: 4,454 Mil

1169: The Maple Kingdom of Eareamland
Pop: 10,310 Mil

1170: The Republic of Earkbant
Pop: 246 Mil

1171: The Nomadic Peoples of Earth natiom
Pop: 40 Mil

1172: The Republic of Earth Nova
Pop: 12 Mil

1173: The Armed Republic of Eashya Maltoracht
Pop: 110 Mil

1174: The Republic of Easiat
Pop: 112 Mil

1175: The Holy Empire of Easoplotip Thobbtople
Pop: 26 Mil

1176: The Republic of East Asia
Pop: 5,566 Mil

1177: The Federation of East Atton Thrigh
Pop: 16 Mil

1178: The Kingdom of East Behe Opece
Pop: 74 Mil

1179: The Not exactly a republic of East Chevonia
Pop: 1,608 Mil

1180: The Tiki Bar of East Copa Cabana
Pop: 12,843 Mil

1181: The Most Serene Republic of East Endia
Pop: 2,320 Mil

1182: The Holy Disputed Lands of East green Israel
Pop: 16,238 Mil

1183: The Republic of East New Moral
Pop: 16 Mil

1184: The Republic of East Russia
Pop: 3,280 Mil

1185: The Kingdom of East Sountov
Pop: 1,148 Mil

1186: The People's Republic of East Yorgus
Pop: 62 Mil

1187: The Peoples Republic's Colony of East Zhuhai
Pop: 2,934 Mil

1188: The Republic of Easter
Pop: 5,816 Mil

1189: The Hayekist State of Eastern Bahia
Pop: 11,749 Mil

1190: The Democratic Republic of Eastern Cenland Anuicalica
Pop: 7,620 Mil

1191: The Democratic Space Republic of Eastern Doncaster
Pop: 5,932 Mil

1192: The Republic of Eastern Geoves Therand
Pop: 117 Mil

1193: The Very Democractic Nation of Eastern Juble Lux
Pop: 7,089 Mil

1194: The Dictatorship of Eastern Kark Awertinlart
Pop: 36 Mil

1195: The Empire of Eastern Nilfgaardian Empire
Pop: 94 Mil

1196: The Allied Districts of Eastern Panem
Pop: 6,613 Mil

1197: The Eastern Free-Republic of Eastern Qezos
Pop: 2,377 Mil

1198: The People's Republic of Eastern Sloveno
Pop: 244 Mil

1199: The Republic of Eastern Studechian Nies
Pop: 32 Mil

1200: The United States of Eastern Thentatosakafs
Pop: 10 Mil

1201: The Holy Empire of Ebastena
Pop: 3,224 Mil

1202: The South Pacific Delegate of Ebonhand
Pop: 19,588 Mil

1203: The Republic of EC2
Pop: 5,387 Mil

1204: The Dominion of Ecclesia Victoris
Pop: 4,105 Mil

1205: The Jingoistic States of Economic Resources
Pop: 615 Mil

1206: The Borderlands of Eden 227
Pop: 1,495 Mil

1207: The United Socialist States of Eden Novae
Pop: 2,317 Mil

1208: The Republic of Edgar Allan Poe NHS
Pop: 4,236 Mil

1209: The Empire of Edinsburg
Pop: 69 Mil

1210: The Constitutional Monarchy of Edmarichtatuffia
Pop: 45 Mil

1211: The Empire of Edo-Nihon
Pop: 45 Mil

1212: The Empire of Edvaria
Pop: 36 Mil

1213: The Democratic States of Ees Quille
Pop: 9 Mil

1214: The Borderlands of Efstur Riki
Pop: 8,769 Mil

1215: The United States of Eggracestel
Pop: 12 Mil

1216: The Kingdom of Egypt and the Sudan
Pop: 3,917 Mil

1217: The Republic of Eightmile National Wild and Scenic River
Pop: 4,255 Mil

1218: The Most Serene Republic of Einigkeit
Pop: 752 Mil

1219: The Empire of Einigtet Amerika Reich
Pop: 3,725 Mil

1220: The Empire of Einth
Pop: 12 Mil

1221: The Matriarchy of Eiralia
Pop: 68 Mil

1222: The Republic of Ekrixia
Pop: 4,840 Mil

1223: The Sultanate of El Quds
Pop: 32 Mil

1224: The Kingdom of El Reino De Aragon
Pop: 23 Mil

1225: The Kingdom of Elam
Pop: 5,498 Mil

1226: The Protectorate of Elbas Bonnia Islands
Pop: 1,354 Mil

1227: The Dictatorship of Eldaris
Pop: 6 Mil

1228: The Resurrected Ones of Electric Screwdriver
Pop: 25,717 Mil

1229: The Federal Republic of Eleuthelrium
Pop: 6,920 Mil

1230: The Retrieval Specialism of Eliot Spencer
Pop: 26,615 Mil

1231: The Harmonic and Democratic Land of Elivastov
Pop: 1,369 Mil

1232: The Queendom of Elizabeth Gillies
Pop: 353 Mil

1233: The Republic of Elmo23
Pop: 1,740 Mil

1234: The Armed Republic of Eltran Marine Motorcycle Dragoons
Pop: 29 Mil

1235: The Republic of Eltrusia
Pop: 128 Mil

1236: The Federal Republic of Elvendorsk
Pop: 264 Mil

1237: The Free Land of EMANUELQUISTON
Pop: 20 Mil

1238: The Queendom of Emberr
Pop: 29 Mil

1239: The Republic of Emdna30
Pop: 280 Mil

1240: The Republic of Emdna36
Pop: 226 Mil

1241: The Republic of Emdna50
Pop: 209 Mil

1242: The Republic of Emdna51
Pop: 69 Mil

1243: The Republic of Emdna54
Pop: 69 Mil

1244: The Jingoistic States of Emenox
Pop: 20 Mil

1245: The Elven Collectivities of Emhain
Pop: 5,372 Mil

1246: The Kingdom of Emia
Pop: 278 Mil

1247: The Federation of Emkoy
Pop: 9 Mil

1248: The Holy Empire of Emmamurray
Pop: 95 Mil

1249: The Republic of Empanada de Carne Picante
Pop: 1,149 Mil

1250: The Holy social and immoral land of Empire of Bredux
Pop: 3,954 Mil

1251: The Republic of Empire of Oklahoma
Pop: 32 Mil

1252: The Empire of Empire of Pekoland
Pop: 3,903 Mil

1253: The Republic of End user
Pop: 306 Mil

1254: The Empire of Enessia
Pop: 890 Mil

1255: The Holy Empire of Engradeef
Pop: 104 Mil

1256: The Most Serene Republic of Enia Card Farm
Pop: 45 Mil

1257: The Rogue Nation of Enolatoh
Pop: 230 Mil

1258: The Republic of Ensheetia
Pop: 32 Mil

1259: The Republic of Ensnared
Pop: 62 Mil

1260: The Empire of Entwurf
Pop: 948 Mil

1261: The Holy Empire of Enviro
Pop: 222 Mil

1262: The Republic of Eocamei
Pop: 344 Mil

1263: The Republic of Eojwaiognfvuieowaf
Pop: 62 Mil

1264: The Republic of Eosphodalan Indordia
Pop: 9 Mil

1265: The Kingdom of Epaulik
Pop: 74 Mil

1266: The Kingdom of Epian Islands
Pop: 4,254 Mil

1267: The United States of Epic de So Lo
Pop: 7 Mil

1268: The Kingdom of Equanova
Pop: 16 Mil

1269: The Jingoistic States of Equatopia
Pop: 284 Mil

1270: The Republic of Er-19
Pop: 16 Mil

1271: The Republic of Er-32
Pop: 12 Mil

1272: The Republic of Er-39
Pop: 12 Mil

1273: The Republic of Er-40
Pop: 12 Mil

1274: The Republic of Er-55
Pop: 12 Mil

1275: The Republic of Er-57
Pop: 12 Mil

1276: The Republic of Er-62
Pop: 12 Mil

1277: The Republic of Er-66
Pop: 12 Mil

1278: The Republic of Er-77
Pop: 12 Mil

1279: The Republic of Eran Keinjacythordia
Pop: 62 Mil

1280: The Democratic Republic of ERDNINIA
Pop: 99 Mil

1281: The People's Republic of Erdonica
Pop: 154 Mil

1282: The Federal Republic of Eresuasqa Cnaqt
Pop: 36 Mil

1283: The Dictatorship of Erevans armenia
Pop: 79 Mil

1284: The Staff Sergeant Special Ops of Eri Kasamoto
Pop: 11,545 Mil

1285: The Kingdom of Erica makaylynn jones
Pop: 111 Mil

1286: The Kingdom of Erica makaylynn jones 23
Pop: 108 Mil

1287: The Kingdom of Ericamakaylynnjones23
Pop: 108 Mil

1288: The Imperium of Erisian
Pop: 21,264 Mil

1289: The Third Empire of Eritria
Pop: 4,642 Mil

1290: The Armed Republic of Erm what the si
Pop: 99 Mil

1291: The Republic of Erreth-Akbe
Pop: 8,662 Mil

1292: The Holy Catholic Empire of Erstavik
Pop: 6,582 Mil

1293: The Colony of Erstavik Rhodesia
Pop: 250 Mil

1294: The Theocracy of Eschewon
Pop: 67 Mil

1295: The United States of Escoa
Pop: 1,146 Mil

1296: The Federation of Escudos
Pop: 50 Mil

1297: The Missing Flag of Esfalsa
Pop: 19,483 Mil

1298: The Most Serene Republic of Esilondre
Pop: 2,044 Mil

1299: The Kingdom of Eskyia
Pop: 470 Mil

1300: The Federal Republic of Esperandia
Pop: 322 Mil

1301: The Community of Espoltremokervilion
Pop: 40 Mil

1302: The Free Land of Essa
Pop: 25,098 Mil

1303: The Republic of Essosian
Pop: 10 Mil

1304: The Armed Republic of Est Set
Pop: 7,075 Mil

1305: The Kingdom of Estabajor
Pop: 62 Mil

1306: The Republic of Estado da paz
Pop: 20 Mil

1307: The Federal Republic of Estado Federal de Alderney
Pop: 9 Mil

1308: The Republic of Estados Americanos do Sul
Pop: 203 Mil

1309: The Federal Republic of Estados del Plata
Pop: 9 Mil

1310: The People's Republic of Estan Urrov Ale
Pop: 14 Mil

1311: The Federation of Esteze
Pop: 69 Mil

1312: The Republic of Estreen
Pop: 493 Mil

1313: The Dictatorship of Estrentor
Pop: 62 Mil

1314: The Empire of Esvina
Pop: 1,285 Mil

1315: The Republic of Etaash103
Pop: 68 Mil

1316: The Armed Republic of Etat Franc
Pop: 293 Mil

1317: The Federal Republic of Eternia Octoginta
Pop: 7,983 Mil

1318: The Dictatorship of Eth Achipeion
Pop: 8,770 Mil

1319: The Principality of Etheriano
Pop: 6,709 Mil

1320: The Holy Empire of Ethoodly
Pop: 6,122 Mil

1321: The Republic of Etienne Bacrot
Pop: 584 Mil

1322: The Republic of Etriya
Pop: 4,568 Mil

1323: The Empire of Eucalipto
Pop: 1,132 Mil

1324: The Republic of Eugene Oneill NHS
Pop: 4,249 Mil

1325: The United Socialist States of Eulogy
Pop: 18 Mil

1326: The Democratic Republic of Eupade
Pop: 29 Mil

1327: The Holy Empire of Europainvicta
Pop: 7 Mil

1328: The Republic of Evanlands
Pop: 62 Mil

1329: The United States of Evaros
Pop: 7,937 Mil

1330: The Federation of Eveloo
Pop: 56 Mil

1331: The Nomadic Peoples of Even counted upon and we was both immedi
Pop: 811 Mil

1332: The Empire of Ever Testing
Pop: 6,942 Mil

1333: The People's Republic of Everanos
Pop: 20 Mil

1334: The Confederacy of Everett McRae
Pop: 94 Mil

1335: The Holy Empire of Everglades
Pop: 16 Mil

1336: The Dictatorship of Evilevilevilvillainofevil
Pop: 3,342 Mil

1337: The Republic of Evinea
Pop: 7,261 Mil

1338: The Republic of Exmortia
Pop: 23 Mil

1339: The Republic of Experouta V
Pop: 14 Mil

1340: The Republic of Experouta VII
Pop: 14 Mil

1341: The Republic of Experouta VIII
Pop: 14 Mil

1342: The Republic of Exple Aria
Pop: 717 Mil

1343: The People's Republic of Explodeingtnt
Pop: 15,656 Mil

1344: The Theocracy of Extremism Religion
Pop: 32 Mil

1345: The Republic of Eye of the Occult
Pop: 4,257 Mil

1346: The Commonwealth of Eyetneboeation
Pop: 75 Mil

1347: The Dictatorship of Eyuqsnaih
Pop: 222 Mil

1348: The United States of FABULOUS1
Pop: 12 Mil

1349: The Protectorate of Faerilia
Pop: 97 Mil

1350: The People's Republic of Failure Nation
Pop: 7 Mil

1351: The United Kingdom of Fake Nation 53
Pop: 98 Mil

1352: The Theocracy of Fake Nation 61
Pop: 74 Mil

1353: The Kingdom of Falhedrin
Pop: 229 Mil

1354: The Republic of Fallen Nation
Pop: 4,767 Mil

1355: The Republic of Fallen Timbers Battlefield NHS
Pop: 4,209 Mil

1356: The Confederacy of Famivilace
Pop: 18 Mil

1357: The Republic of Fans Jimir
Pop: 4,258 Mil

1358: The Incorporated States of Far Montopico
Pop: 463 Mil

1359: The Republic of Farelonia
Pop: 21,417 Mil

1360: The Mysterious Empire of Farengeto
Pop: 25,304 Mil

1361: The Republic of Farlmont
Pop: 45 Mil

1362: The Community of FartFart 2
Pop: 26 Mil

1363: The Jingoistic States of Farticratis
Pop: 10 Mil

1364: The Commonwealth of Fasire
Pop: 12,062 Mil

1365: The Protectorate of Fasnar
Pop: 3,844 Mil

1366: The Rogue Nation of Fatal
Pop: 112 Mil

1367: The Incorporated States of Feathertown
Pop: 127 Mil

1368: The Republic of February 29 2024
Pop: 1,916 Mil

1369: The Enclave Social Republic of Federal Eagle Empire
Pop: 5,270 Mil

1370: The Republic of Federal France
Pop: 83 Mil

1371: The Kingdom of Federal Kingdom of Switzerland
Pop: 80 Mil

1372: The Completely Useless Pretitle of Federation of Great Lake States
Pop: 728 Mil

1373: The Holy Empire of Fegisacador
Pop: 10 Mil

1374: The United Socialist States of Feirden
Pop: 380 Mil

1375: The Highland Tiger of Felis Silvestris Grampia
Pop: 7,469 Mil

1376: The Kingdom of Felistopia
Pop: 717 Mil

1377: The Paradise of Fembavaryia
Pop: 999 Mil

1378: The Federation of Fembonys
Pop: 7 Mil

1379: The Protectorate of Femboyvaria 3
Pop: 260 Mil

1380: The Constitutional Monarchy of Fentaniloland
Pop: 40 Mil

1381: The Federation of Fents Ron
Pop: 36 Mil

1382: The People's Republic of Feouta Vodesen
Pop: 36 Mil

1383: The Commonwealth of Ferristia
Pop: 6,628 Mil

1384: The Republic of Ferrumetlapis
Pop: 4,640 Mil

1385: The Republic of Festdidgea
Pop: 12,400 Mil

1386: The Federation of FFXIII
Pop: 74 Mil

1387: The Allied States of Fghid
Pop: 80 Mil

1388: The Principality of Fghw
Pop: 50 Mil

1389: The Republic of Fgsjhsfrdgh
Pop: 10 Mil

1390: The Republic of Fifth Squishmallow in the Pile
Pop: 10 Mil

1391: The Pristine Shores of FiHami
Pop: 10,391 Mil

1392: The Free Land of Filistinia
Pop: 9,652 Mil

1393: The Republic of Fille
Pop: 25,151 Mil

1394: The Community of Filthy
Pop: 5,788 Mil

1395: The Kingdom of Fimeia
Pop: 96 Mil

1396: The Free Land of Final Masquerade
Pop: 147 Mil

1397: The Protectorate of Fink the Fox
Pop: 62 Mil

1398: The Principality of Finn Land Beta
Pop: 12 Mil

1399: The Federal Republic of Fiordland
Pop: 562 Mil

1400: The Republic of Fire Islands
Pop: 10,526 Mil

1401: The Republic of Fire Starter
Pop: 592 Mil

1402: The Theocracy of Firenze Empire
Pop: 50 Mil

1403: The Democratic Republic of Firnox
Pop: 5,798 Mil

1404: The Social Democratic Republic of Firtopia
Pop: 16,772 Mil

1405: The Free Land of Fisaz
Pop: 256 Mil

1406: The Free Land of Fismath
Pop: 929 Mil

1407: The Dictatorship of Fitler
Pop: 912 Mil

1408: The Free Land of Five Headopolis
Pop: 36 Mil

1409: The Federation of Five Tribes
Pop: 312 Mil

1410: The People's Republic of Flait
Pop: 25,057 Mil

1411: The Kingdom of Fleetariland
Pop: 2,078 Mil

1412: The Free Land of Flirk Fliggler
Pop: 29 Mil

1413: The Empire of Flomtopia
Pop: 24,048 Mil

1414: The Republic of Flooding the game with alts
Pop: 12 Mil

1415: The Incorporated States of Flopfarm 444
Pop: 1,858 Mil

1416: The Incorporated States of Flopfarm 448
Pop: 1,858 Mil

1417: The Incorporated States of Flopfarm 450
Pop: 1,819 Mil

1418: The Democratic Republic of Flora fjord
Pop: 50 Mil

1419: The Queendom of Floralyn
Pop: 29 Mil

1420: The Republic of Florida Democratic Republic
Pop: 29 Mil

1421: The Democratic Republic of Flour university union
Pop: 119 Mil

1422: The Republic of Flowerica
Pop: 68 Mil

1423: The Colony of Flraila
Pop: 128 Mil

1424: The Kingdom of Flugenland
Pop: 14 Mil

1425: The Colony of Fluxbyer
Pop: 40 Mil

1426: The People's Republic of FMAB
Pop: 406 Mil

1427: The Constitutional Monarchy of Folain-Medina Sidonia
Pop: 6 Mil

1428: The Republic of Foo Farm 12
Pop: 36 Mil

1429: The Republic of Foo Farm 14
Pop: 36 Mil

1430: The Republic of Foo Farm 27
Pop: 36 Mil

1431: The Republic of Foo Farm 45
Pop: 36 Mil

1432: The Republic of Foo Farm 8
Pop: 36 Mil

1433: The Nomadic Peoples of Foot cliff and at the bottom of the clif
Pop: 831 Mil

1434: The Republic of Fords Theatre NHS
Pop: 4,246 Mil

1435: The Republic of Forelia
Pop: 21,464 Mil

1436: The Rogue Nation of Forge World Eta
Pop: 18 Mil

1437: The Rogue Nation of Forge World Lambda
Pop: 18 Mil

1438: The Republic of Forloneis
Pop: 26 Mil

1439: The Empire of Fornite Sweat Land
Pop: 12 Mil

1440: The Borderlands of Forrealz
Pop: 8,459 Mil

1441: The Protectorate of Forru Invon
Pop: 84 Mil

1442: The Republic of Fort Allen
Pop: 4,395 Mil

1443: The Community of Fort Blackwater
Pop: 6 Mil

1444: The Free Land of Fort Cu-Pie
Pop: 4,522 Mil

1445: The Republic of Fort Patton
Pop: 6,581 Mil

1446: The Republic of Fort Union Trading Post NHS
Pop: 4,274 Mil

1447: The Republic of Fortura
Pop: 26 Mil

1448: The Republic of Fotstam
Pop: 20 Mil

1449: The Republic of Fous1
Pop: 249 Mil

1450: The Republic of Fousuomi
Pop: 2,935 Mil

1451: The Confederacy of Fozzwald
Pop: 111 Mil

1452: The Republic of Fragawa
Pop: 114 Mil

1453: The Republic of Fraila
Pop: 308 Mil

1454: The 3rd Republic of Frairrisburg
Pop: 4,739 Mil

1455: The United Socialist States of Franchiun
Pop: 16 Mil

1456: The Free Land of Frankfurt upon Main
Pop: 756 Mil

1457: The Republic of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
Pop: 4,252 Mil

1458: The Republic of Fransicia
Pop: 36 Mil

1459: The Democratic Republic of Frazzia
Pop: 3,175 Mil

1460: The Democratic Republic of Frea Feacht
Pop: 26 Mil

1461: The Republic of Freadones
Pop: 12 Mil

1462: The Kingdom of Freak King Productions
Pop: 263 Mil

1463: The Republic of Freddie Freeman
Pop: 4,757 Mil

1464: The Dictatorship of Freddy3
Pop: 10,706 Mil

1465: The Free Land of Frederiksborg
Pop: 11,879 Mil

1466: The Dictatorship of FREDRIC THE 1234512345623456
Pop: 32 Mil

1467: The Free Land of Free Central Islands
Pop: 381 Mil

1468: The Rogue Nation of Free Che Llagundotopia
Pop: 178 Mil

1469: The Armed Republic of Free Cossacks
Pop: 56 Mil

1470: The Empire of Free Creasca Enters
Pop: 73 Mil

1471: The Corporate State of Free fishermen
Pop: 1,979 Mil

1472: The Republic of Free Horizon of Freedom
Pop: 119 Mil

1473: The Democratic Republic of Free Kalganturas
Pop: 40 Mil

1474: The Republic of Free Land Of South
Pop: 36 Mil

1475: The Republic of Free Land Of West
Pop: 32 Mil

1476: The Republic of Free Lupo Uniastels
Pop: 45 Mil

1477: The Most Serene Republic of Free Mond Dus
Pop: 126 Mil

1478: The United Socialist States of Free Munst Sey
Pop: 99 Mil

1479: The Empire of Free Nationg
Pop: 69 Mil

1480: The Free Land of Free Oas Outancionika
Pop: 1,839 Mil

1481: The Republic of Free Riech
Pop: 107 Mil

1482: The Emirate of Free Wori Moroperbijuunch
Pop: 7 Mil

1483: The Commonwealth of Freedoms For Dogs
Pop: 6 Mil

1484: The Rational Consensus of Freedoom
Pop: 10,728 Mil

1485: The Fraila Haters of Freelandsia
Pop: 1,213 Mil

1486: The Empire of FREEZ3Theproducer
Pop: 829 Mil

1487: The Federation of Frelsilond
Pop: 90 Mil

1488: The Federation of Fremaritania
Pop: 29 Mil

1489: The Republic of Frenzied Flame
Pop: 4,402 Mil

1490: The Free Planet of Fretensis IV
Pop: 790 Mil

1491: The Republic of Fribliste
Pop: 7 Mil

1492: The People's Republic of Frideria
Pop: 217 Mil

1493: The State of of Friesdland
Pop: 2,411 Mil

1494: The Fully Auth-omated Hivemind of FROEGEN STATE
Pop: 1,597 Mil

1495: The Empire of Frogol Empire
Pop: 311 Mil

1496: The Colony of Frogsolistan
Pop: 3,603 Mil

1497: The Grand Kingdom of Froshar
Pop: 6,164 Mil

1498: The Brown Chocolatey Mess of Fudgetopia
Pop: 46,519 Mil

1499: The Dominion of Full Metal
Pop: 395 Mil

1500: The Cast of Fullmetal Alchemist
Pop: 5,570 Mil

1501: The Empire of Fun sun
Pop: 79 Mil

1502: The Queendom of Funatizenvaerte
Pop: 493 Mil

1503: The Federation of Funds Nego Kryois
Pop: 86 Mil

1504: The Dictatorship of Funguy
Pop: 76 Mil

1505: The Republic of Funzigrad
Pop: 45 Mil

1506: The Empire of Fuqtopia
Pop: 14 Mil

1507: The Kingdom of Furky helper
Pop: 20 Mil

1508: The Commonwealth of Futurist Britain
Pop: 45 Mil

1509: The Kingdom of Fuuka Friday
Pop: 1,095 Mil

1510: The Commonwealth of FUYA
Pop: 102 Mil

1511: The Federal Republic of Fvv104
Pop: 301 Mil

1512: The Federal Republic of Fvv106
Pop: 294 Mil

1513: The Federal Republic of Fvv108
Pop: 290 Mil

1514: The Federal Republic of Fvv142
Pop: 287 Mil

1515: The Federal Republic of Fvv150
Pop: 305 Mil

1516: The Federal Republic of Fvv158
Pop: 292 Mil

1517: The Federal Republic of Fvv174
Pop: 294 Mil

1518: The Federal Republic of Fvv185
Pop: 294 Mil

1519: The Federal Republic of Fvv187
Pop: 291 Mil

1520: The Federal Republic of Fvv191
Pop: 291 Mil

1521: The Federal Republic of Fvv192
Pop: 291 Mil

1522: The Federal Republic of Fvv196
Pop: 301 Mil

1523: The Federal Republic of Fvv206
Pop: 291 Mil

1524: The Federal Republic of Fvv217
Pop: 298 Mil

1525: The Federal Republic of Fvv220
Pop: 286 Mil

1526: The Federal Republic of Fvv246
Pop: 276 Mil

1527: The Federal Republic of Fvv256
Pop: 289 Mil

1528: The Federal Republic of Fvv257
Pop: 292 Mil

1529: The Federal Republic of Fvv261
Pop: 287 Mil

1530: The Federal Republic of Fvv264
Pop: 293 Mil

1531: The Federal Republic of Fvv271
Pop: 292 Mil

1532: The Federal Republic of Fvv279
Pop: 291 Mil

1533: The Federal Republic of Fvv285
Pop: 282 Mil

1534: The Federal Republic of Fvv300
Pop: 283 Mil

1535: The Federal Republic of Fvv307
Pop: 285 Mil

1536: The Federal Republic of Fvv315
Pop: 289 Mil

1537: The Federal Republic of Fvv318
Pop: 272 Mil

1538: The Federal Republic of Fvv325
Pop: 284 Mil

1539: The Federal Republic of Fvv33
Pop: 300 Mil

1540: The Federal Republic of Fvv332
Pop: 280 Mil

1541: The Federal Republic of Fvv344
Pop: 278 Mil

1542: The Federal Republic of Fvv353
Pop: 274 Mil

1543: The Federal Republic of Fvv36
Pop: 302 Mil

1544: The Federal Republic of Fvv362
Pop: 272 Mil

1545: The Federal Republic of Fvv37
Pop: 303 Mil

1546: The Federal Republic of Fvv375
Pop: 277 Mil

1547: The Federal Republic of Fvv40
Pop: 299 Mil

1548: The Federal Republic of Fvv404
Pop: 284 Mil

1549: The Federal Republic of Fvv406
Pop: 278 Mil

1550: The Federal Republic of Fvv414
Pop: 281 Mil

1551: The Federal Republic of Fvv418
Pop: 278 Mil

1552: The Federal Republic of Fvv419
Pop: 278 Mil

1553: The Federal Republic of Fvv446
Pop: 276 Mil

1554: The Federal Republic of Fvv449
Pop: 273 Mil

1555: The Federal Republic of Fvv462
Pop: 283 Mil

1556: The Federal Republic of Fvv477
Pop: 282 Mil

1557: The Federal Republic of Fvv484
Pop: 283 Mil

1558: The Federal Republic of Fvv493
Pop: 281 Mil

1559: The Federal Republic of Fvv52
Pop: 303 Mil

1560: The Federal Republic of Fvv53
Pop: 301 Mil

1561: The Federal Republic of Fvv61
Pop: 300 Mil

1562: The Sultanate of Fzjxxz
Pop: 3,909 Mil

1563: The Nomadic Peoples of G when my friend and I went up to visit
Pop: 831 Mil

1564: The Republic of G09zmanz3b
Pop: 2,119 Mil

1565: The Empire of Ga Oston
Pop: 508 Mil

1566: The Dictatorship of GabrieLand14
Pop: 68 Mil

1567: The Republic of Gabrilandiland
Pop: 267 Mil

1568: The Republic of Gadreuca
Pop: 2,997 Mil

1569: The Connected Dimensions of Gaila
Pop: 6,922 Mil

1570: The Allied States of Gailisea
Pop: 74 Mil

1571: The Republic of Galania Shria
Pop: 476 Mil

1572: The Republic of Galejekenisaz
Pop: 45 Mil

1573: The Democratic States of Galisteo
Pop: 506 Mil

1574: The Kingdom of Galria
Pop: 104 Mil

1575: The Armed Republic of Gamblingaddict
Pop: 559 Mil

1576: The Constitutional Monarchy of Gamblingisfunyuh
Pop: 561 Mil

1577: The Empire of Gan Empire
Pop: 12 Mil

1578: The Principality of Gapellrion
Pop: 113 Mil

1579: The Federation of Garaskord
Pop: 1,227 Mil

1580: The Republic of Gargle
Pop: 784 Mil

1581: The Commonwealth of Garnt
Pop: 24,954 Mil

1582: The Republic of Garteli
Pop: 50 Mil

1583: The Federal Republic of Garvinica
Pop: 6 Mil

1584: The Socialist Realm of Gastravon
Pop: 12,608 Mil

1585: The Community of Gastronesia
Pop: 8,768 Mil

1586: The Federal Republic of Gastrony
Pop: 75 Mil

1587: The Republic of Gatshzka
Pop: 23 Mil

1588: The Republic of Gattito
Pop: 124 Mil

1589: The Empire of Gauronia
Pop: 40 Mil

1590: The Kingdom of Gay baar
Pop: 286 Mil

1591: The Republic of Gdcnup6vk8
Pop: 3,221 Mil

1592: The Scratch of Gdfsg land
Pop: 3,937 Mil

1593: The Republic of Geekvia
Pop: 13,777 Mil

1594: The Commonwealth of Gegalind
Pop: 29 Mil

1595: The Republic of Gen Blis
Pop: 104 Mil

1596: The Republic of Gennaretia
Pop: 6,046 Mil

1597: The Conscious Center of Creation of Genoxelande
Pop: 1,832 Mil

1598: The Federal Republic of Gerdostan
Pop: 407 Mil

1599: The Colony of Gerie
Pop: 62 Mil

1600: The Confederacy of German Countries
Pop: 26 Mil

1601: The Empire of German Empire V
Pop: 26 Mil

1602: The United Kingdom of Germania and Celtia
Pop: 2,041 Mil

1603: The Grand Duchy of Germany and North Italy
Pop: 407 Mil

1604: The Nomadic Peoples of Gettin more injections inspections detec
Pop: 793 Mil

1605: The Dictatorship of Gheh
Pop: 69 Mil

1606: The Kingdom of Ghernia
Pop: 6 Mil

1607: The Republic of Gherria
Pop: 56 Mil

1608: The People's Federal Republic of Gherweb1
Pop: 2,134 Mil

1609: The Republic of Ghuicdf
Pop: 95 Mil

1610: The Federal Republic of GI-Land
Pop: 18,118 Mil

1611: The Republic of Gigastan
Pop: 74 Mil

1612: The Republic of Gigegchian farmers
Pop: 98 Mil

1613: The Kingdom of Gilligan Islands
Pop: 4,441 Mil

1614: The Colony of Ginglang
Pop: 254 Mil

1615: The Federal Republic of Gitlok
Pop: 5,652 Mil

1616: The Commonwealth of Gitofrica
Pop: 244 Mil

1617: The Republic of Gitopia
Pop: 12 Mil

1618: The Republic of Glaniconia
Pop: 29 Mil

1619: The United Kingdom of Glaviusia
Pop: 50 Mil

1620: The Queendom of Gloom Cookie
Pop: 12,287 Mil

1621: The Queendom of Glorzone
Pop: 97 Mil

1622: The Republic of Glouthom
Pop: 4,218 Mil

1623: The Oppressed Peoples of Gmaing
Pop: 7,330 Mil

1624: The Colony of Goblin Puppet
Pop: 8,578 Mil

1625: The Community of Goblin Wolf Riders
Pop: 9,201 Mil

1626: The Kingdom of GochuLand
Pop: 120 Mil

1627: The Queendom of Godhaland
Pop: 139 Mil

1628: The Empire of Golapa
Pop: 92 Mil

1629: The Empire of Goldaton
Pop: 26 Mil

1630: The Sultanate of Goldbergya
Pop: 6,593 Mil

1631: The Federal Republic of Golden Beach Harbor
Pop: 102 Mil

1632: The Confederacy of Golden Dragon Cooperative Sphere
Pop: 1,896 Mil

1633: The Empire of Golden Lion
Pop: 283 Mil

1634: The Empire of Golden Opportunity
Pop: 186 Mil

1635: The Empire of Goldenelandes
Pop: 23 Mil

1636: The Soggy Islands of Goldnation
Pop: 5,155 Mil

1637: The Federation of Gole Rodal
Pop: 86 Mil

1638: The Republic of Goltistreathiais
Pop: 6 Mil

1639: The Ewquanian Republic of Gongheguo von Ewquana
Pop: 2,364 Mil

1640: The Federal Republic of Gonthavnor
Pop: 4,256 Mil

1641: The Republic of Good boy central
Pop: 293 Mil

1642: The People's Republic of Goodgust Ric
Pop: 45 Mil

1643: The Empire of Goofy goobers
Pop: 16 Mil

1644: The Kingdom of Goofycatville
Pop: 7 Mil

1645: The Socialist Federal Republic of Googachi
Pop: 5,755 Mil

1646: The Confederacy of Googoogagagkgkgkgk
Pop: 62 Mil

1647: The Republic of GOONTOWN
Pop: 26 Mil

1648: The Republic of Gorgiasia
Pop: 9 Mil

1649: The Free Land of Gorklibunsond
Pop: 7,902 Mil

1650: The Most Serene Republic of Gotham City of Batman
Pop: 2,486 Mil

1651: The Republic of Gothlatinas4
Pop: 12 Mil

1652: The Republic of Gothlatinas6
Pop: 10 Mil

1653: The Republic of Goursstack
Pop: 73 Mil

1654: The Republic of Gourstack
Pop: 74 Mil

1655: The Democratic Republic of Govan
Pop: 26 Mil

1656: The Republic of GPToria
Pop: 32 Mil

1657: The Principality of Gracca
Pop: 6,567 Mil

1658: The Dominion of Grace Sto Yaketopia
Pop: 3,855 Mil

1659: The Driven Snow of Grace Wellesley Thayer
Pop: 3,546 Mil

1660: The United Provinces of Grainstan
Pop: 3,877 Mil

1661: The Democratic Republic of Grand Divide
Pop: 14 Mil

1662: The Kingdom of Grand Eldorian
Pop: 50 Mil

1663: The Holy Empire of Grand Germans
Pop: 7 Mil

1664: The Principality of Grand moravia
Pop: 6 Mil

1665: The Republic of Grande Brasil Soberano
Pop: 7 Mil

1666: The Republic of Grandma EK
Pop: 159 Mil

1667: The Republic of Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS
Pop: 4,236 Mil

