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CES Site Map

Site Map of all published pages at BroomD CES.com Technology, information, and all the pages we have published on this site regarding the new stuff at CES every year. The links below provide complete access to all the published, technology information web pages we have.

Why did I write this?
Well many of my best clients get to hear what goes on at CES. However, as more of you ask, I need to distribute this information to more of you. Some haven't even gotten to hear the basics of last years finds. So to make sure we get all of it out, this page is dedicated to CES 2010. Call it your day late news, but much of it is still very relevant. Below is a look at how it panned out. I am not saying I told you so :) just showing you what I think is important.

CES Review Home
Contact BroomD
2012 Hardware Winner Xi3 Modular Computers
2012 Mobile Winner Liquipel Mobile Device Seal
2012 Robotics Winner - Parrot AR Drone 2.0
2012 Software Winner Leonar3Do 3D Graphics
2012 & 2011 Pay Systems Winner Credit Cards
5 Tech Trends 2009-12
5 CES Mobile Innovations of 2011
5 Home Systems at CES 2011
5 Auto Systems @ CES 2011
5 Computer Innovations @ 2011 CES
CES Aviation & Aircraft
Wrap up of CES 2010
About the Authors
Site Map