1668: The Empire of Grassin
Pop: 79 Mil

1669: The Queendom of Gre Choinstanribersis
Pop: 32 Mil

1670: The Borderlands of Gre Wegnoveny
Pop: 86 Mil

1671: The United States of Great Again America
Pop: 131 Mil

1672: The Imperium of Great Andora
Pop: 17,466 Mil

1673: The Republic of Great Bengal
Pop: 433 Mil

1674: The Community of Great Cardoso
Pop: 6 Mil

1675: The Kingdom of Great Danistan
Pop: 10,339 Mil

1676: The Empire of Great Foxain
Pop: 110 Mil

1677: The Greatest Holy Empire of Great Hei
Pop: 7,238 Mil

1678: The Confederacy of Great Hochelaga
Pop: 150 Mil

1679: The Holy Empire of Great Hozendoff
Pop: 18,543 Mil

1680: The Theocracy of Great Kekistan
Pop: 5,954 Mil

1681: The Federal Republic of Great Lothian
Pop: 7,127 Mil

1682: The Grand Republic of Great Marsinia
Pop: 19,983 Mil

1683: The Commonwealth of Great Narch
Pop: 56 Mil

1684: The Imperial Democracy of Great Ostanian Republic
Pop: 4,268 Mil

1685: The Holy Empire of Great Proxima
Pop: 784 Mil

1686: The Commonwealth of Great Rijnland
Pop: 50 Mil

1687: The Empire of Great Scapula
Pop: 22,982 Mil

1688: The Emirate of Great Scoda
Pop: 168 Mil

1689: The Democratic States of Great Sun Republic
Pop: 86 Mil

1690: The Kingdom of Great Tibet
Pop: 2,048 Mil

1691: The Federal Republic of Great yakub
Pop: 109 Mil

1692: The Federal Republic of Great yakubtopia
Pop: 112 Mil

1693: The Protectorate of Great Zambezia
Pop: 177 Mil

1694: The Federation of Greater Alemania
Pop: 6 Mil

1695: The Armed Republic of Greater Canadian Colonies
Pop: 85 Mil

1696: The Holy Empire of Greater Che Tuca Lible
Pop: 565 Mil

1697: The Emirate of Greater Chudistan
Pop: 9 Mil

1698: The Republic of Greater Doust Ning
Pop: 32 Mil

1699: The United States of Greater Imperial Austria
Pop: 10 Mil

1700: The United States of Greater Katherine
Pop: 40 Mil

1701: The Provisional Government of Greater Kentre Federation
Pop: 1,779 Mil

1702: The United Socialist States of Greater Khitannia
Pop: 6 Mil

1703: The United Republic of Greater Korea
Pop: 5,370 Mil

1704: The Colony of Greater Migospiroystan
Pop: 105 Mil

1705: The Democratic Republic of Greater Mozambique
Pop: 68 Mil

1706: The Republic of Greater Onion
Pop: 194 Mil

1707: The Empire of Greater Pardonia
Pop: 2,764 Mil

1708: The Incorporated States of Greater Yemenia
Pop: 693 Mil

1709: The Dominion of Greater-Indies
Pop: 529 Mil

1710: The Incorporated States of Grecum
Pop: 40 Mil

1711: The Republic of Greek National Right
Pop: 9 Mil

1712: The Dictatorship of Green Gabon
Pop: 104 Mil

1713: The Democratic Republic of Grenadinen
Pop: 69 Mil

1714: The Confederacy of Greticalvil
Pop: 10 Mil

1715: The United States of Grevaria
Pop: 14,822 Mil

1716: The Commonwealth of Grirectum Stuff
Pop: 10 Mil

1717: The Kingdom of Gromks
Pop: 26 Mil

1718: The Colony of Grond
Pop: 25,041 Mil

1719: The Borderlands of Grorst Kingwry
Pop: 82 Mil

1720: The United States of Grun Monia
Pop: 72 Mil

1721: The Federation of Gsgfgfland
Pop: 295 Mil

1722: The Republic of Gtlandia
Pop: 933 Mil

1723: The Commonwealth of Guanatamo
Pop: 154 Mil

1724: The Province of Guangdong
Pop: 5,437 Mil

1725: The Kingdom of Guavistan
Pop: 32 Mil

1726: The Jingoistic States of Gubu
Pop: 440 Mil

1727: The Oppressed Peoples of Guilty Secrets
Pop: 12,269 Mil

1728: The United States of Gulf Americanas
Pop: 72 Mil

1729: The Democratic States of Gulgolshva Pieshirel
Pop: 100 Mil

1730: The Republic of Gummies
Pop: 8 Mil

1731: The Democratic Republic of Gund Islatu
Pop: 16 Mil

1732: The Republic of Gundard
Pop: 1,944 Mil

1733: The Armed Republic of Gunshteiser
Pop: 10 Mil

1734: The Empire of Gunther Steiner
Pop: 26 Mil

1735: The Armed Republic of Guntistan
Pop: 86 Mil

1736: The Republic of Gunvolt
Pop: 5,340 Mil

1737: The United Kingdom of Gusini
Pop: 89 Mil

1738: The Federation of Gusinia
Pop: 88 Mil

1739: The Empire of Gwlad y Cyfartal
Pop: 81 Mil

1740: The Confederacy of Gyattaria
Pop: 12 Mil

1741: The Most Serene Republic of Gymnostan
Pop: 28,883 Mil

1742: The Empire of Gyulai
Pop: 8 Mil

1743: The Republic of H land
Pop: 36 Mil

1744: The Kingdom of H M D
Pop: 62 Mil

1745: The Republic of Haclon
Pop: 96 Mil

1746: The Democratic Republic of Hacoucles
Pop: 20 Mil

1747: The Matriarchy of Hacrela
Pop: 3,819 Mil

1748: The Federal State of Hadern
Pop: 767 Mil

1749: The Technocratic Republic of Hadrex
Pop: 6,446 Mil

1750: The Republic of Haete
Pop: 492 Mil

1751: The Empire of Hagos
Pop: 50 Mil

1752: The Community of Hailopolis
Pop: 98 Mil

1753: The Armed Republic of Halef
Pop: 25,056 Mil

1754: The Republic of Haleyy
Pop: 16 Mil

1755: The Empire of Halinnsk
Pop: 62 Mil

1756: The Most Serene Republic of Halphenia
Pop: 50 Mil

1757: The Theocracy of Hamena
Pop: 18 Mil

1758: The Federation of Hamessapia
Pop: 26 Mil

1759: The Republic of Hamilton Grange Memorial
Pop: 4,201 Mil

1760: The Community of Hamlovers
Pop: 45 Mil

1761: The Disputed Territories of Hammannam
Pop: 219 Mil

1762: The Republic of Hampton NHS
Pop: 4,259 Mil

1763: The Empire of Hamronica
Pop: 33,428 Mil

1764: The People's Republic of Han Rocky Nohais
Pop: 45 Mil

1765: The Grand Duchy of Hangra
Pop: 542 Mil

1766: The Imperial Sinjōist State of Hanguk-Nippon
Pop: 14,819 Mil

1767: The Federation of Hanostas
Pop: 10 Mil

1768: The Free Land of Hansa Lun
Pop: 195 Mil

1769: The Republic of Hanzuria
Pop: 29 Mil

1770: The Community of Happyfun
Pop: 9 Mil

1771: The Empire of Happytania
Pop: 1,189 Mil

1772: The Democratic Republic of Harcasia
Pop: 13,756 Mil

1773: The Free Land of Hardoniousia
Pop: 371 Mil

1774: The Confederacy of Harg Holitz
Pop: 14 Mil

1775: The Kingdom of Harme Phis Baradarla
Pop: 29 Mil

1776: The Incorporated Entity of Harmonious Paperclips
Pop: 30,905 Mil

1777: The Republic of Harpers Ferry NHP
Pop: 4,206 Mil

1778: The Republic of Harriet Tubman NHP
Pop: 4,262 Mil

1779: The Republic of Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad NHP
Pop: 4,208 Mil

1780: The Colony of Harrison Oasis
Pop: 3,699 Mil

1781: The Republic of Hary
Pop: 94 Mil

1782: The Republic of Hatecrew
Pop: 543 Mil

1783: The John of HATRED AND BIGOTRY
Pop: 2,147 Mil

1784: The Queendom of Havenfell
Pop: 18,078 Mil

1785: The Grand Republic of Havenwelle
Pop: 20,874 Mil

1786: The Dictatorship of Hawthornes America
Pop: 1,535 Mil

1787: The Socialist Anime Queendom of Haya-Nagatoro
Pop: 1,837 Mil

1788: The Republic of Haymer
Pop: 16 Mil

1789: The Colony of Hazelbrust
Pop: 12,387 Mil

1790: The Allied States of Heart of Lorkhan
Pop: 154 Mil

1791: The Federation of Heartbreak Island
Pop: 252 Mil

1792: The Constitutional Monarchy of Hebiahokraaslan
Pop: 96 Mil

1793: The Rogue Nation of HeChills
Pop: 93 Mil

1794: The United States of Hedgie Hills
Pop: 104 Mil

1795: The Holy Empire of Hedingburgh
Pop: 85 Mil

1796: The Republic of Hela Rutcre
Pop: 32 Mil

1797: The Matriarchy of Helenismo
Pop: 599 Mil

1798: The Colony of Hellethoinco
Pop: 16 Mil

1799: The Protectorate of Hells bells 116
Pop: 186 Mil

1800: The Protectorate of Hells bells 121
Pop: 184 Mil

1801: The Protectorate of Hells bells 127
Pop: 184 Mil

1802: The Republic of Hells bells 137
Pop: 189 Mil

1803: The Republic of Hells bells 140
Pop: 189 Mil

1804: The Republic of Hells bells 150
Pop: 190 Mil

1805: The Republic of Hells bells 163
Pop: 190 Mil

1806: The Republic of Hells bells 166
Pop: 188 Mil

1807: The Republic of Hells bells 172
Pop: 186 Mil

1808: The Federal Republic of Helnavita
Pop: 14 Mil

1809: The Dominion of Helvilue
Pop: 7 Mil

1810: The Disputed Territories of Henaeia
Pop: 45 Mil

1811: The Suction Power of Henry Hoover
Pop: 15,408 Mil

1812: The Jingoistic States of Hentao
Pop: 13,162 Mil

1813: The Armed Republic of Hentov
Pop: 62 Mil

1814: The Colony of Herrinston
Pop: 112 Mil

1815: The Matriarchy of Hexastadaordia
Pop: 1,092 Mil

1816: The Republic of Hexenzerkil
Pop: 155 Mil

1817: The Dictatorship of Higaku
Pop: 1,818 Mil

1818: The Kingdom of Hikuze
Pop: 40 Mil

1819: The Allied States of Hiloxora
Pop: 62 Mil

1820: The Empire of Himeriaa
Pop: 228 Mil

1821: The Empire of Himland Bharat
Pop: 100 Mil

1822: The Republic of Hindustanl
Pop: 23 Mil

1823: The Protectorate of Hinokoku
Pop: 204 Mil

1824: The Republic of Hipsen
Pop: 85 Mil

1825: The Kingdom of Hiveda
Pop: 13,203 Mil

1826: The Corporate Giant of Hiyashi
Pop: 4,836 Mil

1827: The Community of Hnuhehd 73jd
Pop: 104 Mil

1828: The Community of Hoeng Gong
Pop: 1,769 Mil

1829: The Commonwealth of Hoffmanton
Pop: 517 Mil

1830: The Republic of Hogrado
Pop: 14 Mil

1831: The Colony of Hokaze
Pop: 84 Mil

1832: The Constitutional Monarchy of Holenbrugge
Pop: 104 Mil

1833: The Federation of Holertion milkoch tingu
Pop: 115 Mil

1834: The United Socialist States of Holl Mideraxis
Pop: 88 Mil

1835: The Community of Holland Valley
Pop: 1,300 Mil

1836: The Empire of Holly kid
Pop: 86 Mil

1837: The Republic of Holux2
Pop: 68 Mil

1838: The Theocracy of Holy Cyprus
Pop: 101 Mil

1839: The Kingdom of Holy Free
Pop: 10,940 Mil

1840: The Principality of Holy Hows Tout Laderthazu
Pop: 88 Mil

1841: The Holy Empire of Holy Mon Azue
Pop: 45 Mil

1842: The Kingdom of Holy North Pole
Pop: 20 Mil

1843: The Queendom of Holy Russis
Pop: 88 Mil

1844: The Federal Republic of Homares
Pop: 26 Mil

1845: The Confederacy of Homico
Pop: 10 Mil

1846: The Protectorate of Hondo Karr
Pop: 31,365 Mil

1847: The Please withdraw endorse me of Hong Kong Kowloon and New Territories
Pop: 10,379 Mil

1848: The Republic of Hong Kong REVIVE
Pop: 89 Mil

1849: The Armed Republic of Hoobistan
Pop: 238 Mil

1850: The Federal Republic of Hoongia
Pop: 10 Mil

1851: The Empire of Horriblis
Pop: 9 Mil

1852: The Republic of Horseshoe Bend Military Park
Pop: 4,229 Mil

1853: The Empire of Horuset
Pop: 581 Mil

1854: The Republic of HORYA
Pop: 91 Mil

1855: The Republic of Houck Kons
Pop: 103 Mil

1856: The Kingdom of Houltrian-imback
Pop: 6 Mil

1857: The Kingdom of Houtiti
Pop: 1,426 Mil

1858: The Independent Colony of Hrejup
Pop: 12,069 Mil

1859: The Republic of Hsdhdhdn
Pop: 56 Mil

1860: The Empire of Hubasztan
Pop: 18 Mil

1861: The Kingdom of Hue Sem
Pop: 18 Mil

1862: The Empire of Humanity 2
Pop: 283 Mil

1863: The Lacking of HumanSanity
Pop: 26,665 Mil

1864: The Emirate of Hundanese
Pop: 105 Mil

1865: The Republic of HUR 1495
Pop: 111 Mil

1866: The Republic of HUR 1497
Pop: 107 Mil

1867: The Republic of HUR 1506
Pop: 112 Mil

1868: The Republic of HUR 1519
Pop: 111 Mil

1869: The Republic of HUR 1525
Pop: 110 Mil

1870: The Republic of HUR 1527
Pop: 109 Mil

1871: The Republic of HUR 1528
Pop: 110 Mil

1872: The Republic of HUR 1529
Pop: 107 Mil

1873: The Republic of HUR 1540
Pop: 105 Mil

1874: The Republic of HUR 1545
Pop: 109 Mil

1875: The Republic of HUR 1546
Pop: 106 Mil

1876: The Republic of HUR 1567
Pop: 90 Mil

1877: The Republic of HUR 1574
Pop: 93 Mil

1878: The Republic of HUR 1600
Pop: 96 Mil

1879: The Republic of HUR 1602
Pop: 92 Mil

1880: The Republic of HUR 1604
Pop: 92 Mil

1881: The Republic of HUR 1621
Pop: 69 Mil

1882: The Republic of HUR 1642
Pop: 69 Mil

1883: The Republic of HUR 1643
Pop: 68 Mil

1884: The Republic of HUR 1662
Pop: 12 Mil

1885: The Republic of HUR 1670
Pop: 6 Mil

1886: The Republic of HUR 1672
Pop: 6 Mil

1887: The Republic of HUR 1677
Pop: 6 Mil

1888: The Republic of HUR 1690
Pop: 6 Mil

1889: The Republic of HUR 1691
Pop: 6 Mil

1890: The Republic of Huron National Forest
Pop: 2,677 Mil

1891: The Republic of Hurt You
Pop: 320 Mil

1892: The Republic of Hurtado Star System
Pop: 400 Mil

1893: The Rogue Nation of Hyalty Engledstan
Pop: 1,364 Mil

1894: The Republic of Hydione Oddled
Pop: 10 Mil

1895: The Democratic Republic of Hydragosia
Pop: 10 Mil

1896: The Most Glorious Republic of Hydrian Saratstania
Pop: 17,847 Mil

1897: The Republic of Hygcaria
Pop: 10 Mil

1898: The People's Republic of Hypothalamus
Pop: 14 Mil

1899: The Commonwealth of I couldnt come up with a name
Pop: 488 Mil

1900: The Republic of I love Vola and Petea
Pop: 209 Mil

1901: The Nomadic Peoples of I sat down got good and drunk the night
Pop: 819 Mil

1902: The Armed Republic of I want to CTE
Pop: 95 Mil

1903: The Republic of I3negjgpmc
Pop: 3,197 Mil

1904: The Emirate of Ibn
Pop: 50 Mil

1905: The Republic of Icarema
Pop: 7,371 Mil

1906: The Borderlands of ICE Carbon Diablo X
Pop: 29 Mil

1907: The Fairy Tail Mage of Ice Make
Pop: 11,614 Mil

1908: The Colony of Iden
Pop: 25,115 Mil

1909: The Holy Empire of Idgaftopia
Pop: 86 Mil

1910: The Empire of IDKManImBored
Pop: 45 Mil

1911: The Democratic States of Idonou
Pop: 105 Mil

1912: The Republic of If I speak I am in big trouble
Pop: 4,781 Mil

1913: The Principality of If They Say Why Why Michael Jackson
Pop: 775 Mil

1914: The Cor Anglais of If You Have Time
Pop: 4,673 Mil

1915: The Republic of Igacio
Pop: 67 Mil

1916: The Empire of Igantsky region
Pop: 7 Mil

1917: The Republic of IGIT
Pop: 581 Mil

1918: The Republic of Ihavethathasajob123
Pop: 327 Mil

1919: The United Kingdom of Iiingerluuund
Pop: 615 Mil

1920: The Republic of Ikjl
Pop: 26 Mil

1921: The United Kingdom of Ikm103
Pop: 32 Mil

1922: The United Kingdom of Ikm104
Pop: 32 Mil

1923: The United Kingdom of Ikm105
Pop: 32 Mil

1924: The United Kingdom of Ikm114
Pop: 32 Mil

1925: The United Kingdom of Ikm118
Pop: 32 Mil

1926: The United Kingdom of Ikm125
Pop: 32 Mil

1927: The United Kingdom of Ikm126
Pop: 32 Mil

1928: The United Kingdom of Ikm134
Pop: 32 Mil

1929: The United Kingdom of Ikm153
Pop: 32 Mil

1930: The United Kingdom of Ikm176
Pop: 32 Mil

1931: The United Kingdom of Ikm179
Pop: 32 Mil

1932: The United Kingdom of Ikm18
Pop: 32 Mil

1933: The United Kingdom of Ikm217
Pop: 32 Mil

1934: The United Kingdom of Ikm219
Pop: 32 Mil

1935: The United Kingdom of Ikm223
Pop: 32 Mil

1936: The United Kingdom of Ikm23
Pop: 32 Mil

1937: The United Kingdom of Ikm24
Pop: 32 Mil

1938: The United Kingdom of Ikm243
Pop: 32 Mil

1939: The United Kingdom of Ikm252
Pop: 29 Mil

1940: The United Kingdom of Ikm288
Pop: 32 Mil

1941: The United Kingdom of Ikm307
Pop: 26 Mil

1942: The United Kingdom of Ikm309
Pop: 26 Mil

1943: The United Kingdom of Ikm31
Pop: 32 Mil

1944: The United Kingdom of Ikm315
Pop: 26 Mil

1945: The United Kingdom of Ikm319
Pop: 26 Mil

1946: The United Kingdom of Ikm325
Pop: 26 Mil

1947: The United Kingdom of Ikm331
Pop: 26 Mil

1948: The United Kingdom of Ikm34
Pop: 32 Mil

1949: The United Kingdom of Ikm342
Pop: 26 Mil

1950: The United Kingdom of Ikm345
Pop: 26 Mil

1951: The United Kingdom of Ikm350
Pop: 26 Mil

1952: The United Kingdom of Ikm365
Pop: 26 Mil

1953: The United Kingdom of Ikm366
Pop: 26 Mil

1954: The United Kingdom of Ikm374
Pop: 26 Mil

1955: The United Kingdom of Ikm384
Pop: 26 Mil

1956: The United Kingdom of Ikm391
Pop: 26 Mil

1957: The United Kingdom of Ikm4
Pop: 32 Mil

1958: The United Kingdom of Ikm421
Pop: 26 Mil

1959: The United Kingdom of Ikm436
Pop: 26 Mil

1960: The United Kingdom of Ikm480
Pop: 23 Mil

1961: The United Kingdom of Ikm481
Pop: 23 Mil

1962: The United Kingdom of Ikm490
Pop: 23 Mil

1963: The United Kingdom of Ikm56
Pop: 32 Mil

1964: The United Kingdom of Ikm58
Pop: 32 Mil

1965: The United Kingdom of Ikm64
Pop: 32 Mil

1966: The United Kingdom of Ikm74
Pop: 32 Mil

1967: The United Kingdom of Ikm84
Pop: 32 Mil

1968: The United Kingdom of Ikm9
Pop: 32 Mil

1969: The United Kingdom of Ikm97
Pop: 32 Mil

1970: The United States of Ill have you know I went through basic
Pop: 1,886 Mil

1971: The Republic of Illesoon Coighteds
Pop: 20 Mil

1972: The Republic of ImAtSchool
Pop: 56 Mil

1973: The Ministress Emeritus of Imkitopia
Pop: 17,895 Mil

1974: The Republic of Immaculate Hearth
Pop: 4,249 Mil

1975: The Republic of Imped Che
Pop: 14 Mil

1976: The Empire of Imperial Byzantium
Pop: 5,263 Mil

1977: The Everlasting Loneliness of Imperial Cecilia
Pop: 991 Mil

1978: The Empire of Imperial Dralia
Pop: 244 Mil

1979: The Kingdom of Imperial Italy
Pop: 3,496 Mil

1980: The Empire of Imperial King Dingdong Abanzado
Pop: 29 Mil

1981: The Empire of Imperial King June V Rodriguez
Pop: 29 Mil

1982: The Empire of Imperial King Ryan Joseph San Pedro
Pop: 29 Mil

1983: The Republic of Imperial Lanuj Evi Daer
Pop: 105 Mil

1984: The Dictatorship of Imperial Medelley Toyand
Pop: 68 Mil

1985: The Republic of Imperial Mondstadt
Pop: 841 Mil

1986: The Republic of Imperial Napton
Pop: 56 Mil

1987: The Holy Empire of Imperial North
Pop: 4,440 Mil

1988: The Empire of Imperial Prince Allan Rodriguez Mamaclay
Pop: 29 Mil

1989: The Republic of Imperial Quaty Phia
Pop: 36 Mil

1990: The Federal Republic of Imperial Rearia
Pop: 5,936 Mil

1991: The Republic of Imperial Rece Bam
Pop: 85 Mil

1992: The Democratic Republic of Imperial Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Pop: 10 Mil

1993: The Dictatorship of Imperial Totte Cracker
Pop: 56 Mil

1994: The Theocracy of Imperio de Cristo Rei
Pop: 32 Mil

1995: The Empire of Imperio Lusitano da America
Pop: 36 Mil

1996: The Holy Empire of Imperio Montis Aurelia
Pop: 213 Mil

1997: The Kingdom of Imperio Renacentista
Pop: 86 Mil

1998: The Republic of Imperium lunae
Pop: 62 Mil

1999: The Empire of Imperium Sempiternum
Pop: 8,154 Mil

2000: The Empire of Imperiya Ruslan
Pop: 78 Mil

2001: The Constitutional Monarchy of Inaea
Pop: 79 Mil

2002: The United Socialist States of Incarn
Pop: 522 Mil

2003: The Federation of Indaria
Pop: 683 Mil

2004: The Republic of Independent Liverpool
Pop: 3,045 Mil

2005: The Community of Independent News Network
Pop: 10,254 Mil

2006: The Most Serene Republic of Independent Taiwanese Island
Pop: 101 Mil

2007: The Free Land of Independessertism
Pop: 45 Mil

2008: The Democratic Republic of of Indian Lands
Pop: 6,021 Mil

2009: The Protectorate of Indietropolis
Pop: 6,969 Mil

2010: The Democratic Republic of IndiPak
Pop: 170 Mil

2011: The Democratic Republic of Indolos
Pop: 10,761 Mil

2012: The Semi-Autonomous Region of Indonesia Province
Pop: 1,294 Mil

2013: The Federal Republic of Indonesic
Pop: 869 Mil

2014: The Free Land of Industriamia
Pop: 102 Mil

2015: The Republic of IndustroMiliComplex
Pop: 4,062 Mil

2016: The Community of Infinite Liberties
Pop: 110 Mil

2017: The United States of INFINYSON
Pop: 14 Mil

2018: The Free Land of Inflorescence of Dahlia
Pop: 379 Mil

2019: The Free Land of Inflorescence of Yarrow
Pop: 375 Mil

2020: The Federation of Ingermland
Pop: 75 Mil

2021: The United States of Innate
Pop: 62 Mil

2022: The Democratic Republic of Inner Albania
Pop: 5,452 Mil

2023: The United Socialist States of Inner Albania fan
Pop: 207 Mil

2024: The Republic of Inner Crol Sybilukulfo
Pop: 173 Mil

2025: The Republic of Inner Dece Draco
Pop: 98 Mil

2026: The Theocracy of Inner Ma Nisa
Pop: 8 Mil

2027: The Republic of Inner Mabad
Pop: 12 Mil

2028: The Rogue Nation of Inner Ray Dormy Paunden
Pop: 32 Mil

2029: The Colony of Inner Ritzkah
Pop: 155 Mil

2030: The Federative Republics of Inner Ted Imazahvatia
Pop: 6,354 Mil

2031: The Empire of Innerdana
Pop: 246 Mil

2032: The Queendom of Inpidan
Pop: 2,911 Mil

2033: The Kingdom of Inselbewohner
Pop: 795 Mil

2034: The Republic of Inskovalma
Pop: 14 Mil

2035: The Mercantile republic of Insulae libertatis
Pop: 7,945 Mil

2036: The Republic of Insuliana
Pop: 32 Mil

2037: The Republic of Interference-cancellation technologies
Pop: 340 Mil

2038: The Republic of Internet Explorer 9
Pop: 259 Mil

2039: The Free Land of Intersectional spiritualism
Pop: 102 Mil

2040: The Syndycalist Republic of Intlyiatin
Pop: 31,714 Mil

2041: The Federation of Iogama
Pop: 85 Mil

2042: The Protectorate of Ira
Pop: 4,092 Mil

2043: The Federal Republic of Iravar
Pop: 85 Mil

2044: The Kingdom of Irec
Pop: 11,994 Mil

2045: The Dominion of Iresistan
Pop: 4,251 Mil

2046: The Republic of Ireton
Pop: 36 Mil

2047: The Empire of Irgendwo united continent
Pop: 36 Mil

2048: The Kingdom of Irineo
Pop: 29 Mil

2049: The Republic of Iron Ram
Pop: 217 Mil

2050: The Federal Republic of IRRI
Pop: 595 Mil

2051: The Void of Is there nothing
Pop: 10,362 Mil

2052: The Republic of Islainy
Pop: 9 Mil

2053: The Free Land of Islam Salmonia
Pop: 56 Mil

2054: The Sultanate of Islamic States 22
Pop: 18 Mil

2055: The Dictatorship of Islandotopia
Pop: 374 Mil

2056: The Kingdom of Islatiectorlance
Pop: 14 Mil

2057: The Republic of IslaYara
Pop: 168 Mil

2058: The Republic of Isle of Envy
Pop: 45 Mil

2059: The Federation of Islesesopeia
Pop: 17,999 Mil

2060: The United Socialist States of Isnotamerica
Pop: 26 Mil

2061: The Illusion of Isokenzar
Pop: 14,791 Mil

2062: The Federal Republic of Israfzel
Pop: 6 Mil

2063: The Republic of Ista Planx
Pop: 32 Mil

2064: The Empire of Italia Lorenia
Pop: 89 Mil

2065: The Constitutional Monarchy of Italianois
Pop: 894 Mil

2066: The Empire of Itani
Pop: 10,343 Mil

2067: The Principality of Item shop
Pop: 2,366 Mil

2068: The United Federation of Itomoria
Pop: 6,257 Mil

2069: The Republic of Ivisia
Pop: 283 Mil

2070: The Republic of Ixq4snzibm
Pop: 2,064 Mil

2071: The Principality of Izhta
Pop: 10 Mil

2072: The Community of Izwe Lokuphuma Llanga
Pop: 87 Mil

2073: The Republic of J i h a d
Pop: 18 Mil

2074: The Most Serene Republic of Jacines Andisce
Pop: 40 Mil

2075: The Protectorate of Jadeite Fjord
Pop: 662 Mil

2076: The Colony of Jadeite Reef
Pop: 853 Mil

2077: The Oppressed Peoples of Jahvanostia
Pop: 78 Mil

2078: The Republic of Jair Bolsonaro IV
Pop: 904 Mil

2079: The Federation of Jaistone
Pop: 105 Mil

2080: The Garfieldism Enjoyer of Jakalaka
Pop: 1,163 Mil

2081: The Sultanate of Jakypbek Aynabek
Pop: 14 Mil

2082: The Republic of James A Garfield NHS
Pop: 4,236 Mil

2083: The Commonwealth of James Hartin
Pop: 12 Mil

2084: The Republic of Jamlamdia
Pop: 81 Mil

2085: The Support Ukraine of Jammlandia
Pop: 10,201 Mil

2086: The United Kingdom of Janejira Pham
Pop: 50 Mil

2087: The Allied States of Janoi Donacen
Pop: 1,695 Mil

2088: The Republic of Japoi
Pop: 6 Mil

2089: The Most Serene Republic of Jarederia
Pop: 233 Mil

2090: The Commonwealth of Jarilon
Pop: 13,751 Mil

2091: The Sultanate of Jarnamo
Pop: 29 Mil

2092: The Empire of Jarodo de moro
Pop: 83 Mil

2093: The Grand Duchy of Jarokis
Pop: 336 Mil

2094: The Queendom of Jaroslandija
Pop: 32 Mil

2095: The Principality of Jasca Merity
Pop: 87 Mil

2096: The Republic of Jason Giambi
Pop: 4,735 Mil

2097: The Kingdom of Jatakou
Pop: 12 Mil

2098: The Allied States of JAYVARIA
Pop: 62 Mil

2099: The Republic of Jazklartan
Pop: 16,635 Mil

2100: The United States of Jdf djfierfjkjj
Pop: 100 Mil

2101: The Republic of Jean Lafitte NHP and Preserve
Pop: 4,225 Mil

2102: The Republic of Jedinsto
Pop: 5,026 Mil

2103: The Empire of JeffersonLand
Pop: 4,678 Mil

2104: The Republic of Jeforlta
Pop: 14 Mil

2105: The All Inclusive Love and Pride of Jehenna
Pop: 14,810 Mil

2106: The Republic of Jellem
Pop: 36 Mil

2107: The Free Land of Jered S
Pop: 119 Mil

2108: The Democratic Republic of Jeryur
Pop: 1,939 Mil

2109: The Allied States of Jethial
Pop: 10,317 Mil

2110: The Commonwealth of Jewels
Pop: 149 Mil

2111: The Allied States of Jhadphanus
Pop: 1,894 Mil

2112: The People's Republic of Jibberjam
Pop: 21,436 Mil

2113: The Republic of JimmyP
Pop: 14,556 Mil

2114: The Kingdom of Jishu
Pop: 14 Mil

2115: The Republic of Jit-City
Pop: 16 Mil

2116: The Socialist Republic of JJGRANDPADOGGY
Pop: 3,047 Mil

2117: The Republic of Jjijij
Pop: 14 Mil

2118: The United Kingdom of Jnunkio 65ah36
Pop: 106 Mil

2119: The Confederacy of Jockton
Pop: 12 Mil

2120: The Holy Empire of Joe Biden kitchen
Pop: 612 Mil

2121: The Commonwealth of Joe Cool
Pop: 12,319 Mil

2122: The People's Republic of Jofece
Pop: 67 Mil

2123: The Federation of Johara
Pop: 831 Mil

2124: The Republic of John Fitzgerald Kennedy NHS
Pop: 4,229 Mil

2125: The Republic of John Wild River
Pop: 4,275 Mil

2126: The Emirate of Johnlandiamarkousby
Pop: 23 Mil

2127: The Republic of Johnny Bench
Pop: 4,738 Mil

2128: The Borderlands of Johnnyklebitz
Pop: 267 Mil

2129: The Republic of Johnstown Flood Memorial
Pop: 4,243 Mil

2130: The Holy Empire of Johny Hotbody
Pop: 67 Mil

2131: The United States of Jomoca
Pop: 2,875 Mil

2132: The Confederacy of Jon Q Arbuckle dictatorship
Pop: 62 Mil

2133: The Armed Republic of Jonathan Wick
Pop: 4,768 Mil

2134: The Democratic Republic of Joon Joon Patel Krishna
Pop: 62 Mil

2135: The Queendom of Jorna
Pop: 75 Mil

2136: The Empire of Jovesia
Pop: 7,607 Mil

2137: The Democratic Peoples' Republic of Juche Corea
Pop: 2,968 Mil

2138: The Dictatorship of Juliusslat
Pop: 14 Mil

2139: The Empire of Jumbat
Pop: 14 Mil

2140: The Kingdom of Junosia
Pop: 475 Mil

2141: The Dictatorship of Juntaslan
Pop: 2,012 Mil

2142: The Spiteful Peoples of Juraxchi
Pop: 5,419 Mil

2143: The Sultanate of Jurhala
Pop: 40 Mil

2144: The Republic of Jus Kihann
Pop: 105 Mil

2145: The Federation of Justice Seeking States
Pop: 4,944 Mil

2146: The Republic of JustKeepFarming100
Pop: 6 Mil

2147: The Republic of JustKeepFarming109
Pop: 6 Mil

2148: The Republic of JustKeepFarming110
Pop: 6 Mil

2149: The Republic of JustKeepFarming12
Pop: 14 Mil

2150: The Republic of JustKeepFarming15
Pop: 14 Mil

2151: The Republic of JustKeepFarming20
Pop: 14 Mil

2152: The Republic of JustKeepFarming21
Pop: 12 Mil

2153: The Republic of JustKeepFarming34
Pop: 12 Mil

2154: The Republic of JustKeepFarming39
Pop: 12 Mil

2155: The Republic of JustKeepFarming48
Pop: 10 Mil

2156: The Republic of JustKeepFarming53
Pop: 10 Mil

2157: The Republic of JustKeepFarming60
Pop: 10 Mil

2158: The Republic of JustKeepFarming64
Pop: 10 Mil

2159: The Republic of JustKeepFarming68
Pop: 7 Mil

2160: The Republic of JustKeepFarming70
Pop: 7 Mil

2161: The Republic of JustKeepFarming80
Pop: 7 Mil

2162: The Kingdom of Kaaqa
Pop: 56 Mil

2163: The Protectorate of Kaen Machi
Pop: 56 Mil

2164: The Socialist Republic of Kai Fa
Pop: 13,139 Mil

2165: The Sultanate of Kaim Anbar
Pop: 69 Mil

2166: The Empire of Kaiyzar
Pop: 295 Mil

2167: The Republic of Kaizent
Pop: 6 Mil

2168: The Republic of Kakhulu
Pop: 93 Mil

2169: The Empire of Kalastial
Pop: 274 Mil

2170: The Republic of Kaleb-Landia
Pop: 45 Mil

2171: The Republic of Kalilola
Pop: 6,514 Mil

2172: The Republic of KalleAnka
Pop: 105 Mil

2173: The Federation of Kalsberg
Pop: 801 Mil

2174: The Empire of Kaluxi
Pop: 81 Mil

2175: The Federation of Kamang Tesonia
Pop: 12 Mil

2176: The People's Republic of Kamboudia
Pop: 18 Mil

2177: The United States of Kamerdes
Pop: 69 Mil

2178: The Republic of Kami0
Pop: 6,873 Mil

2179: The Armed Republic of Kamizuren
Pop: 590 Mil

2180: The Kingdom of Kamomedai High
Pop: 395 Mil

2181: The People's Republic of Kamorokia
Pop: 45 Mil

2182: The Matriarchy of Kanasupp15
Pop: 352 Mil

2183: The Queendom of Kanasupp16
Pop: 350 Mil

2184: The Republic of Kanasupp23
Pop: 355 Mil

2185: The Republic of Kanasupp3
Pop: 353 Mil

2186: The Republic of Kanasupp30
Pop: 286 Mil

2187: The Republic of Kanasupp32
Pop: 273 Mil

2188: The Republic of Kanasupp33
Pop: 281 Mil

2189: The Republic of Kanasupp34
Pop: 270 Mil

2190: The Republic of Kanasupp43
Pop: 211 Mil

2191: The Republic of Kanasupp50
Pop: 202 Mil

2192: The Republic of Kanasupp57
Pop: 62 Mil

2193: The Dominion of Kane
Pop: 5,431 Mil

2194: The Commonwealth of Kangaroo Court
Pop: 1,805 Mil

2195: The Empire of Kanjuruhan
Pop: 177 Mil

2196: The Federal Republic of Kantharos
Pop: 17,194 Mil

2197: The Federal Republic of Kantiere
Pop: 417 Mil

2198: The Colony of Kantonkoku
Pop: 1,576 Mil

2199: The Rogue Nation of Kaoia
Pop: 5,055 Mil

2200: The Armed Republic of Kaporin
Pop: 571 Mil

2201: The Protectorate of Karankian isles
Pop: 26 Mil

2202: The Efficient Corporation of Karatengisa
Pop: 25,701 Mil

2203: The Republic of Kardzhali
Pop: 12 Mil

2204: The Republic of Karhu
Pop: 1,228 Mil

2205: The Principality of Karlsburgh
Pop: 2,671 Mil

2206: The Kingdom of Karmachal
Pop: 136 Mil

2207: The Pa'athist Workers Republic of Karmasia
Pop: 1,811 Mil

2208: The Kingdom of Karrelian
Pop: 10 Mil

2209: The Duchy of Kashubia
Pop: 23,627 Mil

2210: The Democratic Republic of Kasonaurai
Pop: 315 Mil

2211: The Feudal Republic of Kastallia
Pop: 773 Mil

2212: The Republic of Katawani
Pop: 76 Mil

2213: The Empire of Katazu no aidea
Pop: 2,713 Mil

2214: The Republic of Kate Mullany NHS
Pop: 4,199 Mil

2215: The Kingdom of Katelic Marich
Pop: 67 Mil

2216: The Federal Republic of Katellia
Pop: 67 Mil

2217: The Commonwealth of Kathoria
Pop: 270 Mil

2218: The Republic of Kazemmachi
Pop: 45 Mil

2219: The Kingdom of Kazhinskia
Pop: 6,635 Mil

2220: The Republic of Kealesia
Pop: 62 Mil

2221: The Queendom of Keepp
Pop: 74 Mil

2222: The Free Land of Keidery
Pop: 26 Mil

2223: The Holy Empire of Keiva
Pop: 443 Mil

2224: The Matriarchy of Kendrad
Pop: 4,709 Mil

2225: The Republic of Kennedy-King National Commemorative Site
Pop: 4,210 Mil

2226: The Fiefdom of Kenny Something
Pop: 14 Mil

2227: The Democratic Republic of Kenola
Pop: 90 Mil

2228: The Republic of Kent and Tonbridge
Pop: 74 Mil

2229: The Incorporated States of Kentucky Fried Penguin
Pop: 895 Mil

2230: The Republic of Keraja
Pop: 16 Mil

2231: The Republic of Keraja indah
Pop: 14 Mil

2232: The Incorporated States of Kermit 6w7y262
Pop: 105 Mil

2233: The Republic of Ketchonia
Pop: 29 Mil

2234: The Empire of Keycard
Pop: 17,152 Mil

2235: The Armed Republic of Kezhamoti
Pop: 664 Mil

2236: The Fast Food Empire of KFP
Pop: 8,376 Mil

2237: The Dominion of Khal Drogo
Pop: 25,932 Mil

2238: The Republic of Khavar
Pop: 32,773 Mil

2239: The Republic of Khavenstan
Pop: 26 Mil

2240: The Democratic States of Khazy Cardonia
Pop: 10 Mil

2241: The Democratic Republic of KHHHHH
Pop: 4,069 Mil

2242: The Dominion of Khica Lanicussiouthe
Pop: 23 Mil

2243: The Federation of KHIDRI
Pop: 93 Mil

2244: The Commonwealth of Khlagner Islands
Pop: 14 Mil

2245: The Republic of Khodour
Pop: 6,315 Mil

2246: The United Socialist States of Kholdan
Pop: 27,249 Mil

2247: The People's Republic of Khoson
Pop: 157 Mil

2248: The With A K of Khris Davis
Pop: 12,617 Mil

2249: The Xenodochial Republic of Kiani
Pop: 11,177 Mil

2250: The Republic of Kiasu-ism
Pop: 40,803 Mil

2251: The Republic of Kibeth
Pop: 14 Mil

2252: The United States of Kibo
Pop: 684 Mil

2253: The Commonwealth of Kikorya
Pop: 18 Mil

2254: The Holy Empire of Kikoto
Pop: 7 Mil

2255: The Empire of Kilkiya
Pop: 116 Mil

2256: The Free Republic of Kilpatricka
Pop: 2,105 Mil

2257: The Eternity of Kindness
Pop: 5,752 Mil

2258: The Hermit Kingdom of King Canute
Pop: 10,168 Mil

2259: The People's Republic of King p
Pop: 45 Mil

2260: The Kingdom of Kingdom Moroccan
Pop: 93 Mil

2261: The Kingdom of Kingdom of Almas
Pop: 9 Mil

2262: The Kingdom of Kingdom of Amazighstan
Pop: 29 Mil

2263: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kingdom of Arcachon
Pop: 531 Mil

2264: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kingdom of Erezan
Pop: 7 Mil

2265: The Commonwealth of Kingdom of Great Britain
Pop: 2,621 Mil

2266: The Kingdom of Kingdom Of Hellfire
Pop: 29 Mil

2267: The United Kingdom of Kingdom of Lihle
Pop: 29 Mil

2268: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kingdom of Norge
Pop: 7 Mil

2269: The Theocracy of Kingdom Of Saint Wruhec
Pop: 230 Mil

2270: The Kingdom of Kingdom of sculkistan
Pop: 50 Mil

2271: The Constitutional Monarchy of Kingdom of the Northern Way
Pop: 7 Mil

2272: The Federation of Kingdoms of the Midrealm
Pop: 104 Mil

2273: The Republic of Kings River
Pop: 4,222 Mil

2274: The Monarchy of Kingscrest
Pop: 29,543 Mil

2275: The Borderlands of Kingsiton
Pop: 50 Mil

2276: The Democratic Republic of Kio Pardonu
Pop: 29 Mil

2277: The Republic of Kiribi Kai
Pop: 591 Mil

2278: The Republic of Kirill Shevchenko
Pop: 343 Mil

2279: The Federation of Kisovnya
Pop: 1,323 Mil

2280: The Federation of Kissime
Pop: 23 Mil

2281: The Oppressed Peoples of Kiusterderesstan
Pop: 99 Mil

2282: The Federal Republic of Kivotos
Pop: 5,007 Mil

2283: The Democratic Republic of Kiwla
Pop: 23 Mil

2284: The Colony of Kiyama
Pop: 111 Mil

2285: The Empire of Kizor
Pop: 50 Mil

2286: The Republic of Kleinwetterberg and Altwetterberg
Pop: 5,833 Mil

2287: The Federativnaya Respublik of Kliegme
Pop: 5,917 Mil

2288: The Democratic Republic of Klokland
Pop: 4,567 Mil

2289: The Allied States of Klsjda
Pop: 16 Mil

2290: The Kingdom of KlubKory
Pop: 727 Mil

2291: The I'm not CTEd I promise of Klysevia
Pop: 7,521 Mil

2292: The Dictatorship of Knights Of The Fire Emblem
Pop: 18 Mil

2293: The Republic of Knocklandia
Pop: 45 Mil

2294: The Most Serene Republic of Knthcplnd83k2i
Pop: 9 Mil

2295: The Republic of Kobuk Wild River
Pop: 4,227 Mil

2296: The Free Land of Koenigreich Baiern
Pop: 8,226 Mil

2297: The Seafood Paradise of KohrAr
Pop: 18,361 Mil

2298: The Community of Kokocada
Pop: 32 Mil

2299: The Republic of Kolencia
Pop: 103 Mil

2300: The Dominion of Koloss
Pop: 26 Mil

2301: The Dictatorship of Kommunista Magyar Birodalom
Pop: 18 Mil

2302: The Grand Duchy of Komnenia
Pop: 14 Mil

2303: The Incorporated States of Komonus
Pop: 73 Mil

2304: The Rogue Nation of Komot take 2
Pop: 16 Mil

2305: The Rogue Nation of Komot take 3
Pop: 16 Mil

2306: The Rogue Nation of Komot take 7
Pop: 12 Mil

2307: The People's Republic of Konios
Pop: 10 Mil

2308: The Federation of Konoa
Pop: 1,793 Mil

2309: The Borderlands of Konohagakure Village
Pop: 2,105 Mil

2310: The Republic of KonScow
Pop: 62 Mil

2311: The Federation of Kordilliya
Pop: 1,988 Mil

2312: The Empire of Korehiro
Pop: 422 Mil

2313: The Republic of Koropzi
Pop: 92 Mil

2314: The Democratic States of Koros
Pop: 5,167 Mil

2315: The People's Republic of Korovea
Pop: 126 Mil

2316: The Rogue Nation of Kortaz
Pop: 178 Mil

2317: The Dictatorship of Korzar
Pop: 215 Mil

2318: The Republic of Kospand
Pop: 4,250 Mil

2319: The Democratic Republic of Kotja
Pop: 12 Mil

2320: The Republic of Kotzen
Pop: 29 Mil

2321: The Kingdom of Kovis
Pop: 423 Mil

2322: The People's Republic of Kowkolend
Pop: 73 Mil

2323: The Community of Krainego
Pop: 3,912 Mil

2324: The Republic of Krakozhiya
Pop: 56 Mil

2325: The Federation of Krauanagaz
Pop: 1,651 Mil

2326: The Republic of KrCdz-15
Pop: 1,020 Mil

2327: The Republic of KrCdz-19
Pop: 1,052 Mil

2328: The Republic of KrCdz-34
Pop: 1,019 Mil

2329: The Republic of KrCdz-39
Pop: 1,013 Mil

2330: The Republic of KrCdz-55
Pop: 910 Mil

2331: The Fine Dining Conglomerate of Krill Grill Incorporated
Pop: 894 Mil

2332: The Random Pretitle of Kringalia
Pop: 26,208 Mil

2333: The Disputed Territories of Krioth
Pop: 6 Mil

2334: The Democratic Republic of Kromatopia
Pop: 16 Mil

2335: The Rogue Nation of Kropotkin dream
Pop: 19,274 Mil

2336: The Theocracy of Krovnaya
Pop: 8,859 Mil

2337: The Dominion of Krutsian Arctic Territory
Pop: 98 Mil

2338: The Democratic Republic of Ksbty
Pop: 10 Mil

2339: The Kingdom of Kul Nagath
Pop: 88 Mil

2340: The Republic of Kulochia
Pop: 979 Mil

2341: The Armed Republic of Kumiko
Pop: 564 Mil

2342: The Direct Democracy of Kumquatan
Pop: 27,245 Mil

2343: The Free Land of Kundygan
Pop: 26 Mil

2344: The Empire of Kurast 777
Pop: 29 Mil

2345: The Empire of Kurathiano
Pop: 72 Mil

2346: The Civil and Political Rights of Kurzweil
Pop: 9,290 Mil

2347: The Republic of Kuzakaza
Pop: 12 Mil

2348: The Republic of Kyle Schwarber
Pop: 4,721 Mil

2349: The People's Republic of Kyousan
Pop: 203 Mil

2350: The Queendom of Kyrisaya
Pop: 18,620 Mil

2351: The Republic of KZ-10
Pop: 508 Mil

2352: The Holy Empire of KZ-2
Pop: 502 Mil

2353: The Constitutional monarchy of La Andromeda Empire
Pop: 2,384 Mil

2354: The Republic of La nouvel europe
Pop: 7 Mil

2355: The Community of La Savita Terro
Pop: 751 Mil

2356: The Democratic States of Laarizee
Pop: 3,053 Mil

2357: The Republic of Labordeland
Pop: 6 Mil

2358: The Sultry Voluptuousness of Lady Jessica Rabbit
Pop: 24,149 Mil

2359: The Office of Lady Wistledown
Pop: 1,529 Mil

2360: The Republic of Lagila
Pop: 9,731 Mil

2361: The Queendom of Laincand
Pop: 252 Mil

2362: The United Socialist States of Lakeria
Pop: 78 Mil

2363: The Republic of Lal mera
Pop: 8 Mil

2364: The Principality of Lampshade on the Head
Pop: 26,218 Mil

2365: The Armed Republic of Lana Vlawk Arculleldordia
Pop: 18,545 Mil

2366: The Federal Republic of Lanbern
Pop: 629 Mil

2367: The Republic of Land Between the Lakes Recreation Area
Pop: 2,702 Mil

2368: The Commonwealth of Land in the Clouds
Pop: 1,828 Mil

2369: The Free Land of Land of cats
Pop: 106 Mil

2370: The Waterfallean Predecessor of Land of Forests
Pop: 9,570 Mil

2371: The Republic of Land of Mari
Pop: 8,056 Mil

2372: The Werewolf Smooth Jazz of Land of the Laconic Shrimp
Pop: 8,983 Mil

2373: The Blue Republic of Land of the Long Blue Cloud
Pop: 997 Mil

2374: The United Kingdom of Land With a Proper Amount of Shrimp
Pop: 12,218 Mil

2375: The Unwavering Love of Land With Lots of Shrimp
Pop: 12,313 Mil

2376: The Dazzling Winter Beauty of Land Without Shrimp
Pop: 18,774 Mil

2377: The Free Land of LandofHappy
Pop: 271 Mil

2378: The Republic of Lang Chi
Pop: 9 Mil

2379: The Republic of Langfang
Pop: 62 Mil

2380: The Federacy of Laniakea and Primaliya
Pop: 2,190 Mil

2381: The Armed Republic of Lanimiko
Pop: 568 Mil

2382: The Free Land of Lanogicia
Pop: 29 Mil

2383: The Commonwealth of Lansh
Pop: 25,156 Mil

2384: The Community of Lanxi Town
Pop: 23 Mil

2385: The Holy Empire of Lapmo
Pop: 81 Mil

2386: The Empire of Lapsos
Pop: 5,692 Mil

2387: The Kingdom of Laputa the Castle in the Sky
Pop: 12,233 Mil

2388: The Republic of Lariteis Eluoland
Pop: 6 Mil

2389: The Commonwealth of Larksbudbergville
Pop: 194 Mil

2390: The Community of Larrius Varro
Pop: 173 Mil

2391: The Democratic Republic of Las Aguileras
Pop: 184 Mil

2392: The ✱Ecclesiastical Solar Realm✱ of Las Filipina
Pop: 5,326 Mil

2393: The Republic of Las Mandarinas
Pop: 32 Mil

2394: The Dictatorship of Las Santosa
Pop: 32 Mil

2395: The Democratic States of Lasistia
Pop: 16 Mil

2396: The Commonwealth of Lat Nixia
Pop: 20 Mil

2397: The Jingoistic States of Latercha
Pop: 209 Mil

2398: The Democratic Republic of LaTerradellaMummia
Pop: 10 Mil

2399: The Federal Republic of Lattepalao
Pop: 12 Mil

2400: The Kingdom of Laugava
Pop: 660 Mil

2401: The Free Land of Laura Kinney
Pop: 830 Mil

2402: The Centrist Federation of Lauramerica
Pop: 5,473 Mil

2403: The Oppressed Peoples of Lavik
Pop: 521 Mil

2404: The Republic of Lavillium
Pop: 105 Mil

2405: The Armed Republic of Lavishiri
Pop: 591 Mil

2406: The Armed Republic of Lavitori
Pop: 580 Mil

2407: The Kingdom of Lawr
Pop: 23,853 Mil

2408: The Republic of Layim
Pop: 7,438 Mil

2409: The Matriarchy of Layla Russian empire
Pop: 40 Mil

2410: The Armed Republic of Lazhunikti
Pop: 668 Mil

2411: The Disputed Territories of Le Front de Liberation du Midand
Pop: 10,577 Mil

2412: The Grand Duchy of Le Seri
Pop: 93 Mil

2413: The United States of Leanist Harderlskes
Pop: 56 Mil

2414: The United States of Leatherland
Pop: 6 Mil

2415: The Kingdom of LeBron Goat James
Pop: 18 Mil

2416: The Dominion of Lebron James the goat
Pop: 10 Mil

2417: The Dictatorship of Lebron Nation
Pop: 111 Mil

2418: The Republic of LeCaleb
Pop: 23 Mil

2419: The People's Republic of Leclaira
Pop: 202 Mil

2420: The Empire of Leemistan
Pop: 23 Mil

2421: The Federal Republic of Leftersland
Pop: 9 Mil

2422: The Oppressed Peoples of Leg Land
Pop: 6 Mil

2423: The Oppressed Peoples of Leg World
Pop: 6 Mil

2424: The Fifith Directory of Legendianux
Pop: 1,042 Mil

2425: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda606
Pop: 648 Mil

2426: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda615
Pop: 641 Mil

2427: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda621
Pop: 631 Mil

2428: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda627
Pop: 632 Mil

2429: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda635
Pop: 627 Mil

2430: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda639
Pop: 634 Mil

2431: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda647
Pop: 640 Mil

2432: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda656
Pop: 622 Mil

2433: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda658
Pop: 629 Mil

2434: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda665
Pop: 640 Mil

2435: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda675
Pop: 642 Mil

2436: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda682
Pop: 633 Mil

2437: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda687
Pop: 636 Mil

2438: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda699
Pop: 616 Mil

2439: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda703
Pop: 628 Mil

2440: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda705
Pop: 625 Mil

2441: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda706
Pop: 639 Mil

2442: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda711
Pop: 638 Mil

2443: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda712
Pop: 627 Mil

2444: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda715
Pop: 621 Mil

2445: The Incorporated States of LegendOfZelda723
Pop: 547 Mil

2446: The Kingdom of Legfort
Pop: 40 Mil

2447: The Empire of Legion Of The Moon
Pop: 6,402 Mil

2448: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner17
Pop: 4,622 Mil

2449: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner28
Pop: 4,594 Mil

2450: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner35
Pop: 4,624 Mil

2451: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner39
Pop: 4,554 Mil

2452: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner4
Pop: 4,579 Mil

2453: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner44
Pop: 4,583 Mil

2454: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner48
Pop: 4,657 Mil

2455: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner54
Pop: 4,614 Mil

2456: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner58
Pop: 4,608 Mil

2457: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner68
Pop: 4,635 Mil

2458: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner74
Pop: 4,573 Mil

2459: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner76
Pop: 4,635 Mil

2460: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner86
Pop: 4,623 Mil

2461: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner89
Pop: 4,575 Mil

2462: The United Kingdom of Legosia
Pop: 3,568 Mil

2463: The Free Land of Legustaelavi
Pop: 20 Mil

2464: The Empire of Leika
Pop: 18 Mil

2465: The Dominion of LeLightning
Pop: 2,765 Mil

2466: The Holy Empire of Lelouchland
Pop: 401 Mil

2467: The Jingoistic States of Lemonand
Pop: 209 Mil

2468: The Borderlands of Lemonze I
Pop: 205 Mil

2469: The Republic of Len Ofordsistan
Pop: 67 Mil

2470: The Empire of Lenginia
Pop: 96 Mil

2471: The Free Land of Lenmerite
Pop: 62 Mil

2472: The Democratic Republic of Lennonville
Pop: 26 Mil

2473: The Republic of Leonektasi
Pop: 56 Mil

2474: The Commonwealth of Leprain
Pop: 2,685 Mil

2475: The Nomadic Peoples of Les and arrows and a paragraph on the ba
Pop: 804 Mil

2476: The Commonwealth of Lesprnza
Pop: 32 Mil

2477: The Democratic Republic of Let It Live
Pop: 12,026 Mil

2478: The Kingdom of Levik
Pop: 45 Mil

2479: The Holy Empire of Levimira
Pop: 10 Mil

2480: The People's Republic of LEYS
Pop: 85 Mil

2481: The Republic of Lezpia
Pop: 215 Mil

2482: The Grand Duchy of Liangelo
Pop: 18 Mil

2483: The Dictatorship of Libelis Magelow
Pop: 10 Mil

2484: The Democratic States of Liberalerica
Pop: 36 Mil

2485: The Democratic States of Liberalopolisville
Pop: 135 Mil

2486: The Democratic Republic of Liberated Panem
Pop: 2,438 Mil

2487: The Directorate General of Liberatious
Pop: 1,561 Mil

2488: The Republic of Liberianacio
Pop: 79 Mil

2489: The Dictatorship of Libertad cultural
Pop: 145 Mil

2490: The Free Land of Libertarian Anarchy
Pop: 93 Mil

2491: The Republic of Libertarian Near Harad
Pop: 7,138 Mil

2492: The Republic of LibertyAndJusticeForAll
Pop: 92 Mil

2493: The Free Land of Liberum Terrum
Pop: 1,510 Mil

2494: The Moth Cult Empire of Libitrius
Pop: 2,109 Mil

2495: The United Socialist States of Liblenskwies
Pop: 1,669 Mil

2496: The Federal Republic of Librandu
Pop: 1,887 Mil

2497: The Republic of Libui
Pop: 45 Mil

2498: The Republic of Lief
Pop: 112 Mil

2499: The Commonwealth of Lieran States
Pop: 26 Mil

2500: The Free Land of Life Series
Pop: 409 Mil

2501: The Federation of Lifelong Suffering
Pop: 6 Mil

2502: The Democratic Republic of Ligonesia
Pop: 526 Mil

2503: The Holy Empire of Lil timoth
Pop: 102 Mil

2504: The Truth or Consequences of Lile Ulie Islands
Pop: 5,487 Mil

2505: The Free Palestine of Lilli Lands
Pop: 3,354 Mil

2506: The Queendom of Lily valley
Pop: 5,755 Mil

2507: The Democratic Republic of Limardsh
Pop: 16 Mil

2508: The Democratic Republic of Limbe
Pop: 575 Mil

2509: The Republic of Limoneas
Pop: 88 Mil

2510: The Republic of Lincoln Memorial-
Pop: 4,268 Mil

2511: The Free Land of Linden Oak
Pop: 21,826 Mil

2512: The Republic of Lindonisia
Pop: 77 Mil

2513: The Republic of Lip Oesa
Pop: 29 Mil

2514: The Rogue Nation of Liqor
Pop: 29 Mil

2515: The Empire of Lirozonia
Pop: 4,190 Mil

2516: The Colony of Lisao
Pop: 4,350 Mil

2517: The Republic of Listenbourgo
Pop: 103 Mil

2518: The Corporate State of Literally
Pop: 8,586 Mil

2519: The Dictatorship of Literally just France
Pop: 29 Mil

2520: The Republic of Little Rock Central High School NHS
Pop: 4,242 Mil

2521: The Borderlands of Live Isleny
Pop: 245 Mil

2522: The Republic of Lively lollygager
Pop: 18 Mil

2523: The Republic of Liverpool Ath
Pop: 20 Mil

2524: The Bar and Continual Soiree of Livingood
Pop: 4,434 Mil

2525: The Bar and Thundering Nerds of Livingood-Tonnerre
Pop: 763 Mil

2526: The Empire of Livtjet
Pop: 101 Mil

2527: The Republic of Lizzy Grant
Pop: 8,269 Mil

2528: The Most Serene Republic of Llamalland
Pop: 7,066 Mil

2529: The Jingoistic States of Llanganaterstan
Pop: 62 Mil

2530: The Federation of Llewiya
Pop: 648 Mil

2531: The Republic of Lo America
Pop: 56 Mil

2532: The Kingdom of Lochlan
Pop: 3,283 Mil

2533: The Holy Empire of Lodzoski
Pop: 62 Mil

2534: The Free Land of Loechia
Pop: 18,585 Mil

2535: The Kingdom of Logrys
Pop: 9 Mil

2536: The United States of Logs Tid
Pop: 109 Mil

2537: The Kingdom of LolaLandd
Pop: 8 Mil

2538: The Confederacy of Lolohype
Pop: 6 Mil

2539: The Grand Duchy of Lona Landia
Pop: 13,417 Mil

2540: The Republic of Longfellow Headquarters NHS
Pop: 4,284 Mil

2541: The Oppressed Peoples of Looted Lake
Pop: 16 Mil

2542: The Republic of Lopikuw
Pop: 56 Mil

2543: The Republic of Loraniasofonia
Pop: 67 Mil

2544: The Kingdom of Lorbanery
Pop: 8,617 Mil

2545: The Dominion of Lord Fanny
Pop: 507 Mil

2546: The Comfortable Chairs of LordNwahs
Pop: 1,595 Mil

2547: The Nomadic Peoples of Loronion Sovest
Pop: 150 Mil

2548: The Confederacy of Los estados confederates de Mexico
Pop: 7,023 Mil

2549: The Republic of Los Islas Paraiso
Pop: 102 Mil

2550: The Most Serene Republic of Los Lonley Boys
Pop: 12,591 Mil

2551: The Confederacy of Los Vientos
Pop: 32 Mil

2552: The Federation of Lot Poland
Pop: 7 Mil

2553: The Borderlands of Lovefisch
Pop: 9 Mil

2554: The Most Serene Republic of Lower Eis Sovile
Pop: 29 Mil

2555: The Republic of Lower Farmington and Salmon Brook Rivers
Pop: 4,231 Mil

2556: The Federation of Lower Lillavedorth
Pop: 32 Mil

2557: The Commonwealth of Lower Tourg Ire
Pop: 11,463 Mil

2558: The Armed Republic of Lozhakiti
Pop: 651 Mil

2559: The Incorporated States of LSMFT
Pop: 4,077 Mil

2560: The Constitutional Monarchy of Lu Feng
Pop: 224 Mil

2561: The Queendom of Lucasss
Pop: 114 Mil

2562: The Republic of Ludaham
Pop: 62 Mil

2563: The Psychedelic Kaleidoscope of Luddinlande
Pop: 17,497 Mil

2564: The Protectorate of Luditia
Pop: 284 Mil

2565: The Confederacy of Lukemburg
Pop: 8,542 Mil

2566: The Armed Republic of Luki Shrova
Pop: 10 Mil

2567: The Holy Empire of Lumex City
Pop: 62 Mil

2568: The Kingdom of Lunaticaliatia
Pop: 135 Mil

2569: The Frostbound Nation of Lupusterra
Pop: 2,079 Mil

2570: The Federation of Lutzia
Pop: 18 Mil

2571: The Republic of LV-992
Pop: 206 Mil

2572: The Confederacy of Lybbertarianism
Pop: 1,844 Mil

2573: The Grand Duchy of Lyionesse
Pop: 146 Mil

2574: The Republic of Lysergic acid 2-butyl amide
Pop: 14,265 Mil

2575: The The world of clouds of of M4RRT1NLAND
Pop: 2,617 Mil

2576: The Federation of Maawund
Pop: 29 Mil

2577: The Empire of Mace Med
Pop: 90 Mil

2578: The Confederacy of Macon Dooodland
Pop: 1,847 Mil

2579: The Dominion of Madabaqia
Pop: 2,462 Mil

2580: The Empire of Madhonia
Pop: 18,514 Mil

2581: The United Republic of Maeiland
Pop: 20,880 Mil

2582: The Rogue Nation of Mafioso Zimbabwe
Pop: 5,034 Mil

2583: The Republic of MAGA TRUMP
Pop: 6 Mil

2584: The Mahajanapada of Magadha
Pop: 5,374 Mil

2585: The Republic of Maggie L Walker NHS
Pop: 4,238 Mil

2586: The Republic of Magical Girl and Chocolate
Pop: 5,550 Mil

2587: The Republic of Magikarp Island
Pop: 36 Mil

2588: The Queendom of Magilasia
Pop: 50 Mil

2589: The Republic of Maglaj
Pop: 10 Mil

2590: The Commonwealth of Maglandius
Pop: 7 Mil

2591: The Queendom of Magnelli
Pop: 307 Mil

2592: The Democratic Republic of Magnifice
Pop: 36 Mil

2593: The United States of Magnora
Pop: 318 Mil

2594: The Grand Duchy of Magnus Ducatus Tusciae
Pop: 12 Mil

2595: The Empire of Magnus Rubrum
Pop: 1,074 Mil

2596: The Sultanate of Maharana
Pop: 10,504 Mil

2597: The Republic of Maiorca
Pop: 748 Mil

2598: The Republic of Mak in TSP
Pop: 6,776 Mil

2599: The Federation of Makakaia
Pop: 78 Mil

2600: The Federation of Make Make
Pop: 699 Mil

2601: The Republic of Mako island
Pop: 136 Mil

2602: The United Socialist States of Maladoprion
Pop: 957 Mil

2603: The Republic of Malaxa Card Farm 3
Pop: 9 Mil

2604: The Colony of Maldavy
Pop: 45 Mil

2605: The Republic of Malirus
Pop: 20 Mil

2606: The Republic of Mallest Deeki
Pop: 961 Mil

2607: The Confederacy of Malonite
Pop: 120 Mil

2608: The United States of Malonlafon
Pop: 40 Mil

2609: The Republic of Malqart Star System
Pop: 395 Mil

2610: The Federation of Malyr
Pop: 288 Mil

2611: The Community of Mamborreandium
Pop: 599 Mil

2612: The Republic of Man Kands
Pop: 15,711 Mil

2613: The Oppressed Peoples of Man Leg Man
Pop: 20 Mil

2614: The Federation of Manasse
Pop: 510 Mil

2615: The Kingdom of Manchusham
Pop: 40 Mil

2616: The Disputed Territories of Mand Tho
Pop: 32 Mil

2617: The Republic of Mandisonia
Pop: 86 Mil

2618: The Principality of Manerdstone
Pop: 350 Mil

2619: The Socialist Republic of Mangnmangn
Pop: 12,652 Mil

2620: The Democratic Republic of Manti
Pop: 75 Mil

2621: The Republic of Manti-La Sal National Forest
Pop: 4,288 Mil

2622: The Republic of Manuls
Pop: 74 Mil

2623: The Democratic Republic of Mapico
Pop: 11,778 Mil

2624: The Republic of Mar-Adetta Star Zone
Pop: 391 Mil

2625: The Federal Republic of Maracania
Pop: 213 Mil

2626: The People's Republic of Maravulculbul
Pop: 84 Mil

2627: The Protectorate of Marc Island
Pop: 6,436 Mil

2628: The Kingdom of Marcallonia
Pop: 88 Mil

2629: The Free Land of March of Mov
Pop: 67 Mil

2630: The Federation of Marcus M
Pop: 12 Mil

2631: The Principality of Mare Ingenii
Pop: 74 Mil

2632: The Dominion of Mare Orientale
Pop: 73 Mil

2633: The United Republic of Marecageux
Pop: 980 Mil

2634: The Kingdom of Marineko
Pop: 6,352 Mil

2635: The Republic of Mariny
Pop: 10 Mil

2636: The United States of Mariposa State
Pop: 114 Mil

2637: The Free Land of Maristra
Pop: 92 Mil

2638: The Kingdom of Maritime Union
Pop: 9 Mil

2639: The Republic of Maritime Washington NHA
Pop: 4,169 Mil

2640: The Republic of Marketing 1
Pop: 74 Mil

2641: The Free Market Zone of Marketistan
Pop: 5,002 Mil

2642: The Federal Republic of Marmadania
Pop: 2,612 Mil

2643: The Republic of Marmonmai
Pop: 4,422 Mil

2644: The Exotechnology Lover State of Marnrio
Pop: 5,610 Mil

2645: The Republic of Marsorica
Pop: 23 Mil

2646: The Republic of Martauri
Pop: 4,301 Mil

2647: The Republic of Martian Soviet Socialist Republic
Pop: 739 Mil

2648: The Republic of Martin Van Buren NHS
Pop: 4,236 Mil

2649: The Republic of Martiniqoui
Pop: 40 Mil

2650: The Republic of Marxist Leninist Soviet Republics
Pop: 255 Mil

2651: The Theocracy of Maryani
Pop: 4,005 Mil

2652: The Theocracy of Marz-Oslan
Pop: 20 Mil

2653: The United States of Masinia
Pop: 100 Mil

2654: The Republic of Matyland
Pop: 69 Mil

2655: The 8023d P14y32 of Mavenu
Pop: 38,736 Mil

2656: The Republic of Mavrita
Pop: 6 Mil

2657: The Federal Republic of Maw Roc
Pop: 6,906 Mil

2658: The Republic of Max Scherzer
Pop: 12,582 Mil

2659: The Republic of Maxar
Pop: 487 Mil

2660: The Democratic Republic of Maximinae
Pop: 12 Mil

2661: The Sultanate of Maxise
Pop: 298 Mil

2662: The People's Republic of Maysado
Pop: 7,532 Mil

2663: The Home of the Big Mac of McDonaldopia
Pop: 1,585 Mil

2664: The Republic of McDonough Republic
Pop: 104 Mil

2665: The Federation of McDowlistindy
Pop: 225 Mil

2666: The Republic of MCS-Backhaul
Pop: 308 Mil

2667: The Republic of MD Farmer5
Pop: 74 Mil

2668: The Nomadic Peoples of Me Suum Mandalore
Pop: 1,690 Mil

2669: The Free Land of Meaningful Cough
Pop: 11,484 Mil

2670: The Empire of Mebusan Ottman
Pop: 137 Mil

2671: The Republic of Medicion I-D
Pop: 94 Mil

2672: The Kingdom of Meelaging Gaustan
Pop: 6 Mil

2673: The Republic of Megabumia
Pop: 9 Mil

2674: The Holy Empire of Megakota
Pop: 1,759 Mil

2675: The Fo?nix Aftokrator?a of Megistos
Pop: 5,399 Mil

2676: The Constitutional Monarchy of Megkel
Pop: 4,085 Mil

2677: The Empire of Meglomania
Pop: 3,653 Mil

2678: The Principality of Mehved
Pop: 4,429 Mil

2679: The Grand Duchy of Meitnerium
Pop: 460 Mil

2680: The Republic of Melandia Rebuplic
Pop: 29 Mil

2681: The Republic of Meleose
Pop: 4,899 Mil

2682: The Republic of Melitensia
Pop: 153 Mil

2683: The Empire of Melkotren
Pop: 56 Mil

2684: The Republic of Mellon Coolidge
Pop: 270 Mil

2685: The Republic of Melooda
Pop: 760 Mil

2686: The Empire of Menesynchro
Pop: 9,658 Mil

2687: The Armed Republic of Menmon
Pop: 1,227 Mil

2688: The Federal Republic of Merche
Pop: 101 Mil

2689: The Free Land of Mercury Holst
Pop: 5,635 Mil

2690: The Dictatorship of MERDA DA ESCORIA
Pop: 106 Mil

2691: The Republic of Merdeka Province
Pop: 307 Mil

2692: The Empire of Merlanetta
Pop: 56 Mil

2693: The Free Land of Messienzo
Pop: 74 Mil

2694: The Republic of Metillsstan
Pop: 45 Mil

2695: The Holy Empire of Mexik
Pop: 2,846 Mil

2696: The Sultanate of Mexxa
Pop: 32 Mil

2697: The People's Republic of MH-L
Pop: 722 Mil

2698: The Kingdom of MH-LVI
Pop: 732 Mil

2699: The Allied States of MH-LX
Pop: 733 Mil

2700: The Oppressed Peoples of MH-LXXIII
Pop: 726 Mil

2701: The Colony of MH-LXXXVII
Pop: 727 Mil

2702: The Free Land of MH-XCIII
Pop: 719 Mil

2703: The Disputed Territories of MH-XIX
Pop: 745 Mil

2704: The Rogue Nation of MH-XV
Pop: 741 Mil

2705: The Disputed Territories of MH-XXX
Pop: 741 Mil

2706: The Democratic States of MH-XXXII
Pop: 733 Mil

2707: The Emirate of MH-XXXVII
Pop: 717 Mil

2708: The Republic of Michigania 9
Pop: 29 Mil

2709: The Republic of Microwave Cellular Backhaul
Pop: 297 Mil

2710: The Dominion of Mid-North County
Pop: 959 Mil

2711: The Midaic Republic of Midand
Pop: 16,142 Mil

2712: The Republic of Middle Mile-Backhaul
Pop: 292 Mil

2713: The Queendom of Midelle
Pop: 9,288 Mil

2714: The Republic of Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
Pop: 2,689 Mil

2715: The Protectorate of Midgarion
Pop: 103 Mil

2716: The Republic of Midilan
Pop: 14 Mil

2717: The Queendom of Midnight Moons
Pop: 20 Mil

2718: The Absolute Deiuocracy of Mienlike
Pop: 1,153 Mil

2719: The Republic of Mikuloid
Pop: 56 Mil

2720: The Empire of Mil Smrabna
Pop: 26 Mil

2721: The Republic of Milesani
Pop: 74 Mil

2722: The Talented Thrustings of Miley Cyrus Tongue
Pop: 24,324 Mil

2723: The Republic of Milhaudonie
Pop: 23 Mil

2724: The Armed Republic of Militaryanists
Pop: 26 Mil

2725: The Community of Millith
Pop: 50 Mil

2726: The United States of Milof
Pop: 25,090 Mil

2727: The Commonwealth of Mingara
Pop: 84 Mil

2728: The Federal Republic of Minimar
Pop: 6 Mil

2729: The United Socialist States of MINJAR ssr
Pop: 112 Mil

2730: The Queendom of Minnnie
Pop: 36 Mil

2731: The Republic of Minute Man NHP
Pop: 4,217 Mil

2732: The Empire of Mira Cal
Pop: 20 Mil

2733: The Democratic States of Miramesa
Pop: 9,629 Mil

2734: The Protectorate of Mirma
Pop: 8 Mil

2735: The Rogue Nation of Misery Coast
Pop: 26 Mil

2736: The Republic of Mislondia
Pop: 20 Mil

2737: The Republic of Missisquoi and Trout National River
Pop: 4,229 Mil

2738: The Republic of Mississippi Delta NHA
Pop: 4,182 Mil

2739: The Republic of Mississippi Hills NHA
Pop: 4,196 Mil

2740: The Empire of Mittero
Pop: 5,453 Mil

2741: The United Social Commonwealth of Mizuni
Pop: 17,698 Mil

2742: The Makemakean Moon of MK2
Pop: 3,271 Mil

2743: The Free Land of Mobulan
Pop: 68 Mil

2744: The Kingdom of Modegun Kingdom
Pop: 79 Mil

2745: The Oppressed Peoples of ModernEgypt
Pop: 12 Mil

2746: The Republic of Moe moe desu 13
Pop: 8,804 Mil

2747: The Republic of Moe moe desu 17
Pop: 8,808 Mil

2748: The Republic of Moe moe desu 19
Pop: 8,857 Mil

2749: The Republic of Moe moe desu 21
Pop: 8,825 Mil

2750: The Republic of Moe moe desu 24
Pop: 8,814 Mil

2751: The Republic of Moe moe desu 31
Pop: 8,833 Mil

2752: The Republic of Moe moe desu 52
Pop: 8,818 Mil

2753: The Republic of Moe moe desu 60
Pop: 8,838 Mil

2754: The Republic of Moe moe desu 67
Pop: 8,809 Mil

2755: The Republic of Moe moe desu 74
Pop: 8,854 Mil

2756: The Republic of Moe moe desu 78
Pop: 8,823 Mil

2757: The Republic of Moe moe desu 83
Pop: 8,796 Mil

2758: The Republic of Moe moe desu 86
Pop: 8,824 Mil

2759: The Republic of Moe moe desu 99
Pop: 8,788 Mil

2760: The Republic of Mofrika
Pop: 10,259 Mil

2761: The Republic of Mogget
Pop: 14 Mil

2762: The Confederacy of Mojunte
Pop: 80 Mil

2763: The United States Territory of Mokunali
Pop: 550 Mil

2764: The Empire of Molistallna
Pop: 14 Mil

2765: The Empire of Momina is dumb
Pop: 14 Mil

2766: The Beautiful land of Mona Landia
Pop: 13,674 Mil

2767: The Proud Commonwealth of Monaque
Pop: 4,171 Mil

2768: The Empire of MoneyHungry
Pop: 177 Mil

2769: The Ulus of Mongol Khanate
Pop: 4,241 Mil

2770: The Kingdom of Mongooseneck
Pop: 18 Mil

2771: The Free Land of Mongrub
Pop: 32 Mil

2772: The Federation of Monikan Republics
Pop: 1,128 Mil

2773: The Colony of Monkeysilhdg
Pop: 104 Mil

2774: The Republic of Mono State
Pop: 145 Mil

2775: The Community of Monorosa
Pop: 742 Mil

2776: The Federation of Mons Aquezis
Pop: 667 Mil

2777: The Kingdom of Montcliff
Pop: 301 Mil

2778: The Empire of Monte Olimpo
Pop: 448 Mil

2779: The Republic of Mookie Betts
Pop: 4,755 Mil

2780: The Rogue Nation of MOONBOWLAND
Pop: 72 Mil

2781: The Republic of Moraka
Pop: 36 Mil

2782: The Principality of Morba
Pop: 11,893 Mil

2783: The Empire of Mordvia
Pop: 8,477 Mil

2784: The People's Republic of More Socialism
Pop: 486 Mil

2785: The Confederation of Moreana
Pop: 15,653 Mil

2786: The Republic of Moren
Pop: 16 Mil

2787: The Kingdom of Moret Deeptopia
Pop: 485 Mil

2788: The Incorporated States of Morgan Galactic
Pop: 25,792 Mil

2789: The Republic of Morinaland
Pop: 4,230 Mil

2790: The Republic of Mortanka
Pop: 62 Mil

2791: The Republic of Morthisnis
Pop: 8 Mil

2792: The Republic of Mossex 2
Pop: 116 Mil

2793: The Empire of Mostorious united Empire
Pop: 20 Mil

2794: The Armed Republic of Motkara
Pop: 83 Mil

2795: The Colony of Mounr Frodcialand
Pop: 8 Mil

2796: The Republic of Mountains to Sound Greenway NHA
Pop: 4,196 Mil

2797: The Republic of Mountinesia
Pop: 6 Mil

2798: The Theocracy of Mournsora
Pop: 22,004 Mil

2799: The Principality of Moutain bay
Pop: 26 Mil

2800: The Republic of Mr beasts other employee
Pop: 656 Mil

2801: The Rogue Nation of MSN27
Pop: 4,599 Mil

2802: The Rogue Nation of MSN6
Pop: 4,611 Mil

2803: The Republic of Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
Pop: 4,298 Mil

2804: The Republic of Muans Hills
Pop: 2,299 Mil

2805: The Oppressed Peoples of Muertonda
Pop: 103 Mil

2806: The Holy Green Armed Republic of Muffinses
Pop: 2,297 Mil

2807: The Suspects of Mug-Shot
Pop: 2,900 Mil

2808: The Emirate of Muggle States
Pop: 85 Mil

2809: The Suspects of Mugshot
Pop: 2,894 Mil

2810: The Federation of Mumalia
Pop: 108 Mil

2811: The Borderlands of Mummer
Pop: 4,718 Mil

2812: The United States of Mundare
Pop: 74 Mil

2813: The Allied States of Mundim
Pop: 82 Mil

2814: The Emirate of Muppo
Pop: 380 Mil

2815: The Federation of Mushroom-Gorge
Pop: 6 Mil

2816: The Republic of Mussce Leactopossede
Pop: 8 Mil

2817: The Republic of My cats house
Pop: 266 Mil

2818: The Socialist People's Republic of Myhomecountry
Pop: 9,485 Mil

2819: The Democratic Republic of Mynationtest
Pop: 9 Mil

2820: The Benevolent dictatorship of Myness
Pop: 10,090 Mil

2821: The Republic of Mynewsky
Pop: 82 Mil

2822: The Empire of Myth Newton
Pop: 50 Mil

2823: The Allied States of Myue Betropheordia
Pop: 208 Mil

2824: The Republic of N r land alt
Pop: 29 Mil

2825: The Democratic States of Nachtland
Pop: 36 Mil

2826: The Empire of Nagaia
Pop: 62 Mil

2827: The Republic of Nagui-Anzibakh
Pop: 2,844 Mil

2828: The Kingdom of Nagy-Magyarorszag 28181 Trianon
Pop: 98 Mil

2829: The Democratic Republic of Nahidland
Pop: 10 Mil

2830: The Republic of Naishin
Pop: 32 Mil

2831: The Colony of Nalau
Pop: 1,037 Mil

2832: The Western Slavic Republic of Name 0 TSP
Pop: 1,388 Mil

2833: The Federation of Namibian federation
Pop: 26 Mil

2834: The Empire of NANTA RAALF
Pop: 36 Mil

2835: The Republic of Nar Exiper
Pop: 248 Mil

2836: The Republic of Nartlex
Pop: 7 Mil

2837: The Republic of Nashua River
Pop: 4,247 Mil

2838: The Most Serene Republic of Nasovi
Pop: 4,776 Mil

2839: The Allied States of Nast Therstoone
Pop: 251 Mil

2840: The Protectorate of Natara
Pop: 4,537 Mil

2841: The Empire of Natchen
Pop: 18 Mil

2842: The Republic of Nation12345678
Pop: 93 Mil

2843: The Constitutional Monarchy of National Liberalist
Pop: 56 Mil

2844: The Republic of Nationalians
Pop: 68 Mil

2845: The Federation of Nationalists Kiribati
Pop: 5,907 Mil

2846: The People's Republic of Nationlandw
Pop: 12,521 Mil

2847: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nationnnn
Pop: 16 Mil

2848: The Most Serene Republic of Nationsteaks
Pop: 9 Mil

2849: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 10
Pop: 6 Mil

2850: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 15
Pop: 6 Mil

2851: The Republic of Nationuraniume Missile silo 18
Pop: 6 Mil

2852: The Confused Bro of Natsuo Fuji
Pop: 5,500 Mil

2853: The Free Land of Nature Earth
Pop: 26 Mil

2854: The Holy Empire of Naurthe
Pop: 14 Mil

2855: The People's Republic of Navas
Pop: 694 Mil

2856: The Democratic Republic of Navimibia
Pop: 113 Mil

2857: The Republic of NCR Mojave Administration
Pop: 1,478 Mil

2858: The Nomadic Peoples of Neanderthal Lands
Pop: 2,744 Mil

2859: The ????super spooky???? mod gho of Necroghastia
Pop: 12,491 Mil

2860: The Republic of Neel m
Pop: 20 Mil

2861: The Dictatorship of Nefelhem
Pop: 73 Mil

2862: The Rogue Nation of Negarageng Abhinawa
Pop: 588 Mil

2863: The United States of Neighborhoodhero
Pop: 14 Mil

2864: The Kingdom of Nejderland
Pop: 26 Mil

2865: The Federal Kingdom of Nejopia
Pop: 18,638 Mil

2866: The Republic of Nekoatsumelandia
Pop: 6,370 Mil

2867: The Oppressed Peoples of Nelliopolis
Pop: 29 Mil

2868: The Dominion of Nelliv
Pop: 20 Mil

2869: The Grand Duchy of Nelorca
Pop: 4,003 Mil

2870: The Federation of Neo-Dangaquistan
Pop: 56 Mil

2871: The Free Land of Neonurbo
Pop: 434 Mil

2872: The Commonwealth of Neoplego
Pop: 705 Mil

2873: The Republic of Nepolitica
Pop: 12 Mil

2874: The Free Land of Nesentho
Pop: 18 Mil

2875: The Republic of Netscape Navigator 9
Pop: 260 Mil

2876: The Republic of Networking Protocols
Pop: 343 Mil

2877: The People's Republic of Neu Schweiz
Pop: 1,582 Mil

2878: The Republic of Neuronia
Pop: 1,146 Mil

2879: The Matriarchy of Never Tasty
Pop: 5,827 Mil

2880: The United States of New Age Legends
Pop: 18 Mil

2881: The Democratic Republic of New Altnavia
Pop: 5,046 Mil

2882: The Henry Clerval is best boy of New American Dictatorship
Pop: 7,837 Mil

2883: The Colony of New antwerp
Pop: 62 Mil

2884: The Constitutional Monarchy of New Archony
Pop: 1,355 Mil

2885: The National Union of New Atlantic States
Pop: 1,086 Mil

2886: The Armed Republic of New Azglar
Pop: 170 Mil

2887: The Colony of New Backwater
Pop: 156 Mil

2888: The Empire of New Berwick
Pop: 80 Mil

2889: The Democratic Republic of New Bulacan
Pop: 5,992 Mil

2890: The Republic of New Bytha
Pop: 36 Mil

2891: The Republic of New cantivaria
Pop: 75 Mil

2892: The Confederacy of New Captalism
Pop: 8 Mil

2893: The Armed Republic of New Centurion
Pop: 13,136 Mil

2894: The Colony of New Chile-Argentina
Pop: 29 Mil

2895: The Capitalist ROC Federation of New Chinese Federation
Pop: 1,998 Mil

2896: The Federation of New Con Greepen
Pop: 10 Mil

2897: The Empire of New Crangent
Pop: 114 Mil

2898: The Republic of NEW CULSONIA
Pop: 3,914 Mil

2899: The Dictatorship of New Darkwood
Pop: 7 Mil

2900: The Borderlands of New East Scandinavia
Pop: 18,667 Mil

2901: The Republic of NEW ELMO
Pop: 62 Mil

2902: The Kingdom of New Fire Nation
Pop: 276 Mil

2903: The Commonwealth of New Fort York
Pop: 74 Mil

2904: The Federal Republic of New Fredan
Pop: 138 Mil

2905: The Galactic Imperium of New Front
Pop: 15,074 Mil

2906: The Republic of New Gironde
Pop: 239 Mil

2907: The People's Republic of New Gold coast
Pop: 95 Mil

2908: The United Federation of New Goldman
Pop: 9,776 Mil

2909: The Empire of New Guy Arsonland
Pop: 12 Mil

2910: The Holy Sigma Empire of New Halo
Pop: 866 Mil

2911: The Most Serene Republic of New Harmonistan
Pop: 13,643 Mil

2912: The Federal Republic of New Hope and Peace
Pop: 169 Mil

2913: The Republic of New Justinia
Pop: 343 Mil

2914: The Commonwealth of New Kaitain
Pop: 5,801 Mil

2915: The Federal Republic of New Kald Mataordia
Pop: 7 Mil

2916: The Commonwealth of New Lebier
Pop: 10,942 Mil

2917: The Kingdom of New Lewesia
Pop: 1,744 Mil

2918: The Republic of New Lil Rome
Pop: 714 Mil

2919: The United Socialist States of New Loindland
Pop: 8 Mil

2920: The Protectorate of New Maxta
Pop: 18,178 Mil

2921: The Kingdom of New Meols
Pop: 56 Mil

2922: The Principality of New Minot
Pop: 5,867 Mil

2923: The People's Republic of New Molosia
Pop: 94 Mil

2924: The Most Serene Republic of New Mors Anaidone
Pop: 26 Mil

2925: The Commonwealth of New North Virginia
Pop: 67 Mil

2926: The Federation of New Order Federation
Pop: 56 Mil

2927: The Empire of New Osaka
Pop: 1,666 Mil

2928: The Kingdom of New ozuriic
Pop: 127 Mil

2929: The Constitutional Monarchy of New Philippine Empire
Pop: 5,460 Mil

2930: The Federation of New Plant
Pop: 8,912 Mil

2931: The United States of New Port Islands
Pop: 23 Mil

2932: The Arcadia of New Puruni
Pop: 17,689 Mil

2933: The Deglender Hivemind of New Quebecshire
Pop: 8,121 Mil

2934: The Republic of New Quezon
Pop: 131 Mil

2935: The Federation of New Rich Islands
Pop: 8 Mil

2936: The Republic of New Scalewhite
Pop: 1,233 Mil

2937: The Republic of New Scandinavian
Pop: 641 Mil

2938: The Republic of New Seallands
Pop: 10,133 Mil

2939: The Holy Empire of New Solestedimordia
Pop: 18 Mil

2940: The Holy Empire of New Surrey
Pop: 175 Mil

2941: The United States of New Tarius
Pop: 20,036 Mil

2942: The Presidential Monarchy of New Te Awa
Pop: 1,193 Mil

2943: The United States of New Upper America
Pop: 67 Mil

2944: The Republic of New Vivaters
Pop: 6,978 Mil

2945: The People's Republic of New Weserd
Pop: 225 Mil

2946: The United Kingdom of New Wirral
Pop: 62 Mil

2947: The Socialist Republic of New Xartoia
Pop: 5,865 Mil

2948: The Democratic Republic of New Yuzconia
Pop: 50 Mil

2949: The Federation of New-Javarra
Pop: 4,649 Mil

2950: The Free Land of NewDayRising
Pop: 2,348 Mil

2951: The Kingdom of Newerky Antep
Pop: 10 Mil

2952: The Constitutional Monarchy of NewFristy
Pop: 80 Mil

2953: The Armed Republic of NewGroundsals
Pop: 32 Mil

2954: The Empire of Newismaistan
Pop: 62 Mil

2955: The Blue-Green Ecological Niche of NewMooland
Pop: 5,781 Mil

2956: The Republic of Newopats
Pop: 45 Mil

2957: The Republic of Next Weekend
Pop: 6 Mil

2958: The Dominion of Nezorath
Pop: 10 Mil

2959: The Republic of Nguyenopolis 17
Pop: 94 Mil

2960: The Republic of Nguyenopolis 21
Pop: 93 Mil

2961: The People's Republic of Nhjkmhgftrfgkhul
Pop: 26 Mil

2962: The ⓥⓔⓡⓨ ⓒⓞⓞⓛ ⓝⓐⓣⓘⓞⓝ of Nicholas and Great Britain
Pop: 9,327 Mil

2963: The Incorporated States of Nicholson Industries
Pop: 1,340 Mil

2964: The United Kingdom of Nickajack and The Ozarks
Pop: 50 Mil

2965: The Republic of Nicolas Maduro
Pop: 14,623 Mil

2966: The Republic of Nicolet National Forest
Pop: 2,671 Mil

2967: The Commonwealth of Niconda
Pop: 5,204 Mil

2968: The Kingdom of Nigasss
Pop: 36 Mil

2969: The Protectorate of Nighter Youro
Pop: 6 Mil

2970: The Kingdom of Nigord
Pop: 113 Mil

2971: The Empire of Nikhaea
Pop: 564 Mil

2972: The Federation of Nileen
Pop: 45 Mil

2973: The Republic of Nill Vill
Pop: 6,439 Mil

2974: The Armed Republic of Nimaland
Pop: 124 Mil

2975: The Iron Fist Technocracy of Nina Cortex
Pop: 11,553 Mil

2976: The Democratic Republic of Ninar
Pop: 7 Mil

2977: The Republic of Nineteenth Squishmallow in the Pile
Pop: 10 Mil

2978: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nippon koku
Pop: 5,268 Mil

2979: The Sultanate of Nirasa
Pop: 3,138 Mil

2980: The Bloody Red Pyramids of Nisa Naxina
Pop: 17,086 Mil

2981: The Democratic Republic of Niskeria
Pop: 377 Mil

2982: The Principality of Nitriansko
Pop: 3,139 Mil

2983: The Chinchilla Oligarchy of Nivosea
Pop: 5,569 Mil

2984: The Protectorate of Nlschiport
Pop: 4,287 Mil

2985: The Just a Heartbeat Away of No Jack Kennedy
Pop: 25,291 Mil

2986: The Federation of No moking
Pop: 24,367 Mil

2987: The Holy Empire of Noakhali
Pop: 69 Mil

2988: The Commonwealth of Nobern
Pop: 3,323 Mil

2989: The Kingdom of Noctyras
Pop: 10 Mil

2990: The Grand Duchy of Nod Hurlins
Pop: 2,666 Mil

2991: The Technocratic Republic of Noimosini
Pop: 10,541 Mil

2992: The Kingdom of Noire Denholm
Pop: 16,034 Mil

2993: The Christian Republic of Nomayuki
Pop: 7,731 Mil

2994: The Holy Socialist Empire of Non-Believers
Pop: 2,828 Mil

2995: The United States of Nonoval
Pop: 8 Mil

2996: The Republic of Noone
Pop: 25,700 Mil

2997: The Armed Republic of Noparike
Pop: 679 Mil

2998: The Republic of Nopolis
Pop: 84 Mil

2999: The Free Land of NoPpee WL2
Pop: 29 Mil

3000: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nordbruggen
Pop: 97 Mil

3001: The Commonwealth of Nordo Furp
Pop: 36 Mil

3002: The Federation of Nordrune
Pop: 2,449 Mil

3003: The Democratic Republic of Nordurljos
Pop: 81 Mil

3004: The Kingdom of Norilan
Pop: 32 Mil

3005: The Allied States of Nornadiikia
Pop: 36 Mil

3006: The Most Serene Republic of Nortatlans
Pop: 1,898 Mil

3007: The Theocracy of North africa Christian Empire
Pop: 40 Mil

3008: The Federal Republic of North Amberton
Pop: 40 Mil

3009: The Federation of North American Ecumene
Pop: 29 Mil

3010: The Republic of North Barooma
Pop: 16 Mil

3011: The Federation of North briek
Pop: 8 Mil

3012: The Armed Autocracy of North Caldwell
Pop: 1,317 Mil

3013: The Commonwealth of North Chadland
Pop: 4,496 Mil

3014: The Republic of North Communists
Pop: 614 Mil

3015: The Dictatorship of North Darrar
Pop: 56 Mil

3016: The Fiefdom of North Doman Taziliand
Pop: 115 Mil

3017: The Grand Duchy of North Elsass
Pop: 5,924 Mil

3018: The Free Land of North Farthing
Pop: 164 Mil

3019: The People's Republic of North Haean
Pop: 23 Mil

3020: The Holy Empire of North historia
Pop: 5,339 Mil

3021: The Republic of North Kanuckistan
Pop: 18,397 Mil

3022: The Democratic Republic of North Karmasia
Pop: 88 Mil

3023: The ???????????????? empire of North Korea is best
Pop: 2,135 Mil

3024: The Socialist Republic of North Pernambuco
Pop: 5,461 Mil

3025: The Federation of North Tarah
Pop: 56 Mil

3026: The Disputed Territories of North Tatooine
Pop: 1,703 Mil

3027: The Republic of North Thespolier
Pop: 2,165 Mil

3028: The Republic of North Whitefield
Pop: 10,762 Mil

3029: The Empire of Northern Alboigon Someingeeta
Pop: 50 Mil

3030: The Empire of Northern Crperaxy Dardom
Pop: 20 Mil

3031: The Armed Republic of Northern Isrus
Pop: 32 Mil

3032: The Republic of Northern Plains NHA
Pop: 4,197 Mil

3033: The Kingdom of Northern Rihand Camorzicerder
Pop: 56 Mil

3034: The Federal Republic of Northern Tevaniastan
Pop: 9 Mil

3035: The United Socialist States of Northwest North America
Pop: 318 Mil

3036: The Free Provinces of Northwest Slobovia
Pop: 40,132 Mil

3037: The Dictatorship of Northwestern American Republic
Pop: 200 Mil

3038: The Principality of Nortmanni
Pop: 67 Mil

3039: The Armed Republic of Norvay
Pop: 10 Mil

3040: The Democratic Republic of Norwegian utopia
Pop: 928 Mil

3041: The Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerych of Not Ammmericaaaa
Pop: 1,621 Mil

3042: The Armed Republic of Notcusk
Pop: 62 Mil

3043: The Wastelands of Nothreen
Pop: 15,977 Mil

3044: The Free Land of Notion State
Pop: 137 Mil

3045: The Nomadic Peoples of Nough to join the army after committing
Pop: 805 Mil

3046: The Republic of Nouveau Paradis
Pop: 26,814 Mil

3047: The Republic of Nova Aequitas
Pop: 62 Mil

3048: The People's State of Nova Altlandia
Pop: 1,131 Mil

3049: The Commonwealth of Nova Bentopia
Pop: 92 Mil

3050: The Confederacy of Nova Caesares
Pop: 4,432 Mil

3051: The Free Land of Nova Hungaria
Pop: 4,126 Mil

3052: The Galactic Empire of Nova Montron
Pop: 16,010 Mil

3053: The Independent Territory of Nova Rhodia
Pop: 5,137 Mil

3054: The Republic of Nova terraria
Pop: 16 Mil

3055: The Empire of Nova Ultonia
Pop: 18 Mil

3056: The Republic of Novae Reipublicae
Pop: 10,303 Mil

3057: The Commonwealth of Novatero
Pop: 496 Mil

3058: The Republic of Novaya Malorossia
Pop: 8 Mil

3059: The Federation of Novo Aleutria
Pop: 26 Mil

3060: The Democratic Republic of Novokyrdinska
Pop: 29 Mil

3061: The Empire of Novomundodosul
Pop: 75 Mil

3062: The Republic of Novoriskive
Pop: 10 Mil

3063: The Federation of Novovaritsya
Pop: 3,969 Mil

3064: The フェデレーション of Nowa Europa
Pop: 15,135 Mil

3065: The Republic of NoWhy
Pop: 56 Mil

3066: The Empire of Noxarath
Pop: 90 Mil

3067: The Republic of NPVT
Pop: 205 Mil

3068: The Republic of NRDG
Pop: 87 Mil

3069: The Kingdom of NS Atlantis
Pop: 4,191 Mil

3070: The Republic of NS Brazil 1
Pop: 3,911 Mil

3071: The Republic of NS Israel
Pop: 4,144 Mil

3072: The Republic of NS Russia
Pop: 4,241 Mil

3073: The Republic of NS Texas
Pop: 4,750 Mil

3074: The Republic of NS Ukraine
Pop: 4,270 Mil

3075: The Kingdom of NS Vatican City State
Pop: 4,156 Mil

3076: The Republic of Nsns101
Pop: 4,476 Mil

3077: The Republic of Nsns106
Pop: 4,532 Mil

3078: The Republic of Nsns11
Pop: 4,485 Mil

3079: The Republic of Nsns111
Pop: 4,493 Mil

3080: The Republic of Nsns118
Pop: 4,471 Mil

3081: The Republic of Nsns121
Pop: 4,498 Mil

3082: The Republic of Nsns128
Pop: 4,511 Mil

3083: The Republic of Nsns135
Pop: 4,471 Mil

3084: The Republic of Nsns139
Pop: 4,450 Mil

3085: The Republic of Nsns141
Pop: 4,498 Mil

3086: The Republic of Nsns145
Pop: 4,461 Mil

3087: The Republic of Nsns147
Pop: 4,435 Mil

3088: The Republic of Nsns161
Pop: 4,478 Mil

3089: The Republic of Nsns162
Pop: 4,501 Mil

3090: The Republic of Nsns167
Pop: 4,453 Mil

3091: The Republic of Nsns168
Pop: 4,477 Mil

3092: The Republic of Nsns171
Pop: 4,521 Mil

3093: The Republic of Nsns175
Pop: 4,505 Mil

3094: The Rogue Nation of Nsns22
Pop: 4,463 Mil

3095: The Republic of Nsns29
Pop: 4,496 Mil

3096: The Republic of Nsns32
Pop: 4,502 Mil

3097: The Republic of Nsns44
Pop: 4,499 Mil

3098: The Republic of Nsns56
Pop: 4,512 Mil

3099: The Republic of Nsns57
Pop: 4,478 Mil

3100: The Republic of Nsns66
Pop: 4,523 Mil

3101: The Republic of Nsns68
Pop: 4,531 Mil

3102: The Republic of Nsns77
Pop: 4,453 Mil

3103: The Republic of Nsns78
Pop: 4,489 Mil

3104: The Republic of Nsns8
Pop: 4,478 Mil

3105: The Republic of Nsns80
Pop: 4,487 Mil

3106: The Republic of Nsns83
Pop: 4,479 Mil

3107: The Republic of Nsns90
Pop: 4,495 Mil

3108: The Republic of Nsns92
Pop: 4,487 Mil

3109: The Republic of Nsns98
Pop: 4,515 Mil

3110: The Rogue Nation of Nuar
Pop: 8 Mil

3111: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nueva Escandion
Pop: 668 Mil

3112: The Confederacy of Nueva libertad2
Pop: 1,969 Mil

3113: The United States of Nueva Victoria
Pop: 760 Mil

3114: The United Municipalities of Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro
Pop: 947 Mil

3115: The Community of Nugoro-Sintask
Pop: 74 Mil

3116: The Federation of Nulheim
Pop: 580 Mil

3117: The Technocratic Stronghold of Numlea
Pop: 18,858 Mil

3118: The Commonwealth of Nunavutalia
Pop: 761 Mil

3119: The Commonwealth of Nunavute
Pop: 863 Mil

3120: The Most Serene Republic of Nunes Greenland
Pop: 110 Mil

3121: The Empire of Nuova Avocadia
Pop: 62 Mil

3122: The Community of Nuraghe
Pop: 149 Mil

3123: The Confederacy of Nuretia
Pop: 382 Mil

3124: The Republic of Nusian Republic
Pop: 56 Mil

3125: The Nutz of Nutella-chan
Pop: 21,075 Mil

3126: The Republic of Nuvai
Pop: 89 Mil

3127: The People's Republic of Nyasalland
Pop: 7 Mil

3128: The Incorporated States of Nyelgarenijetind
Pop: 7 Mil

3129: The Empire of Nymmarkarzo
Pop: 6 Mil

3130: The Constitutional Monarchy of Nyucautl
Pop: 290 Mil

3131: The Republic of Nyz5bw3f9h
Pop: 2,090 Mil

3132: The Democratic Republic of Nzere
Pop: 312 Mil

3133: The Dictatorship of O sofrimento do pais
Pop: 74 Mil

3134: The Kingdom of Oaken
Pop: 9 Mil

3135: The Armed Republic of Obamastan2025
Pop: 10 Mil

3136: The Republic of Obed Wild and Scenic River
Pop: 4,237 Mil

3137: The Republic of Oberize Expea
Pop: 40 Mil

3138: The People's Republic of Obersendling
Pop: 282 Mil

3139: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Pop: 10,969 Mil

3140: The Dictatorship of Oceair
Pop: 123 Mil

3141: The Confederacy of Oceanic Republica
Pop: 931 Mil

3142: The Dictatorship of Oceri
Pop: 1,638 Mil

3143: The Commonwealth of Octavia Celestia
Pop: 16 Mil

3144: The Borderlands of Oddsanity
Pop: 276 Mil

3145: The Republic of Odelemindialand
Pop: 16 Mil

3146: The Dictatorship of Odie Dictatorship
Pop: 62 Mil

3147: The Paralegal Entity of Of Jasper
Pop: 11,523 Mil

3148: The United States of Of midle korea
Pop: 106 Mil

3149: The Free Land of Of Technocratic Sakar
Pop: 9 Mil

3150: The Confederation of Of the 4 States
Pop: 1,478 Mil

3151: The Free Land of Of The Bannana Boat Republic
Pop: 6,305 Mil

3152: The Federation of Of the european socialist republics
Pop: 7,307 Mil

3153: The Democratic Republic of Of the Keysian Reich of Northern Yuta
Pop: 18 Mil

3154: The Confederacy of Of Tyrannical Research
Pop: 120 Mil

3155: The Federal Republic of Of White sferians
Pop: 23 Mil

3156: The South Pacifican Government of Office of WA Legislation
Pop: 10,591 Mil

3157: The Sultanate of Oghuzistanya
Pop: 553 Mil

3158: The Armed Republic of Oiw
Pop: 557 Mil

3159: The Seven Ways of Okiya
Pop: 7,443 Mil

3160: The Republic of Oklahoma City Memorial
Pop: 4,203 Mil

3161: The Republic of Olefar
Pop: 67 Mil

3162: The Republic of Oleksandr Bortnyk
Pop: 86 Mil

3163: The Dictatorship of Olexandr Bortnyk
Pop: 659 Mil

3164: The Republic of Ollek
Pop: 80 Mil

3165: The Dominion of Olliria
Pop: 1,044 Mil

3166: The Republic of Olongon
Pop: 10,360 Mil

3167: The Community of Olprer
Pop: 45 Mil

3168: The United Socialist States of Oman and Nejd
Pop: 62 Mil

3169: The Republic of Omars
Pop: 74 Mil

3170: The Nomadic Peoples of On the other side in parentheses capital
Pop: 796 Mil

3171: The People's Republic of Oncrenia
Pop: 45 Mil

3172: The Federation of One Pound Fish
Pop: 14 Mil

3173: The Allied States of Onederstop
Pop: 492 Mil

3174: The Colony of Oneyy
Pop: 338 Mil

3175: The Republic of Onjellsia
Pop: 6 Mil

3176: The Theocracy of Oogabooma
Pop: 32 Mil

3177: The United Socialist States of Oonlend
Pop: 482 Mil

3178: The Armed Republic of Oopy goopy
Pop: 36 Mil

3179: The Community of Open Mouth Gum Chewing
Pop: 415 Mil

3180: The Empire of Opferblut
Pop: 62 Mil

3181: The Empire of Opok
Pop: 78 Mil

3182: The Rogue Nation of Opprecivita
Pop: 12 Mil

3183: The Strategic puppet of Oppressionist Land
Pop: 12,107 Mil

3184: The Most Serene Republic of Optimias
Pop: 6 Mil

3185: The Dictatorship of Opulentium
Pop: 1,515 Mil

3186: The Republic of Orabandi
Pop: 12 Mil

3187: The United States of Orange Sanguine
Pop: 9 Mil

3188: The Most Serene Republic of Orange slice
Pop: 214 Mil

3189: The Republic of Orbital Cannon 10
Pop: 837 Mil

3190: The Beauty of Orc Island
Pop: 9,516 Mil

3191: The Technocratic States of Ordogomenistan
Pop: 2,399 Mil

3192: The Commonwealth of Ordonovi
Pop: 2,296 Mil

3193: The Empire of Oreani
Pop: 585 Mil

3194: The Free Land of Orgazma
Pop: 19,322 Mil

3195: The Colony of Orinea
Pop: 11,074 Mil

3196: The Matriarchy of Orinesia
Pop: 11,319 Mil

3197: The Commonwealth of Ornoth
Pop: 6,418 Mil

3198: The Holy Empire of Orxipho
Pop: 110 Mil

3199: The Federation of Osea Erusea
Pop: 114 Mil

3200: The Destructive Loose Cannon of Oshaberi Doubutsu Talking Animal Ball
Pop: 11,241 Mil

3201: The Republic of Osheiga in TSP
Pop: 3,376 Mil

3202: The Most Serene Republic of Oshkosh Kenoshbosh
Pop: 263 Mil

3203: The Republic of OSI Model
Pop: 330 Mil

3204: The UK Chipotle Dawgs of Oskifinj
Pop: 2,279 Mil

3205: The Colony of Osnen Island
Pop: 4,526 Mil

3206: The Federation of Ospuze Card Farm 17
Pop: 40 Mil

3207: The Federation of Ospuze Card Farm 24
Pop: 40 Mil

3208: The Federation of Ospuze Card Farm 25
Pop: 36 Mil

3209: The Republic of Osterberyen
Pop: 8 Mil

3210: The Commonwealth of Ostoriano
Pop: 16 Mil

3211: The Protectorate of Osutoraria
Pop: 9 Mil

3212: The United States of Other land nation place thing
Pop: 20 Mil

3213: The Borderlands of Otholikiemoogelvocan
Pop: 45 Mil

3214: The Kingdom of Othrulia
Pop: 658 Mil

3215: The Kingdom of Otki
Pop: 1,112 Mil

3216: The Republic of Otokadu Ruki
Pop: 5,832 Mil

3217: The Democratic Republic of Otrein
Pop: 622 Mil

3218: The Kingdom of Ottoman livant
Pop: 156 Mil

3219: The Constitutional Monarchy of Otty Vikensland
Pop: 9 Mil

3220: The Federal Republic of Ougogoadod
Pop: 32 Mil

3221: The Principality of Oultrejourdain
Pop: 3,359 Mil

3222: The Protectorate of Our Lady Peace
Pop: 1,502 Mil

3223: The Republic of Our Lord Jesus
Pop: 56 Mil

3224: The People's Kingdom of of Ouro Nobre
Pop: 1,479 Mil

3225: The Republic of Outeiro
Pop: 69 Mil

3226: The Republic of Outer Bratorke
Pop: 11,380 Mil

3227: The Holy Empire of Outer Exonn
Pop: 104 Mil

3228: The Kingdom of Outremer
Pop: 5,537 Mil

3229: The Republic of Overmountain Victory National Trail
Pop: 4,250 Mil

3230: The Imperial Order of Overname
Pop: 1,851 Mil

3231: The Democratic Republic of Owai
Pop: 18 Mil

3232: The Republic of Ozark National Forest
Pop: 2,658 Mil

3233: The Republic of P N S 3
Pop: 4,101 Mil

3234: The Republic of Paappapapa
Pop: 1,923 Mil

3235: The Almighty Kingdom of Pabtlau
Pop: 4,921 Mil

3236: The Grand Duchy of Pacelannia
Pop: 111 Mil

3237: The GNX of Pacific Shores
Pop: 3,306 Mil

3238: The Federation of Pacific States
Pop: 5,158 Mil

3239: The United States of Pacifica Atlantica
Pop: 4,475 Mil

3240: The Republic of Pacificapolis
Pop: 1,161 Mil

3241: The Empire of Paco Franco
Pop: 40 Mil

3242: The Holy Empire of Padhraig
Pop: 457 Mil

3243: The Khilafat Islamiya Syurawia of Paganan
Pop: 9,105 Mil

3244: The Nomadic Peoples of Paganiniana variation 212
Pop: 300 Mil

3245: The Oppressed Peoples of Paganiniana variation 217
Pop: 303 Mil

3246: The Borderlands of Paganiniana variation 220
Pop: 296 Mil

3247: The United Socialist States of Paganiniana variation 221
Pop: 300 Mil

3248: The Social Union of Pai Land
Pop: 6,837 Mil

3249: The Rogue Nation of Painfully horrible
Pop: 134 Mil

3250: The Colony of Pakana
Pop: 36 Mil

3251: The Democratic Republic of Pakinda
Pop: 175 Mil

3252: The Rogue Nation of Pal Central
Pop: 612 Mil

3253: The Republic of Palatino
Pop: 548 Mil

3254: The Kingdom of Palindromo
Pop: 1,257 Mil

3255: The Most Serene Republic of Palufult
Pop: 12 Mil

3256: The Free Land of Palwoldr
Pop: 26 Mil

3257: The Republic of Pamaoria
Pop: 1,483 Mil

3258: The B00bs of Pamela And Hepatitis
Pop: 44,741 Mil

3259: The Armed Republic of Pamuzi
Pop: 573 Mil

3260: The Federal Republic of Pan Vall Strid
Pop: 40 Mil

3261: The Empire of Panamljani
Pop: 56 Mil

3262: The Empire of PANCAKE PALACE
Pop: 148 Mil

3263: The Federation of Pandaamerica1234
Pop: 20 Mil

3264: The Kingdom of Pandorak
Pop: 72 Mil

3265: The Commonwealth of Panemas
Pop: 12,641 Mil

3266: The Empire of Paneth
Pop: 197 Mil

3267: The Empire of Panotoss
Pop: 74 Mil

3268: The Commonwealth of Pans Che
Pop: 245 Mil

3269: The Federal Democratic Republic of Pansic
Pop: 5,601 Mil

3270: The Blooms Republic of Pantropiko Island
Pop: 720 Mil

3271: The Kingdom of Panzastan
Pop: 158 Mil

3272: The Holy Empire of Papabort
Pop: 435 Mil

3273: The Kingdom of Papageinge
Pop: 4,253 Mil

3274: The Republic of Paradize Space
Pop: 50 Mil

3275: The Subayaran Kingdom of Paraw
Pop: 1,159 Mil

3276: The Holy Paradise of Parenthos
Pop: 16,347 Mil

3277: The Republic of Parkers Crossroads Battlefield
Pop: 4,181 Mil

3278: The Republic of Parmesan Ham
Pop: 173 Mil

3279: The Empire of Parthiann
Pop: 56 Mil

3280: The Kingdom of Parujia
Pop: 99 Mil

3281: The Dictatorship of Path of war
Pop: 100 Mil

3282: The Republic of Patirysia
Pop: 56 Mil

3283: The Republic of Pato Islands
Pop: 4,258 Mil

3284: The Federation of Patusariackendis
Pop: 23 Mil

3285: The Republic of Paudadsogon
Pop: 4,289 Mil

3286: The Imperium of Pax Dracon
Pop: 18,409 Mil

3287: The Military of Pax Militarianism
Pop: 834 Mil

3288: The Kingdom of Paxdonia
Pop: 212 Mil

3289: The Veltric Republic of Paxia Island
Pop: 4,238 Mil

3290: The Armed Republic of Pazhiku
Pop: 715 Mil

3291: The People's Republic of PDR Ethiopia
Pop: 1,652 Mil

3292: The People's Republic of PDR Yeman
Pop: 1,650 Mil

3293: The Republic of Pea Ridge Military Park
Pop: 4,235 Mil

3294: The Queendom of Peanut Gallery
Pop: 481 Mil

3295: The Republic of Peanut nation
Pop: 20 Mil

3296: The Colony of Pede Cattus
Pop: 2,759 Mil

3297: The Republic of Pel Bhawake
Pop: 7 Mil

3298: The Republic of Pelepen
Pop: 1,699 Mil

3299: The Truly Ideal Nation of Pelinai
Pop: 3,663 Mil

3300: The Emirate of Pemvf
Pop: 283 Mil

3301: The Principality of Pen Nor
Pop: 829 Mil

3302: The Eternal Misfortune of Pencil Sharpeners 2
Pop: 20,656 Mil

3303: The United States of Penguin of Antarctica
Pop: 18 Mil

3304: The GEQPL of PenguinPies
Pop: 23,780 Mil

3305: The Democratic Republic of Pennganistan
Pop: 16 Mil

3306: The Republic of Pennsylvania Avenue NHS
Pop: 4,285 Mil

3307: The Commonwealth of Pennycokes
Pop: 26 Mil

3308: The Peaceful Island of Penonia Island
Pop: 4,858 Mil

3309: The Armed Republic of People Against Bad Things
Pop: 708 Mil

3310: The Murderbasket Republic of People Thingies
Pop: 12,319 Mil

3311: The Community of Peoples Community of Earth
Pop: 45 Mil

3312: The Radical Cakeist of Peoples Guerilla Armed Coalition
Pop: 1,824 Mil

3313: The Kingdom of Peoples Kingdom Of Combard
Pop: 32 Mil

3314: The Republic of Pepoland
Pop: 4,069 Mil

3315: The Himbo of Petea
Pop: 6,069 Mil

3316: The Rogue Nation of Peter Stubbe
Pop: 4,195 Mil

3317: The Republic of Petronia7777
Pop: 26 Mil

3318: The United States of Petrunnia
Pop: 14 Mil

3319: The Nomadic Peoples of Pews they decided that they didnt have t
Pop: 830 Mil

3320: The United States of Pfation
Pop: 62 Mil

3321: The Community of Phalorim
Pop: 40 Mil

3322: The Colony of Phan-
Pop: 271 Mil

3323: The Commonwealth of Phanama
Pop: 13,267 Mil

3324: The Empire of Phanroy
Pop: 563 Mil

3325: The Empire of Philippine Empire
Pop: 110 Mil

3326: The Most Serene Republic of Philocalistia
Pop: 1,510 Mil

3327: The Fiefdom of Pia Revind Piell
Pop: 91 Mil

3328: The Republic of Picinnilandia
Pop: 32 Mil

3329: The Empire of Pieree
Pop: 18 Mil

3330: The Empire of Pigeoneon
Pop: 7 Mil

3331: The Oppressed Peoples of Pikamorta
Pop: 16 Mil

3332: The Free Land of Pilia
Pop: 85 Mil

3333: The Allied States of Pilotar
Pop: 26 Mil

3334: The Holy Empire of Pimbadassa
Pop: 582 Mil

3335: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 39
Pop: 7,525 Mil

3336: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 41
Pop: 7,575 Mil

3337: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 44
Pop: 7,498 Mil

3338: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 49
Pop: 7,541 Mil

3339: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 59
Pop: 7,526 Mil

3340: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 72
Pop: 7,536 Mil

3341: The Republic of Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 85
Pop: 7,453 Mil

3342: The Republic of Pinelands National Reserve
Pop: 4,183 Mil

3343: The Disputed Territories of Pingchill
Pop: 9 Mil

3344: The Republic of Pinky-Ponky
Pop: 40 Mil

3345: The Republic of PinocchioP
Pop: 5,733 Mil

3346: The Federation of Pinochetist states
Pop: 220 Mil

3347: The Federation of Pip Hocka
Pop: 342 Mil

3348: The People's Republic of Pipipupu Fishpeenus
Pop: 274 Mil

3349: The Armed Republic of Piratstan
Pop: 16 Mil

3350: The Republic of Piscataway Park
Pop: 4,284 Mil

3351: The Republic of Pisistra
Pop: 687 Mil

3352: The Reasonably Moist Republic of Pitayania
Pop: 1,216 Mil

3353: The Incorporated States of Pitkerm
Pop: 20 Mil

3354: The Commonwealth of Pizza in Meresed
Pop: 36 Mil

3355: The Grand Duchy of Placky Ann
Pop: 98 Mil

3356: The Kingdom of Planet Aspara
Pop: 326 Mil

3357: The Commonwealth of Planet Elyria
Pop: 961 Mil

3358: The Federal Republic of Plantistan
Pop: 23 Mil

3359: The Federal Republic of Planvania
Pop: 16 Mil

3360: The Republic of Platino
Pop: 6,850 Mil

3361: The Republic of Plauthwan
Pop: 62 Mil

3362: The People's Republic of Plodia
Pop: 16 Mil

3363: The Democratic Republic of Pluis
Pop: 6,453 Mil

3364: The Empire of Plurabin
Pop: 128 Mil

3365: The Most Serene Republic of Plutooo
Pop: 10 Mil

3366: The Armed Republic of PMC Boykisser Group
Pop: 18 Mil

3367: The Empire of PNF 404
Pop: 40 Mil

3368: The Republic of Poblacht an Phobail Ghaelaigh
Pop: 112 Mil

3369: The Federal Republic of Podinas
Pop: 253 Mil

3370: The Republic of Podkopiand Guittasi
Pop: 352 Mil

3371: The Empire of PodracingFan
Pop: 4,124 Mil

3372: The Republic of Podsenia
Pop: 115 Mil

3373: The Prefecture of Poguelands
Pop: 1,887 Mil

3374: The United Socialist States of Polarovka
Pop: 14 Mil

3375: The Republic of Pole Dograged
Pop: 16 Mil

3376: The Federation of Polithias
Pop: 329 Mil

3377: The United Socialist States of Politicism
Pop: 36 Mil

3378: The Republic of Polysmlland
Pop: 56 Mil

3379: The Republic of Pommer-Wolgast
Pop: 40 Mil

3380: The Federal Republic of Ponderosuh
Pop: 9,431 Mil

3381: The Republic of Ponestos
Pop: 84 Mil

3382: The Republic of Pony Express National Trail
Pop: 4,250 Mil

3383: The Empire of Poopshikistan
Pop: 411 Mil

3384: The Dominion of Poperos
Pop: 69 Mil

3385: The Armed Republic of Popitazu
Pop: 569 Mil

3386: The Kingdom of Popopeopeooe
Pop: 45 Mil

3387: The Republic of Poria Komland
Pop: 67 Mil

3388: The Nomadic Peoples of Poromaat
Pop: 333 Mil

3389: The Protectorate of Port Ivory
Pop: 5,194 Mil

3390: The United States of Portporkus
Pop: 23 Mil

3391: The Holy Empire of Portugal Reborn
Pop: 14 Mil

3392: The Republic of Postmaster-General
Pop: 9,994 Mil

3393: The Ho-Ho-Holmium of Potassium
Pop: 2,638 Mil

3394: The Commonwealth of Potatoeses
Pop: 12 Mil

3395: The Confederacy of Povos Amazonicos
Pop: 365 Mil

3396: The Federal Republic of Praszienna
Pop: 29 Mil

3397: The People's Republic of Praxi Union
Pop: 614 Mil

3398: The People's Republic of PRC
Pop: 13,284 Mil

3399: The Borderlands of Preadertauw
Pop: 10 Mil

3400: The Democratic States of Predestine
Pop: 40 Mil

3401: The People's Republic of Presbyopia
Pop: 264 Mil

3402: The Queendom of Prettynation
Pop: 18 Mil

3403: The Colony of Pri Seetoa Blan
Pop: 67 Mil

3404: The Republic of Prian Pataion
Pop: 10 Mil

3405: The Republic of Pricplod Pland
Pop: 183 Mil

3406: The Corporate Alliance of Primumia
Pop: 876 Mil

3407: The United States of Prince Rain
Pop: 105 Mil

3408: The Principality of Principado de Camaguey
Pop: 84 Mil

3409: The Confederacy of Printa 38
Pop: 75 Mil

3410: The Colony of Printa 43
Pop: 75 Mil

3411: The Jingoistic States of Prisoner Point Landing
Pop: 101 Mil

3412: The Community of Pritchasterime
Pop: 89 Mil

3413: The Empire of PRITHVIK
Pop: 23 Mil

3414: The Republic of Pritrev
Pop: 222 Mil

3415: The Free Land of Privatore
Pop: 23,355 Mil

3416: The Democratic Republic of Prodomania
Pop: 81 Mil

3417: The Republic of Professor Xavier
Pop: 5,432 Mil

3418: The Republic of Promesium
Pop: 20,631 Mil

3419: The Grand Duchy of Pronoi
Pop: 88 Mil

3420: The Empire of Prosperion Dominion
Pop: 91 Mil

3421: The Theocracy of Prouret Old
Pop: 101 Mil

3422: The Republic of Provalia
Pop: 40 Mil

3423: The Kingdom of Proxima5
Pop: 36 Mil

3424: The Republic of Proylandusia
Pop: 12 Mil

3425: The Republic of Prudential Promises
Pop: 1,339 Mil

3426: The Federal Republic of Prule
Pop: 86 Mil

3427: The People's Republic of Prusisa
Pop: 181 Mil

3428: The Golden Imperial Federation of PsiCorps
Pop: 7,332 Mil

3429: The Democratic Republic of Psipi
Pop: 6,849 Mil

3430: The Colony of Psychorea
Pop: 13,075 Mil

3431: The Community of Psykorea
Pop: 13,451 Mil

3432: The Bruuman Protectorate of Puerto Pollo
Pop: 23,314 Mil

3433: The Republic of Pulb
Pop: 178 Mil

3434: The Republic of Pullman NHP
Pop: 4,224 Mil

3435: The Community of Pulwa
Pop: 26 Mil

3436: The Grand Duchy of Puntiana
Pop: 14,775 Mil

3437: The Republic of Pupiland
Pop: 56 Mil

3438: The Republic of Puppetia
Pop: 209 Mil

3439: The Free Land of Puppets are complicated III
Pop: 316 Mil

3440: The Incorporated States of Puppets are complicated LVIII
Pop: 251 Mil

3441: The Armed Republic of Puppets are complicated LXXXIV
Pop: 169 Mil

3442: The Armed Republic of Puppets are complicated XCII
Pop: 163 Mil

3443: The Allied States of Puppets are complicated XIV
Pop: 256 Mil

3444: The Republic of Puppets are complicated XXVIII
Pop: 258 Mil

3445: The Rogue Nation of Puppets are complicated XXXII
Pop: 262 Mil

3446: The Armed Republic of Puq
Pop: 568 Mil

3447: The Republic of Purestan
Pop: 2,764 Mil

3448: The Most Serene Republic of Purinland
Pop: 14,431 Mil

3449: The Principality of Purple Rain 96
Pop: 7,594 Mil

3450: The People's Republic of Putalanda
Pop: 80 Mil

3451: The SSAAFR of Pyhdon
Pop: 3,044 Mil

3452: The Democratic States of Pyps
Pop: 45 Mil

3453: The Colony of Pysyanima
Pop: 32 Mil

3454: The Matriarchy of Q5 yOung people should perform a years
Pop: 109 Mil

3455: The Republic of Q8 Is better to deter criminals than
Pop: 237 Mil

3456: The Dominion of Qados
Pop: 25,028 Mil

3457: The Federal Republic of Qalyr
Pop: 1,958 Mil

3458: The Federal Ocean Republic of Qawe
Pop: 12,733 Mil

3459: The Republic of Qaweritoyu
Pop: 24,171 Mil

3460: The Republic of Qe-20
Pop: 18 Mil

3461: The Republic of Qe-30
Pop: 18 Mil

3462: The Republic of Qe-35
Pop: 18 Mil

3463: The Republic of Qe-45
Pop: 18 Mil

3464: The Republic of Qe-46
Pop: 18 Mil

3465: The Grand Duchy of Qesh
Pop: 4,159 Mil

3466: The Qezon-Commonwealth of Qezos
Pop: 2,546 Mil

3467: The Empire of QingHuang Dynasty
Pop: 100 Mil

3468: The Holy Empire of Qiqiunin
Pop: 29 Mil

3469: The Theocracy of Qirum
Pop: 168 Mil

3470: The Republic of Qiya18
Pop: 32 Mil

3471: The Republic of Qiya21
Pop: 32 Mil

3472: The Republic of Quaesadilla
Pop: 14 Mil

3473: The Fiefdom of Quagmore
Pop: 1,190 Mil

3474: The Theocracy of Quanxi supremacy
Pop: 10 Mil

3475: The Sultanate of Quebrada da Hyperborea
Pop: 14 Mil

3476: The Republic of Queijo1
Pop: 236 Mil

3477: The Republic of Queijo106
Pop: 191 Mil

3478: The Republic of Queijo11
Pop: 234 Mil

3479: The Republic of Queijo119
Pop: 197 Mil

3480: The Republic of Queijo127
Pop: 195 Mil

3481: The Republic of Queijo15
Pop: 232 Mil

3482: The Republic of Queijo41
Pop: 241 Mil

3483: The Republic of Queijo43
Pop: 235 Mil

3484: The Republic of Queijo57
Pop: 221 Mil

3485: The Republic of Queijo77
Pop: 232 Mil

3486: The Republic of Queijo84
Pop: 231 Mil

3487: The Republic of Quetzu
Pop: 9 Mil

3488: The Free Land of QuietDad of TSP
Pop: 23,130 Mil

3489: The Republic of Quiltes
Pop: 377 Mil

3490: The Armed Republic of Quim
Pop: 25,152 Mil

3491: The Federation of Quinjalta
Pop: 10,538 Mil

3492: The Democratic States of Quithdata
Pop: 23 Mil

3493: The Federal Republic of Qukland
Pop: 200 Mil

3494: The Federation of Qweendom of Atlantis
Pop: 32 Mil

3495: The Republic of Qweghv
Pop: 56 Mil

3496: The Empire of Qwertyuiookijt
Pop: 6 Mil

3497: The Dictatorship of Qxvechadok-Laxchqqah
Pop: 6 Mil

3498: The People's Republic of R i K oraz S w deltoidzie
Pop: 10,426 Mil

3499: The Republic of R49u1z1lf7
Pop: 3,193 Mil

3500: The Federation of Raakillialand
Pop: 20 Mil

3501: The Private Utopia of Rachel Hunter
Pop: 19,771 Mil

3502: The People's Republic of Rad Asia
Pop: 12,482 Mil

3503: The United States of Radio Free
Pop: 2,460 Mil

3504: The Republic of Radozary
Pop: 6,634 Mil

3505: The Republic of Ragold
Pop: 56 Mil

3506: The Polity of Rahva
Pop: 3,419 Mil

3507: The Democratic Republic of Rainbow Banana
Pop: 19,130 Mil

3508: The Grand Duchy of Raint Asdus
Pop: 425 Mil

3509: The Republic of Raiyl
Pop: 576 Mil

3510: The People's Republic of Rakitovo
Pop: 50 Mil

3511: The Epicrateia of Rakzhia
Pop: 7,211 Mil

3512: The Empire of RALANDIY
Pop: 81 Mil

3513: The Republic of Ralph Kiner
Pop: 4,717 Mil

3514: The Republic of Ralphburg
Pop: 10,966 Mil

3515: The Dominion of Ram2
Pop: 25,086 Mil

3516: The Federation of Ranaggion
Pop: 241 Mil

3517: The Allied States of Ranandswolfors
Pop: 316 Mil

3518: The Republic of Random Card Farmer 205
Pop: 50 Mil

3519: The Republic of Random Card Farmer 206
Pop: 50 Mil

3520: The Republic of Random Card Farmer 216
Pop: 50 Mil

3521: The Free Puppet of Random Faraway Puppet in TSP
Pop: 10,215 Mil

3522: The Federation of Randombrook
Pop: 110 Mil

3523: The Armed Republic of Ranikotzu
Pop: 712 Mil

3524: The Republic of Ranstagan
Pop: 83 Mil

3525: The Empire of Rapax 40
Pop: 6,549 Mil

3526: The Most Serene Republic of Rascallia
Pop: 301 Mil

3527: The Republic of Rast Lux
Pop: 339 Mil

3528: The Republic of Rate respublic
Pop: 84 Mil

3529: The Democratic Republic of Ravasica Oes
Pop: 107 Mil

3530: The Empire of Raxus Grand
Pop: 1,339 Mil

3531: The Republic of Ray Cal Oassia
Pop: 16 Mil

3532: The Commonwealth of Rayo Vallecano
Pop: 1,311 Mil

3533: The United Kingdom of Raziland
Pop: 56 Mil

3534: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 109
Pop: 3,567 Mil

3535: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 112
Pop: 3,538 Mil

3536: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 115
Pop: 3,578 Mil

3537: The Protectorate of RCSY cardfarmer 13
Pop: 4,608 Mil

3538: The Democratic States of RCSY cardfarmer 17
Pop: 4,574 Mil

3539: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 19
Pop: 4,389 Mil

3540: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 20
Pop: 4,362 Mil

3541: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 22
Pop: 4,358 Mil

3542: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 30
Pop: 4,391 Mil

3543: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 31
Pop: 4,326 Mil

3544: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 37
Pop: 4,311 Mil

3545: The Fiefdom of RCSY cardfarmer 4
Pop: 4,698 Mil

3546: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 40
Pop: 4,313 Mil

3547: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 49
Pop: 4,166 Mil

3548: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 51
Pop: 4,149 Mil

3549: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 59
Pop: 4,171 Mil

3550: The Jingoistic States of RCSY cardfarmer 6
Pop: 4,713 Mil

3551: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 63
Pop: 4,167 Mil

3552: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 67
Pop: 4,122 Mil

3553: The Dominion of RCSY cardfarmer 7
Pop: 4,676 Mil

3554: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 76
Pop: 4,122 Mil

3555: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 77
Pop: 4,178 Mil

3556: The Grand Duchy of RCSY cardfarmer 8
Pop: 4,675 Mil

3557: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 81
Pop: 3,839 Mil

3558: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 86
Pop: 3,846 Mil

3559: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 90
Pop: 3,871 Mil

3560: The Republic of RCSY cardfarmer 94
Pop: 3,890 Mil

3561: The Republic of Re-23
Pop: 6 Mil

3562: The Kingdom of Realchoice
Pop: 775 Mil

3563: The Most Serene Republic of Really need socks
Pop: 87 Mil

3564: The Grand Alliance of Reantreet
Pop: 2,060 Mil

3565: The Square-minded hyerarchy of Reasonics
Pop: 9,774 Mil

3566: The Retired Crazy Old Man of Rebel-topia
Pop: 26,535 Mil

3567: The Protectorate of Rebeltopia
Pop: 21,364 Mil

3568: The Republic of Rebirth-
Pop: 331 Mil

3569: The Dictatorship of Reborn German Reich
Pop: 12 Mil

3570: The Allied States of Recanio
Pop: 16 Mil

3571: The Armed Republic of RED CRAYON
Pop: 715 Mil

3572: The Nomadic Peoples of REDACTED all kinds of groovy things th
Pop: 805 Mil

3573: The Republic of Redarmmo
Pop: 87 Mil

3574: The People's Republic of REDn0te
Pop: 109 Mil

3575: The Federation of Redtopia
Pop: 110 Mil

3576: The Holy Empire of Ree Barbel
Pop: 258 Mil

3577: The Nomadic Peoples of Reformed Caricestasaki
Pop: 50 Mil

3578: The Dominion of Reformed Dips Chilania
Pop: 91 Mil

3579: The Republic of Reformed Feight
Pop: 68 Mil

3580: The Republic of Reformed Flier Kaylana
Pop: 1,652 Mil

3581: The Rogue Nation of Reformed Otty Texvia Theica
Pop: 62 Mil

3582: The Holy Empire of Reforria
Pop: 584 Mil

3583: The Matriarchy of Regina Falange
Pop: 29 Mil

3584: The Ministry of Regional Affairs
Pop: 12,137 Mil

3585: The Kingdom of Regno del due napoli
Pop: 404 Mil

3586: The Republic of Regno Lombardo
Pop: 798 Mil

3587: The Dictatorship of Reicheisten
Pop: 20 Mil

3588: The United Socialist States of Reichmarchts
Pop: 352 Mil

3589: The Federation of Reidellankic
Pop: 285 Mil

3590: The Kingdom of Reignal
Pop: 113 Mil

3591: The United Kingdom of Reino da cascata
Pop: 7 Mil

3592: The Kingdom of Reino de Andorra
Pop: 10 Mil

3593: The Republic of Religiosss
Pop: 40 Mil

3594: The Republic of Rema Unia
Pop: 12 Mil

3595: The Democratic Republic of Remorneegi
Pop: 32 Mil

3596: The Federation of RENAGIYA
Pop: 73 Mil

3597: The Free Land of Renewed Detroit
Pop: 26,163 Mil

3598: The Armed Republic of Renkatori
Pop: 582 Mil

3599: The Disputed Territories of ReOpen Nominations
Pop: 11,624 Mil

3600: The Great Republic of Repica
Pop: 1,855 Mil

3601: The Commonwealth of Replubic
Pop: 50 Mil

3602: The Principality of Represhina
Pop: 606 Mil

3603: The Republic of Repubblica Unita
Pop: 143 Mil

3604: The Constitutional Monarchy of Republic Empire of Japan
Pop: 1,429 Mil

3605: The Republic of Republic of Chefs 103 Building
Pop: 6 Mil

3606: The Allied States of Republic of DeBonte
Pop: 16 Mil

3607: The Community of Republic of Iran
Pop: 1,534 Mil

3608: The Federation of Republic of khalid
Pop: 14 Mil

3609: The Republic of Republic of Qantas
Pop: 29 Mil

3610: The Imperialistic State of Republic of Rovine
Pop: 6,642 Mil

3611: The Republic of Republic of Starmanya
Pop: 87 Mil

3612: The Federal Republic of Republic of Tensho Marineris
Pop: 7 Mil

3613: The Free Land of Republica Arcana
Pop: 78 Mil

3614: The Empire of Republica do Centro Norte
Pop: 1,816 Mil

3615: The Republic of Republica dos Laticinios
Pop: 50 Mil

3616: The Disputed Territories of Republican Yunnan
Pop: 1,110 Mil

3617: The Empire of Res Republica Germanica
Pop: 74 Mil

3618: The People's Republic of Resanland
Pop: 372 Mil

3619: The Hydrogen Bomb of Respackjakenrhace
Pop: 7,350 Mil

3620: The Republic of Respublica Nova Romana
Pop: 153 Mil

3621: The Kingdom of Reunified Prussia
Pop: 1,085 Mil

3622: The Republic of Revengeance
Pop: 5,322 Mil

3623: The Free Land of Rhalue
Pop: 36 Mil

3624: The Republic of Rhasesia
Pop: 130 Mil

3625: The Inomenes Eparchies of Rhayna
Pop: 8,813 Mil

3626: The Federation of Rhodesia-Nyasaland
Pop: 962 Mil

3627: The Empire of Rhomania
Pop: 5,297 Mil

3628: The Confederated Kingdoms of Rhuellia
Pop: 735 Mil

3629: The Republic of Riandera
Pop: 357 Mil

3630: The Commonwealth of Ributi garobok
Pop: 10 Mil

3631: The Republic of Rick Tease
Pop: 26 Mil

3632: The Allied States of Rickenbacker
Pop: 957 Mil

3633: The Republic of Ridehale
Pop: 18,145 Mil

3634: The Kingdom of Riders Republic Cocos
Pop: 26 Mil

3635: The Armed Republic of Rikadon
Pop: 529 Mil

3636: The Kingdom of Rilixa
Pop: 85 Mil

3637: The Republic of Rinethia
Pop: 143 Mil

3638: The Democratic Republic of Rio pardo
Pop: 20 Mil

3639: The Republic of Riopica
Pop: 10 Mil

3640: The Holy Empire of Rirabethyr
Pop: 9 Mil

3641: The Republic of Ririran
Pop: 135 Mil

3642: The Republic of Riseba Mastero
Pop: 4,246 Mil

3643: The Republic of Rish Pow
Pop: 56 Mil

3644: The United States of Rishad
Pop: 18 Mil

3645: The Republic of Risorgimento Socialista
Pop: 29 Mil

3646: The Empire of Ritaro
Pop: 107 Mil

3647: The Oppressed Peoples of Rittiobs Slavadia
Pop: 303 Mil

3648: The Empire of Rizlar
Pop: 73 Mil

3649: The Holy Empire of RizzlesSigma
Pop: 1,063 Mil

3650: The Armed Republic of RKN
Pop: 12,718 Mil

3651: The Curious Observadmin of Roavin
Pop: 19,254 Mil

3652: The Commonwealth of Robubli
Pop: 313 Mil

3653: The Republic of Rochosa
Pop: 513 Mil

3654: The Republic of Rocket Snail 105
Pop: 738 Mil

3655: The Republic of Rocket Snail 38
Pop: 733 Mil

3656: The Republic of Rocket Snail 41
Pop: 735 Mil

3657: The Republic of Rocket Snail 50
Pop: 721 Mil

3658: The Republic of Rocket Snail 51
Pop: 732 Mil

3659: The Republic of Rocket Snail 58
Pop: 743 Mil

3660: The Republic of Rocket Snail 64
Pop: 729 Mil

3661: The Republic of Rocket Snail 69
Pop: 744 Mil

3662: The Republic of Rocket Snail 73
Pop: 729 Mil

3663: The Republic of Rocket Snail 76
Pop: 710 Mil

3664: The Republic of Rocket Snail 78
Pop: 723 Mil

3665: The Republic of Rocket Snail 85
Pop: 733 Mil

3666: The Republic of Rocket Snail 93
Pop: 728 Mil

3667: The Federation of Roeder
Pop: 4,467 Mil

3668: The Free Land of ROFLMAO
Pop: 154 Mil

3669: The United Kingdom of Roger Maestro Federer
Pop: 24,916 Mil

3670: The Republic of Roger Williams Memorial
Pop: 4,268 Mil

3671: The Republic of Rohlfsland
Pop: 68 Mil

3672: The Confederated Kingdom of Rokatov
Pop: 1,483 Mil

3673: The Federation of Rokio
Pop: 56 Mil

3674: The Empire of Rokougan
Pop: 1,204 Mil

3675: The Fiefdom of Rom 102
Pop: 23 Mil

3676: The Republic of ROM 104
Pop: 23 Mil

3677: The Republic of ROM 106
Pop: 23 Mil

3678: The Disputed Territories of Rom 74
Pop: 114 Mil

3679: The Emirate of Rom 75
Pop: 108 Mil

3680: The Holy Empire of ROM 78
Pop: 105 Mil

3681: The Protectorate of Rom 84
Pop: 110 Mil

3682: The Confederacy of Rom 85
Pop: 113 Mil

3683: The Federation of Rom 88
Pop: 110 Mil

3684: The Empire of Roma Occidentale
Pop: 14 Mil

3685: The Federation of Roma10
Pop: 88 Mil

3686: The Kingdom of Romakoa
Pop: 222 Mil

3687: The Empire of Roman State
Pop: 1,879 Mil

3688: The Armed Republic of Romanic Italy
Pop: 50 Mil

3689: The United States of Romonus
Pop: 56 Mil

3690: The Kingdom of Romuliana
Pop: 118 Mil

3691: The Republic of Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home NHS
Pop: 4,169 Mil

3692: The People's Republic of Ronaldo poop
Pop: 79 Mil

3693: The United States of Ropolfiaia
Pop: 90 Mil

3694: The Kingdom of Rosecrest
Pop: 860 Mil

3695: The Republic of Roshen Chocolate and Caramel
Pop: 87 Mil

3696: The Republic of Roshen Coconut and Almonds
Pop: 92 Mil

3697: The Republic of Roshen Dark Chocolate
Pop: 88 Mil

3698: The Republic of Roshen Milk Chocolate
Pop: 87 Mil

3699: The Colony of Roshmunis
Pop: 1,661 Mil

3700: The Republic of Rosie the Riveter NHP
Pop: 4,181 Mil

3701: The Republic of Ross Commonwealth
Pop: 640 Mil

3702: The People's Republic of Rote Sonne
Pop: 29 Mil

3703: The Golden Federal Districts of Rotenaplistan
Pop: 3,843 Mil

3704: The United States of Round6
Pop: 50 Mil

3705: The Republic of Routt National Forest
Pop: 2,685 Mil

3706: The Incorporated States of Roviler
Pop: 87 Mil

3707: The Democratic Republic of Royce Blackwood
Pop: 36 Mil

3708: The Disputed Territories of RP Synnie
Pop: 725 Mil

3709: The Kingdom of RR Kingdom
Pop: 3,633 Mil

3710: The Republic of Rsertion
Pop: 68 Mil

3711: The Oppressed Peoples of Rtm53
Pop: 32 Mil

3712: The Free Land of Rtm57
Pop: 32 Mil

3713: The Oppressed Peoples of Rtm60
Pop: 32 Mil

3714: The Republic of Rtm77
Pop: 18 Mil

3715: The Republic of Rtm80
Pop: 18 Mil

3716: The Kingdom of Rubes11
Pop: 45 Mil

3717: The Free Land of Rubes12
Pop: 45 Mil

3718: The United States of Rubes16
Pop: 45 Mil

3719: The Confederacy of Rubes20
Pop: 45 Mil

3720: The Federal Republic of Rubes21
Pop: 45 Mil

3721: The Grand Duchy of Rubes3
Pop: 56 Mil

3722: The People's Republic of Rubes5
Pop: 56 Mil

3723: The Republic of Rubes9
Pop: 56 Mil

3724: The Federal Republic of Rublivia
Pop: 79 Mil

3725: The Democratic Republic of Ruinistan
Pop: 62 Mil

3726: The Empire of Rukadia
Pop: 531 Mil

3727: The Kingdom of Rulueetocork
Pop: 62 Mil

3728: The Free Land of Rumeliaaa
Pop: 23 Mil

3729: The Republic of Runashsoc
Pop: 86 Mil

3730: The Empire of Rusiys
Pop: 85 Mil

3731: The Empire of Russian Oil
Pop: 29,377 Mil

3732: The People's Republic of Russian States United
Pop: 86 Mil

3733: The Republic of Russian-bobrostan
Pop: 84 Mil

3734: The Grand Duchy of Russkaya Alaska
Pop: 166 Mil

3735: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 16
Pop: 4,716 Mil

3736: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 23
Pop: 4,655 Mil

3737: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 36
Pop: 4,358 Mil

3738: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 39
Pop: 4,333 Mil

3739: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 48
Pop: 4,364 Mil

3740: The Republic of Ruthless Forager 5
Pop: 4,721 Mil

3741: The Republic of Ruyanaia
Pop: 100 Mil

3742: The Dictatorship of Ruzu
Pop: 6,194 Mil

3743: The Colony of RV Joy
Pop: 36 Mil

3744: The Tsardom of Rvenia
Pop: 7,331 Mil

3745: The Federation of Ryssopulie
Pop: 84 Mil

3746: The Emirate of Rytonsore
Pop: 45 Mil

3747: The Nomadic Peoples of S and villages after bein a litterbug He
Pop: 792 Mil

3748: The United Kingdom of S Georgia and S Sandwich Islands
Pop: 12,286 Mil

3749: The Community of Sabbebii
Pop: 1,448 Mil

3750: The Democratic Radpublic of Sabirabad
Pop: 29,474 Mil

3751: The Abhorsen of Sabriel
Pop: 2,270 Mil

3752: The Empire of Saby
Pop: 16 Mil

3753: The Republic of Saciu
Pop: 13,306 Mil

3754: The Republic of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta NHA
Pop: 4,216 Mil

3755: The Empire of Sacred Gaia
Pop: 32 Mil

3756: The Empire of Sacro Estado Libertario Cristao
Pop: 23 Mil

3757: The Empire of Sadixa
Pop: 6 Mil

3758: The Empire of Sadmen
Pop: 9 Mil

3759: The Most Serene Republic of Sagresca
Pop: 246 Mil

3760: The Dictatorship of Sahdezh
Pop: 14 Mil

3761: The Democratic Republic of Sahtif
Pop: 23 Mil

3762: The Community of Saidngai
Pop: 36 Mil

3763: The Republic of Saiki K
Pop: 399 Mil

3764: The Empire of Saini Pos
Pop: 84 Mil

3765: The Kingdom of Saint Britannia
Pop: 8 Mil

3766: The Republic of Saint Camelot
Pop: 67 Mil

3767: The Theocracy of Saint Catholic
Pop: 995 Mil

3768: The Dominion of Saint Cecelia
Pop: 14 Mil

3769: The Holy Ecclesiarch of Saint Cinder
Pop: 9,947 Mil

3770: The Republic of Saint Croix Island International HS
Pop: 4,196 Mil

3771: The Republic of Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway
Pop: 4,241 Mil

3772: The Republic of Saint Doll Rion Hill
Pop: 14 Mil

3773: The Free Land of Saint Michael of the Plains
Pop: 86 Mil

3774: The Theocratic Papal Legacy of Saint Romalia
Pop: 7,199 Mil

3775: The Sultanate of Saint Zees Loa Ponia
Pop: 23 Mil

3776: The Holy Empire of Saint Zeuro
Pop: 825 Mil

3777: The United Socialist States of Sakavia-Norge
Pop: 68 Mil

3778: The Republic of Sakura Farming-1
Pop: 101 Mil

3779: The Confederative Republic of Sal Anderro
Pop: 11,714 Mil

3780: The Republic of Salajah
Pop: 67 Mil

3781: The Empire of Salete
Pop: 136 Mil

3782: The Dominion of Salishar
Pop: 20,951 Mil

3783: The Republic of Salmon Wild River
Pop: 4,261 Mil

3784: The Kingdom of Samaji
Pop: 80 Mil

3785: The Democratic Republic of Sambit
Pop: 12 Mil

3786: The Empire of Sambitg
Pop: 12 Mil

3787: The Kingdom of Samburty
Pop: 40 Mil

3788: The United Socialist States of Samenith
Pop: 5,872 Mil

3789: The Republic of Sameth
Pop: 14 Mil

3790: The People's Republic of Samnei
Pop: 50 Mil

3791: The United Socialist States of Sampet
Pop: 485 Mil

3792: The Kingdom of San Diegosol
Pop: 6,964 Mil

3793: The Normal Person of San Marsico
Pop: 1,986 Mil

3794: The Democratic States of San Tarentino
Pop: 455 Mil

3795: The Federation of San Trinidad
Pop: 12 Mil

3796: The Republic of Sanar and Ryelle
Pop: 14 Mil

3797: The Federation of Sanctinem
Pop: 289 Mil

3798: The Federal Republic of Sand Dardestopia
Pop: 26 Mil

3799: The Republic of Sandadon
Pop: 32 Mil

3800: The Rational Republic of Sanden
Pop: 24,836 Mil

3801: The Most Serene Republic of Sandiegoa
Pop: 3,284 Mil

3802: The Federal Republic of Sandorkas
Pop: 423 Mil

3803: The Holy Empire of Sanganarkish
Pop: 16 Mil

3804: The Disputed Territories of Sanley
Pop: 499 Mil

3805: The Republic of Santa C
Pop: 1,817 Mil

3806: The Republic of Santa Fe National Trail
Pop: 4,224 Mil

3807: The Democratic Republic of Santa Paulina
Pop: 8 Mil

3808: The Sandenian Protectorate of Santarcia
Pop: 23,415 Mil

3809: The Grand Duchy of Santeva
Pop: 1,557 Mil

3810: The Republic of Santiago de Norte
Pop: 4,454 Mil

3811: The People's Republic of Santiago Valor
Pop: 143 Mil

3812: The Theocracy of Santo Cortes
Pop: 12 Mil

3813: The Republic of Sar Voli
Pop: 32 Mil

3814: The Republic of Saracina
Pop: 79 Mil

3815: The Kingdom of Sarcoland
Pop: 56 Mil

3816: The Republic of Saredacia
Pop: 486 Mil

3817: The Democratic People's Republic of Sarkington
Pop: 4,609 Mil

3818: The Republic of Sartestan
Pop: 40 Mil

3819: The Nomadic Peoples of Sat down after a whole big thing there a
Pop: 790 Mil

3820: The People's Republic of Satanaeterra
Pop: 618 Mil

3821: The Kingdom of Satvahan
Pop: 3,380 Mil

3822: The Republic of Satvesamna
Pop: 1,304 Mil

3823: The People's Republic of Satyoung
Pop: 6 Mil

3824: The Empire of Sautu
Pop: 7,859 Mil

3825: The Democratic States of Sauvicia
Pop: 1,995 Mil

3826: The Federation of Savon
Pop: 18 Mil

3827: The Disputed Territories of Sawerpenatess
Pop: 14 Mil

3828: The Free Land of Sca Slova Cora
Pop: 1,200 Mil

3829: The Sandenian Protectorate of Scalten
Pop: 22,083 Mil

3830: The Most Serene Republic of Scandev
Pop: 316 Mil

3831: The Kingdom of Scandoland
Pop: 113 Mil

3832: The Matriarchy of Scarletown
Pop: 7,516 Mil

3833: The Republic of Scary ghost ooooo
Pop: 18 Mil

3834: The Community of Schaffsau
Pop: 8 Mil

3835: The Oppressed Peoples of SCHLATT
Pop: 26 Mil

3836: The Energy of the Future of Schlumberger
Pop: 10,143 Mil

3837: The Republic of Schneland
Pop: 14,383 Mil

3838: The People's Republic of Schultzia
Pop: 9 Mil

3839: The Republic of Schuylkill River Valley NHA
Pop: 4,191 Mil

3840: The Republic of Science development union
Pop: 14 Mil

3841: The Most Serene Republic of Science Discoverers
Pop: 5,882 Mil

3842: The Empire of Scobelly
Pop: 148 Mil

3843: The Yours Sincerely of Scogda
Pop: 1,351 Mil

3844: The Glorious Empire of Scogovina
Pop: 9,184 Mil

3845: The Federation of Scopoleceda
Pop: 4,285 Mil

3846: The Most Serene Republic of Scot Old
Pop: 6 Mil

3847: The Empire of Scrootland
Pop: 29 Mil

3848: The Most Serene Republic of Scu Greinne
Pop: 1,181 Mil

3849: The Kingdom of Seawista
Pop: 62 Mil

3850: The Empire of Sebastianese
Pop: 45 Mil

3851: The 大明朝 of Second Sina
Pop: 755 Mil

3852: The Kingdom of Sedunn
Pop: 24,369 Mil

3853: The Pretty Cool Kingdom of Seiddit
Pop: 5,640 Mil

3854: The マフィア空手 of Sein
Pop: 6,771 Mil

3855: The Republic of Seltea
Pop: 98 Mil

3856: The Republic of Semarami
Pop: 4,511 Mil

3857: The Confederacy of Senchal and Torval
Pop: 526 Mil

3858: The Constitutional Monarchy of Senectus
Pop: 5,802 Mil

3859: The Constitutional Monarchy of Senkent Mace
Pop: 12,543 Mil

3860: The Free Land of Seplian
Pop: 36 Mil

3861: The United Commonwealths of Septentrea
Pop: 3,215 Mil

3862: The Holy Empire of Ser Artys Arryn
Pop: 1,044 Mil

3863: The Holy Empire of Seraphit
Pop: 125 Mil

3864: The People's Republic of Serbian Peoples Republic
Pop: 200 Mil

3865: The Dictatorship of Serbian Soviet Federation
Pop: 9 Mil

3866: The Most Serene Republic of Serceloce
Pop: 973 Mil

3867: The Democratic Republic of SERDIANNA
Pop: 18 Mil

3868: The Republic of SEREDESTINY
Pop: 72 Mil

3869: The Obsessed Fans of Sergeant McCool
Pop: 10,478 Mil

3870: The Commonwealth of Serindistemst
Pop: 108 Mil

3871: The Queendom of Sermatheranania
Pop: 68 Mil

3872: The Republic of Serus
Pop: 50 Mil

3873: The Free Land of Serzic
Pop: 17,835 Mil

3874: The Dominion of SES Hammer of Dawn
Pop: 686 Mil

3875: The Empire of Sevala
Pop: 40 Mil

3876: The Republic of Sevdea
Pop: 85 Mil

3877: The Constitutional Monarchy of Severely Oppressed Nation
Pop: 2,737 Mil

3878: The Peoples Republic of Seyja
Pop: 11,313 Mil

3879: The Republic of Seyka
Pop: 178 Mil

3880: The Kingdom of Seythennia
Pop: 17,735 Mil

3881: The Commonwealth of Sezhuar
Pop: 78 Mil

3882: The Matriarchy of Sgaana
Pop: 5,203 Mil

3883: The Kingdom of Shadic Spider
Pop: 3,228 Mil

3884: The Empire of Shadow Galatica
Pop: 430 Mil

3885: The Kingdom of Shadowrest
Pop: 2,662 Mil

3886: The Kingdom of Shady6
Pop: 85 Mil

3887: The Armed Republic of Shakiki
Pop: 562 Mil

3888: The Republic of Shangaban
Pop: 20 Mil

3889: The United Socialist States of Shanghuaxia
Pop: 584 Mil

3890: The Empire of Shanosae
Pop: 36 Mil

3891: The Theocracy of Shantaria
Pop: 263 Mil

3892: The Republic of Shariaism
Pop: 1,431 Mil

3893: The Holy Empire of SharttingToepia
Pop: 4,599 Mil

3894: The Armed Republic of Shaurezi
Pop: 600 Mil

3895: The Theocracy of Shavat
Pop: 20 Mil

3896: The Commonwealth of Shaven Fre
Pop: 261 Mil

3897: The Republic of Shaver Blu
Pop: 73 Mil

3898: The Armed Republic of Shaviron
Pop: 559 Mil

3899: The Republic of Shaxyian
Pop: 14 Mil

3900: The Imperial Coalition of SHAYTAN UKHIROSS
Pop: 40,062 Mil

3901: The Armed Republic of Shazumi
Pop: 577 Mil

3902: The Press Play of Sheeranland
Pop: 5,478 Mil

3903: The Democratic Republic of Shefino
Pop: 11,317 Mil

3904: The Most Serene Republic of Sheyanada
Pop: 6 Mil

3905: The Incorporated States of Shille Solionia
Pop: 101 Mil

3906: The Republic of Shiloh Military Park
Pop: 4,222 Mil

3907: The Armed Republic of Shimari
Pop: 569 Mil

3908: The Armed Republic of Shimiki
Pop: 572 Mil

3909: The Armed Republic of Shinizu
Pop: 611 Mil

3910: The Archipelago of Shintennoukoku
Pop: 2,578 Mil

3911: The Armed Republic of Shintorei
Pop: 601 Mil

3912: The Republic of Ship41
Pop: 23 Mil

3913: The Republic of Ship50
Pop: 23 Mil

3914: The Republic of Ship52
Pop: 16 Mil

3915: The Republic of Ship53
Pop: 16 Mil

3916: The Republic of Ship54
Pop: 16 Mil

3917: The Republic of Ship61
Pop: 7 Mil

3918: The Republic of Ship63
Pop: 7 Mil

3919: The Republic of Ship68
Pop: 7 Mil

3920: The Republic of Ship77
Pop: 6 Mil

3921: The Republic of Ship79
Pop: 6 Mil

3922: The Armed Republic of Shirinoko
Pop: 584 Mil

3923: The Republic of SHMAL NATION
Pop: 80 Mil

3924: The Allied States of Shokemania
Pop: 16 Mil

3925: The Purple Meritocratic Republic of Shorax
Pop: 2,185 Mil

3926: The Commonwealth of Shrenh
Pop: 180 Mil

3927: The Armed Republic of Shumitak
Pop: 563 Mil

3928: The Armed Republic of Shunemiri
Pop: 674 Mil

3929: The Armed Republic of Shurako
Pop: 580 Mil

3930: The Armed Republic of Shurekati
Pop: 671 Mil

3931: The Democratic Republic of Shvesti
Pop: 32 Mil

3932: The Draconic Fury of Si-topia
Pop: 12,274 Mil

3933: The Late 2021 Era State of Siberia union
Pop: 7,868 Mil

3934: The Federation of Siberian Socialist States
Pop: 1,811 Mil

3935: The Queendom of Sidy
Pop: 36 Mil

3936: The Republic of Sientian Confederation
Pop: 16 Mil

3937: The Lyrical SoPac Mission of Sigma Lyricalia
Pop: 15,669 Mil

3938: The Empire of Sigmas only kingdom
Pop: 14 Mil

3939: The Empire of Sigmor
Pop: 592 Mil

3940: The Republic of Signar
Pop: 5,861 Mil

3941: The Federal Republic of Sigzofelly
Pop: 4,743 Mil

Pop: 14 Mil

3943: The Empire of Sikirain Democratic Empire
Pop: 9 Mil

3944: The Democratic Republic of Sikkaland
Pop: 373 Mil

3945: The Kingdom of Sikusung
Pop: 136 Mil

3946: The United States of Silaundie
Pop: 32 Mil

3947: The Democratic Republic of Silksongs
Pop: 705 Mil

3948: The Kingdom of Sillywillygoosebucket
Pop: 421 Mil

3949: The Emperor repairing a nation of Silmad
Pop: 20,699 Mil

3950: The Empire of Silvalbia
Pop: 1,983 Mil

3951: The Dictatorship of Simeskaloropinister
Pop: 68 Mil

3952: The Democratic Republic of Sinese Kampuchea
Pop: 2,620 Mil

3953: The State of Sinese Manchukuo
Pop: 2,619 Mil

3954: The Republic of Singadope
Pop: 287 Mil

3955: The Republic of Singap0re
Pop: 5,397 Mil

3956: The Federal Republic of Singapoerhe
Pop: 36 Mil

3957: The Republic of Singapore YI
Pop: 744 Mil

3958: The Federal Republic of Singiaepore
Pop: 7 Mil

3959: The Cheddar Knight of Sir Zanny
Pop: 7,796 Mil

3960: The Federal Republic of Siradonia
Pop: 20 Mil

3961: The Commonwealth of Siroco
Pop: 3,960 Mil

3962: The Republic of Sitka NHP
Pop: 4,188 Mil

3963: The UFP of Skaladoria
Pop: 8,591 Mil

3964: The Armed Republic of Skapitori
Pop: 658 Mil

3965: The Armed Republic of Skeluzhi
Pop: 683 Mil

3966: The Armed Republic of Skemirashi
Pop: 678 Mil

3967: The Empire of Skibidi goon
Pop: 319 Mil

3968: The Oppressed Peoples of SkibidiRizz Australia
Pop: 6 Mil

3969: The Grand Duchy of Skillmania
Pop: 464 Mil

3970: The Free Land of Skiptonistan
Pop: 68 Mil

3971: The Armed Republic of Skitezuma
Pop: 664 Mil

3972: The Democratic Republic of Skjoldheim
Pop: 189 Mil

3973: The Kingdom of Skjolva
Pop: 349 Mil

3974: The Republic of Sklorpgorb of Planet Exlcubior
Pop: 14 Mil

3975: The Federal Kingdom of Skwar
Pop: 12,048 Mil

3976: The Free Land of Skynasis and Bessel
Pop: 26 Mil

3977: The United States of SkyyNation
Pop: 324 Mil

3978: The Kingdom of Slab and Halo Collab
Pop: 32 Mil

3979: The Republic of Slace Mell Venscarps
Pop: 7 Mil

3980: The Empire of Slavic Prussia
Pop: 1,735 Mil

3981: The People's Republic of Slaviliria
Pop: 574 Mil

3982: The Kingdom of Slicdiisandia
Pop: 88 Mil

3983: The Protectorate of Slightly Nationstates Natoball
Pop: 315 Mil

3984: The Serene and Ancient Empire of Slobovia
Pop: 29,021 Mil

3985: The Dominion of Sloomia
Pop: 105 Mil

3986: The Empire of Slovensburg
Pop: 20 Mil

3987: The Holy Empire of Smocz
Pop: 5,723 Mil

3988: The Republic of Smol Ina
Pop: 7,287 Mil

3989: The Free Land of Snail Mail
Pop: 6,261 Mil

3990: The Republic of Snarky
Pop: 22,820 Mil

3991: The Dominion of Snek Land
Pop: 878 Mil

3992: The Dominion of Snow44
Pop: 6 Mil

3993: The Queendom of SNSD
Pop: 2,326 Mil

3994: The United States of So much Freedomland
Pop: 743 Mil

3995: The Republic of Soaren
Pop: 14 Mil

3996: The Libertarian Republic of Social Democrats
Pop: 5,517 Mil

3997: The People's Republic of Socialist British States
Pop: 6 Mil

3998: The Holy Empire of Socialist Holy States of Schwarzstein
Pop: 711 Mil

3999: The Federation of Socialist Republic of Botswana
Pop: 96 Mil

4000: The Democratic Republic of Socialist Syria
Pop: 279 Mil

4001: The Republic of Socialista da America
Pop: 50 Mil

4002: The Free Land of Sociogabromancy
Pop: 264 Mil

4003: The Republic of Soclic Blot
Pop: 12 Mil

4004: The Freople of Soem
Pop: 37,905 Mil

4005: The Community of Soicalism
Pop: 7,007 Mil

4006: The United States of Sol-haven
Pop: 16 Mil

4007: The Commonwealth of Solana Isles
Pop: 45 Mil

4008: The Dictatorship of Solance Occult
Pop: 122 Mil

4009: The Nomadic Peoples of Solar Sail Mobius Strip
Pop: 198 Mil

4010: The United Socialist States of SolariaUnifiee
Pop: 115 Mil

4011: The Armed Republic of Soldatis
Pop: 854 Mil

4012: The Dominion of Solicorium
Pop: 32 Mil

4013: The Holy Empire of Solimarcia
Pop: 446 Mil

4014: The Kingdom of Solsbury
Pop: 109 Mil

4015: The Commonwealth of Solstisa
Pop: 68 Mil

4016: The Incorporated States of Someplace1212
Pop: 19,334 Mil

4017: The Republic of Sophioutopia
Pop: 12 Mil

4018: The Free Land of Sophitopia
Pop: 9 Mil

4019: The Borderlands of Soradev
Pop: 2,040 Mil

4020: The Federal Republic of Sordland and Agnolia
Pop: 469 Mil

4021: The Tsardom of Sornijakia
Pop: 5,221 Mil

4022: The Republic of Sorolia
Pop: 29 Mil

4023: The Allied States of SORTEP
Pop: 85 Mil

4024: The Emergency of SoS
Pop: 5,295 Mil

4025: The Republic of Sotloati
Pop: 50 Mil

4026: The Republic of Sourium
Pop: 4,278 Mil

4027: The Commonwealth of South Africa and Namibia
Pop: 1,401 Mil

4028: The Commonwealth of South Arabian Republic
Pop: 303 Mil

4029: The Democratic States of South Arennia
Pop: 45 Mil

4030: The Republic of South Carolina Heritage Corridor
Pop: 4,191 Mil

4031: The Republic of South Cen Kaosta
Pop: 299 Mil

4032: The Republic of South Eastern Poland
Pop: 6,559 Mil

4033: The Republic of South Elegarth
Pop: 9,915 Mil

4034: The Elite Ambassador of South Elite
Pop: 1,403 Mil

4035: The Republic of South Eregion
Pop: 11,107 Mil

4036: The Federal Republic of South Helicallene
Pop: 540 Mil

4037: The Federal Republic of South korhea
Pop: 36 Mil

4038: The Republic of South Minorca
Pop: 7 Mil

4039: The Republic of South New Riverclan
Pop: 424 Mil

4040: The Hi guys of South Nivosea
Pop: 3,219 Mil

4041: The Grand Duchy of South Othatesessing
Pop: 82 Mil

4042: The Regional Military of South Pacific Special Forces
Pop: 6,610 Mil

4043: The Icy Spires of South Pacific UPC
Pop: 6,155 Mil

4044: The Empire of South Pacific X Country
Pop: 2,169 Mil

4045: The Oppressed Peoples of South Pacifica Isles
Pop: 11,612 Mil

4046: The People's Republic of South Pandeo
Pop: 50 Mil

4047: The Kingdom of South Polynesia Islands
Pop: 14,483 Mil

4048: The Rogue Nation of South Saharan Republic
Pop: 646 Mil

4049: The Dominion of South Soda
Pop: 140 Mil

4050: The Federation of South Triniity
Pop: 69 Mil

4051: The Ravanian Caretaker of South Unibot
Pop: 28,253 Mil

4052: The Rogue Nation of South Venison
Pop: 2,616 Mil

4053: The Democratic Republic of South Western Korea
Pop: 10,362 Mil

4054: The Democratic Republic of South Western Korea v2
Pop: 10,093 Mil

4055: The Republic of South Western Poland
Pop: 3,646 Mil

4056: The Armed Republic of Southaria
Pop: 152 Mil

4057: The Commonwealth of Southeastern Capricornia
Pop: 108 Mil

4058: The Republic of Southern Albatag Darhargell
Pop: 12 Mil

4059: The Republic of Southern Amerion
Pop: 12,171 Mil

4060: The South Pacific Pirate of Southern Bellz
Pop: 26,724 Mil

4061: The Free Land of Southern Bor Schon Ira
Pop: 942 Mil

4062: The Republic of Southern Empreashy
Pop: 7 Mil

4063: The Federal Republic of Southern Gundoweris
Pop: 369 Mil

4064: The Constitutional Monarchy of Southern Japan
Pop: 465 Mil

4065: The Republic of Southern Numenor
Pop: 15,570 Mil

4066: The Most Serene Republic of Southern rainforests of Lavaud
Pop: 105 Mil

4067: The Confederacy of Southern Republics
Pop: 4,725 Mil

4068: The People's Republic of Southern Ukraine
Pop: 56 Mil

4069: The Government Program of Southern World Assembly Initiative
Pop: 14,402 Mil

4070: The Most Serene Republic of Southernmost Arctic
Pop: 32 Mil

4071: The Colony of Southie is really taken
Pop: 18,448 Mil

4072: The Kingdom of Sovase
Pop: 7,885 Mil

4073: The Free Land of Sovereign Realm of Hyperborea
Pop: 306 Mil

4074: The Holy Empire of Sovereign Sons
Pop: 747 Mil

4075: The Federation of Soviet Galactica
Pop: 260 Mil

4076: The Empire of Sovonor
Pop: 22,332 Mil

4077: The United Kingdom of Sovreignry South Pacific
Pop: 25,710 Mil

4078: The Republic of Spa Ill Atand
Pop: 11,180 Mil

4079: The Neighborhood Webcrawler of Spiderman
Pop: 5,558 Mil

4080: The Republic of Spirit Sword
Pop: 4,281 Mil

4081: The Holy Empire of Spitzbergenheim
Pop: 689 Mil

4082: The Protectorate of Spoox
Pop: 25,095 Mil

4083: The South Pacific Iced Tea of Sporaltryus
Pop: 17,750 Mil

4084: The People's Republic of Spravedlivykh
Pop: 789 Mil

4085: The Unicorntopia of Springwalla
Pop: 2,149 Mil

4086: The Armed Republic of Sprinkler
Pop: 14,977 Mil

4087: The Republic of Spsf card storage
Pop: 1,074 Mil

4088: The Off-Update Defenders of SPSF Tidal Force
Pop: 11,639 Mil

4089: The Commonwealth of Spubert Island
Pop: 18 Mil

4090: The Nomadic Peoples of Spul
Pop: 25,081 Mil

4091: The Free Land of Squidgames Triumvirate
Pop: 18 Mil

4092: The Republic of Sri Lanka 2
Pop: 7 Mil

4093: The Confederacy of Srng
Pop: 172 Mil

4094: The Republic of Ssfhjihv
Pop: 93 Mil

4095: The Confederacy of the 3 Islands of St Helena Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Pop: 12,199 Mil

4096: The Republic of Stabli
Pop: 40 Mil

4097: The Republic of Staideria
Pop: 32 Mil

4098: The Haven Realm of Stansu
Pop: 3,550 Mil

4099: The Republic of Starfire Islands
Pop: 17,782 Mil

4100: The Constitutional Monarchy of Starfish cosmic society
Pop: 126 Mil

4101: The Imperial State of Starhunter
Pop: 41,211 Mil

4102: The Kingdom of Starting over
Pop: 12 Mil

4103: The Dictatorship of State of Hibernia
Pop: 56 Mil

4104: The Republic of StatesNation
Pop: 16 Mil

4105: The United States of Stativicus
Pop: 73 Mil

4106: The Protectorate of Staunca
Pop: 16,038 Mil

4107: The Republic of Stealing Cards 14
Pop: 139 Mil

4108: The Republic of Stealing Cards 15
Pop: 138 Mil

4109: The Republic of Stealing Cards 16
Pop: 144 Mil

4110: The Republic of Stealing Cards 17
Pop: 141 Mil

4111: The Republic of Stealing Cards 2
Pop: 146 Mil

4112: The Republic of Steamtown NHS
Pop: 4,264 Mil

4113: The Republic of Steenkamp
Pop: 6,619 Mil

4114: The Republic of Steppenwolf
Pop: 1,789 Mil

4115: The Glorious Evolution of Sthalrim
Pop: 14,965 Mil

4116: The Colony of Stiltopia
Pop: 1,159 Mil

4117: The Commonwealth of Stingtopia2
Pop: 250 Mil

4118: The Republic of Stirli
Pop: 45 Mil

4119: The Republic of Stitia
Pop: 14 Mil

4120: The Confederacy of Stohess District
Pop: 390 Mil

4121: The Republic of Stonefield
Pop: 160 Mil

4122: The Kingdom of Stoneport
Pop: 94 Mil

4123: The Republic of Stones River National Battlefield
Pop: 4,257 Mil

4124: The Constitutional Republic of Stonewick
Pop: 9,744 Mil

4125: The Holy Empire of Stopgambling
Pop: 572 Mil

4126: The Disputed Territories of Stormcrows
Pop: 26 Mil

4127: The Dictatorship of Stratioticus
Pop: 99 Mil

4128: The Republic of Stratokratta
Pop: 849 Mil

4129: The Holy Empire of STROWMANLAND
Pop: 75 Mil

4130: The Republic of Strumpo
Pop: 73 Mil

4131: The Republic of Sudan topia
Pop: 1,282 Mil

4132: The Republic of Sudbury River
Pop: 4,276 Mil

4133: The People's Republic of Suden Coland
Pop: 301 Mil

4134: The Kingdom of Suecia
Pop: 4,291 Mil

4135: The Rogue Nation of Suffering From Freedom
Pop: 353 Mil

4136: The Constitutional Monarchy of Sugar-belle
Pop: 32 Mil

4137: The Empire of Suhas
Pop: 77 Mil

4138: The Empire of Sukablyatblyat
Pop: 82 Mil

4139: The Free Land of Sumina
Pop: 6,306 Mil

4140: The Republic of Sunden Norty
Pop: 432 Mil

4141: The Swedish overseas land of Sundoarna
Pop: 22,858 Mil

4142: The Republic of SupaNikas
Pop: 18 Mil

4143: The Federation of Super 3arth
Pop: 1,666 Mil

4144: The Democratic States of Super Venus
Pop: 23 Mil

4145: The Republic of Superstar Billy Graham
Pop: 2,939 Mil

4146: The Depraved government of Supreme evil
Pop: 3,022 Mil

4147: The Dictatorship of Supreme Leader Stalin
Pop: 20 Mil

4148: The Republic of SupremeEgg36
Pop: 67 Mil

4149: The United Socialist States of Supsum Sety
Pop: 36 Mil

4150: The Sultanate of Sursur
Pop: 12 Mil

4151: The Republic of Suspicious Chicken
Pop: 5,393 Mil

4152: The County of Sussex
Pop: 25,917 Mil

4153: The Socialist Federation of Sutarianesia
Pop: 8,877 Mil

4154: The United Socialist States of Suwiai
Pop: 6 Mil

4155: The Democratic States of Suynakia
Pop: 7 Mil

4156: The Republic of SV-10
Pop: 512 Mil

4157: The Republic of SV-4
Pop: 506 Mil

4158: The Republic of SV-6
Pop: 486 Mil

4159: The Republic of SV-9
Pop: 505 Mil

4160: The Democratic Republic of Swarovska
Pop: 433 Mil

4161: The Republic of Swedianland
Pop: 32 Mil

4162: The Empire of Swedish empire 2025
Pop: 29 Mil

4163: The Federation of Sweet life
Pop: 80 Mil

4164: The Springtrap78 of Swenfia 2
Pop: 3,480 Mil

4165: The Kingdom of Swerkey
Pop: 45 Mil

4166: The Holy Cheesedom of Swiss Cheese Wheel
Pop: 1,805 Mil

4167: The Colony of Swiss Istonian Puppet State
Pop: 14 Mil

4168: The Kingdom of Sword of Damocles
Pop: 554 Mil

4169: The Republic of Swterland
Pop: 29 Mil

4170: The Democratic States of Sydnei Kamillee
Pop: 29 Mil

4171: The Principality of Syikoku
Pop: 281 Mil

4172: The Democratic States of Syinar
Pop: 91 Mil

4173: The Democratic Republic of Sylnari
Pop: 6 Mil

4174: The Democratic States of Sylvus
Pop: 13,979 Mil

4175: The Federation of Syndicalist Republics
Pop: 36 Mil

4176: The United States of SynerCorp
Pop: 2,329 Mil

4177: The People's Republic of Syquerio
Pop: 12 Mil

4178: The Federation of Sytern
Pop: 208 Mil

4179: The Red Panda Clan of Syvani
Pop: 13,461 Mil

4180: The Federal Republic of Szurea
Pop: 2,445 Mil

4181: The Commonwealth of Szwajuzyk States
Pop: 103 Mil

4182: The Colony of Ta Khmau
Pop: 79 Mil

4183: The United Kingdom of Tables of lunch
Pop: 18 Mil

4184: The Emirate of Tahiron
Pop: 2,378 Mil

4185: The Federal Republic of Taichwan
Pop: 14 Mil

4186: The Federation of Taintava
Pop: 8 Mil

4187: The Federal Republic of Taiphai
Pop: 67 Mil

4188: The Capitalist Military Republic of Tairiku
Pop: 2,547 Mil

4189: The Federal Republic of Taiyuen
Pop: 14 Mil

4190: The Democratic Republic of Takaeang
Pop: 80 Mil

4191: The Federal Puppet State of Talitasky
Pop: 1,222 Mil

4192: The Democratic Republic of Taljanap
Pop: 50 Mil

4193: The Republic of Tally Youngblood
Pop: 818 Mil

4194: The Republic of Talux
Pop: 130 Mil

4195: The Community of Tamzowania
Pop: 50 Mil

4196: The Kingdom of Tanadoang Empire
Pop: 62 Mil

4197: The Colony of Tand
Pop: 25,074 Mil

4198: The Colony of Tank You
Pop: 5,684 Mil

4199: The United Socialist States of Tannu Tuvalu
Pop: 702 Mil

4200: The Federation of Tanszan
Pop: 72 Mil

4201: The Fiefdom of Tantor
Pop: 419 Mil

4202: The Senate and People of Tanyaland
Pop: 3,986 Mil

4203: The Commonwealth of Tara Hills
Pop: 4,476 Mil

4204: The Theocracy of Taraterra
Pop: 4,506 Mil

4205: The United States of Taratium
Pop: 32 Mil

4206: The Fruitless Nascency of Tartana
Pop: 1,992 Mil

4207: The Kingdom of Tartaro0
Pop: 10 Mil

4208: The Kingdom of Tashtegunia
Pop: 110 Mil

4209: The Empire of Tauvon
Pop: 138 Mil

4210: The Republic of Tay Smrdle
Pop: 40 Mil

4211: The Tortured Poets Department of Taylor Alison
Pop: 2,921 Mil

4212: The Anthology of Taylor Swift-
Pop: 2,626 Mil

4213: The Armed Republic of Tcfsr
Pop: 799 Mil

4214: The Nomadic Peoples of Tchande Isles
Pop: 40 Mil

4215: The Constitutional Monarchy of Tchongotchenia
Pop: 548 Mil

4216: The Allied States of TDDS Nuclear Taskforce
Pop: 9,012 Mil

4217: The Kingdom of Teanopillen
Pop: 40 Mil

4218: The Community of Tecnologia W
Pop: 7 Mil

4219: The Federation of Telekomia
Pop: 40 Mil

4220: The Commonwealth of Telemacuss
Pop: 16 Mil

4221: The Greater State of Telonovia
Pop: 7,838 Mil

4222: The Republic of Temu USSR
Pop: 85 Mil

4223: The Nomadic Peoples of Ten colour glossy pictures with the circ
Pop: 797 Mil

4224: The Rogue Nation of Ten10
Pop: 1,637 Mil

4225: The Republic of Tennessee Civil War NHA
Pop: 4,225 Mil

4226: The Democratic States of Tenrecopia
Pop: 273 Mil

4227: The Republic of TEOSSR
Pop: 32 Mil

4228: The Lucky Easter Egg Hunter of Tepertopia
Pop: 11,135 Mil

4229: The Free Land of Ter Vallshile
Pop: 26 Mil

4230: The Federal Republic of Terminus Est
Pop: 202 Mil

4231: The Commonwealth of Terra Sur
Pop: 286 Mil

4232: The People's Republic of Terra-Brasiles
Pop: 14 Mil

4233: The Commonwealth of Terrae Cascadia
Pop: 7 Mil

4234: The Republic of Terran Draconia
Pop: 10,801 Mil

4235: The Republic of Terratona
Pop: 72 Mil

4236: The Republic of Terrible farming nation 245
Pop: 4,679 Mil

4237: The Republic of Terrible Farming Nation 318
Pop: 4,688 Mil

4238: The Kingdom of Teryania
Pop: 36 Mil

4239: The United States of Tes Exi
Pop: 12 Mil

4240: The Rogue Nation of Tessest
Pop: 105 Mil

4241: The Republic of TEST 1093
Pop: 14 Mil

4242: The Republic of Test Site 2
Pop: 459 Mil

4243: The Republic of Test66666
Pop: 104 Mil

4244: The Free and Happy Republic of Testing Happy
Pop: 7,778 Mil

4245: The Constitutional Monarchy of Tettoria
Pop: 80 Mil

4246: The Oppressed Peoples of Tevadicia
Pop: 107 Mil

4247: The Grand Duchy of Tevilia
Pop: 40 Mil

4248: The Republic of Tevilla
Pop: 165 Mil

4249: The Principality of Texal Esag
Pop: 32 Mil

4250: The Principality of Texaskan Colonies 11
Pop: 1,220 Mil

4251: The Nomadic Peoples of Texaskan Colonies 17
Pop: 1,179 Mil

4252: The Republic of Texaskan Colonies 4
Pop: 1,840 Mil

4253: The Empire of Texisie Anapay
Pop: 16 Mil

4254: The Kingdom of Tgeria
Pop: 8 Mil

4255: The Empire of Tha Vilakranders
Pop: 10 Mil

4256: The Empire of Thaeksalyon
Pop: 32 Mil

4257: The Holy Empire of Thalburgia
Pop: 62 Mil

4258: The People's Republic of Thalvaris
Pop: 100 Mil

4259: The Democratic Republic of Thassarica
Pop: 588 Mil

4260: The Oppressed Peoples of The 17 Barren Lands of Romeo
Pop: 1,348 Mil

4261: The Armed Republic of The 70th Podrian Flotilla
Pop: 1,768 Mil

4262: The Republic of The Achericend
Pop: 2,806 Mil

4263: The Grand Duchy of The Addiumplooasion
Pop: 23 Mil

4264: The Cakeitalist Extremist of The Age of Utopia
Pop: 11,905 Mil

4265: The Empire of The AIR Empire
Pop: 332 Mil

4266: The Republic of The Akian Islands
Pop: 9,541 Mil

4267: The ✴❈  ????  ????????????????   of The Altmoran Islanders
Pop: 17,024 Mil

4268: The Amazonian Empire of The Amazons Daughters
Pop: 39,433 Mil

4269: The Holy Empire of The Anarchasicsts
Pop: 74 Mil

4270: The People's Republic of The Annia Lorla
Pop: 73 Mil

4271: The Democratic States of The Aria Greast
Pop: 69 Mil

4272: The Free Land of The armed republic of reno
Pop: 6,073 Mil

4273: The Empire of The ass crevace
Pop: 23 Mil

4274: The Pretitle of The Assembly Gazette
Pop: 6,600 Mil

4275: The Cheerleading Dominion of The Badgerette
Pop: 38,760 Mil

4276: The Federation of The banana land
Pop: 56 Mil

4277: The Rogue Nation of The Belisoners
Pop: 10 Mil

4278: The Dictatorship of The Benevolent Nation of Winterland
Pop: 21,027 Mil

4279: The Imperial Authority of The British Imperialism
Pop: 6,178 Mil

4280: The Kingdom of The Brutish empire
Pop: 62 Mil

4281: The Democratic Republic of The Buddy Bush
Pop: 5,997 Mil

4282: The Republic of The Calgary Flames
Pop: 12,750 Mil

4283: The Republic of The Calimera Herald
Pop: 23 Mil

4284: The Republic of The Capitalist Republic of Parker
Pop: 112 Mil

4285: The Dictatorship of The Caretakers
Pop: 243 Mil

4286: The Republic of The Cha Cariantopia
Pop: 175 Mil

4287: The Football Team of The Chargers
Pop: 4,642 Mil

4288: The Nomadic Peoples of The church had a thanksgiving dinner tha
Pop: 819 Mil

4289: The Empire of The Cockatoos
Pop: 477 Mil

4290: The Commonwealth of The Commonwealth Of Ametrine
Pop: 93 Mil

4291: The Holy Empire of The Cranston Templars
Pop: 567 Mil

4292: The United Kingdom of The Cruz-Bethany
Pop: 1,583 Mil

4293: The Armed Republic of The Cyborg
Pop: 2,959 Mil

4294: The People's Republic of The Democratic Confederacy
Pop: 366 Mil

4295: The Democratic Republic of The democratic Republic of North Korea
Pop: 10,380 Mil

4296: The Democratic Republic of The Derpy Democratic Republic Of Herp
Pop: 24,282 Mil

4297: The Dominion of The Despoiler
Pop: 254 Mil

4298: The Commonwealth of The Dominion of Canada
Pop: 1,254 Mil

4299: The Holy Empire of The Donut Earth Cult
Pop: 16 Mil

4300: The Community of The Donut Tropical Resort
Pop: 14 Mil

4301: The Armed Republic of The Drewtopian Peoples Empire
Pop: 12 Mil

4302: The Jingoistic States of The Dysk
Pop: 23,506 Mil

4303: The Intrusive Military State of The Dystopian Federacy
Pop: 3,913 Mil

4304: The Commonwealth of The East Coast Territories
Pop: 226 Mil

4305: The International Pariah State of The East Slav Republic
Pop: 2,755 Mil

4306: The Confederacy of The Eastern Equatorial Islands
Pop: 110 Mil

4307: The Republic of The Eastern Gavreauan Plains
Pop: 68 Mil

4308: The Empire of The Eggman Robotnik Empire
Pop: 92 Mil

4309: The Established Order of The Elder States
Pop: 1,068 Mil

4310: The Holy Empire of The Eldorado
Pop: 40 Mil

4311: The Dominion of The Elephant Seal
Pop: 10 Mil

4312: The Holy Island Empire of The Elysian Empire
Pop: 5,555 Mil

4313: The Queendom of The Empire of Myri
Pop: 29 Mil

4314: The Dictatorship of The Emptin Slipes
Pop: 9 Mil

4315: The Jingoistic States of The Entropy
Pop: 8,473 Mil

4316: The Most Serene Republic of The Eurad Eisucaistan
Pop: 109 Mil

4317: The Rogue Nation of The European Warriors
Pop: 40 Mil

4318: The Jingoistic States of The Evil-ass Nation
Pop: 45 Mil

4319: The Free Land of The ex-persecuted brotherhood
Pop: 18,345 Mil

4320: The Holy Empire of The Extermanitive Chosen
Pop: 671 Mil

4321: The Armed Republic of The Falcon Antilles
Pop: 1,881 Mil

4322: The Republic of The Falisia
Pop: 16 Mil

4323: The Empire of The Fank Empire
Pop: 10 Mil

4324: The Incorporated States of The Federacy
Pop: 456 Mil

4325: The Federal Republic of The Federal Republic of Pratai
Pop: 36 Mil

4326: The Democratic States of The Federation of Antarctica
Pop: 6,534 Mil

4327: The Militarist Republic of The Filippinas
Pop: 8,177 Mil

4328: The United Socialist States of The Fitordial
Pop: 23 Mil

4329: The Allied States of The Fourth Communist International
Pop: 559 Mil

4330: The United Federation of The Free Falklands
Pop: 4,996 Mil

4331: The Republic of The free romanians
Pop: 7,151 Mil

4332: The Republic of The Free State of Euphoria
Pop: 811 Mil

4333: The Republic of The Free State of Novaterra
Pop: 29 Mil

4334: The Transitioning Democracy of The French National Workers State
Pop: 1,609 Mil

4335: The Republic of The Gain Beations
Pop: 12 Mil

4336: The Dictatorship of The Ganfrw Islands
Pop: 94 Mil

4337: The Federal Republic of The Gooner
Pop: 16 Mil

4338: The People's Republic of The Grania
Pop: 18 Mil

4339: The Empire of The Great National Workers
Pop: 249 Mil

4340: The Republic of The Great Phillipines
Pop: 75 Mil

4341: The Theocracy of The great rule of God
Pop: 458 Mil

4342: The Empire of The Great Tang Dynasty
Pop: 1,802 Mil

4343: The Commonwealth of The Greater Great Colony of Neo-Crenicia
Pop: 6 Mil

4344: The Kingdom of The Greater Polish Cow Imperial Empire
Pop: 6 Mil

4345: The Republic of The Guinean Coast
Pop: 3,156 Mil

4346: The Community of The Hall of Fame
Pop: 25,217 Mil

4347: The Democratic Minion's Republic of The Haughtherlands
Pop: 8,062 Mil

4348: The Empire of The Heavenly Mandate Of Qing
Pop: 90 Mil

4349: The Oppressed Peoples of The High Temperature Areas
Pop: 2,568 Mil

4350: The Dictatorship of The Holy Draconian Throne
Pop: 964 Mil

4351: The Holy Empire of The Holy Mainlands
Pop: 56 Mil

4352: The Empire of The IC 1101 Empire
Pop: 6,916 Mil

4353: The Hopeless escapeless gorge of The infernal Tyranny of Hell
Pop: 9,786 Mil

4354: The Empire of The Infinity Stones
Pop: 2,493 Mil

4355: The Community of The Iron Compound
Pop: 379 Mil

4356: The Centrist Republic of The Island of Sorna
Pop: 9,685 Mil

4357: The Republic of The Isle of Rense
Pop: 7 Mil

4358: The Empire of The Jarkin
Pop: 75 Mil

4359: The Disputed Territories of The Kinnerron
Pop: 136 Mil

4360: The Kylromon Constitu Republic of The Kylromon Nazbol
Pop: 14,593 Mil

4361: The Kingdom of The Lakseria
Pop: 250 Mil

4362: The Republic of The Land of Wonderland
Pop: 2,707 Mil

4363: The Kingdom of The Last Survivors
Pop: 18 Mil

4364: The Free Land of The Lemmings
Pop: 326 Mil

4365: The Federal Republic of The Levianta Islands
Pop: 3,379 Mil

4366: The Republic of The Lia Pandia
Pop: 18 Mil

4367: The Democratic Republic of The Lionheart Republic
Pop: 307 Mil

4368: The Republic of The Litany Against Fear
Pop: 6,445 Mil

4369: The Allied States of The Lone Star nation
Pop: 97 Mil

4370: The Holy Empire of The Lords Soldiers
Pop: 14 Mil

4371: The Democratic Republic of The Loveezicksia
Pop: 1,282 Mil

4372: The Queendom of The Lunar Commune of Lyduna
Pop: 696 Mil

4373: The Federal Republic of The Magn
Pop: 32 Mil

4374: The Community of The Majestic Birds
Pop: 20 Mil

4375: The Rogue Nation of The Majord Antaskytopia
Pop: 12 Mil

4376: The Lovecraftian Fishers of The Marrows
Pop: 1,854 Mil

4377: The Armed Republic of The might sun
Pop: 12 Mil

4378: The Empire of The Minds eye
Pop: 9 Mil

4379: The Colony of The Moons Ocean
Pop: 10 Mil

4380: The Eclipse of The Moonstar
Pop: 7,939 Mil

4381: The Very Expensive Custom Grill of The Mr Dink Experience
Pop: 940 Mil

4382: The Principality of The Natal Colony
Pop: 56 Mil

4383: The Community of The Nation of the Combine
Pop: 14 Mil

4384: The Republic of The National Security Service
Pop: 24,289 Mil

4385: The Rogue Nation of The National State of Israel
Pop: 29 Mil

4386: The Kingdom of The Neliteeque
Pop: 12 Mil

4387: The Holy Empire of The New Covenant
Pop: 559 Mil

4388: The Republic of The New Millenium of 2000
Pop: 26 Mil

4389: The Holy Empire of The New order of diplomacy
Pop: 40 Mil

4390: The Republic of The New York Mets
Pop: 5,323 Mil

4391: The United States of The North American Federation
Pop: 3,459 Mil

4392: The Free Land of The North-Western Territories
Pop: 8 Mil

4393: The Democratic Monarchy of The Novum Regnum
Pop: 1,553 Mil

4394: The Kingdom of The Obamanas
Pop: 451 Mil

4395: The Federation of The Oberne
Pop: 32 Mil

4396: The Matriarchy of The Omnificent
Pop: 45 Mil

4397: The Federation of The Osean Cofederation
Pop: 110 Mil

4398: The Colony of The Pacific Utopia
Pop: 96 Mil

4399: The Free Land of The People and its land
Pop: 29 Mil

4400: The Armed Republic of The Peoples Democratic Libyan Jamahiriya
Pop: 36 Mil

4401: The Allied States of The Phoenician Confederacy
Pop: 5,072 Mil

4402: The Oppressed Peoples of The Pieletariat
Pop: 45 Mil

4403: The Republic of The Pightoplen
Pop: 8 Mil

4404: The Armed Republic of The Planetary Mongolian Khanate
Pop: 1,240 Mil

4405: The Polar State of The Polar Bear Communities
Pop: 3,184 Mil

4406: The United States of The Polar Reigons
Pop: 2,822 Mil

4407: The Free Land of The Polar States
Pop: 2,649 Mil

4408: The Confederacy of The Populist Republic of Donbas
Pop: 56 Mil

4409: The Armed Republic of The Quantum Federation
Pop: 6 Mil

4410: The United States of The Queendom of Gluttony
Pop: 1,820 Mil

4411: The Socialist Federal Republic of The Queendom of Lust
Pop: 1,813 Mil

4412: The Empire of The real Soviet unionl
Pop: 29 Mil

4413: The Oppressed Peoples of The Red Barrens
Pop: 2,243 Mil

4414: The Democratic States of The Republic of Brownie
Pop: 126 Mil

4415: The Republic of The Republic of Gold River
Pop: 341 Mil

4416: The Democracy of The Republic of Konsa
Pop: 8,006 Mil

4417: The Holy Empire of The Republic of North Eastern Asia
Pop: 7 Mil

4418: The Republic of The republic of socialist states
Pop: 78 Mil

4419: The Allied States of The republic of yes
Pop: 6 Mil

4420: The Republic of The Republican of Yemen
Pop: 104 Mil

4421: The United Socialist States of The Return of Su Lian
Pop: 103 Mil

4422: The United States of The Rizzly Bear
Pop: 452 Mil

4423: The People's Republic of The Roc
Pop: 87 Mil

4424: The Republic of The Roshen Confectionary Corporation
Pop: 90 Mil

4425: The Incorporated States of The Sanslew Islands
Pop: 213 Mil

4426: The Holy Empire of The Seraphic
Pop: 62 Mil

4427: The Kingdom of The Serbian Union and Kosovo
Pop: 50 Mil

4428: The Republic of The Severed State of America
Pop: 62 Mil

4429: The Community of The Shanghai Peoples Commune
Pop: 67 Mil

4430: The Empire of The Sika Empire
Pop: 29 Mil

4431: The Armed Republic of The Slaughtered Lamb
Pop: 671 Mil

4432: The Floofy Foxes of The Solar System Scope
Pop: 24,404 Mil

4433: The Rainbow Nation of The South Afrikan Union
Pop: 2,199 Mil

4434: The Eternal Union of The Southern Ice States
Pop: 2,364 Mil

4435: The Most Serene Republic of The southern rainforests of Lavaud
Pop: 104 Mil

4436: The Republic of The Soviet Southern Isles
Pop: 6,858 Mil

4437: The Holy Communist Space Empire of The SpaceNeo-Goryeo Etymological Society
Pop: 10,701 Mil

4438: The Imperial Colony of The SpaceNeo-Goryeo Theater Society
Pop: 6,633 Mil

4439: The Free Land of The Spalacidae
Pop: 316 Mil

4440: The People's Republic of The states of asia
Pop: 82 Mil

4441: The Borderlands of The storage nation 232
Pop: 290 Mil

4442: The Dominion of The storage nation 241
Pop: 224 Mil

4443: The Nomadic Peoples of The storage nation 258
Pop: 106 Mil

4444: The United States of The storage nation 259
Pop: 90 Mil

4445: The Rogue Nation of The storage nation 268
Pop: 36 Mil

4446: The People's Republic of The Syndicalist States
Pop: 145 Mil

4447: The Republic of The Syndicalist Union of Britain
Pop: 1,874 Mil

4448: The God Worshipping Society of The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
Pop: 4,361 Mil

4449: The Federation of The Tealnd Isles
Pop: 7,897 Mil

4450: The Federation of The Tecnocratic States of Maslibrea
Pop: 45 Mil

4451: The Federation of The Tecorogan Federation
Pop: 11,730 Mil

4452: The Queendom of The Teto
Pop: 188 Mil

4453: The Republic of The Tirn
Pop: 227 Mil

4454: The Armed Republic of The Trump-topian Security Force
Pop: 32 Mil

4455: The Last South Pacific Overlords of The TSP Local Council
Pop: 11,250 Mil

4456: The United Kingdom of The Two Jerseys
Pop: 27,637 Mil

4457: The Republic of The Uesugi Shogun
Pop: 98 Mil

4458: The Democratic Republic of The Unfortunate Conflict of Evidence
Pop: 5,262 Mil

4459: The Kingdom of The Unified States of the Rillium
Pop: 56 Mil

4460: The Republic of The Union of Confederate States
Pop: 8 Mil

4461: The Oppressed Peoples of The Union Of Nagashima
Pop: 112 Mil

4462: The Federal Republic of The Unitary Statants of Amercing
Pop: 143 Mil

4463: The Republic of The United Common
Pop: 26,037 Mil

4464: The Confederacy of The United Confederation of Jakimerica
Pop: 2,045 Mil

4465: The Armed Republic of The United Cracks Of Buttholio
Pop: 270 Mil

4466: The Empire of The United Empirez
Pop: 69 Mil

4467: The Queendom of The United Kingdoms of Europe
Pop: 17,852 Mil

4468: The Republic of The United Nation of Yolo
Pop: 80 Mil

4469: The Empire of The United republic of Fredopia
Pop: 26 Mil

4470: The Federal Republic of The United States of Amerika-
Pop: 91 Mil

4471: The Federal Republic of The united states of netherlands
Pop: 187 Mil

4472: The People's Republic of The University of Kansas
Pop: 32 Mil

4473: The Democratic States of The usa kin
Pop: 56 Mil

4474: The Worst Ship In The Navy of The USS Donald Trump
Pop: 10,462 Mil

4475: The Holy Empire of The Vangards of Discourse
Pop: 24,008 Mil

4476: The Community of The Venetian Republic
Pop: 2,162 Mil

4477: The Allied States of The Vesputian Federation
Pop: 103 Mil

4478: The Armed Republic of The Warden Triumvirate
Pop: 560 Mil

4479: The People's Republic of The Way of the Great Heavenly Sovereign
Pop: 8,727 Mil

4480: The Weird Creatures of The Weirdigo
Pop: 3,178 Mil

4481: The Grand Weirdom of The Weirdo
Pop: 4,973 Mil

4482: The Rogue Nation of The Weirdo Alt Thingy
Pop: 1,701 Mil

4483: The Protectorate of The Western Gavreauan Hills
Pop: 68 Mil

4484: The Principality of The Westlands
Pop: 9 Mil

4485: The Dominion of The Wolverines
Pop: 967 Mil

4486: The Matriarchy of The Woragopiria
Pop: 7,712 Mil

4487: The Worst army of The Worst army of
Pop: 12,324 Mil

4488: The Democratic Republic of The Xastratneha
Pop: 14 Mil

4489: The Dominion of The Yugoslav Soviet Socialist Republic
Pop: 109 Mil

4490: The Dictatorship of The Zanaami Hierarchy
Pop: 5,383 Mil

4491: The Kingdom of Thedemomanrelam
Pop: 103 Mil

4492: The Republic of Thedihsuckin
Pop: 18 Mil

4493: The Free Land of Themightysun
Pop: 12 Mil

4494: The Republic of THENM
Pop: 56 Mil

4495: The Republic of Theodore Roosevelt Island
Pop: 4,218 Mil

4496: The Republic of Theorann
Pop: 3,941 Mil

4497: The Republic of TheOriginalXboxOne
Pop: 302 Mil

4498: The Dracocracy of Theorin
Pop: 29,233 Mil

4499: The Kingdom of Ther Sayedervy
Pop: 80 Mil

4500: The Democratic States of Thereaco Dereveim
Pop: 18 Mil

4501: The Holy Empire of Thermonuclear Warhead
Pop: 671 Mil

4502: The Principality of TheSouth Pacific
Pop: 18,474 Mil

4503: The Holy Empire of Thess Rania
Pop: 26 Mil

4504: The Republic of Thethethething
Pop: 113 Mil

4505: The Empire of Thinovjea Hellemordo
Pop: 86 Mil

4506: The Empire of Third Empire of France
Pop: 1,012 Mil

4507: The Incorporated States of This is a country I guess
Pop: 67 Mil

4508: The Fiefdom of This name has been soiled
Pop: 430 Mil

4509: The Republic of Thisisacolonialnationname
Pop: 2,066 Mil

4510: The Republic of Thisisaliterarynationname
Pop: 2,066 Mil

4511: The Republic of Thisisalogicalnationname
Pop: 2,047 Mil

4512: The Republic of Thisisamarinenationname
Pop: 2,022 Mil

4513: The Republic of Thisisareligiousnationname
Pop: 2,034 Mil

4514: The Republic of Thisisashrinkingnationname
Pop: 2,025 Mil

4515: The Dictatorship of Thisisathrivingnationname
Pop: 1,981 Mil

4516: The Dictatorship of Thisisatone-deafnationname
Pop: 1,979 Mil

4517: The Dictatorship of Thisisavirtualnationname
Pop: 1,959 Mil

4518: The Dictatorship of Thisisawesternnationname
Pop: 1,964 Mil

4519: The Incorporated States of Three Mile Island
Pop: 3,359 Mil

4520: The Dominion of Threngal
Pop: 2,503 Mil

4521: The Republic of Thulom
Pop: 6,210 Mil

4522: The Republic of Thunder Basin National Grassland
Pop: 2,655 Mil

4523: The Community of Tiazan
Pop: 7,128 Mil

4524: The Republic of Tiderus
Pop: 62 Mil

4525: The United States of Tigercowboy4
Pop: 16 Mil

4526: The Republic of Tignis Pans
Pop: 40 Mil

4527: The ♡Socialist Stellar Dominion♡ of Tigris Empire
Pop: 921 Mil

4528: The Republic of Tigrulia
Pop: 3,704 Mil

4529: The Nomadic Peoples of Time going through all kinds of mean nas
Pop: 807 Mil

4530: The Republic of Timoneson
Pop: 186 Mil

4531: The Borderlands of Tinset
Pop: 107 Mil

4532: The Grand Duchy of Tir Ceirw
Pop: 265 Mil

4533: The Democratic Republic of Tirantoranta
Pop: 93 Mil

4534: The Republic of Tirehub
Pop: 12 Mil

4535: The Democratic Republic of Titanaria
Pop: 2,740 Mil

4536: The Holy Empire of Titans of Cordon
Pop: 1,133 Mil

4537: The Republic of Tizu
Pop: 9 Mil

4538: The United States of Tobyria
Pop: 32 Mil

4539: The Snorkeling Republic of Todd McCloud the Gypsy
Pop: 33,898 Mil

4540: The Kingdom of Toekoku
Pop: 45 Mil

4541: The Democratic Republic of Togoriki
Pop: 81 Mil

4542: The Armed Republic of Tokkiland
Pop: 753 Mil

4543: The Commonwealth of Tokopex
Pop: 4,502 Mil

4544: The Empire of Tommattoa
Pop: 45 Mil

4545: The Republic of Tommy John
Pop: 4,647 Mil

4546: The Colony of Tona
Pop: 25,136 Mil

4547: The Unconsidered Judgment of Tontaku
Pop: 26,209 Mil

4548: The Kingdom of Topletophermet
Pop: 40 Mil

Pop: 457 Mil

4550: The Holy Empire of Topol3
Pop: 79 Mil

4551: The Kingdom of Tor Addoran
Pop: 23 Mil

4552: The Nomadic Peoples of Tor Kot
Pop: 20 Mil

4553: The Armed Republic of Torimiko
Pop: 562 Mil

4554: The Federal Republic of Torontontero
Pop: 508 Mil

4555: The Democratic Republic of Tortepravera
Pop: 103 Mil

4556: The Republic of Torya
Pop: 191 Mil

4557: The Holy Empire of Total Oliva
Pop: 20 Mil

4558: The Republic of Totally Not Finland
Pop: 10 Mil

4559: The Republic of Touchstone
Pop: 14 Mil

4560: The Sultanate of Tousne
Pop: 14 Mil

4561: The Democratic Republic of Tovium And
Pop: 4,304 Mil

4562: The Transcendent Empire of Trackleelee
Pop: 34,633 Mil

4563: The Democratic Federal Republic of Transcaucasia
Pop: 5,537 Mil

4564: The Ephemeral Rifts of Transtemporal Shifts
Pop: 18,578 Mil

4565: The United Socialist States of Transtopa
Pop: 1,248 Mil

4566: The United Socialist States of Trantrania
Pop: 7 Mil

4567: The Theocracy of Trappist Congregation
Pop: 122 Mil

4568: The Republic of Tratersemuelf
Pop: 62 Mil

4569: The Republic of Travaslava
Pop: 45 Mil

4570: The Federal Republic of Trelatche
Pop: 23,093 Mil

4571: The Republic of Tremena Rez
Pop: 115 Mil

4572: The Empire of Tremorisea
Pop: 68 Mil

4573: The Community of Trentport City
Pop: 79 Mil

4574: The Dictatorship of Trentrian Republic
Pop: 8 Mil

4575: The Dictatorship of Trepave
Pop: 1,920 Mil

4576: The Federation of Triginia
Pop: 87 Mil

4577: The Republic of Trikoo
Pop: 67 Mil

4578: The Republic of Trimotederodland
Pop: 110 Mil

4579: The Democratic Republic of Tringapura
Pop: 1,211 Mil

4580: The Commonwealth of Trinitaristan
Pop: 123 Mil

4581: The Armed Republic of Tritfield
Pop: 4,858 Mil

4582: The Republic of Trivenz
Pop: 67 Mil

4583: The Republic of Trostland
Pop: 23 Mil

4584: The Republic of Trubchevski
Pop: 68 Mil

4585: The Republic of True Islander
Pop: 33,854 Mil

4586: The People's Republic of Trum Barbalte
Pop: 23 Mil

4587: The Banana Republic of Truskawkoland
Pop: 8,830 Mil

4588: The Incorporated States of Tryton
Pop: 14 Mil

4589: The Republic of Tryyyy
Pop: 98 Mil

4590: The Empire of Ts4life
Pop: 98 Mil

4591: The Queendom of Tsharakhid
Pop: 26 Mil

4592: The Republic of Tsiviestoryastristar
Pop: 10 Mil

4593: The Republic of TSP Coup May 19th 2025 Major
Pop: 203 Mil

4594: The Official Ministry Nation of TSP Foreign Office
Pop: 16,198 Mil

4595: The Leader of the tsp pie makers of TSP Pie Company
Pop: 2,139 Mil

4596: The Republic of TSP S3 Collector
Pop: 3,518 Mil

4597: The Free Land of TSP The South Paciffica
Pop: 103 Mil

4598: The Republic of TSP Tolfaer
Pop: 6,013 Mil

4599: The Protectorate of TSP Transition Team
Pop: 15,264 Mil

4600: The Wheel is a bad idea❔ of Tsuskia
Pop: 2,483 Mil

4601: The Dictatorship of TU Delft
Pop: 17,339 Mil

4602: The Fiefdom of Tuala Dempest
Pop: 32 Mil

4603: The Whatever Republic of Tur Monkadzii
Pop: 8,752 Mil

4604: The Republic of Turcomania
Pop: 3,547 Mil

4605: The Republic of Turkey Stack Ems
Pop: 342 Mil

4606: The Republic of Turki ye
Pop: 67 Mil

4607: The Empire of Turkic Khans
Pop: 7 Mil

4608: The Confederacy of Turkic Socialist Republics
Pop: 8 Mil

4609: The People's Republic of Turkistania India
Pop: 69 Mil

4610: The Land of of Turpotia
Pop: 7,700 Mil

4611: The Republic of Tusi
Pop: 5,715 Mil

4612: The Republic of Tuskegee Airmen NHS
Pop: 4,238 Mil

4613: The Kingdom of Tutorial
Pop: 10,659 Mil

4614: The Pound of Tvania
Pop: 10,504 Mil

4615: The Community of Two Pickles
Pop: 709 Mil

4616: The Commonwealth of Twtichlandia
Pop: 88 Mil

4617: The Democratic Republic of Tyera
Pop: 111 Mil

4618: The Northern Republic of Tyopio
Pop: 2,882 Mil

4619: The Principality of Tyraius
Pop: 18 Mil

4620: The Holy Empire of Tyranius No rights
Pop: 36 Mil

4621: The Empire of Tyrannical Communists
Pop: 78 Mil

4622: The Dictatorship of Tyrannical state of Guatemala
Pop: 9 Mil

4623: The Dictatorship of Tyrannical Totalitarianism
Pop: 86 Mil

4624: The Republic of Tyreas
Pop: 674 Mil

4625: The Republic of Tyrion Lannister
Pop: 24,519 Mil

4626: The Federal Republic of U0403447
Pop: 15,654 Mil

4627: The Queendom of Uallenberm
Pop: 7,714 Mil

4628: The Free Land of Ubbubaba land
Pop: 78 Mil

4629: The People's Republic of UCPA
Pop: 2,993 Mil

4630: The Republic of Udcs360
Pop: 62 Mil

4631: The Republic of Udcs361
Pop: 62 Mil

4632: The Republic of Udcs370
Pop: 62 Mil

4633: The Republic of Udcs386
Pop: 62 Mil

4634: The Republic of Udcs392
Pop: 62 Mil

4635: The Kingdom of Uderal
Pop: 8 Mil

4636: The Republic of Uffertu
Pop: 343 Mil

4637: The United Communities of Uflax
Pop: 1,767 Mil

4638: The Holy Empire of UgaBooga
Pop: 104 Mil

4639: The Principality of Uglifier
Pop: 20,909 Mil

4640: The Kingdom of Ugranda
Pop: 11,576 Mil

4641: The Democratic States of Ugrauy
Pop: 779 Mil

4642: The Republic of Uh-oh
Pop: 15,999 Mil

4643: The Dictatorship of Uhhhhhhhhhhhh
Pop: 92 Mil

4644: The United States of Uilian
Pop: 36 Mil

4645: The United Kingdom of Ujn129
Pop: 20 Mil

4646: The United Kingdom of Ujn132
Pop: 20 Mil

4647: The United Kingdom of Ujn135
Pop: 20 Mil

4648: The United Kingdom of Ujn143
Pop: 20 Mil

4649: The United Kingdom of Ujn149
Pop: 20 Mil

4650: The United Kingdom of Ujn158
Pop: 20 Mil

4651: The United Kingdom of Ujn162
Pop: 20 Mil

4652: The United Kingdom of Ujn183
Pop: 20 Mil

4653: The United Kingdom of Ujn203
Pop: 20 Mil

4654: The United Kingdom of Ujn219
Pop: 20 Mil

4655: The United Kingdom of Ujn226
Pop: 20 Mil

4656: The United Kingdom of Ujn229
Pop: 20 Mil

4657: The United Kingdom of Ujn231
Pop: 20 Mil

4658: The United Kingdom of Ujn266
Pop: 20 Mil

4659: The United Kingdom of Ujn272
Pop: 20 Mil

4660: The United Kingdom of Ujn276
Pop: 20 Mil

4661: The United Kingdom of Ujn297
Pop: 20 Mil

4662: The United Kingdom of Ujn3
Pop: 20 Mil

4663: The United Kingdom of Ujn300
Pop: 20 Mil

4664: The United Kingdom of Ujn309
Pop: 20 Mil

4665: The United Kingdom of Ujn317
Pop: 18 Mil

4666: The United Kingdom of Ujn32
Pop: 20 Mil

4667: The United Kingdom of Ujn344
Pop: 18 Mil

4668: The United Kingdom of Ujn350
Pop: 18 Mil

4669: The United Kingdom of Ujn369
Pop: 18 Mil

4670: The United Kingdom of Ujn381
Pop: 18 Mil

4671: The United Kingdom of Ujn391
Pop: 18 Mil

4672: The United Kingdom of Ujn401
Pop: 18 Mil

4673: The United Kingdom of Ujn410
Pop: 18 Mil

4674: The United Kingdom of Ujn414
Pop: 18 Mil

4675: The United Kingdom of Ujn423
Pop: 18 Mil

4676: The United Kingdom of Ujn426
Pop: 18 Mil

4677: The United Kingdom of Ujn433
Pop: 18 Mil

4678: The United Kingdom of Ujn448
Pop: 18 Mil

4679: The United Kingdom of Ujn46
Pop: 20 Mil

4680: The United Kingdom of Ujn488
Pop: 18 Mil

4681: The United Kingdom of Ujn491
Pop: 18 Mil

4682: The United Kingdom of Ujn492
Pop: 18 Mil

4683: The United Kingdom of Ujn494
Pop: 18 Mil

4684: The United Kingdom of Ujn496
Pop: 18 Mil

4685: The United Kingdom of Ujn58
Pop: 20 Mil

4686: The United Kingdom of Ujn65
Pop: 20 Mil

4687: The United Kingdom of Ujn76
Pop: 20 Mil

4688: The United Kingdom of Ujn78
Pop: 20 Mil

4689: The United Kingdom of Ujn85
Pop: 20 Mil

4690: The United Kingdom of Ujn90
Pop: 20 Mil

4691: The United Kingdom of Ujn93
Pop: 20 Mil

4692: The United Kingdom of UK-United Kingdom
Pop: 88 Mil

4693: The Republic of Ukanian republic
Pop: 9 Mil

4694: The Democratic Republic of Ukrae Raulfell
Pop: 40 Mil

4695: The Commonwealth of Ulae
Pop: 7 Mil

4696: The Empire of Umbrax
Pop: 401 Mil

4697: The Federal Republic of Umbraxoria
Pop: 26 Mil

4698: The Republic of Umisea
Pop: 7,316 Mil

4699: The Republic of UN of East Cost Islands
Pop: 40 Mil

4700: The Republic of UNA of Africa
Pop: 23 Mil

4701: The Most Serene Republic of Uncertain Eigenstate
Pop: 4,059 Mil

4702: The Allied States of Undertake12
Pop: 72 Mil

4703: The Allied States of Undertake23
Pop: 74 Mil

4704: The Allied States of Undertake27
Pop: 75 Mil

4705: The Allied States of Undertake47
Pop: 56 Mil

4706: The Allied States of Undertake48
Pop: 56 Mil

4707: The Allied States of Undertake59
Pop: 56 Mil

4708: The Allied States of Undertake76
Pop: 56 Mil

4709: The Allied States of Undertake8
Pop: 74 Mil

4710: The Holy Empire of Unfreedom land 0
Pop: 18 Mil

4711: The Principality of Unhallowed Venezia
Pop: 3,369 Mil

4712: The Federation of Unia Japarch
Pop: 945 Mil

4713: The Republic of Unieland II
Pop: 4,247 Mil

4714: The Free Land of Unified Criminal Syndicate
Pop: 269 Mil

4715: The Commonwealth of Unified Oriental Republics
Pop: 90 Mil

4716: The Republic of Unifiko
Pop: 172 Mil

4717: The United Socialist States of Union of Islandia
Pop: 510 Mil

4718: The United Socialist States of Union of National Bolsheviks Republics
Pop: 1,005 Mil

4719: The Republic of Union of North African States
Pop: 483 Mil

4720: The Serious Yet Funny Government of United Allied Systems Nations
Pop: 4,235 Mil

4721: The Republic of United Amiria Tribes
Pop: 36 Mil

4722: The Republic of United Ang Grosion
Pop: 29 Mil

4723: The Commonwealth of United Anglos
Pop: 581 Mil

4724: The Allied States of United Autonomous Nations
Pop: 36 Mil

4725: The Confederacy of United Bad Off
Pop: 105 Mil

4726: The People's Republic of United communist china
Pop: 9 Mil

4727: The Empire of United Corporations of North America
Pop: 8 Mil

4728: The Republic of United Cupaxiel Villexsky
Pop: 16 Mil

4729: The Republic of United Cyprus
Pop: 2,139 Mil

4730: The Minister of Integration of United Disney States
Pop: 1,476 Mil

4731: The Commonwealth of United Doresmean Kingdoms
Pop: 50 Mil

4732: The Commonwealth Kingdom of United Earthlings
Pop: 44,550 Mil

4733: The Protectorate of United Exchange
Pop: 487 Mil

4734: The Greater Christian Empire of United Great Holy Empire
Pop: 17,388 Mil

4735: The Federal Republic of United humanitarian Nation
Pop: 14 Mil

4736: The United States of United Humanitarian Scociety
Pop: 8 Mil

4737: The Colony of United Irish Istonian Puppet State
Pop: 14 Mil

4738: The Kingdom of United Irish Polish Anglo Saxon States
Pop: 283 Mil

4739: The Constitutional Monarchy of United Kingdom Of Balts
Pop: 1,022 Mil

4740: The Rogue Nation of United klabmam
Pop: 56 Mil

4741: The Federal Socialist Republic of United Kontania
Pop: 1,886 Mil

4742: The People's Republic of United Kosavia
Pop: 171 Mil

4743: The Republic of United Melvoran
Pop: 32 Mil

4744: The Democratic Republic of United North Korean Peninsula
Pop: 1,220 Mil

4745: The Commonwealth of United Novograd
Pop: 196 Mil

4746: The Kingdom of United Plantell Islands
Pop: 142 Mil

4747: The Federal Republic of United Provinces of Alpaca
Pop: 4,678 Mil

4748: The Republic of United Regions Of Arkana
Pop: 93 Mil

4749: The Republic of United Republic of Anas
Pop: 155 Mil

4750: The Republic of United Rumelia
Pop: 278 Mil

4751: The United Socialist States of United Socialism Union
Pop: 45 Mil

4752: The Protectorate of United States Department of the Interior
Pop: 2,012 Mil

4753: The Protectorate of United states of Acimera
Pop: 10 Mil

4754: The People's Republic of United States of alkabulanAfrica
Pop: 216 Mil

4755: The Republic of United states of Americannn
Pop: 40 Mil

4756: The Federalist Republic of United States of Belvaria
Pop: 8,451 Mil

4757: The Republic of United States of Jamshid And Shahruz
Pop: 16 Mil

4758: The Federal Republic of United States of Lesser Antilles
Pop: 9 Mil

4759: The United States of United States of Philippine Earth
Pop: 10 Mil

4760: The United States of United States of South Korea 10
Pop: 6 Mil

4761: The Empire of United States of the Greater Austria
Pop: 67 Mil

4762: The Commonwealth of United States of Vietnam
Pop: 18,811 Mil

4763: The Confederacy of United Tribal States
Pop: 62 Mil

4764: The Republic of United Vocoarva
Pop: 5,631 Mil

4765: The Rogue Nation of UnitedArmsofGatway
Pop: 10 Mil

4766: The Republic of Unitria38
Pop: 763 Mil

4767: The Republic of Unitria40
Pop: 757 Mil

4768: The Republic of Unitria46
Pop: 29 Mil

4769: The Republic of Unitria73
Pop: 14 Mil

4770: The Republic of Unitria77
Pop: 14 Mil

4771: The Republic of Uniunce Rocoia
Pop: 69 Mil

4772: The Holy Imperial Concordant of Universal Harmony
Pop: 1,511 Mil

4773: The Free Land of Unshackled Materialism
Pop: 2,287 Mil

4774: The Allied States of Up Russua Up
Pop: 88 Mil

4775: The Kingdom of Upper Baba
Pop: 7,488 Mil

4776: The Free Land of Upper Ryu Lorty
Pop: 2,908 Mil

4777: The Empire of Upper Vill Nownsis
Pop: 56 Mil

4778: The County of Urgell
Pop: 24,584 Mil

4779: The Democratic Republic of Urklistanova
Pop: 14 Mil

4780: The Theocracy of URMOM3990487
Pop: 99 Mil

4781: The Armed Republic of US Army CPL OCP Rank Patch
Pop: 674 Mil

4782: The People's Republic of USCR-United Soviet Capitalist Republic
Pop: 770 Mil

4783: The Allied States of USNE2018
Pop: 13,245 Mil

4784: The Kingdom of Ustobania
Pop: 284 Mil

4785: The Free Land of UT
Pop: 5,472 Mil

4786: The Republic of UT-User Terminal
Pop: 306 Mil

4787: The Free Land of Utnuiqu
Pop: 149 Mil

4788: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams IV
Pop: 50 Mil

4789: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams VI
Pop: 50 Mil

4790: The Free Land of Utopian Dreams VII
Pop: 50 Mil

4791: The Republic of Utopidn
Pop: 40 Mil

4792: The Community of Utopies
Pop: 121 Mil

4793: The Mighty dictatorship of Uunited Islands
Pop: 13,531 Mil

4794: The Oppressed Peoples of Uuuyuuu
Pop: 26 Mil

4795: The Szurea's Now-Alt Account of Uvalor
Pop: 8,502 Mil

4796: The Holy Empire of Uzidoorman
Pop: 14 Mil

4797: The Oppressed Peoples of Vaca Gorda
Pop: 723 Mil

4798: The Confederacy of Vader cosmic society
Pop: 123 Mil

4799: The People's Republic of Vaister
Pop: 147 Mil

4800: The Holy Empire of Vakatir
Pop: 18 Mil

4801: The United States of Val Kilmer
Pop: 1,785 Mil

4802: The Jingoistic States of Valcor
Pop: 16 Mil

4803: The Republic of Valdoredge
Pop: 32 Mil

4804: The Kingdom of Valen the Great
Pop: 14 Mil

4805: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valentilia
Pop: 631 Mil

4806: The Raccoon of Valiraisia
Pop: 6,970 Mil

4807: The Armed Republic of Valkstein
Pop: 5,219 Mil

4808: The Republic of Vallebaron
Pop: 3,211 Mil

4809: The Respublica of Valles Stellarum
Pop: 5,048 Mil

4810: The Dictatorship of Valley Rats
Pop: 8 Mil

4811: The Rogue Nation of Vally of Freedom
Pop: 74 Mil

4812: The Empire of Valmyrian
Pop: 26 Mil

4813: The Republic of Valor II
Pop: 113 Mil

4814: The Free Land of Valoriea
Pop: 32 Mil

4815: The Commonwealth of Valorja
Pop: 16 Mil

4816: The Republic of Valoworand
Pop: 901 Mil

4817: The Republic of Valsadia
Pop: 12 Mil

4818: The Kingdom of Valurgia
Pop: 18 Mil

4819: The Protectorate of Valx
Pop: 25,071 Mil

4820: The Kingdom of Valyriaz
Pop: 26 Mil

4821: The Democratic Republic of Vanamar
Pop: 2,253 Mil

4822: The Armed Republic of Vancis
Pop: 530 Mil

4823: The Empire of Vanguardian State
Pop: 365 Mil

4824: The Armed Republic of Vapokir
Pop: 560 Mil

4825: The Principality of Vaquendria
Pop: 248 Mil

4826: The People's Republic of Varayusha
Pop: 32,938 Mil

4827: The Armed Republic of Varevuni
Pop: 652 Mil

4828: The Republic of Varita
Pop: 45 Mil

4829: The Armed Republic of Varitashi
Pop: 615 Mil

4830: The Armed Republic of Vartorik
Pop: 511 Mil

4831: The Armed Republic of Vashuzeku
Pop: 658 Mil

4832: The Matriarchy of Vasopia
Pop: 75 Mil

4833: The Republic of Vast Imper
Pop: 88 Mil

4834: The Constitutional Monarchy of Vastagronia
Pop: 32 Mil

4835: The Republic of Vastiuqjjur
Pop: 272 Mil

4836: The County of Vastraenn
Pop: 23,641 Mil

4837: The Republic of Vat 322
Pop: 86 Mil

4838: The Federal Republic of Vaughan City
Pop: 36 Mil

4839: The Kingdom of Vaustere
Pop: 662 Mil

4840: The Empire of Vavi
Pop: 151 Mil

4841: The Republic of Vayon
Pop: 23 Mil

4842: The Republic of VCC015
Pop: 159 Mil

4843: The Republic of VCC024
Pop: 155 Mil

4844: The Republic of VCC030
Pop: 157 Mil

4845: The Republic of VCC040
Pop: 154 Mil

4846: The Republic of Vcc051
Pop: 160 Mil

4847: The Republic of Vcc057
Pop: 159 Mil

4848: The Republic of Vcc060
Pop: 159 Mil

4849: The Republic of Vcc064
Pop: 153 Mil

4850: The Republic of Vcc109
Pop: 149 Mil

4851: The Republic of Vcc119
Pop: 148 Mil

4852: The Republic of Vcc122
Pop: 152 Mil

4853: The Republic of Vcc126
Pop: 154 Mil

4854: The Republic of Vcc135
Pop: 151 Mil

4855: The Republic of Vcc145
Pop: 150 Mil

4856: The Empire of Vecilia
Pop: 6 Mil

4857: The United Socialist States of Vedasthanam
Pop: 1,227 Mil

4858: The Federation of VEEEEE
Pop: 72 Mil

4859: The Protectorate of Vekt
Pop: 954 Mil

4860: The Constitutional Monarchy of Velarisi
Pop: 6 Mil

4861: The Republic of Veldemocrat
Pop: 2,916 Mil

4862: The Republic of Velo1
Pop: 687 Mil

4863: The Republic of Velo102
Pop: 503 Mil

4864: The Republic of Velo105
Pop: 486 Mil

4865: The Republic of Velo22
Pop: 684 Mil

4866: The Republic of Velo3
Pop: 689 Mil

4867: The Republic of Velo34
Pop: 682 Mil

4868: The Republic of Velo44
Pop: 675 Mil

4869: The Republic of Velo48
Pop: 683 Mil

4870: The Republic of Velo53
Pop: 665 Mil

4871: The Republic of Velo64
Pop: 676 Mil

4872: The Republic of Velo66
Pop: 672 Mil

4873: The Republic of Velo71
Pop: 671 Mil

4874: The Republic of Velo72
Pop: 666 Mil

4875: The Republic of Velo81
Pop: 674 Mil

4876: The Republic of Velo88
Pop: 674 Mil

4877: The Grand Duchy of Vendita cosmic society
Pop: 121 Mil

4878: The Most Serene Republic of Venezia Pacifica
Pop: 9,214 Mil

4879: The Republic of Venoes
Pop: 762 Mil

4880: The Matriarchy of Venus Holst
Pop: 5,623 Mil

4881: The Republic of Venusian Soviet Socialist Republic
Pop: 896 Mil

4882: The Democratic Republic of Veradis
Pop: 342 Mil

4883: The Kingdom of Verennia
Pop: 707 Mil

4884: The Commonwealth of Veripass
Pop: 278 Mil

4885: The Republic of Verm0nt
Pop: 5,489 Mil

4886: The Empire of Vermie
Pop: 6 Mil

4887: The Republic of Vermillion Star Zone
Pop: 397 Mil

4888: The Tribe of Very Orcs
Pop: 10,932 Mil

4889: The Republic of Vest Vicassatople
Pop: 10 Mil

4890: The United States of Vexoria
Pop: 16 Mil

4891: The Republic of Veylandia
Pop: 12 Mil

4892: The Federal Republic of Veyrona
Pop: 32 Mil

4893: The United States of Vibrosa
Pop: 147 Mil

4894: The Freeroaming Folks of Vicken
Pop: 9,767 Mil

4895: The Republic of Vid
Pop: 429 Mil

4896: The Republic of Vietnamdanquoc
Pop: 366 Mil

4897: The Federation of Vilanta
Pop: 81 Mil

4898: The Federal Republic of Vilbonde
Pop: 16,801 Mil

4899: The Grand Duchy of Villa Caruso
Pop: 2,162 Mil

4900: The Empire of Villagering
Pop: 78 Mil

4901: The Post-Soviet Republic of Vilychstovia
Pop: 874 Mil

4902: The Republic of Vimoraland
Pop: 1,937 Mil

4903: The Republic of Vincentus
Pop: 56 Mil

4904: The Theocracy of Vindo Boo
Pop: 110 Mil

4905: The People's Republic of Vinland Technocrats
Pop: 3,216 Mil

4906: The Democratic Republic of Vinolin
Pop: 73 Mil

4907: The Rogue Nation of Violytica
Pop: 314 Mil

4908: The Armed Republic of Virazoku
Pop: 701 Mil

4909: The Democratic Republic of Virelin
Pop: 50 Mil

4910: The State of Viribus Videri
Pop: 17,239 Mil

4911: The Federation of Virifortis
Pop: 5,909 Mil

4912: The Armed Republic of Virtrusia
Pop: 2,822 Mil

4913: The Kingdom of Virusiy
Pop: 79 Mil

4914: The Kingdom of Visakhapatnam empire
Pop: 105 Mil

4915: The Empire of Vishnu Bhumi
Pop: 10 Mil

4916: The Republic of Vismstlau
Pop: 16 Mil

4917: The Republic of Visneco
Pop: 73 Mil

4918: The Grand Duchy of VISZS
Pop: 14 Mil

4919: The Republic of Vitalik 666777
Pop: 86 Mil

4920: The Republic of Vithipall
Pop: 73 Mil

4921: The Republic of Vitrom
Pop: 98 Mil

4922: The Empire of Vix a raposa
Pop: 9 Mil

4923: The Fiefdom of VKG Akane
Pop: 245 Mil

4924: The Empire of Vladimir Fedoseev
Pop: 768 Mil

4925: The Republic of Vlatica
Pop: 50 Mil

4926: The Republic of Vlazhia
Pop: 45 Mil

4927: The Holy Kingdom of Vlaziland
Pop: 2,922 Mil

4928: The Republic of VociNation
Pop: 26 Mil

4929: The Republic of Vocrox
Pop: 5,114 Mil

4930: The Great Keep of Volance
Pop: 1,947 Mil

4931: The Empire of Volans and Mensa
Pop: 267 Mil

4932: The Most Serene Republic of Volatile Venezuela
Pop: 842 Mil

4933: The Antarctic Kleptocracy of Volaworand
Pop: 14,187 Mil

4934: The Republic of Volembducanihisumtopia
Pop: 50 Mil

4935: The Federal Republic of Volituar Allis
Pop: 782 Mil

4936: The Kingdom of Volll
Pop: 39,148 Mil

4937: The Scarlet Reich of Volmira
Pop: 4,387 Mil

4938: The Republic of Vonicatandianjerlds
Pop: 173 Mil

4939: The Republic of Vossistan
Pop: 6 Mil

4940: The Democratic Republic of Votl
Pop: 119 Mil

4941: The Republic of Vranov
Pop: 45 Mil

4942: The Fourth Republic of Vrigny
Pop: 7,047 Mil

4943: The Republic of Vtuber Raider
Pop: 5,888 Mil

4944: The Kingdom of Vudakag
Pop: 1,644 Mil

4945: The Republic of Vuranda
Pop: 6,074 Mil

4946: The VVV of Vvv
Pop: 5,497 Mil

4947: The Odd world of Vyetnam
Pop: 4,133 Mil

4948: The Radical LeftRight Star Land of Vylixan Asteria
Pop: 9,271 Mil

4949: The People's Republic of Vyrathia
Pop: 9 Mil

4950: The Republic of Waartu
Pop: 10,040 Mil

4951: The Democratic Republic of Wadjach
Pop: 23 Mil

4952: The Republic of WAHQ
Pop: 75 Mil

4953: The Republic of Waka Tmana
Pop: 5,302 Mil

4954: The Republic of Wakanda saka
Pop: 10 Mil

4955: The Republic of Wakedomoondo
Pop: 29 Mil

4956: The Republic of Walderesland
Pop: 109 Mil

4957: The Rogue Nation of Wallanda
Pop: 14,112 Mil

4958: The Republic of Walloonia
Pop: 14,749 Mil

4959: The Democratic Republic of Wanderroot
Pop: 7 Mil

4960: The Republic of Wandlande
Pop: 8 Mil

4961: The Republic of Wanzotmo
Pop: 5,503 Mil

4962: The Empire of War and death
Pop: 492 Mil

4963: The Republic of War Dogs LXIII
Pop: 10,577 Mil

4964: The Republic of War Dogs VIII
Pop: 12,751 Mil

4965: The Republic of War Dogs XXIII
Pop: 12,659 Mil

4966: The Republic of War Dogs XXX
Pop: 10,597 Mil

4967: The Republic of War Dogs XXXV
Pop: 10,626 Mil

4968: The Republic of War Dogs XXXVII
Pop: 10,588 Mil

4969: The Free Land of Warfand
Pop: 2,090 Mil

4970: The Constitutional Monarchy of Wark Kinat
Pop: 36 Mil

4971: The Colony of Warkeys
Pop: 67 Mil

4972: The Empire of Wasde
Pop: 16 Mil

4973: The Republic of Washita Battlefield NHS
Pop: 4,236 Mil

4974: The Holy Empire of Watcher land
Pop: 40 Mil

4975: The Federal Republic of Watershine
Pop: 32 Mil

4976: The Most Serene Republic of Wayonlia
Pop: 56 Mil

4977: The Commonwealth of Waytoft
Pop: 497 Mil

4978: The Republic of WC 189
Pop: 840 Mil

4979: The Republic of WC 219
Pop: 840 Mil

4980: The Republic of WC 243
Pop: 827 Mil

4981: The Republic of WC 258
Pop: 812 Mil

4982: The Confederacy of WE ARE FARMERS BUM
Pop: 118 Mil

4983: The Commonwealth of Wealth Inc
Pop: 40 Mil

4984: The Empire of Weapon Land
Pop: 62 Mil

4985: The Republic of Weardale
Pop: 474 Mil

4986: The Colony of Weatherly
Pop: 13,219 Mil

4987: The Republic of Webects Ama Lukern
Pop: 32 Mil

4988: The Community of Wee Willy Winky
Pop: 721 Mil

4989: The Empire of Weedstralia
Pop: 74 Mil

4990: The Community of Weh Futhurbermar
Pop: 14 Mil

4991: The Accidentally Socialist Weebs of Wehraboos
Pop: 14,361 Mil

4992: The Federation of Wehrace
Pop: 92 Mil

4993: The Republic of Weir Farm NHP
Pop: 4,250 Mil

4994: The Republic of Welder She Islands
Pop: 16 Mil

4995: The Empire of WeLikeCommunism
Pop: 105 Mil

4996: The People's Republic of Well-off Citizens
Pop: 97 Mil

4997: The Republic of Welserland
Pop: 3,968 Mil

4998: The United Socialist States of Wemble
Pop: 4,801 Mil

4999: The Fiefdom of Werewolf of Ansbach
Pop: 4,165 Mil

5000: The Republic of Wers Garatian
Pop: 32 Mil

5001: The Democratic Republic of Werunimoortyvad
Pop: 352 Mil

5002: The Kingdom of Weshirkers
Pop: 426 Mil

5003: The Democratic States of West Arapoff
Pop: 814 Mil

5004: The Matriarchy of West Baldia Foralva
Pop: 100 Mil

5005: The Federal People's Republic of West Berijonwa
Pop: 904 Mil

5006: The Republic of West Cabotria
Pop: 76 Mil

5007: The Allied States of West Fantwic Plant
Pop: 29 Mil

5008: The Federal Republic of West green Israel
Pop: 16,188 Mil

5009: The Republic of West Khazana Finsstan
Pop: 7,331 Mil

5010: The NYC's greatest mayor of West Nivosea
Pop: 4,824 Mil

5011: The Protectorate of West Russian Federal Republic
Pop: 1,557 Mil

5012: The Republic of West Spays Eresew
Pop: 68 Mil

5013: The Constitutional Monarchy of Westcora
Pop: 5,065 Mil

5014: The Republic of Westenam
Pop: 2,159 Mil

5015: The Community of Western Antar
Pop: 2,476 Mil

5016: The People's Democratic Republic of Western Bahia
Pop: 1,623 Mil

5017: The Republic of Western Byzukasey
Pop: 97 Mil

5018: The Queendom of Western Fre Chanindian
Pop: 12 Mil

5019: The Federation of Western Iles
Pop: 6,887 Mil

5020: The Republic of Western Martia
Pop: 26 Mil

5021: The United States of Western Pennsylvania
Pop: 32 Mil

5022: The Republic of Western Silashom
Pop: 9 Mil

5023: The United Kingdom of Western Yessandine
Pop: 26 Mil

5024: The Federal Republic of Westervale
Pop: 36 Mil

5025: The Socialist Kingdom of Westhermania
Pop: 1,322 Mil

5026: The Republic of Westitty
Pop: 23 Mil

5027: The Protectorate of Westlant
Pop: 26,394 Mil

5028: The Capitalist Union of Westlican
Pop: 7,167 Mil

5029: The Grand Duchy of Westochux
Pop: 12 Mil

5030: The Empire of Wewdj
Pop: 80 Mil

5031: The United Kingdom of Wezin
Pop: 56 Mil

5032: The Republic of WF-10
Pop: 486 Mil

5033: The Republic of WF-8
Pop: 498 Mil

5034: The Republic of WGPO
Pop: 23 Mil

5035: The Constitutional Monarchy of Whanisoo
Pop: 36 Mil

5036: The Republic of Wharatia
Pop: 4,265 Mil

5037: The Demonic Nation of What A Human
Pop: 736 Mil

5038: The Fiefdom of Whathefukia
Pop: 45 Mil

5039: The United Socialist States of WhatLad
Pop: 56 Mil

5040: The Incorporated States of Whigham
Pop: 1,922 Mil

5041: The Republic of Whing Krianaley
Pop: 7,223 Mil

5042: The Republic of Whirlygig
Pop: 15,150 Mil

5043: The Federal Republic of Whitargo
Pop: 202 Mil

5044: The Kingdom of Wicksonia
Pop: 15,995 Mil

5045: The Republic of Wigia14
Pop: 128 Mil

5046: The Republic of Wigia23
Pop: 125 Mil

5047: The Republic of Wigia29
Pop: 127 Mil

5048: The Republic of Wigia32
Pop: 132 Mil

5049: The Republic of Wigia35
Pop: 126 Mil

5050: The Republic of Wigia41
Pop: 125 Mil

5051: The Republic of Wigia43
Pop: 124 Mil

5052: The Republic of Wigia51
Pop: 130 Mil

5053: The Republic of Wigia53
Pop: 125 Mil

5054: The Republic of Wigia69
Pop: 133 Mil

5055: The Republic of Wigia72
Pop: 130 Mil

5056: The Republic of Wigia74
Pop: 127 Mil

5057: The Republic of Wigia77
Pop: 124 Mil

5058: The Republic of Wigia79
Pop: 133 Mil

5059: The Republic of Wigia80
Pop: 124 Mil

5060: The Republic of Wigia83
Pop: 127 Mil

5061: The Republic of Wigia97
Pop: 127 Mil

5062: The Sultanate of Wijwater
Pop: 451 Mil

5063: The Republic of Wilhuff Tarkin
Pop: 5,581 Mil

5064: The Kingdom of Willdon
Pop: 2,779 Mil

5065: The Community of Wind Valley
Pop: 166 Mil

5066: The United Republic of Winpozia
Pop: 13,816 Mil

5067: The Republic of Winter Cultist 422
Pop: 916 Mil

5068: The Commonwealth of Wipe
Pop: 40 Mil

5069: The Oppressed Peoples of Wisconsin Werewolf
Pop: 784 Mil

Pop: 36 Mil

5071: The Kingdom of Wolchia
Pop: 26 Mil

5072: The Republic of Wolf Trap NP for the Performing Arts
Pop: 4,297 Mil

5073: The Empire of Wolfosien
Pop: 20 Mil

5074: The Kingdom of Wolfsburgo
Pop: 155 Mil

5075: The Bear Colony of Wols Kooda
Pop: 1,967 Mil

5076: The Republic of Wolveristan III
Pop: 50 Mil

5077: The Republic of Women and more
Pop: 6 Mil

5078: The Allied States of Wompa
Pop: 111 Mil

5079: The Dictatorship of WoodBuryy
Pop: 81 Mil

5080: The Federal Republic of Wooly Sheepland
Pop: 108 Mil

5081: The Republic of Woon Rocket
Pop: 20,975 Mil

5082: The Free Land of Wooshk
Pop: 1,691 Mil

5083: The Republic of Wordena
Pop: 143 Mil

5084: The Federation of Worgem
Pop: 87 Mil

5085: The United States of World dominationn
Pop: 36 Mil

5086: The Republic of World War II Memorial
Pop: 4,193 Mil

5087: The Republic of WORST NATION CREATED
Pop: 45 Mil

5088: The Empire of Woshodjachego Sonza
Pop: 2,319 Mil

5089: The Colony of Wraithguard
Pop: 151 Mil

5090: The Republic of Wright Brothers Memorial
Pop: 4,257 Mil

5091: The Democratic Republic of Wss100
Pop: 218 Mil

5092: The Democratic Republic of Wss106
Pop: 218 Mil

5093: The Democratic Republic of Wss125
Pop: 221 Mil

5094: The Democratic Republic of Wss145
Pop: 210 Mil

5095: The Democratic Republic of Wss171
Pop: 211 Mil

5096: The Democratic Republic of Wss18
Pop: 229 Mil

5097: The Democratic Republic of Wss181
Pop: 219 Mil

5098: The Democratic Republic of Wss184
Pop: 217 Mil

5099: The Democratic Republic of Wss20
Pop: 216 Mil

5100: The Democratic Republic of Wss227
Pop: 188 Mil

5101: The Democratic Republic of Wss228
Pop: 187 Mil

5102: The Democratic Republic of Wss232
Pop: 192 Mil

5103: The Democratic Republic of Wss242
Pop: 186 Mil

5104: The Democratic Republic of Wss244
Pop: 189 Mil

5105: The Democratic Republic of Wss264
Pop: 189 Mil

5106: The Democratic Republic of Wss286
Pop: 193 Mil

5107: The Democratic Republic of Wss287
Pop: 191 Mil

5108: The Democratic Republic of Wss289
Pop: 183 Mil

5109: The Democratic Republic of Wss293
Pop: 187 Mil

5110: The United Kingdom of Wss306
Pop: 67 Mil

5111: The Democratic Republic of Wss31
Pop: 223 Mil

5112: The United Kingdom of Wss343
Pop: 69 Mil

5113: The United Kingdom of Wss354
Pop: 69 Mil

5114: The United Kingdom of Wss366
Pop: 67 Mil

5115: The Democratic Republic of Wss37
Pop: 223 Mil

5116: The United Kingdom of Wss372
Pop: 69 Mil

5117: The United Kingdom of Wss375
Pop: 67 Mil

5118: The United Kingdom of Wss377
Pop: 68 Mil

5119: The United Kingdom of Wss398
Pop: 69 Mil

5120: The Democratic Republic of Wss40
Pop: 226 Mil

5121: The United Kingdom of Wss406
Pop: 40 Mil

5122: The United Kingdom of Wss409
Pop: 40 Mil

5123: The United Kingdom of Wss412
Pop: 40 Mil

5124: The United Kingdom of Wss418
Pop: 40 Mil

5125: The United Kingdom of Wss420
Pop: 40 Mil

5126: The United Kingdom of Wss428
Pop: 40 Mil

5127: The United Kingdom of Wss432
Pop: 40 Mil

5128: The United Kingdom of Wss435
Pop: 40 Mil

5129: The United Kingdom of Wss466
Pop: 40 Mil

5130: The United Kingdom of Wss483
Pop: 40 Mil

5131: The United Kingdom of Wss484
Pop: 40 Mil

5132: The Democratic Republic of Wss58
Pop: 220 Mil

5133: The Democratic Republic of Wss64
Pop: 233 Mil

5134: The Democratic Republic of Wss73
Pop: 226 Mil

5135: The Democratic Republic of Wss9
Pop: 256 Mil

5136: The Commonwealth of Wyatt E
Pop: 18 Mil

5137: The Commonwealth of Wynoil
Pop: 2,963 Mil

5138: The Republic of Xaniah
Pop: 6 Mil

5139: The Gay Agenda of Xarbraden
Pop: 6,377 Mil

5140: The Federation of Xarfa
Pop: 2,760 Mil

5141: The Democracy of Xarxaraalandia
Pop: 6,669 Mil

5142: The Holy Empire of XDC1
Pop: 333 Mil

5143: The Kingdom of XDF1
Pop: 321 Mil

5144: The Republic of Xenos Sofee
Pop: 704 Mil

5145: The Republic of Xeorp Itaryuseinstor
Pop: 8 Mil

5146: The Armed Republic of Xfh
Pop: 546 Mil

5147: The Dead Island of Xian Mei
Pop: 11,603 Mil

5148: The Dictatorship of XKs Apartheid
Pop: 309 Mil

5149: The Republic of Xochi and Bogie forever
Pop: 32 Mil

5150: The Rogue Nation of Xodor
Pop: 10 Mil

5151: The United Kingdom of Xoni
Pop: 24,299 Mil

5152: The Republic of Xoriets Number 1 Fan
Pop: 285 Mil

5153: The Republic of Xsryibfrd
Pop: 95 Mil

5154: The Republic of Xu25
Pop: 1,677 Mil

5155: The Republic of Xuo V
Pop: 23 Mil

5156: The Republic of Xuo XIX
Pop: 16 Mil

5157: The Republic of Xuo XVI
Pop: 16 Mil

5158: The Republic of Xuo XXIII
Pop: 16 Mil

5159: The Republic of Xwl3uh1tqe
Pop: 2,108 Mil

5160: The Eternal Kingdom of XxTrevtopiaxX
Pop: 2,850 Mil

5161: The Y Dalaeth Fach Gymreig of Y Wladychfa Gymreig
Pop: 3,230 Mil

5162: The Republic of Yadim
Pop: 9 Mil

5163: The Most Serene Republic of Yahnxemenary
Pop: 4,988 Mil

5164: The Republic of Yang labut
Pop: 56 Mil

5165: The United Kingdom of Yankeedoom
Pop: 26 Mil

5166: The People's Republic of Yaoyae
Pop: 82 Mil

5167: The Democratic Republic of Yappiy
Pop: 29 Mil

5168: The People's Republic of Yardovia
Pop: 977 Mil

5169: The Empire of Yarf Gaboonions
Pop: 115 Mil

5170: The Republic of Yarmir
Pop: 84 Mil

5171: The Dictatorship of YayceStania
Pop: 150 Mil

5172: The Republic of Yeldozia
Pop: 6,040 Mil

5173: The Republic of Yellow Jacket-
Pop: 337 Mil

5174: The Commonwealth of Yellunstryer
Pop: 16,709 Mil

5175: The Republic of Yewaira
Pop: 8,013 Mil

5176: The United States of Yiik Empire
Pop: 40 Mil

5177: The Fiefdom of Yingso
Pop: 50 Mil

5178: The Federal Republic of Yisaiya
Pop: 81 Mil

5179: The Federal Republic of Yismrael
Pop: 109 Mil

5180: The Sulenia Resident Nation of Yivonar
Pop: 8,739 Mil

5181: The Federal Republic of Yizrak
Pop: 26 Mil

5182: The Republic of Yjlvlcay2l
Pop: 2,095 Mil

5183: The Incorporated States of Yndan
Pop: 25,136 Mil

5184: The United Kingdom of Ynn185
Pop: 76 Mil

5185: The United Kingdom of Ynn188
Pop: 73 Mil

5186: The United Kingdom of Ynn189
Pop: 74 Mil

5187: The United Kingdom of Ynn191
Pop: 75 Mil

5188: The United Kingdom of Ynn196
Pop: 74 Mil

5189: The United Kingdom of Ynn205
Pop: 72 Mil

5190: The United Kingdom of Ynn209
Pop: 75 Mil

5191: The United Kingdom of Ynn211
Pop: 73 Mil

5192: The United Kingdom of Ynn212
Pop: 76 Mil

5193: The United Kingdom of Ynn244
Pop: 75 Mil

5194: The United Kingdom of Ynn245
Pop: 74 Mil

5195: The United Kingdom of Ynn252
Pop: 73 Mil

5196: The United Kingdom of Ynn260
Pop: 73 Mil

5197: The United Kingdom of Ynn262
Pop: 74 Mil

5198: The United Kingdom of Ynn292
Pop: 73 Mil

5199: The United Kingdom of Ynn306
Pop: 75 Mil

5200: The United Kingdom of Ynn334
Pop: 62 Mil

5201: The United Kingdom of Ynn345
Pop: 62 Mil

5202: The United Kingdom of Ynn350
Pop: 62 Mil

5203: The United Kingdom of Ynn358
Pop: 62 Mil

5204: The United Kingdom of Ynn369
Pop: 62 Mil

5205: The United Kingdom of Ynn377
Pop: 62 Mil

5206: The United Kingdom of Ynn384
Pop: 62 Mil

5207: The United Kingdom of Ynn390
Pop: 62 Mil

5208: The United Kingdom of Ynn406
Pop: 40 Mil

5209: The United Kingdom of Ynn435
Pop: 40 Mil

5210: The United Kingdom of Ynn471
Pop: 40 Mil

5211: The United Kingdom of Ynn473
Pop: 40 Mil

5212: The Democratic States of Yo Nanny
Pop: 359 Mil

5213: The Federation of Yokinama
Pop: 173 Mil

5214: The Colony of Yomer
Pop: 5,094 Mil

5215: The Republic of Yoooooooooooooo
Pop: 12 Mil

5216: The Dictatorship of Yorican
Pop: 32 Mil

5217: The Kingdom of Yorkist England
Pop: 344 Mil

5218: The Republic of Yosheila
Pop: 4,555 Mil

5219: The Republic of Yostanidoch
Pop: 69 Mil

5220: The Dominion of Your mama here
Pop: 1,097 Mil

5221: The Empire of Your Mother is terrible
Pop: 62 Mil

5222: The Anarchic unruled crowd of Yours very truly
Pop: 10,079 Mil

5223: The Free Land of Youth International
Pop: 1,949 Mil

5224: The Republic of Yruguo
Pop: 108 Mil

5225: The Kingdom of Yskandinavia
Pop: 10 Mil

5226: The Colony of Yudaria
Pop: 50 Mil

5227: The Republic of Yudim
Pop: 9 Mil

5228: The Empire of Yuelian
Pop: 8 Mil

5229: The Federal Republic of Yugarritia
Pop: 24,274 Mil

5230: The Holy Empire of Yuhhhh
Pop: 74 Mil

5231: The Constitutional Monarchy of Yullo
Pop: 12 Mil

5232: The Republic of Yuma Crossing NHA
Pop: 4,200 Mil

5233: The Free Land of Yuraak
Pop: 761 Mil

5234: The Republic of Yuridian
Pop: 253 Mil

5235: The Emirate of Yuumie
Pop: 279 Mil

5236: The Republic of Yuyuyuh
Pop: 56 Mil

5237: The Republic of YV-10
Pop: 497 Mil

5238: The Republic of YV-2
Pop: 502 Mil

5239: The Kingdom of Zabast
Pop: 998 Mil

5240: The Kingdom of Zaciana
Pop: 74 Mil

5241: The Glorious Empire of Zaelith
Pop: 12,402 Mil

5242: The Republic of Zajef 102
Pop: 302 Mil

5243: The Republic of Zajef 107
Pop: 292 Mil

5244: The Republic of Zajef 114
Pop: 300 Mil

5245: The Republic of Zajef 123
Pop: 296 Mil

5246: The Republic of Zajef 13
Pop: 290 Mil

5247: The Republic of Zajef 133
Pop: 297 Mil

5248: The Republic of Zajef 139
Pop: 303 Mil

5249: The Republic of Zajef 145
Pop: 297 Mil

5250: The Republic of Zajef 167
Pop: 299 Mil

5251: The Republic of Zajef 172
Pop: 295 Mil

5252: The Republic of Zajef 175
Pop: 298 Mil

5253: The Republic of Zajef 180
Pop: 297 Mil

5254: The Republic of Zajef 188
Pop: 290 Mil

5255: The Republic of Zajef 28
Pop: 292 Mil

5256: The Republic of Zajef 45
Pop: 295 Mil

5257: The Republic of Zajef 46
Pop: 296 Mil

5258: The Republic of Zajef 53
Pop: 305 Mil

5259: The Republic of Zajef 55
Pop: 289 Mil

5260: The Republic of Zajef 61
Pop: 298 Mil

5261: The Republic of Zajef 65
Pop: 306 Mil

5262: The Republic of Zajef 85
Pop: 303 Mil

5263: The Republic of Zajef 90
Pop: 303 Mil

5264: The Republic of Zakarpatta
Pop: 29 Mil

5265: The Republic of Zaldianeya
Pop: 402 Mil

5266: The Dictatorship of Zalostainia
Pop: 311 Mil

5267: The Dominion of Zamueth Ton
Pop: 26 Mil

5268: The Confederated Islands of Zanforadon
Pop: 6,701 Mil

5269: The Rogue Nation of Zanse Beanzogri
Pop: 93 Mil

5270: The Republic of Zap12
Pop: 67 Mil

5271: The Jingoistic States of Zarchava Zioni
Pop: 23 Mil

5272: The CP Ambassador Nation of Zarisa
Pop: 30,823 Mil

5273: The Fiefdom of Zasratovia
Pop: 40 Mil

5274: The Armed Republic of Zavikori
Pop: 609 Mil

5275: The Queendom of Ze Misfits
Pop: 7,546 Mil

5276: The Kingdom of ZecaLand
Pop: 80 Mil

5277: The Holy Empire of Zem Peeps
Pop: 4,024 Mil

5278: The Republic of Zenith Nexus
Pop: 14 Mil

5279: The Racehorse of Zenno Rob Roy
Pop: 1,786 Mil

5280: The Commonwealth of Zenthara
Pop: 1,534 Mil

5281: The Republic of Zeonesia
Pop: 221 Mil

5282: The Commonwealth of Zerazgana
Pop: 512 Mil

5283: The Holy Empire of Zernoia
Pop: 20 Mil

5284: The Armed Republic of Zhaviruni
Pop: 665 Mil

5285: The Armed Republic of Zhinopu
Pop: 717 Mil

5286: The Empire of Zhonggungo
Pop: 40 Mil

5287: The Gongheguo of Zhonghua Suweiai
Pop: 2,622 Mil

5288: The People's Republic of Zhonghuan
Pop: 72 Mil

5289: The People's Republic of Zhongyuan Culture
Pop: 23 Mil

5290: The Armed Republic of Zhorakeni
Pop: 623 Mil

5291: The 3rd wheel of Zhuanghwei
Pop: 1,575 Mil

5292: The Theocracy of Zign Demurd
Pop: 14 Mil

5293: The Kingdom of Zinar
Pop: 3,852 Mil

5294: The United States of Zjednoslavia
Pop: 263 Mil

5295: The Republic of Zlabibor
Pop: 242 Mil

5296: The Federation of Zman108
Pop: 26 Mil

5297: The Democratic Republic of Zman123
Pop: 26 Mil

5298: The Most Serene Republic of Zman135
Pop: 26 Mil

5299: The Fiefdom of Zman21
Pop: 229 Mil

5300: The United Socialist States of Zman47
Pop: 232 Mil

5301: The Borderlands of Zman66
Pop: 86 Mil

5302: The Armed Republic of Zman76
Pop: 26 Mil

5303: The Theocracy of Zman79
Pop: 26 Mil

5304: The Principality of Zman81
Pop: 26 Mil

5305: The Empire of Zman82
Pop: 26 Mil

5306: The Federal Republic of Zman97
Pop: 26 Mil

5307: The Republic of Zoj113
Pop: 3,221 Mil

5308: The Republic of Zoj12
Pop: 3,232 Mil

5309: The Republic of Zoj120
Pop: 3,275 Mil

5310: The Republic of Zoj137
Pop: 3,231 Mil

5311: The Republic of Zoj146
Pop: 3,240 Mil

5312: The Republic of Zoj150
Pop: 3,222 Mil

5313: The Republic of Zoj172
Pop: 3,254 Mil

5314: The Republic of Zoj181
Pop: 3,284 Mil

5315: The Republic of Zoj185
Pop: 3,217 Mil

5316: The Republic of Zoj19
Pop: 3,270 Mil

5317: The Republic of Zoj21
Pop: 3,240 Mil

5318: The Republic of Zoj213
Pop: 3,209 Mil

5319: The Republic of Zoj222
Pop: 3,154 Mil

5320: The Republic of Zoj230
Pop: 3,172 Mil

5321: The Republic of Zoj244
Pop: 3,207 Mil

5322: The Republic of Zoj246
Pop: 3,214 Mil

5323: The Republic of Zoj254
Pop: 3,216 Mil

5324: The Republic of Zoj272
Pop: 3,212 Mil

5325: The Republic of Zoj31
Pop: 3,235 Mil

5326: The Republic of Zoj33
Pop: 3,260 Mil

5327: The Republic of Zoj40
Pop: 3,245 Mil

5328: The Republic of Zoj51
Pop: 3,253 Mil

5329: The Republic of Zoj53
Pop: 3,237 Mil

5330: The Republic of Zoj6
Pop: 3,197 Mil

5331: The Republic of Zoj68
Pop: 3,235 Mil

5332: The Republic of Zoj77
Pop: 3,221 Mil

5333: The Republic of Zoj83
Pop: 3,245 Mil

5334: The Republic of Zoj84
Pop: 3,252 Mil

5335: The Republic of Zoj87
Pop: 3,271 Mil

5336: The Republic of Zoj91
Pop: 3,259 Mil

5337: The Invasion of Uranus by forces of Zoobzlorp
Pop: 618 Mil

5338: The Community of Zorlan Shore
Pop: 116 Mil

5339: The Dictatorship of Zoyan
Pop: 25,020 Mil

5340: The Republic of Zubama
Pop: 104 Mil

5341: The Armed Republic of Zukiromi
Pop: 569 Mil

5342: The Armed Republic of Zuloveta
Pop: 661 Mil

5343: The Armed Republic of Zumakeni
Pop: 675 Mil

5344: The Armed Republic of Zupano
Pop: 577 Mil

5345: The Federal Republic of Zwitseland
Pop: 1,588 Mil

5346: The Kingdom of Zyxlocue
Pop: 23 Mil

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